Overall thoughts on the Cabin group

The cabin group: Luke, Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin, Pete, Carlos and Nick.
What were your overall thoughts on them when you first meet them and when they died? Did a character on the group ever redeem themselves or do you hate them?



  • edited September 2014

    I (Clem) has grown to love them and make them my family :)

    Luke I see as a brother figure

    Sarah as a best friend

    Rebecca and I have gone so far :(

    Alvin will always be the father of Alvie

    Pete the first good man we find in a while

    Carlos in heaven with Sarah :D

    And Nick... need I say more? He knows where the f****** river is.

  • edited September 2014

    A group of characters that were underdeveloped or had potentially interesting character arcs that were aborted because the writers either didn't have any interesting ideas of where to go with them (Nick, Carlos), or let the views of the fanbase and possible their own personal points of view affect what kind of sendoff the character should have, regardless of whether it's a fulfilling end or not (Sarah).

    More specifically... the treatment of Luke's character seemed all over the place so I wasn't sure how to feel about him. Ultimately, he was the only character in episode 5 who wasn't a dick, so I liked him well enough for that. Pete was a good character with enough development to make us feel something when he died. Rebecca was one of the better characters, coming full circle from episode 1 to episode 4, even though the abrupt change felt forced. Alvin was okay, and his second possible death was a great scene, even though he was made to be completely wrong about his child, thus removing some of the emotion, at least for me.

    I really wanted to know more about Carlos, but ultimately, the writers didn't share my view. I liked Sarah and wanted to see her pull through, and was excited at the prospect that Carlos' seemingly unimportant death would have a lot of meaning through Sarah... sadly the writers had other plans... again. I hated Nick at first, but then I really listened to his point of view on things and came to like him a lot. Probably the most developed character of the bunch, and deserved way more than what he was given.

  • Luke = A great guy overall. He didn't seem to be the leader of the group, but I think everyone respected him and looked up to him because of his ability to keep things light despite what is going on. I had my doubts about him when Kenny said he 'abandoned' the group. But Luke really redeemed himself in the end. If it had been a Kenny v. Luke choice in the end, you bet I would've gone with Luke.

    Sarah = She was a innocent girl. I felt sorry for her more than anything. In my first play through I tried to toughen her up through my Clem, but it didn't work.

    Rebecca = Didn't like her until EP. 4 when she really seemed to start caring for Clementine. I understand being a pregnant woman makes your hormones get all kinds of crazy, but she was very mean to Clem.

    Alvin = Didn't like him because of him immediately caving in when Rebecca glared at him. Like him when you found out he would actually help Clementine if you ask him. He was a good guy IMO.

    Pete = Pete was my favorite from the Cabin group. He seems like the coolest uncle ever. I wish my uncles were like him. He'd be a better caretaker than Luke, or Jane, or Kenny IMO. I mean, Nick is still alive and I bet that could be greatly contributed to Pete's attempt at trying to raise him right.

    Carlos = Didn't like him throughout the season. He was a badly written character IMO. I think he had a lot of potential, him and Sarah both.

    Nick = I loved Nick, I think he actually kinda represents what a lot of us would be like in the apocalypse, so he was really easy to sympathize with. I liked how his relationship with Clem developed. Plus he doesn't question you stealing Pete's watch and giving it to him. XD

  • Carlos, i thought he was going to be a asshole for life throughout the whole game as well as Rebecca. the only decent people were Alvin, Pete and Luke. Nick was neutral.

    Death list (That i thought):

    • Episode 1: None
    • Episode 2: Carlos
    • Episode 3: Rebecca
    • Episode 4: Pete and Sarah
    • Episode 5: Nick and Alvin
  • Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

    We’re lucky Nick isn’t one to think things through.

    The annotated dead

    Luke = A great guy overall. He didn't seem to be the leader of the group, but I think everyone respected him and looked up to him because of

  • I thought they were all cool

  • Pete was fucking awesome, Nick was flawed but likable, Rebecca was a Bitch in Ep 1 , Sarah was mentally behind Clem,I felt Carlos was too controlling of Sarah, Alvin was a suck up to Rebecca in Ep1,

  • edited September 2014

    I liked Pete, Nick, Rebecca, Sarah, Alvin and Carlos. I don't care about Luke. Pete was definitely my favorite, though.

