but how? How can Kenny both live and go with her to Wellington but also br shot? How can Jane go with her, when she shot Kenny? How can Kenn… morey be alive and Jane also live? I mean look, I dont like it either. In fact, I am seriously pissed off at this. But it dawned on me yesterday that the only reason they would do this kind of an ending is to put an end to the whole Clementine story line. I know it sucks and I hopw i am wrong too, but I dont know how i could be.
exactly!!!! Again, I am not applauding it. In fact I think that was a terrible move on their part but then again they sort of trapped themsleves in that. By killing off Lee, they turned Clem into the protagonist, limiting the stuff she can do being a 10 year old. Now moving forward they are realizing that oh shit, we canot do much with Clem, we are limited. So they decided to wrap up her story and let fans decide how to end it so they can move on to new characters in the ZA. That is why I said killing off Lee was the worst decisions ever. By far. They should have kept him alive.
Putting Clementine is Season 3 would be too hard because of the fact that there are very different endings in Season 2. Unlike Season 1 wher… moree Lee always died in the ending, Clementine can have like 5 different endings.
It'd be best to just get a whole new cast of people, or else it'll end up like the Walking Dead tv show (season 1 and 2 were good, then got tiresome after that because they kept bringing back the same characters).
Dude, there's plenty of potential ways in which they could continue her story... They could tie everything up with a timeskip, or do a sligh… moretly branching season introduction in which all of the endings are brought up to the same point, allowing Telltale to develop a linear story for its remainder as per usual. There's no reason to suddenly assume they won't carry on with Clem; seems unlikely that they'll ditch her.
Something kills him or causes him to have to leave Clementine for those that have him as a companion. Same applies to Jane. At various points in the season Clem will have the opportunity to reference the ending of Season 2, and Kenny/Jane's fate.
i know!! which is why all this open ended shit is upsetting. I mean in my version I shot Kenny and had her walk away with an infant. How thr hell is a 10 year old girl going to be able to fend for herself and an infant? This cannot possible be a decent closure....but i wouldnt put it past them....
I would love to see Clementine and play with her for onother season. But if TT desides not to continu with her (that would be a mistake) the… moren I would at least like to get closure. The endings just left us wanting more of her. Her story is not over. We should know if she died or if she is actually safe. That make sence?
They know what they're doing. Have a little more faith... They're going to get a lot of practise with Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones and once Season 3 comes around they'll be perfectly capable of making those Season 2 choices matter.
exactly!!!! Again, I am not applauding it. In fact I think that was a terrible move on their part but then again they sort of trapped themsl… moreeves in that. By killing off Lee, they turned Clem into the protagonist, limiting the stuff she can do being a 10 year old. Now moving forward they are realizing that oh shit, we canot do much with Clem, we are limited. So they decided to wrap up her story and let fans decide how to end it so they can move on to new characters in the ZA. That is why I said killing off Lee was the worst decisions ever. By far. They should have kept him alive.
rgey should take the endings and add them as bonus content to season 2 and do what they did in season 1 add on just use easch ending they created and make several story lines where you end up in same spot for season 3 imo
I think it's unlikely that Clementine will be in Season 3 as a major character, unless Telltale does the following:
Start Season 3 with five different openings and eventually merge all game paths into one with a clear goal in mind.
Choose one ending out of the 5 to be the 'canon' ending.
Seeing the quality of Telltale's work in Season 2, I really doubt they're capable enough with pulling off the first choice unless they step up their act and refer back to how Season 1 was handled. Chances are they may settle for the second choice to save time and money. If they really want Clementine to be the protagonist, these are pretty much our only options.
Well, considering their studio is growing and the fact they're going to gain more experience with Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands I think it's quite possible they'll step up their game and proceed with the first possibility you stated. The second seems unlikely simply because of the insane outrage that would occur as a result of such a ballsy choice.
Here comes an unpopular opinion.
I think it's unlikely that Clementine will be in Season 3 as a major character, unless Telltale does the… more following:
* Start Season 3 with five different openings and eventually merge all game paths into one with a clear goal in mind.
* Choose one ending out of the 5 to be the 'canon' ending.
Seeing the quality of Telltale's work in Season 2, I really doubt they're capable enough with pulling off the first choice unless they step up their act and refer back to how Season 1 was handled. Chances are they may settle for the second choice to save time and money. If they really want Clementine to be the protagonist, these are pretty much our only options.
