Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)





    TDMshadowCP (!) Run and find the others. "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he c

  • Why did people vote to jump out the window...? I thought they would pick the safer option.

    Oh... ribs in peas you sweet princess... she didn't die cos some lunatic shot her... or cos some walker bit her... she died the way she would have wanted to. She died cos she jumped out of the window. Guetta



    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • Alt text

    JonGon posted: »

    Don't worry, CSB was just getting kinky. He wasn't a walker when he bit me

  • Now with the death of ClubRemixGuetta the nerd crew has finally been united in Devland.



  • BlueShadiw posted: »


  • edited September 2014

    I cri everytim

    PS: I'm still imagining a timeline where I pull a Kenny xD

    Alt text

    Blue: For some reason I tried to save that fuckin shitbird Romy. Then it turned into a damn cluster. I helped the kid, and got out. I got lucky. Real lucky.

    Star: Dude, how the hell did you pull that off. That's like, not even possible.

    Your death theme song.

  • I thought they would pick the safer option.

    Pls. Shtap makin meh feel bad.

    Goust is a badass.

    Why did people vote to jump out the window...? I thought they would pick the safer option.

  • Cos they understood my character... or they were just being complete idiots. Probably the latter... XD

    Why did people vote to jump out the window...? I thought they would pick the safer option.

  • We can all be together now. It's better this way. Kenny is with us too. Our awesome god.

    Now with the death of ClubRemixGuetta the nerd crew has finally been united in Devland.

  • edited September 2014


    (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off.

    "Watch out, DLB!" I told her while running up to kill a walker behind her.

    "Thanks, Azlyn! I'm glad you have my back." She replies.

    "Of course, we have to kill every single one of these monsters." I tell her.

    BANG! I hear a gunshot behind us."What the hell?!" I turn around and see Password trying to fight off the walkers that were surrounding ATR and SweetPea.

    "Ahh!!! Ah!" I look further to the left and see Shiina getting ganged up by the walkers that she was trying to fight off.

    "Shiina! No!" I yell out to her and try to get to her.

    DLB stops me and holds me back."No, Azlyn! She's gone! Stop!" She says.

    I start crying while watching the walkers tearing her flesh off."No..." I say and then fall to my knees.

    "Azlyn! The walkers are getting closer to us! Come on!" DLB tells me. I look down at the wet grass and just start to cry some more."Azlyn! I can't do this by myself! Please!" DLB shouts. She runs behind me to start fighting some more walkers off.

    I look over to where Deceptio and Wanderer were, and I see Wanderer getting on top of Decetio who was on the ground. Wanderer tried to cover him while the walkers got closer to them and started eating them alive. I saw Goust fighting off the walkers in front of him and then noticing what just happened to both of them. I look over to where Password, ATR and SweetPea were, and they were able to kill the walkers around them. I looked over at Shiina's corpse, and I watched as the walkers were ripping her insides out."Why...?" I said while tears kept coming out of my eyes.

    "Azlyn! I need your help! NOW!!!" I heard DLB shouting behind me. I turn around and see a few walkers trying to reach her. I get up and run over to help her...


    "I'm up to ninety eight!" I shouted while killing off one more walker.

    "Dude, how the fuck are you even keeping count?!" Sheep asked me.

    "Don't worry about it, I just know!" I told him.

    "Guys! We're coming to help!" We heard Twistee's voice. I turned to look back and saw him running over with AC, and Valky.

    Me and Sheep continue to kill off the walkers around us, and then the others join in."These were getting too close to the mansion, we have to stop them." Valky tells us.

    "Just let me take care of them, I need to kill a hundred and fifty of them." I told them.

    "Why?" AC asks.

    "To be a walker killing master!" I reply to her.

    "This is about survival, Gary! Not some imaginary high score, man!" Twistee tells me.

    "Just let me do this. I have to. It's my destiny!" I tell him and then stab a walker in the head...


    As we were about to get surrounded by the walkers, we heard a gunshot and then Password started hitting the walkers in front of us. They were distracted by the noise and then started going over to him."Help him!" I said to ATR and we started killing the walkers that were distracted.