  • The cabin group episodes (ep.1 and 2) were my favorite ones this season. I really wish we had had more of them throughout this season.

  • Pete: Awesome man. He believed and trusted Clem from the start and I loved his interactions with her and Nick. I really wish we got to spend more time with him, but in the little time that we (could) have with him, he was developed really well.

    Alvin: He was a big lovable teddy bear, IMO. I hate that his interaction with Clem by the window in Episode 1 can be missed, because it shows what a nice guy he is. He gives you a juice box even if you're mean to him. I thought he was very brave when he surrendered to Carver in Episode 2 in order to help Carlos. Also in episode 3, if he survives ep. 2, his death scene was so sad.

    Carlos: He was pretty cool. Loved his accent and loved how much he loved Sarah, but I kept shaking my head at the way he was treating/raising her. Carlos really needed someone like Chuck to show him that the way he was handling Sarah was doing more of a disservice to her than anything. His death was unexpected for me. It happened all to fast.

    Nick: I fucking loved Nick. At first, I thought he was a jerk when he shoots at Clem, but after he apologized and explained why he was the way he was, I understood and forgave him. I loved Pete's story about Nick and the buck, it showed that he was a softie at heart. And if you take the Nick route in Episode 2, he has such wonderful character development if you choose to help him deal with Pete's death and convince him to go with you. And it keeps going with the bridge incident and Walter at the ski lodge. Nick was one of the most realistic characters in TWD for me and I was so disappointed that there wasn't any more development with him after Episode 2.

    Sarah: Sarah was a complete sweetheart. She helps you no matter what in episode 1 and that made her okay in my book. I get that people might find her annoying, but I loved her because she was so cute and innocent. Episode 3 was harsh to her, and it hurt to see her get slapped by Carlos because of Carver. After Carlos died, I was so prepared and ready to take care of Sarah and teach her to be stronger like Lee did for Clem, but we never got the chance and that's a damn shame.

    Rebecca: Oh Rebecca. I did not like her in the first episode. But after she apologizes in Episode 2 and we get a better understanding of her situation, I began to open up to her. It wasn't until Episode 3 that I began to love her. I loved how she calls Kenny out on his shit and I love how she stands up to Carver in the end. Episode 4 was great too. The moments between Rebecca and Clem in that episode were very touching and their relationship became one of my favorites. When I saw that she had turned into a walker I was heartbroken.

    Luke: Oh man, where do I start? I absolutely love this man! He became my favorite character the moment he came in swinging his machete and saving Clem from that walker. All of his interactions with Clementine are wonderful and honest and real. They ranged from hilarious to awkward to touching all throughout. Their brother-sister dynamic and relationship was my absolute favorite this season. Luke was the ultimate good guy. I loved how he tried his damnedest to keep everyone safe. Yes, he fucked up a few times, but he tried and I loved him for it. When he fell through the ice and died I was heartbroken. I really wanted him to survive this season with Clem because I felt that he was the best person for Clem to be with in order to maintain her humanity while still surviving.

    All in all, I loved the entire Cabin Group. I was sad to see that none of them survived, not even with an unknown status. May they all rest in piece in the Cabin up in the sky.


    Alvin Jr. aka "AJ": He is one of the most well behaved babies in the world. He doesn't seem to cry too much which is lucky since that would attract so many walkers. And also he is really cute. I hope that he grows ups to be as awesome as Clementine.

  • edited September 2014

    AJs cool but will never be cooler than Clem..

    Liayso posted: »

    Pete: Awesome man. He believed and trusted Clem from the start and I loved his interactions with her and Nick. I really wish we got to spend

  • Pete still my favorite character from the cabin group...

  • Same here

    Amex888 posted: »

    Pete still my favorite character from the cabin group...

  • Yeah, no one can be cooler than Clementine. It just isn't possible.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    AJs cool but will never be cooler than Clem..

  • Nick was my husband and everybody was cool, cept for alvin.

  • edited September 2014

    Ugh these guys, I pretty much hated all of them except Pete after the first episode (I didn't see the Alvin juice-box sidequest ;-; ). But as time progressed it changed.