Plus, she is YOUR character, in S1 you gave her advice on her to act and be, and in S2 you put this advice into action. It's better to continue to play as your own character that you know the personality and actions to than create a new one.
You're right about not choosing the second choice, it's going against the 'the game is tailored by your choices' motif the theme of their games are going for, and it'd be appealing for one group and ignoring the other.
I'm hoping that they'll be able to pull off the first choice. It's time consuming and a major resource drain, but if done right, all game paths would seamlessly merge together without feeling rushed. With Telltale's current state and how Season 2 had turned out, I doubt they're capable of this unless they're willing to do better by the time they get started on Season 3.
Well, considering their studio is growing and the fact they're going to gain more experience with Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderl… moreands I think it's quite possible they'll step up their game and proceed with the first possibility you stated. The second seems unlikely simply because of the insane outrage that would occur as a result of such a ballsy choice.
I got into The Walking Dead as a comic. I was one of the few I know who loved both the comic and the show. I've been a fan since 2006 and I can safely say the Clem story is by far my favorite. I have also played Monkey Island, Sam and Max, and Wolf Among us and haven't made an account here until today. I'm doing it for one reason, to say my two cents, "Keep this story alive!" I know the endings were all different and rather conclusive, but I really think what has been created with Clem exceeded all other feels in all other games. I came for Rick but stayed for Clem.
Not mean to be rube but we are talking about FUCKING CLEMENTINE! If SHE is not capable enough to go through hell then very few are. You are right about it though. It is kind of an unrealistic scenario. I really hope that in the end she does survive through the developing upocalypse.
i know!! which is why all this open ended shit is upsetting. I mean in my version I shot Kenny and had her walk away with an infant. How thr… more hell is a 10 year old girl going to be able to fend for herself and an infant? This cannot possible be a decent closure....but i wouldnt put it past them....
Well said. I watched the TV series way before playing the game (admittedly I've never read the comics) and found it to be entertaining but nothing particularly gripping or memorable.... Once I was thrown into the shoes of Lee Everett and tasked with looking after Clementine though, I became more immersed than I've ever been in probably any media. Clementine's story is honestly unforgettable and I doubt I'll ever watch a movie or play a game as absorbing as Telltale's The Walking Dead ever again. If she's put on a shelf however... The very thing that got me interested in the games in the first place will be gone.
I got into The Walking Dead as a comic. I was one of the few I know who loved both the comic and the show. I've been a fan since 2006 and … moreI can safely say the Clem story is by far my favorite. I have also played Monkey Island, Sam and Max, and Wolf Among us and haven't made an account here until today. I'm doing it for one reason, to say my two cents, "Keep this story alive!" I know the endings were all different and rather conclusive, but I really think what has been created with Clem exceeded all other feels in all other games. I came for Rick but stayed for Clem.
I agree with this thread 100% I've said long ago I liked the idea growing with Clem as a survivor in the ZA. She has a lot more story to go… more!
I will admit I never wanted to be stuck with AJ, but I wouldnt mind a few years timeskip.
Clem is around 15, AJ about 5 but has grown up as a zombie killing team.
Otherwise [Hire a babysitter] or [Put in backpack]
I agree with you a lot. but I have also agree, to some point, with people that give out the point about giving clem a break or having her come into the season late. but I want clem, and hell Vanaman said it himself, and basically I learned it at mid season two, Clem its this Franchise face. and I agree they leave some open window for the next season. IMO the only one that gives us a better closure is the one in wellington where she stays. I mean that was the whole point of the game, keep her safe and take her to some place safe. but again, one of my favorite quote from the show from morgan, "if you got something good, that means (probably) someone wants to take it". wellington will probably fall, or theres something shady about it. idk
How come they cant make a continuity out of it? Telltale did #MyClementine for a reason. For someones Clementine Kenny Is alive and for others Kenny Is dead ect. I dont get what the problem is.. Could you explain it please?
but they are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE ENDINGS. Hello.....are you folks for real? There is no way that telltale can make a continuity out of it/ Ei… morether Kenny is dead or not, he cannot be both. This is common sense. you dont need Telltale to confirm what you know already...
I dont know i agree with you but i dont at the same time. Yea she has like 6 endings, which if they had a better end to them i would totally agree with you. BUT The endings were all very...Inconclusive. The Jane Ending was...meh i couldnt really tell if that if they were done with Clementine judgeing that ending, but The Ending with Kenny still raises alot of questions and so does the ending with just Clementine and AJ.