    "Ahh!!! Ah!" We heard Shiina screaming.

    I looked over and saw the walkers chewing on her flesh."Oh, no..." I said under my breath.

    "Come on! Let's kill these!" Password says while trying to fight the walkers near us.

    I start stabbing some of them in the back of the head, but then I notice more of them making their way over to us."This is no good! We're going to have to retreat to the mansion!" ATR tells us.

    "No! We can do this, we can finish them off here!" Password tells her.

    "We just have to keep killing them, come on, ATR!" I tell her.

    "Okay, then. But we're losing people out here, and the rain is getting worse, we have to finish them off quicker!" ATR told us.

    "Okay, follow me!" Password says after we finish the walkers that were trying to surround us. We run over to Shiina's corpse and kill the walkers around her."Fuck... maybe I should have tried to help her out..."

    "You chose what you thought was best, there wasn't enough time to help everyone... we'll bury her along with the others." ATR told him.

    "Goust is in trouble!" I said while pointing over at him.

    "Fuck! Deceptio and Wanderer!" Password shouted.

    "Damn it! Fan won't be happy about this. Let's go!" ATR tells us.

    We run over to Goust and start helping him out."Sorry, guys. There were too many, I couldn't get to them sooner." Goust tells us.

    "I should have helped them, fuck!" Password told him.

    "There were too many, and others needed help. You made a decision, Password. There's nothing we can do now, we just have to finish these walkers off." Goust tells him.

    We start killing the remaining walkers and then it starts to look like the rain was letting up."Okay... we can do this... we can end this." ATR tells us.

    "Hold on, guys!" We heard Sheep's voice.

    I turn to see the others making their way to us."This is it... the last of them..." I said while panting. We were all tired.

    "Okay, people. Just a few more." Valky told us.

    "Like I said, leave them to me. I'm up to one hundred and seven right now." Gary tells us.

    "Heh, looks like you won't make it to one hundred and fifty today, Gary. Sorry, man. But we can't let you take these on by yourself." Twistee told him.

    Gary looks at the remaining walkers."Shit... you're right. Oh well, let's get them, guys." Gary tells us.

    "We can do this, everyone." DLB tells us.

    "No more crying..." Azlyn says.

    "Believe, people." AC tells us.

    "We won't let anyone else die." Password says.

    "We got this. Just a few of them left." Goust says.

    "We're going to end this, now." Valky says.

    I see that we had about nineteen left to kill. Everyone was lined up with their weapons in hand. ATR looks over at Shiina's corpse, and then at Guetta's. She turns to look at Deceptio's and Wanderer's corpses as well. She turns to look at the walkers again."Let's do this..." She tells us, and then we start to move forward.

    Everyone starts killing the walkers in front of them, and watching each other's backs. We were careful and using the moves that Pro and Jon taught us, we kept stabbing, slicing, bashing our way through them. We were finally down to the last few of them. As I was killing one more walker in front of me, I turned and got ready to kill one more that was making it's way over to me. But when I saw it, I was immediately shocked. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth. This walker was making it's way over to me, and I started to cry."WTD...!" I said...

    1) Stab him in the head.

    2) Tell the other's that you know this walker. Think of something else to do with him.

    3) Do nothing.


  • Shit, I'm sorry Pro for not being able to read or vote on this story at all. I just never have the time to catch up to it. I'm so off track of the dead and alive characters so far. :(

  • 1) Stab him in the head.

    Killing him is the right thing to do. What would they do with him if SweetPea didn't kill him?

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • Damn. ;_; RIP everyone who died.

    1) Stab him in the head.

    Just put him out of his misery.

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • RIP even more people. ;---------------;

    noooooooooooo, WTD, y ;-; 1) Stab him in the head. I guess...

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • WTD!?!? OMG! Shit........

    1) Stab him in the head.

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • edited September 2014

    ...I went out protecting someone else, my death wasn't meaningless. Thanks Lee, for including me in this awesome series! I will continue to vote. Also, R.I.P to those who died as well.

    1) Stab him in the head.

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • Shiina is dead...?

