Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Haha, that and I just want to end this story already. I might think about doing another story, but I'll get some more people to help me. I'll think about it though. Thanks, man. I really didn't expect for it to get this popular. Wouldn't be the same without the people who made their characters, though.

    FINISHED!?!!?!?!?!? WAT! DUDE WHY! It is good, I mean unless you're busy, and you just don't have time for it then I guess it's understan

  • edited September 2014

    3) Puncake, go to our vehicles. WtW, Guilty and Shadow, you guys go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi.

    RIP to me ;~:

    TDMshadowCP (!) Run and find the others. "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he c

  • Heh, well if you guys say so. Thanks, but I had a lot of more badass scenes planned out. Oh well. B]

    Haha, I actually thought you did have more, weird.

    Yeah, but you said the war. I'm assuming you mentioned the war with walkers back at the mansion too. Its ending good for me, since I got my

  • Well, it's entirely up to you. At least make another one if you are ending that one.

    A question. Why did you start you're fan fic? Did you just feel like doing it? Or something else?

    Haha, that and I just want to end this story already. I might think about doing another story, but I'll get some more people to help me. I'l

  • Guess why Mark's dead.

    Wait I missed two chapters and you haven't kill Tobi yet?!!? BUT....It was destiny....

  • Maybe you can write them out in a little more detail than you usually do at the end of the chapter, if thats not too much to ask for?

    Heh, well if you guys say so. Thanks, but I had a lot of more badass scenes planned out. Oh well. B] Haha, I actually thought you did have more, weird.

  • Well, I just wanted to try something new, and this was a way to keep our minds off of the wait in between episodes of TWD S2. But now that's done with, so I want to end this as well.

    Well, it's entirely up to you. At least make another one if you are ending that one. A question. Why did you start you're fan fic? Did you just feel like doing it? Or something else?

  • O_______O

    4) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off.

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

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    Then I wake up and I'm ded

    This whole thing was a dream... None of this happened...

  • Yeah, I was going to reveal what would have happened with the different options. Don't worry that's always after a chapter ends. B]

    Maybe you can write them out in a little more detail than you usually do at the end of the chapter, if thats not too much to ask for?

  • Cuz he's bit and will die.

    Why did you remove it?

  • edited September 2014

    Well, at least you can team up with Corn now. B]

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Then I wake up and I'm ded

  • Well we are waiting for Season 3... :D.

    Just think... This forum would be SO different if you didn't make that fan fic. That's how big it was. We would have never talked to each other as much, so you're fan fic brought us together, and for that I thank you.

    Well, I just wanted to try something new, and this was a way to keep our minds off of the wait in between episodes of TWD S2. But now that's done with, so I want to end this as well.

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    XD I never wanted to kill him anyway so who cares :'O

    Wait I missed two chapters and you haven't kill Tobi yet?!!? BUT....It was destiny....

  • edited September 2014

    1) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi.

    I wanna kill Tobi... ;-;

    TDMshadowCP (!) Run and find the others. "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he c

  • You've only wanted to kill him for like, 2 chapters XD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD I never wanted to kill him anyway so who cares :'O

  • edited September 2014

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    XD But I want to team up with Leethepro >:D

    Well, at least you can team up with Corn now. B]

  • We were going to... but things didn't go as planned...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD But I want to team up with Leethepro >:D

  • Cough... Oh boy, with these votes...

    1) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. I wanna kill Tobi... ;-;

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    XD OH LIAR my character did I was neutral ;)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    You've only wanted to kill him for like, 2 chapters XD

  • It did, didn't it? Shit...

    Lol, I don't know, Raging. Like I said, I MIGHT do another story, so you never know. B^]

    Well we are waiting for Season 3... . Just think... This forum would be SO different if you didn't make that fan fic. That's how big it w

  • :c It was one of the only things I ever wanted...


    Cough... Oh boy, with these votes...

  • Alrighty then ;)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD OH LIAR my character did I was neutral

  • edited September 2014


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    Ok :P

    We were going to... but things didn't go as planned...

  • There's only 1 option that will do that. only 1... that 1 option will do it. You just have to know which 1 it is... B]

    :c It was one of the only things I ever wanted... sigh

  • Wait...Mark was willing to join Pro + co and kill Tobi together? Fuck, thats the first vote I regret.

    We were going to... but things didn't go as planned...

  • Imagine how badass that would have been? Especially if he still had that HUMVEE.

    Wait...Mark was willing to join Pro + co and kill Tobi together? Fuck, thats the first vote I regret.

  • I command the power of making you feel bad.

    LOL it's alright man, if you don't want to it's okay! But just saying....

    I guess if you leave you made things way better at least. Now we have this place where we can commune, and stuff, but still, we connected over you're story, and even though we barely(Or actually not even) talk about you're thread here, the FOTDL united us and that sprouted from you're story. Keep on being cool!

    It did, didn't it? Shit... Lol, I don't know, Raging. Like I said, I MIGHT do another story, so you never know. B^]

  • Make that MIGHT a WILL with the power of DO!!!

    It did, didn't it? Shit... Lol, I don't know, Raging. Like I said, I MIGHT do another story, so you never know. B^]

  • We can only imagine now, but it would have been VERY badass. Yup, RIP Mark and Humvee.

    Imagine how badass that would have been? Especially if he still had that HUMVEE.

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    Hmmm....... =_=

    changing my vote :p

    There's only 1 option that will do that. only 1... that 1 option will do it. You just have to know which 1 it is... B]

  • WAIT SOMEBODY CONFIRM THIS. Two months ago I had a bunch of OTP's, which must happen. They better have happened or Pro's going to get it,...






    That's right I ship Sweet Duck and not Sweet Someo. :). So are these ships going on?... Or nah?

  • They are DEAD! ALL DEAD!

    WAIT SOMEBODY CONFIRM THIS. Two months ago I had a bunch of OTP's, which must happen. They better have happened or Pro's going to get it,...

  • Like 2 or 3 of those people are still living breh. You need to catch up on the story ;)

    WAIT SOMEBODY CONFIRM THIS. Two months ago I had a bunch of OTP's, which must happen. They better have happened or Pro's going to get it,...

  • NO YOU'RE LYING! LIAR!!!!!!!!!

    JonGon posted: »

    They are DEAD! ALL DEAD!

  • :((((((((

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Like 2 or 3 of those people are still living breh. You need to catch up on the story

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    Hmmm....... =_= changing my vote

  • ;)


  • NoncyWoodburpledorp ;-;

    WAIT SOMEBODY CONFIRM THIS. Two months ago I had a bunch of OTP's, which must happen. They better have happened or Pro's going to get it,...

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