Putting Clementine is Season 3 would be too hard because of the fact that there are very different endings in Season 2. Unlike Season 1 wher… moree Lee always died in the ending, Clementine can have like 5 different endings.
It'd be best to just get a whole new cast of people, or else it'll end up like the Walking Dead tv show (season 1 and 2 were good, then got tiresome after that because they kept bringing back the same characters).
Well, we all know a Season 3 starring Kenny would never work. As for Wyatt, I don't think he's really likeable and deep enough to be a worthy protagonist for an entire season.
but they are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE ENDINGS. Hello.....are you folks for real? There is no way that telltale can make a continuity out of it/ Ei… morether Kenny is dead or not, he cannot be both. This is common sense. you dont need Telltale to confirm what you know already...
Stories have to have a beginning, middle, and an ending... That's typically the natural progression of a character arc.
Clementine, I believe, has reached hers with the end of season 2. By the end of season 1, she was alone, completely. There was all kind of territory Telltale could have explored with her character. That territory has been explored and exhausted though. At the end of season 2, she is now a born-again-battle-hardened survivor. What kind of development could her character have? What new problems could someone like Clementine face?
The reason films like Rebel Without A Cause, Taxi Driver, Easy Rider, Fight Club, Apocalypse Now, and Mean Streets (along with others) are so interesting is because they were their own self-contained stories about one particular character (or characters) facing an individual dilemma with the events and conflict coming to a head and wrapping up the story. A clear concise story.
I love Clementine's character, but she has run her course...
I think there's still unlimited opportunities in terms of Clem's development. We could see her battling to keep AJ alive, integrating into a community and assisting in the reconstruction of society, struggling to maintain her humanity (or becoming a carbon copy of Carver if your particular Clementine has already dismissed her innocence completely). I'm no professional writer, so that's why I put trust and faith in Telltale to come up with something interesting and engaging for the player. The fact Clementine's still very young and has only just cemented her future attitude brings me to the conclusion that her character arc isn't over... There's much more that can be done.
I don't want a highly vague and open-ended conclusion of her journey. I want to see her life from the beginning of the apocalypse to its end, as we did with Lee. It'd feel immensely cheap and underwhelming if everything ended now after all that build-up; Especially for those with the Jane ending, considering that was anti-climatic as hell.
Stories have to have a beginning, middle, and an ending... That's typically the natural progression of a character arc.
Clementine, I bel… moreieve, has reached hers with the end of season 2. By the end of season 1, she was alone, completely. There was all kind of territory Telltale could have explored with her character. That territory has been explored and exhausted though. At the end of season 2, she is now a born-again-battle-hardened survivor. What kind of development could her character have? What new problems could someone like Clementine face?
The reason films like Rebel Without A Cause, Taxi Driver, Easy Rider, Fight Club, Apocalypse Now, and Mean Streets (along with others) are so interesting is because they were their own self-contained stories about one particular character (or characters) facing an individual dilemma with the events and conflict coming to a head and wrapping up the story. A clear concise story.
I love Clementine's character, but she has run her course...
I think there's still unlimited opportunities in terms of Clem's development. We could see her battling to keep AJ alive, integrating into a… more community and assisting in the reconstruction of society, struggling to maintain her humanity (or becoming a carbon copy of Carver if your particular Clementine has already dismissed her innocence completely). I'm no professional writer, so that's why I put trust and faith in Telltale to come up with something interesting and engaging for the player. The fact Clementine's still very young and has only just cemented her future attitude brings me to the conclusion that her character arc isn't over... There's much more that can be done.
I don't want a highly vague and open-ended conclusion of her journey. I want to see her life from the beginning of the apocalypse to its end, as we did with Lee. It'd feel immensely cheap and underwhelming if everything ended now after all that build-up; Especially for those with the Jane ending, considering that was anti-climatic as hell.
In that case no, I don't, because I felt The Road ended in a satisfying manner. I hadn't watched the boy develop for dozens of hours either so for a two or so hour film that conclusion worked great and left me wondering about his fate. I feel that building Clementine up for two entire seasons and then dropping her just as she's about to reach adolescence is a colossal waste, however. At least let me see how this girl I've been raising for bloody ages dies, rather than making it frustratingly ambiguous, you know?
If I actually got the 'Stay at Wellington' ending then I'd probably feel a lot better about her story coming to a close but even then I'd still want to see more. Even that wasn't impactful enough to warrant a conclusion of her story in my opinion.