    Alt text

    1) Stab him in the head.

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • 1) Stab him in the head.

    Take no chances evil partner

    Alt text

    All this killing :'O NOOOOOOOOOOO R.I.P

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • 1) Stab him in the head.

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • RIP Shiina, leader of the Church group.

    1) Stab him in the head.

    You said you were posting 1 or two more parts, is the next part the last one for the mansion group?

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • R.I.P everyone who died ;-; this was really intense.

    1) Stab him in the head.

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • I feel like 2) is the smart choice for some reason... -_-

    1) Stab him in the head. I guess. :/

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • I feel ya ;-;

    Twistee posted: »

    I feel like 2) is the smart choice for some reason... -_- 1) Stab him in the head. I guess.

  • I was thinking that too! Pro might turn her into Michonne. Only reason I didn't pick it, is because I think its time for her to move on and build the courage on abandoning people she cared about when she has to.

    Twistee posted: »

    I feel like 2) is the smart choice for some reason... -_- 1) Stab him in the head. I guess.

  • Told you guys death would be abundant.

    1) Stab him in the head.

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • I turn to see the others making their way to us."This is it... the last of them..." I said while panting. We were all tired.

    "Okay, people. Just a few more." Valky told us.

    "Like I said, leave them to me. I'm up to one hundred and seven right now." Gary tells us.

    "Heh, looks like you won't make it to one hundred and fifty today, Gary. Sorry, man. But we can't let you take these on by yourself." Twistee told him.

    Gary looks at the remaining walkers."Shit... you're right. Oh well, let's get them, guys." Gary tells us.

    "We can do this, everyone." DLB tells us.

    "No more crying..." Azlyn says.

    "Believe, people." AC tells us.

    "We won't let anyone else die." Password says.

    "We got this. Just a few of them left." Goust says.

    "We're going to end this, now." Valky says.

    So badass.

    WTD...!" I said...

    THE DUCK LIVES! But not for long...

    1) Stab the Duck in teh head.

    Azlyn (!) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off. "Watch out, DLB!" I told her

  • edited September 2014


    (!) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi.

    The others managed to get me into the vehicle. Fan was in the passenger seat, holding his shoulder. I was in the back with the car door open and looking at the group. Pro turned to us."Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi." He tells them.

    "Fuck, man! I can't let you go after him by yourself." Guilty told him.

    "We can back you up, Pro. Please!" WtW tells him.

    "No. Just go after the sniper, one of you distract him while the other shoots him. WtW, you're my sharpshooter. You know what to do and you know why I'm sending you over there. Guilty, you two need to watch each other's backs, alright?" Pro tells them.

    Guilty gritted his teeth and then looks down. He sighs."Okay..." He looks back up at Pro."Make sure you get Tobi for me."

    "I will. Look, everyone. Whatever happens, just go back to the mansion. I gave something to ATR just in case anything ever happened to me or Jon." Pro tells us.

    "Don't even say that, Pro. Nothing will happen to you." WtW tells him.

    "Well, just in case, WtW. Jewf is gone... Salt is probably still out there. Make sure he get's punished for what he let happen to him." Pro told us.

    "Believe me. He won't get away with that." Guilty replied.

    "Good. All of you are strong. I was usually a loner. An ex Hitman that did things by himself. But I've learned to work together with a group of people. Not just any people... my family. I've looked after you guys long enough, like I said... if anything happens, you guys need to continue building the perfect place for all. Keep each other safe and continue your training. Go for supply runs and keep a watch out for walkers and other psychos like Tobi." Pro tells us.

    "Pro..." WtW says.

    Pro turns to her."You and Fan were the first people I met when this world went to shit. I've shaped and molded you two into the tough survivors that you are today. Don't be sad, there's no time for emotion's nowadays, we just have to keep our heads held high and continue to survive until this thing is over." Pro told her. He hands her his M1911's."They're out of ammo, but keep them as something to remember me by."

    WtW grabs them and then looks at him. She gives him a hug."If something happens, I won't forget you... but I know you'll come back to us." She tells him.