    • Nick - Ugh he almost shot Clem's face off, but when I saw how he feels I forgave him, but I wasn't sad he died.
    • Carlos - This one never convinced me, his death was a relief for me.
    • Rebecca - I forgave her, but I still didn't like her, she didn't convince me she's a good person. Didn't mourn.
    • Sarah - I know it wasn't her fault she was completely useless, but that didn't change a thing. Since it wasn't her fault her death was sad to me.
    • Alvin - He died like a hero at Carver's camp in my playthrough so, no complains.
    • Pete - The king, he'll be forever missed.
    • Luke - What a redemption throughout the whole season, he'll be missed.
    • AJ - I didn't want to have anything to do with the baby, but when I saw him with Clem I changed my mind ;-;
  • RIP Pete...

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    Ugh these guys, I pretty much hated all of them except Pete after the first episode (I didn't see the Alvin juice-box sidequest ;-; ). But a

  • This I like. Nice artwork.

  • Well this is the time to get my sadness away about it...

    Luke-He was like a older brother,he was always there for me and I was for him. If I give him a spirt animal it would be a firefly. I feel sad when he ever got injured,when he fell in that lake I was scared but hes fine. ;_ ; twitch

    Pete-This guy was awesome,first to trust me,first to die. I went with him over Nick because no one deserves to die alone, Then he died.

    Nick-He felt like a new Ben, I liked Ben, I liked Nick. Promised Pete I would look after him, I failed in EP4, and I felt even worse because of things like no one should die alone.

    Alvin-This guy was cool but it sucks he died in EP3, he was a true hero, apple juice warrior!

    Rebecca-I had mixed feelings about her, I bearly talked to her to keep tensions low. When she started getting nice I got nice, her death was shocking but also sad.

    Sarah-There is ao much to say about Sarah, my best friend. Her death tugged me but because no one said anything my remorse turned to anger.

    Carlos-What can I say about this genius. R.I.P


    Jewfreeus R.I.P Carlos

  • Wit the exception of Sarah, I liked all of the cabin group members and appreciated at how different they felt to the initial group in season 1.

  • He was a cool dude.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    RIP Pete...

    • Sarah - Hated her
    • Carlos - Meh, didn't really care
    • Alvin - Meh, didn't really care
    • Nick - Meh, didn't really care
    • Rebecca - Meh, didn't really care
    • Pete - He was alright
    • Luke - One of my favorite characters of the season

    So basically, Luke is the only member I liked.

  • Everyone seems to like Pete even though he was only alive basically one episode

  • So? He was memorable and in my opinion the best character of the Cabin group, we only knew other people for a episode, We knew Winston for 10 minutes and look at all the hype HE got, TeamPete

    Everyone seems to like Pete even though he was only alive basically one episode

  • I agree with everything you said

    MonkeyMan23 posted: »

    Ugh these guys, I pretty much hated all of them except Pete after the first episode (I didn't see the Alvin juice-box sidequest ;-; ). But a

  • Pete - Trusted him the minute I saw him. He was rational and was not afraid to dish out the harsh truth - but beyond every rough-edged word was a strong reasoning infused with insightful wisdom and an empathetic heart. I felt, and still feel, that he was taken away from us far too soon. He added so much heart and logic to the story and really could have helped give the characters hope and insight in the episodes later to come.

    Luke - Loose cannon at first and I was a bit wary. He acted amicable and considerate at first - but then was quick to drop an eleven-year-old girl on the ground and was all too-willing to abandon her. Soon after this he quickly has a change of heart and acts compassionate and nurturing. Surprisingly, it was easy to forgive him after the poignant scene in the cabin kitchen where he asks Clementine about her story. He truly gave us an opportunity to receive a glimpse in how Clementine truly was coping with everything that happened in Season One, and how much she had grown.

    He was still pretty solid throughout the rest of the episodes. After everything around us constantly tossed and turned into doubt and chaos, he always felt consistent with his loyalty and optimism. However, him arguing with Kenny and having a random tryst with Jane felt immensely uncharacteristic. Yet what felt most uncharacteristic of all was his poorly executed passing. Luke was a survivor to be reckoned with, through and through, and did not at all deserve to go out in the way that he did. But that will launch me into a whole another 5 paragraphs!

    Nick - The cabin survivor I felt was mishandled the most in terms of leading in with remarkable development, and then fizzling out with lost potential. When we first met him I did not essentially like him, but figured he had some sort of reason to act so aggressively towards Clementine like he did. As soon as he apologized and it was revealed what happened to his mom, I was so proud to see that I was right.We get so much exposition into both his character, his story, and his demons. We come to either identify or at least empathize with him, and establish a sort of protective nature over him after Pete asks us to watch over him.