Let me ask this. If you watched The Road, do you think the kid's story should develop past where the story ends?
Cause I thought it ended perfectly... but that could just be me, I like my stories to end with some ambiguity.
Mhm. We've been in her shoes for too long now... She has become The Walking Dead Game. I'd be hugely surprised if Telltale ever managed to create a character as memorable as Clementine in any future games.
Her story is far from over.
Plus, she is YOUR character, in S1 you gave her advice on her to act and be, and in S2 you put this advice in… moreto action. It's better to continue to play as your own character that you know the personality and actions to than create a new one.
I defiantly want to see Clementine return for Season 3, I have become to attached to her character and want to see this through if that makes any sense.
In that case no, I don't, because I felt The Road ended in a satisfying manner. I hadn't watched the boy develop for dozens of hours either … moreso for a two or so hour film that conclusion worked great and left me wondering about his fate. I feel that building Clementine up for two entire seasons and then dropping her just as she's about to reach adolescence is a colossal waste, however. At least let me see how this girl I've been raising for bloody ages dies, rather than making it frustratingly ambiguous, you know?
If I actually got the 'Stay at Wellington' ending then I'd probably feel a lot better about her story coming to a close but even then I'd still want to see more. Even that wasn't impactful enough to warrant a conclusion of her story in my opinion.
Yeah, it definitely may have come to a close. I just hope not. If it has, then Telltale better put some extreme effort into making a new, likeable protagonist that I'm gonna care about.
I defiantly want to see Clementine return for Season 3, I have become to attached to her character and want to see this through if that makes any sense.
I never understood the reason why some people want Clementine's story to end at Season 2. Season 3 without Clem is a significant step backwards for Telltale. Clementine is a extremely exceptional video game character. she can't go to waste. I guess the reason why some people don't want Clem in season 3 is because deep down she is too good for The Walking Dead. She's far more compelling than the TV and Comic Characters. I wouldn't be surprised if Robert Kirkman is afraid of her because her character can potentially overshadow all of his creations
People around me don't fully understand my love for this story. Whenever I got through an episode, I couldn't wait to tell other people what happened. I'm sure they think I'm weird. But like you, I also made this account today, wanting to discuss this game with other people who appreciate it as much as I do. I'm more attached to Clementine than I have been to ANY character, in ANY story, in ANY media form. EVER. She's just flippin' amazing.
There's several ways to deal with the direction of this game's story, but, if Clementine disappears permanently, the soul of the game is gone. You could push her into the background for a while, I suppose, but I'd be bummed out trying to play Walking Dead with no Clementine.
I got into The Walking Dead as a comic. I was one of the few I know who loved both the comic and the show. I've been a fan since 2006 and … moreI can safely say the Clem story is by far my favorite. I have also played Monkey Island, Sam and Max, and Wolf Among us and haven't made an account here until today. I'm doing it for one reason, to say my two cents, "Keep this story alive!" I know the endings were all different and rather conclusive, but I really think what has been created with Clem exceeded all other feels in all other games. I came for Rick but stayed for Clem.
Agreed. Everything that I'd hoped to see from Carl is playing out in Clementine, and she's more likable than he is. I mean...I like Carl, but I LOVE Clementine. Whatever role she plays in the rest of the series, she NEEDS to be in it somewhere.
I never understood the reason why some people want Clementine's story to end at Season 2. Season 3 without Clem is a significant step backwa… morerds for Telltale. Clementine is a extremely exceptional video game character. she can't go to waste. I guess the reason why some people don't want Clem in season 3 is because deep down she is too good for The Walking Dead. She's far more compelling than the TV and Comic Characters. I wouldn't be surprised if Robert Kirkman is afraid of her because her character can potentially overshadow all of his creations
If Telltale know whats good for them and they don't want to lose most of their fanbase Clem will definitely be in season 3... If they want to piss everyone (including me) off then its not going to be good for them... Her story just doesn't feel 100% complete yet to me...
But knowing my Luck every good character gets ended early and Is replaced by someone I don't even care about... They should build off original Characters like Clem instead of trying to introduce new and shittier ones...
That's an excellent point about Christa. In fact, her story just abruptly ends. It'd be nice to see where she wound up, since...if you don't see a WD character die, chances are they're still alive. You could start Season 3 with Christa, seeing where she went after losing contact with Clem in Season 2.