    Guilty walks over and joins in on the hug."You helped me and Valky escape from that tyrant's place. We wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you... whatever happens, just make sure you get Tobi first."

    Pro turned his head to look at me and then nodded. I knew exactly what he meant by that."If there's anyone that can make it back, it's you, pal. We'll be waitin' for you back in the woods." Puncake told him.

    Pro took out his keys and then tossed them to Puncake."Take care of them."

    "Pro!" I heard Fan shouting."Came back safely!" He tells him.

    "Shadow. Get in the car, it's time we end this once and for all." Pro told him.

    "Everyone stay safe." Shadow said with a serious look on his face. He hands his handgun over to Guilty, and then he heads into the vehicle with us.

    "Okay, everyone. You know what to do, so go." Pro told us.

    "We'll meet y'all at the woods. Don't take too long." Puncake says. I close the car door and he does the same."Okay, Jon. Just hang in there, buddy. We'll be back at the mansion in no time." He tells me...


    Puncake started driving off."Okay, go!" Pro told me and Guilty as he started running towards the woods that Tobi headed into.

    "Okay, Guilty. Let's go kill that sniper." I tell him.

    Guilty looked down at the handgun that Shadow gave him, and then turned to me."Let's kill that bastard." He replies.

    We start running towards the old building that we last saw him entering. The walkers around took notice, but they were too slow to keep up. We made it out of the parking lot and ran across the street. We finally reached the old building and then saw some steel steps that led to the roof. Me and Guilty started going up the steps but then something caught my eye."Stop!" I whispered.

    "What is it?" He whispered back.

    I looked inside the building and spotted a guy loading up some duffel bags up with supplies."Is that... that's the sniper!" I whispered.

    "Shit! Shoot him!" Guilty told me.

    "Hold on, he's loading some stuff onto the back of that SUV. What the hell?" I reply.

    Guilty moves up to look into the building."Hmm, hold on, I'll sneak up behind him. Stay on the second floor and keep me covered. I'll give you a signal to shoot him if I feel like I'm in danger." Guilty tells me.

    "Okay, go ahead. I'll cover you." I told him...


    "Right, just stay here. Don't let him see you." I told WtW while making my way back down.

    "Just be careful." She replies. I head over to the front door and then I look up to see WtW going into the building. I start to open the door slowly and I still see the sniper loading up the SUV with bags of stuff and thaaaangs. I crouch down and then start getting closer to him. I make sure to use the huge wooden boxes around for cover. I look up and see WtW in position, I start moving closer.

    "Ah, one more." I hear him say. I move over to the last box as he picks up one more bag and then puts it into the back of the SUV. Now was my chance.

    I sneak up behind him and aim the handgun at him."Hands behind your head, get down on your belly." I tell him.

    "What?! Aw shit." He says while looking back at me.

    "What the fuck did I just say?!" I shouted at him.

    "Fuck... okay, just don't shoot." He tells me. He get's down on his knees, and then get's down on his belly. He places his hands behind his head."Wow, you really came after me, huh?" He asks.

    "I know you're one of Tobi's men, but you're pretty good at sniping. Who are you?" I asked him.

    "Heh, the name's ComingSoon. I used to be a marine before this shit started. I left on my own and I stumbled upon Tobi's warehouse about a week and a half later. Never liked the guy, but I was just following orders. I was doing what I had to, we're all just trying to survive, aren't we?" He says to me.

    "You killed some of my friends..." I told him.

    "Well you guys would have killed me if given the chance, right? I'm just another one of Tobi's guards in your eyes, it's kill or be killed. Survival of the fittest. I had to make sure I wouldn't die in all this mess." He tells me.

    "You're right, we would have killed you anyway. I was a prisoner of Tobi's, how come I've never seen you here before?" I asked him.

    "I was usually on the roof, or out on supply runs. I think I've seen you once, Guilty right? You were injured and didn't spend a lot of time in the working areas. That could be another reason." He said.

    "Yeah, that's me." I replied. I looked at the duffel bags and in the back of the SUV."What is that stuff? What were you planning on doing?" I asked him.