    After the beginning of episode two, I really saw the potential for him to really grow and persevere as a character. He felt a lot like Kenny, but was much less vocal. Yet everything went downhill as soon as he shot Matthew - which I thought was a huge mistake the writers committed. Both his development and possible deaths were so lackluster and just felt so mismatched. Not to mention unfair.

    Rebecca - Was not too fond of her either, for being so ruthlessly mean and accusing of a young girl with a bite on her arm. Yet I felt that there was probably a softer interior to her that the game would later flesh out, and I was so relieved when this indeed did turn out to be the case. I grew to really like her as a character. She was just so smart and level-headed in Episode Three, even after Alvin's passing. I was so relieved when she lived during childbirth, which I really had not foreseen happening. I thought she was going to live much longer, but was dismayed when I saw that she had reanimated.

    Alvin - I liked him, but was not fond of how he was too afraid to share his own opinions because of Rebecca. I did like how he does help Clementine if she asks him instead of ratting her out. As time progressed, I grew to really adore Alvin - and loved how Clementine was able to tell him about her past, divulging in some details she had not even told Luke. His first potential death is absolutely awful and just too soon, but the second one feels more proper - even if it is tremendously sad. He died a hero.

    I just wish he could have heard from Rebecca about her infidelity, so he could have gotten some truth and closure. So sad...

    Carlos - I was not too fond of him at first, with him forcing Clementine to wait out seeking treatment for her bite when she was in obvious need for immediate care and her bite was most definitely not from a walker. But later on, I actually grew to like him. He was an intriguing character, to say the least. I had theorized that he had a dark and violent nature/past no one knew about, which contributed to him being so protective of Sarah and at such odds with Carver. We also cannot forget he helped save Clementine by shooting the approaching walker during the zombie raid at the ski lodge. In the end, I felt he was rational when it came to others, but not with his own matters. Shielding Sarah so much ultimately helped lead to her demise, and in many ways I feel he acted the way Kenny had with Duck with the whole "It's never going to come to that," mindset.

    Sarah - Definitely received the worst treatment out of all of these characters, hands down. Right from the get-go she experienced a sense of her own character and strength in deciding to help Clementine. She was given so many moments where she could say something witty, insightful, or just plain cute. I had always felt that she had more intelligence and strength than her own father gave credit for.

    Yet as soon as Episode Four hit, she was shafted as a liable afterthought with TellTale. All previous developments with her are pretty much rendered pointless, and she is given by far the most brutal possible deaths out of anyone in the cabin survivor group. I was, and still am, tremendously upset to her death. It contributed nothing to the story other than Telltale's falling into a flawed self-righteousness in saying: "You see? This is what happens to survivors who are not conditioned to survive. She was not cut out to live in this world."

    So much more could have been done with her character, and TellTale just took the easy way out by just making her another Duck with a far more gruesome death outcome. I really believe she could have done a complete turnaround and cultivated the skills to survive. If Clementine could, why couldn't she?

    Alvin Junior - Beautiful baby that is most definitely Alvin's son and not Carver's. While I believe he looks more like his mother, in my eyes there is no way he could be Carvers, because he has a gentle demeanor like Alvin and not a gruff, mean-looking face like Carver.

    RIP to all of the original cabin survivors. I really do think one other person besides Alvin Jr. should have made it. I had been waging on : Luke, Nick, and Sarah.

  • What's wrong with Alvin?

    Ellias posted: »

    Nick was my husband and everybody was cool, cept for alvin.

  • Nick was amazing. Especially if you went with him instead of Pete, and the way he talks to you in carver's camp. "You mean 'us'? We're a family together, Clem."

    Ellias posted: »

    Nick was my husband and everybody was cool, cept for alvin.

  • Cabin group members were cool but some potential wasted with them, especially Nick and Sarah. And to add insult to injury, there are no survivors from the cabin group while in season 1, the drugstore suvivors were Clem, Kenny and Lilly(though she is MIA like Christa so we don't know if she is alive or dead).