She eventually gets to Wellington, meets up with Edith (or whatever the guard's name was) and she says something like "A girl came through here asking about you...her name was Clementine."
Enough father figures. Besides, if Clem had any family left she would have mentioned them at some point. This is a real ass-pull.
Chris… moreta was pretty much third-place in terms of the bond she left with Clem, even though the writers never really seemed to acknowledge that the woman literally kept Clem alive far longer than anyone else so far.
I got the "stay with Kenny" ending. I'd like to play with Kenny. Why? Because he'd have a chance to come back from the edge, or to push her in the same direction Jane was obviously going. But Clem keeps him honest, and he apparently wants to be a better man for AJ than he was for Duck. Puts Clementine back in a secondary role, and allows you to pick up a new group. I really liked the Lee-Clementine dynamic where he asked her opinion all the time. Kenny trusts Clementine in the same way.
PoppyP has a very good point...BUT, there's ways to continue Clem's story.
Jane and Clem are unlikely to be able to control Howe's by themselves, or with that family. And just like Woodbury fell, the prison fell, and Terminus is suspect, the same potential is present for Wellington to be not all it's cracked up to be. This could push the direction of all the Season 2 endings into the same location by episode 2 or 3, eventually forcing Kenny/Jane out of the story anyway. It's like what they did with both Alvin and Nick surviving across episodes but dying eventually, but a bit more difficult because it would take a while to accomplish. More difficult, but not impossible. That would line those endings up with the Clementine and AJ alone ending.
How come they cant make a continuity out of it? Telltale did #MyClementine for a reason. For someones Clementine Kenny Is alive and for others Kenny Is dead ect. I dont get what the problem is.. Could you explain it please?
They could kill either Jane or Kenny off, or at least get them completely out of the picture. A timeskip of a few years would remove all loose ends.
exactly!!!! Again, I am not applauding it. In fact I think that was a terrible move on their part but then again they sort of trapped themsleves in that. By killing off Lee, they turned Clem into the protagonist, limiting the stuff she can do being a 10 year old. Now moving forward they are realizing that oh shit, we canot do much with Clem, we are limited. So they decided to wrap up her story and let fans decide how to end it so they can move on to new characters in the ZA. That is why I said killing off Lee was the worst decisions ever. By far. They should have kept him alive.
really? How can Kenny both live and walk away with Clem and also be dead and have been shot by her? Please explain to me how that is possible....
Something kills him or causes him to have to leave Clementine for those that have him as a companion. Same applies to Jane. At various points in the season Clem will have the opportunity to reference the ending of Season 2, and Kenny/Jane's fate.
i know!! which is why all this open ended shit is upsetting. I mean in my version I shot Kenny and had her walk away with an infant. How thr hell is a 10 year old girl going to be able to fend for herself and an infant? This cannot possible be a decent closure....but i wouldnt put it past them....
A 2 year old protagonist hmm?
They know what they're doing. Have a little more faith... They're going to get a lot of practise with Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones and once Season 3 comes around they'll be perfectly capable of making those Season 2 choices matter.
rgey should take the endings and add them as bonus content to season 2 and do what they did in season 1 add on just use easch ending they created and make several story lines where you end up in same spot for season 3 imo
Here comes an unpopular opinion.
I think it's unlikely that Clementine will be in Season 3 as a major character, unless Telltale does the following:
Seeing the quality of Telltale's work in Season 2, I really doubt they're capable enough with pulling off the first choice unless they step up their act and refer back to how Season 1 was handled. Chances are they may settle for the second choice to save time and money. If they really want Clementine to be the protagonist, these are pretty much our only options.
Well, considering their studio is growing and the fact they're going to gain more experience with Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands I think it's quite possible they'll step up their game and proceed with the first possibility you stated. The second seems unlikely simply because of the insane outrage that would occur as a result of such a ballsy choice.
Her story is far from over.
Plus, she is YOUR character, in S1 you gave her advice on her to act and be, and in S2 you put this advice into action. It's better to continue to play as your own character that you know the personality and actions to than create a new one.
You're right about not choosing the second choice, it's going against the 'the game is tailored by your choices' motif the theme of their games are going for, and it'd be appealing for one group and ignoring the other.
I'm hoping that they'll be able to pull off the first choice. It's time consuming and a major resource drain, but if done right, all game paths would seamlessly merge together without feeling rushed. With Telltale's current state and how Season 2 had turned out, I doubt they're capable of this unless they're willing to do better by the time they get started on Season 3.