    "Just some supplies. After everyone was fighting each other, and the walkers were distracted, I figured I'd leave this place and head out on my own." He told me.

    "Then why didn't you do that sooner?! Why were you shooting at us when we were behind those vehicles?!" I asked him.

    "Well, I did Tobi one last favor. Even though that psycho is a piece of shit and he's batshit crazy, I had to make sure he at least got away from you guys. He kept me fed, and I had a roof over my head. I don't really care what happens to him now, though. I just needed to make sure I did that one last thing for him." CS told me.

    "What the fuck?! Why would you help him?!" I shouted.

    "Like I said, I was just doing him one last favor. I don't want to kill anymore of your people, the war is over. I just want to get into my car and get away from all of this. Just let me go, I promise that you won't ever see me again. You won't have to worry about me anymore. I promise you this. I'm not the one you should be worried about, it's those damn walkers out there. In the end, we all have the same enemy." CS told me.

    "Walkers aren't that much of a threat compared to people." I told him.

    "Well then, what are you going to do...?" He asked me. Flashbacks of everything I've been through ran through my mind. The start of the apocalypse, Valky, tntlee, Tobi and his warehouse. The walkers, PAP, Sardines, Joe, Rafoli, Shadow, Gustav, Emu. The beating I took from Tobi, all the sick torture and deaths he caused. The war and everyone that died. CS was looking up at me with a worried look, was one more death really worth it?...

    1) Tell him to Get up. Get the fuck out of here. You better make sure I don't ever see your face again. I'm also taking half of your supplies.

    2) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit, like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff.

    3) Let him go. Keep my gun aimed at him, let him leave with everything.

    4) Tell him to get up. Signal WtW to shoot him in the head. Take his stuff.


    We drove through the parking lot, and avoided the walkers. Puncake headed straight for the woods, and then we saw my pickup and Pro's SUV where we left them."Alright, Shadow. Help me get these two into Pro's SUV." Puncake told him.

    I still felt okay, but I wasn't sure how much time I had left. I was hoping that I would be able to make it back to the mansion in time."Okay, Puncake!" Shadow told him and got out of the car.

    Puncake opened the door and started to unbuckle my seatbelt."I got you, Jon. We'll be--" KRAKK! I turned and saw Puncake going down. I looked out and saw that Salt had hit him in the back of the head with his gun.

    "Hey there, Jon?" He said with a smile.

    "Salt?! What the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted at him.

    He spotted Shadow running around the car to get to the other side."Shadow! How's it going, bud?" He asked him while aiming his gun at him.

    "Salt...? What are you doing?" I heard shadow say.

    "Well, that's none of your business, Shadow. Just do what I say and you might get to live." Salt told him.

    "Salt! We're injured! Jon is bit! Why are you doing this?! Just let us go!" Fan shouted at him.

    "Is that so? Well too bad. Keep your mouth shut in there, Fan. I'm just doing what I have to do." He tells him, he focuses his attention back at Shadow."Drop every single weapon that you have on you, kid. Do it, now." Salt tells him.

    "O-okay..." I heard Shadow.

    "Shadow, don't! He'll kill you!" Fan shouted.

    "Fan! Shut the fuck up!" Salt yelled at him.

    "Salt, man. Don't do this." I told him.

    "Stay out of it, Jon. Where are the others?" He asked me.

    "They're coming back, and they'll make sure that they kill you!" Fan shouted.

    "I wasn't asking you, Fan. I told you to keep your mouth shut." Salt replied. He turned back to Shadow."Good boy. Now get Jon out of the car, and you two go sit by that big tree over there. Which one of you has the keys to these cars? This piece of shit van that Puncake was driving won't get me far enough, I need to take either the pickup or the SUV." Salt told us.

    Shadow walked over to me and started helping me out of the van."Shadow, don't..." I managed to say.

    "Do as I say, and I won't kill you. Simple." Salt told us.

    "Salt! You won't get away with this!" Fan shouted again.

    Shadow started helping me get over to the big tree. He sat me down and then I watched Salt searching Puncake's body."Ah! Here they are. Nice, I'll take the SUV and get the fuck out of here." He said.