  • The entire cabin survivor cast were wasted potential, so much could have been done with them but their moments to shine never came around:

    • Luke: For someone who could be seen as the deuteragonist, he barely does anything character driven on-screen, and when it is it feels underwhelming and pointless. It doesn't help that he is quickly reduced to a tritagonist (the non-antagonist version) as soon as Kenny arrives in Episode 2, and is eventually killed off in an anti-climatic fashion where he's eventually forgotten afterwards.
    • Pete: The one character that has the charisma and leadership to help lead the story with his group, only to become the first of his group to be killed off, which was deliberately done to develop Nick's character. While a good move at first, it renders his character death and his connection with Clementine and Nick utterly meaningless after the treatment of Nick's character in Episode 3 and 4.
    • Nick: The only character out of his group, other than Sarah, to have a character arc worth investing in the story. Episode 1 and 2 helped build his characterisation and his backstory, where it had potential to become one of the best emotionally driven story arc in Season 2...which unfortunately ended up tossed aside as soon as Episode 3 arrived, and it eventually dissolved into nothing due to his off-screen death in Episode 4.
    • Carlos: A character who was supposed to be intelligent was instead portrayed as plain idiotic, and his doctoral work that appeared valuable ended up being over glossed as soon as Carlos was killed off. No one acknowledges his death and how desperate a situation was without a doctor, and his relationship with Clementine and the cabin group, aside from his daughter Sarah, ended up going nowhere.
    • Sarah: One of the biggest waste of character along with Nick, and also one of the most offensive treatment of a character I had seen in a video game. Sarah was a unique character who in spite of her disability had her own positive qualities that made her stand out among the cabin crew. She was smarter than most people gave credit for, she was braver than most people gave credit for, and she had the confidence and the desire to learn how to survive. And then...it all fell apart as soon as Carlos was killed off and she broke down, where suddenly it was time for the 'survival of the fittest' motif to be glorified and portrayed in a positive light, and suddenly everyone treats Sarah as a 'liability' as soon as they found her in shock over her father's death. No matter what happens, she dies a terrible death, and everyone never sheds a tear over her. Not only her treatment was underwhelming and added nothing to the story, it was also disgusting and offensive.
    • Rebecca: The only character out of the cabin group to show any kind of importance to the story due to her pregnancy and her connection with Carver. Though she came across as cruel at first, she was quick to change her opinion and became a maternal figure to Clementine. Sadly her role came to an end as soon as she gave birth, where she was quickly tossed aside in favour for Kenny and her child.
    • Alvin: Arguably the most pointless character of the cast. He delivers barely anything to the story and his supposed importance with his role in the death of George, Carver's friend, never came around in Episode 3. Sometimes I even forget he existed, especially compared to Pete who was the first of the group to die.
  • Pete: The most trustworthy, competent and friendliest adult in the group to Clementine at first, he was built up to be a mentor figure towards Clementine. I was actually fine with his death for this reason, as I hoped that losing him would have made Clem feel more vulnerable and strain her relationship towards the cabin group even further. However, the only real impact his death had was to further Nick's trauma.

    Nick: A misunderstood and troubled young man, I always sympathized with him and forgave him enough to help him out at the river. His killing of Matthew really challenged me to stand by him, but I honestly wish Telltale knew what to do with him if you managed to redeem him to Walter. As far as I'm concerned, Nick's character arc definitely needed a better send-off than an off-screen death. Perhaps he could have died to protect Sarah, or Luke, or Clementine, or anybody else.

    Luke: A likable guy whose deuteragonist potential kept going down after each episode. I liked him from the start, as he quickly turned around from freaking out over Clem's bite to protecting her and trying to befriend her to make amends. Unfortunately, after Kenny's return in Episode 2 Luke began to fade from view and the 'rivalry' between the two felt forced and uncomfortable. His unsympathetic characterization in Episode 4 can be construed as him cracking from stress, but at least he was redeemed in the final episode and his death felt truly tragic.

    As predictable as the Luke vs Kenny fight would have been, it'd probably have been more compelling than Jane's fight against Kenny.

    Carlos: A mysterious figure, I was caught between my dislike for his mistreatment of Clementine and the genuine love he showed for his daughter. Any man who'll take a beating in front of his child deserves a little sympathy in my book. I do wish his relationship with Carver and the hints of his violent nature were expanded upon more, and that the rest of the group would have reacted to the loss of a doctor and friend. In the end, however, I actually liked the abrupt nature of his death and the devastating impact it had on his daughter.