I got into The Walking Dead as a comic. I was one of the few I know who loved both the comic and the show. I've been a fan since 2006 and I can safely say the Clem story is by far my favorite. I have also played Monkey Island, Sam and Max, and Wolf Among us and haven't made an account here until today. I'm doing it for one reason, to say my two cents, "Keep this story alive!" I know the endings were all different and rather conclusive, but I really think what has been created with Clem exceeded all other feels in all other games. I came for Rick but stayed for Clem.
Not mean to be rube but we are talking about FUCKING CLEMENTINE! If SHE is not capable enough to go through hell then very few are. You are right about it though. It is kind of an unrealistic scenario. I really hope that in the end she does survive through the developing upocalypse.
Well said. I watched the TV series way before playing the game (admittedly I've never read the comics) and found it to be entertaining but nothing particularly gripping or memorable.... Once I was thrown into the shoes of Lee Everett and tasked with looking after Clementine though, I became more immersed than I've ever been in probably any media. Clementine's story is honestly unforgettable and I doubt I'll ever watch a movie or play a game as absorbing as Telltale's The Walking Dead ever again. If she's put on a shelf however... The very thing that got me interested in the games in the first place will be gone.
Sounds good. Let's pray Kirkman would be willing to accept something like that.
I agree with you a lot. but I have also agree, to some point, with people that give out the point about giving clem a break or having her come into the season late. but I want clem, and hell Vanaman said it himself, and basically I learned it at mid season two, Clem its this Franchise face. and I agree they leave some open window for the next season. IMO the only one that gives us a better closure is the one in wellington where she stays. I mean that was the whole point of the game, keep her safe and take her to some place safe. but again, one of my favorite quote from the show from morgan, "if you got something good, that means (probably) someone wants to take it". wellington will probably fall, or theres something shady about it. idk
Yup. At the very least she'd need a cameo in the next season... I'd be seriously pissed if we didn't even get that.
How come they cant make a continuity out of it? Telltale did #MyClementine for a reason. For someones Clementine Kenny Is alive and for others Kenny Is dead ect. I dont get what the problem is.. Could you explain it please?
I dont know i agree with you but i dont at the same time. Yea she has like 6 endings, which if they had a better end to them i would totally agree with you. BUT The endings were all very...Inconclusive. The Jane Ending was...meh i couldnt really tell if that if they were done with Clementine judgeing that ending, but The Ending with Kenny still raises alot of questions and so does the ending with just Clementine and AJ.
I really want to play as Kenny or Wyatt from 400 days in season 3.
And i think that wellington is another sickness trap like in season 4 of the tv series.
Well, we all know a Season 3 starring Kenny would never work.
As for Wyatt, I don't think he's really likeable and deep enough to be a worthy protagonist for an entire season.
Timeskip. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, lol... That or they kill off Kenny/Jane.
Stories have to have a beginning, middle, and an ending... That's typically the natural progression of a character arc.
Clementine, I believe, has reached hers with the end of season 2. By the end of season 1, she was alone, completely. There was all kind of territory Telltale could have explored with her character. That territory has been explored and exhausted though. At the end of season 2, she is now a born-again-battle-hardened survivor. What kind of development could her character have? What new problems could someone like Clementine face?
The reason films like Rebel Without A Cause, Taxi Driver, Easy Rider, Fight Club, Apocalypse Now, and Mean Streets (along with others) are so interesting is because they were their own self-contained stories about one particular character (or characters) facing an individual dilemma with the events and conflict coming to a head and wrapping up the story. A clear concise story.
I love Clementine's character, but she has run her course...
I think there's still unlimited opportunities in terms of Clem's development. We could see her battling to keep AJ alive, integrating into a community and assisting in the reconstruction of society, struggling to maintain her humanity (or becoming a carbon copy of Carver if your particular Clementine has already dismissed her innocence completely). I'm no professional writer, so that's why I put trust and faith in Telltale to come up with something interesting and engaging for the player. The fact Clementine's still very young and has only just cemented her future attitude brings me to the conclusion that her character arc isn't over... There's much more that can be done.
I don't want a highly vague and open-ended conclusion of her journey. I want to see her life from the beginning of the apocalypse to its end, as we did with Lee. It'd feel immensely cheap and underwhelming if everything ended now after all that build-up; Especially for those with the Jane ending, considering that was anti-climatic as hell.