    "Salt! You piece of shit! I can't believe you're doing this!" Fan shouted at him.

    "Believe it, Fan. Haha." Salt told him and started walking to the front of the van."Oh, and before I go..." Salt aimed his M4 at the pickup's tires. Bruppa! Bruppa! He shot two of them out and then turned to shoot the white van's tires out as well. Bruppa! Bruppa! "There we go. That should slow you guys down. Nice knowing you guys, but I have to go."

    I saw Fan getting out of the van and struggling to aim his gun at Salt."You're really about to do this?! After what you let happen to Jewf! Yeah, I know about that, Salt. You're really about to leave us here?!"

    Salt stopped walking and then turned around."Fan... you're right..." Salt told him.

    Fan gave him a confused look."Come on, Salt... we can leave... together." He told him.

    Salt put his head down, and then looked back up at Fan."Heh, just kidding." He aimed his gun at Fan. Bruppa!

    I saw Fan getting shot in the head and he fell back."No!!!" I shouted.

    Salt turned to look at me and Shadow."Good luck, guys. Tell ATR that Jewf won't be able to make it back." He told us with a smug smile, and then turned around to head into the SUV.

    "Salt! Don't do this!" I shouted. He turned the SUV's engine on and then drove off. I turned to look at Shadow."Why didn't you shoot him?! Why did you let him get away?!" I was furious. Shadow had a shocked look on his face...


  • Yeah, like two more parts left until the end of the chapter.

    RIP Shiina, leader of the Church group. 1) Stab him in the head. You said you were posting 1 or two more parts, is the next part the last one for the mansion group?

  • Thanks for participating! This story wouldn't be what it is without all of you and your characters.

    ...I went out protecting someone else, my death wasn't meaningless. Thanks Lee, for including me in this awesome series! I will continue to vote. Also, R.I.P to those who died as well. 1) Stab him in the head.

  • Cool. Keep up the good work man, your well deserved break is coming nooS.

    Yeah, like two more parts left until the end of the chapter.

  • edited September 2014

    stuff and thaaaangs

    I lol'd.

    1) Guilty's taking half your shit, CS. Deal with it. Fuck it, this is going against my better judgement but damn this is difficult :l


    Salt turned to look at me and Shadow."Good luck, guys. Tell ATR that Jewf won't be able to make it back." He told us with a smug smile, and then turned around to head into the SUV.

    "Salt! Don't do this!" I shouted. He turned the SUV's engine on and then drove off. I turned to look at Shadow."Why didn't you shoot him?! Why did you let him get away?!" I was furious. Shadow had a shocked look on his face...


    JonGon (!) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. The others mana

  • No need to apologize, man! Just catch up when you can, no worries. B^]

    Deceptio posted: »

    Shit, I'm sorry Pro for not being able to read or vote on this story at all. I just never have the time to catch up to it. I'm so off track of the dead and alive characters so far.

  • 2) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff.

    The resemblance me and my character share when it comes to arrogance is uncanny. I applaud you for making it so realistic.

    I wonder if I'll be seen again...

    JonGon (!) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. The others mana

  • I made a promise a few days ago.

    I fucking did.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    stuff and thaaaangs I lol'd. 1) Guilty's taking half your shit, CS. Deal with it. Fuck it, this is going against my better judg

  • Alt text

    All along you wanted to use this war as a front to get our shit...BUT WHYYYY

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    2) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff. The resemblance me an

  • edited September 2014

    Damn, this part made me really hate Salt. On a side note, SHadow better get the fuck out of there, Jon wont have much time left and this only means trouble for Shadow.

    1) Tell him to Get up. Get the fuck out of here. You better make sure I don't ever see your face again. I'm also taking half of your supplies.

    JonGon (!) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. The others mana

  • Because everyone else drags me down.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    All along you wanted to use this war as a front to get our shit...BUT WHYYYY

  • edited September 2014

    What just happened?! Salt just killed Fan and Puncake! He must be stopped! Now I hate him.

    2) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit like Tobi. Shoot him and take his stuff.

    JonGon (!) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. The others mana

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