    Sarah: My favorite member of the group, I immediately empathized with her being repressed by her father, and appreciated how she was the friendliest and most helpful person to Clementine after the rest of the group allowed her to be locked up. I was hoping that she would have become Clementine's companion and gradually grown more independent, and felt bad about all the trauma she experienced under Carver. I was even alright with her catatonia following her beloved father's brutal death, despite the fact that she rejects the hug Clementine promised her.

    But having her be written off in such a callous and contrived manner, and finding out that the writers themselves had no empathy for the character, has soured my feelings towards the entire Season as a whole. Like Nick, Sarah was a character who could have encouraged players to empathize with people who weren't 'tough' or 'smart' but instead remained admirable because of their unremitting kindness. She was definitely less of a liability than Nick was. To see grown men be gleeful about her suffering the most painful and terrifying death in the series was truly disgusting.

    Rebecca: An interesting character whose growing relationship with Clementine could have worked - if it had been a gradual process rather than an immediate turnaround between episodes. I always liked her even in the first episode, where it was clear that her mouthiness wasn't taken seriously by anyone other than her loving husband. She proved herself to be a reasonable and defiant woman in the subsequent episodes, and Episode 4 showed her at her most vulnerable. And as predictable as the cliche of the woman dying in childbirth may be, I was actually alright with how her death was handled - where she kept pushing herself beyond what her body could handle, and how she slipped away while everybody else was busy getting in a fight.

    Alvin: A nice fellow with hints of a darker nature, I honestly wish Episode 3 expanded on who the hell "George" was.

  • edited September 2014

    (My first reactions to meeting the Cabin group, compared to how I thought of them after their deaths.)

    [Luke’s meeting] Oh hey is that…is that Aladdin!? Dude he really looks like a westernized Aladdin. Damn that nose is huge, look at that thing! It’s kinda like the beak Sam the eagle has from The Muppets but more nostrilish. Wait, why is there a caterpillar under it? Is it dead? Does he know the dead caterpillar is dead? Is there an option for Clem to bring up the dead caterpillar? Because I think this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed here. Oh well, at least he’s really nice, getting the food for her like that…oh hey he got booty.

    [Luke’s death] WHAT NOOOO! WHY DAMMIT WHY!? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LIIIIIIIIVE! You and Clem were meant be family with that stupidishly cute sibling shit you both had going on there! T_T now you’ll never play cards or board games together, or get a dog named Nick, or learn to be a daddy for AJ! Screw Jane alright, she’ll never be as awesome as you! Even if you hecked up, you hecked up in style Luke! ;_; please pull a Kenny man, your death sucked big time…liiiive!

    [Pete’s meeting] Huh, oh no it’s Jafar! Oh wait, a nice Jafar! Okay then. Damn he’s so friendly. Look at him talking about hunting and his bratty nephew I’ve temporally forgiven. Yup Uncle Pete would be a great uncle for Clem, I’d...hey, wait a minute he looks like a white Lee! Holy shit, how did it take me the whole episode to realize that? All the more to reason to like him then! Jee I hope nothing really horrible happens to this guy in the next 5 minutes…

    [Pete’s death] Aw shit!

    [Nick’s meeting] Oh Jesus, why did nobody tell me Kenny and Ben had a lovechild together? This guy’s a jerk, shooting random kids and getting pissy about it. I’m pretty sure if you looked up Jerk in the dictionary his face would be stamped right next it. No meanings, just his face.…still, kinda feel bad for him at the table now and the puppy eyes he’s making, I better say sorry :(…until he acts like a dick at the river for leaving his uncle that is! =_= she’s 11 you pathetic butt crack!

    [Nick’s death] Goodnight, sweet prince ;_; sharing drinks with you in the cellar and standing up for you against Walter were the best things I had Clem ever do. I even did a rewind and had Clem steal that watch for you, you beautiful bastard. Too bad you kinda became like a ghost afterwards, didn’t you and Clem only have like one conversation after that?

    So uh since you don’t need it anymore, can Clem steal your watch back?