Let me ask this. If you watched The Road, do you think the kid's story should develop past where the story ends?
Cause I thought it ended perfectly... but that could just be me, I like my stories to end with some ambiguity.
In that case no, I don't, because I felt The Road ended in a satisfying manner. I hadn't watched the boy develop for dozens of hours either so for a two or so hour film that conclusion worked great and left me wondering about his fate. I feel that building Clementine up for two entire seasons and then dropping her just as she's about to reach adolescence is a colossal waste, however. At least let me see how this girl I've been raising for bloody ages dies, rather than making it frustratingly ambiguous, you know?
If I actually got the 'Stay at Wellington' ending then I'd probably feel a lot better about her story coming to a close but even then I'd still want to see more. Even that wasn't impactful enough to warrant a conclusion of her story in my opinion.
Mhm. We've been in her shoes for too long now... She has become The Walking Dead Game. I'd be hugely surprised if Telltale ever managed to create a character as memorable as Clementine in any future games.
I defiantly want to see Clementine return for Season 3, I have become to attached to her character and want to see this through if that makes any sense.
Fair enough.
I still think her arc has come to a close, but then again, I'd probably buy anything with Clem just to see more of her.
Yeah, it definitely may have come to a close. I just hope not.
If it has, then Telltale better put some extreme effort into making a new, likeable protagonist that I'm gonna care about.
Makes perfect sense and I totally understand your point of view!
I never understood the reason why some people want Clementine's story to end at Season 2. Season 3 without Clem is a significant step backwards for Telltale. Clementine is a extremely exceptional video game character. she can't go to waste. I guess the reason why some people don't want Clem in season 3 is because deep down she is too good for The Walking Dead. She's far more compelling than the TV and Comic Characters. I wouldn't be surprised if Robert Kirkman is afraid of her because her character can potentially overshadow all of his creations
People around me don't fully understand my love for this story. Whenever I got through an episode, I couldn't wait to tell other people what happened. I'm sure they think I'm weird. But like you, I also made this account today, wanting to discuss this game with other people who appreciate it as much as I do. I'm more attached to Clementine than I have been to ANY character, in ANY story, in ANY media form. EVER. She's just flippin' amazing.
There's several ways to deal with the direction of this game's story, but, if Clementine disappears permanently, the soul of the game is gone. You could push her into the background for a while, I suppose, but I'd be bummed out trying to play Walking Dead with no Clementine.
Agreed. Everything that I'd hoped to see from Carl is playing out in Clementine, and she's more likable than he is. I mean...I like Carl, but I LOVE Clementine. Whatever role she plays in the rest of the series, she NEEDS to be in it somewhere.
If Telltale know whats good for them and they don't want to lose most of their fanbase Clem will definitely be in season 3... If they want to piss everyone (including me) off then its not going to be good for them... Her story just doesn't feel 100% complete yet to me...
But knowing my Luck every good character gets ended early and Is replaced by someone I don't even care about... They should build off original Characters like Clem instead of trying to introduce new and shittier ones...
That's an excellent point about Christa. In fact, her story just abruptly ends. It'd be nice to see where she wound up, since...if you don't see a WD character die, chances are they're still alive. You could start Season 3 with Christa, seeing where she went after losing contact with Clem in Season 2.
She eventually gets to Wellington, meets up with Edith (or whatever the guard's name was) and she says something like "A girl came through here asking about you...her name was Clementine."
I got the "stay with Kenny" ending. I'd like to play with Kenny. Why? Because he'd have a chance to come back from the edge, or to push her in the same direction Jane was obviously going. But Clem keeps him honest, and he apparently wants to be a better man for AJ than he was for Duck. Puts Clementine back in a secondary role, and allows you to pick up a new group. I really liked the Lee-Clementine dynamic where he asked her opinion all the time. Kenny trusts Clementine in the same way.
PoppyP has a very good point...BUT, there's ways to continue Clem's story.
Jane and Clem are unlikely to be able to control Howe's by themselves, or with that family. And just like Woodbury fell, the prison fell, and Terminus is suspect, the same potential is present for Wellington to be not all it's cracked up to be. This could push the direction of all the Season 2 endings into the same location by episode 2 or 3, eventually forcing Kenny/Jane out of the story anyway. It's like what they did with both Alvin and Nick surviving across episodes but dying eventually, but a bit more difficult because it would take a while to accomplish. More difficult, but not impossible. That would line those endings up with the Clementine and AJ alone ending.