Each Ending Was Good In Its Own Way
People arguing over Kenny and Jane is fine, that is a legit good debate with no correct answer (although I shot Kenny and left with Jane.) Obviously I saw both endings now, and I don't understand why people are claiming one ending was better than the other. Now your personal opinion can be different (ie. if you prefer or enjoyed Kennys ending more) but much like the prior choice I firmly believe both choices have their own different ending, but both are sufficient.
In Janes, you get to rethink if you will trust humanity again. After all you've seen and gone through, and the many examples of humans stabbing each other in the back (sometimes literally), can you trust humanity again? This feel isn't available in Kennys. In a sense, Janes ending is a better closure to the theme of the game and the Walking Dead series.
In Kennys, you get to choose between the babys wellbeing or Kenny (most choose Kenny) you get to make a final choice on whether you will stick it out with a character you've known for the entire series or bid farewells for the well-being of the baby, which Kenny urges you to do. In this sense, Kennys ending provides a better closure to the plot of the game.
Both endings were great imo as they both provided closure and a feeling of "what now". I don't know what or who will be in Season 3, but I think Telltale did a nice job of providing a exciting and gut wrenching ending regardless of decision.
Yeah , my opinion is fact!
Loyalty vs Survivalism. Thats pretty much the choice you are making. Easy choice for me.
If your opinion is my opinion this is 100% correct.
kennith kenif from kennytecit
Ahh took me a while to get that.
Jane and alone endings even lose out on the "Survivalism" front.
They are indicative of a comprehensive failure and designed for people to feel bad when they get them.
They're actually the best thing.
If Clementine heads off on her own, she heads to Mexico to find a beach and drinks wine spritzers and gets fucked up on margaritas. Kenny can't stop Clementine from being inebriated like she was always meant to be.
I approve of this thread.
I also thought all endings were really good.
I shot Kenny, and left with Jane.
However, had I known Jane orchestrated the whole baby thing beforehand, I would have let Kenny kill Jane.
I figure now though that what's done is done.. Jane did show regret over what she had done, and even though I can't forgive her, I know Clementine will be safer with Jane than on her own.
You can present valid, reasonable arguments for each of the endings.
Humanity V Empathy.
As much as I loved Kenny I just couldn't just look away, my Clem stopped Kenny from becoming a murderer.
(+) Katjaa, Duck and Sarita will remember this
what the hell . . .
(?) Carver's ghost is proud of your actions.
Lol, just kidding. I did the same and I'm happy about my ending
they would've head in mexico instead
Finally a smart post.
"Let's turn the precious little girl into a murderer so that we can stop Kenny from becoming a murderer even though he has already murdered people before."
Such is the logic of a Jane fan
Ah, yes, you're right, ErenCoral is wrong.
We didn't stop him from being a murderer, we stopped him from murdering more people.
There, much better.
he meant killing an innocent person, there was a possibility of Larry turning in there, and Carver was a 100% nutcase
"Let's turn the precious little girl into a murderer so that Kenny won't murder someone who should have died in the previous episode"
I bet you picked the "what if i am?" Dialogue and kept ruining your Clem