    [Sarah’s meeting] Uh…I don’t know what to make of you. Are you secretly crazy? Is that why your dad keeps you locked up in the cabin because you’re mini serial killer and you’ll go on a rampage if you’re not kept in check? Why I am afraid of having had Clem pinky swearing with you like she just signed a contract with the devil? This isn’t going to end with Clem filing for a restraining order against you, or you going out murdering somebody and asking Clem to cover for you is it? o_o

    [Sarah’s death] All these adults and nobody apart from Jane goes down to try and save you? Where’s the option for Clem throw everybody off the deck!? ;_; dammit all that friendship bull for nothing. I don’t care if you were losing it a little I really wanted you to make it girl! You and Clem were blood sisters! I wanted her to help you pull through girl and go build a snowman!

    [Carlos’s meeting] Dude, I’m getting very powerful Mexican vibes from you. Why do you remind me of that Ian Malcolm guy from Jurassic Park? You don’t even look or sound the same. Were you supposed to be in the Jurassic Park game and they cut you last minute? You’d blend in dude, right in. Maybe he’s crazy like his daughter though, I mean he clearly didn’t know a dog bite from a walker bite. Could he just be pretending to be a doctor and is planning to murder everybody that dare crosses him? I er, better not have Clem piss him off...honey where’s your hammer? Please tell me you still have it!?

    [Carlos’s death] Noooo, oh crap…does that mean no more Carlos impersonations? T_T Luke he’s no longer a danger to the group!

    [Alvin’s meeting] Hello nice random nerdy guy who's really a softy at heart and gave Clem the bandages…is that all there is to you? Just that you’re a nice person? Because your niceness worries me a bit and there’s nothing particularly striking about you other than you’re nice, and are the yin to the yang of that angry pregnant woman you’re hooked up with there…they’re gonna kill you aren’t they? o_o

    [Alvin’s death] Yep, you dead ;_; why is it always the nice ones.

    [Rebecca’s meeting] Oh hey a pregnant lady…what, WHAT!? You evil, mean sack of pregnant hormones! How can you treat a little kid like that, she’s scared! Oh you’re threatening Clem now huh and after she been offered to stay too? Okay then, you and her, let’s go right now! I don’t care if you’re pregnant, the moment Clem gets the chance I’m gonna make sure she whoops your ass and sends you hurling out a three storey window with added sass! That’ll teach you not to be a stuck up turd to young injured little match girl orphans! >.<

    [Rebecca’s death] Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! B-But, but I had Clem hold your baby! She gave you the painkillers and the coat, you were best buds! Why’d you have to go like that!? I'd really warmed up to you lady! What is happening to this dysfunctional family!? It’s falling apaaaaaart!

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited September 2014

    Luke - I didn't like him at first because he dropped Clementine when he saw she was injured from the dog bite. Seems a bit extreme man, then i eventually forgave him when he gave me my bowl of mush. I expected Luke to die, he was just too nice for this world. I wanted him to live but that is life for you.

    Pete- I liked Pete from the start. He doesn't think i was lying about the "dog." bite. I think he definitely deserved more screen time, they never explain what happened to Pete. Who shot him! I don't think Carver would have done it, he isn't the kind of person to waste bullets. Look at how he bitched at Troy about running the heat. I knew Pete would probably be dead when i saw him so other than disappointment there was nothing.

    Sarah- She was a little strange to be honest. The first time i met her, it was a little weird, when she wanted to be my best friend, but then again i never been a 15 year old girl , so i gave her a break. She was just a kid who wasn't going to make it. When her father died i pretty much knew there was no saving her after the comments she made about her father. I mean that to me was Telltale saying, " You did what you can, now its time to accept that their is no fixing it."

    Carlos- Over protective father. Other than that there wasn't much more to his character in my mind. When he died, the only thing i will miss about him is his catch phrase. "She will cease to function.", his plaid shirts were pretty "cool."too. About as cool as that stupid jacket.

    Alvin- Beta Male, he pretty much does what his wife tells him to do, doesn't have a back bone. When he died i felt nothing for Alvin.

    Rebecca- Alpha Female, she definitely wore the pants in Alvin and her's relationship. She was a jerk to Clementine in the beginning but eventually they became friends through hardship. When she died i was more concerned about how it would effect the shootout instead of the saving the baby.

    Nick- Nick reminded me of a friend i knew which made it personal. His story about his mother touched home for me, so i was a fan of Nick at that point. I was willing ot sacrifice everyone else life, including Clementine if necessary. When he died i threw my Xbox 360 pc controller and shattered it against the brick wall. DAMN YOU GAME!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    (My first reactions to meeting the Cabin group, compared to how I thought of them after their deaths.) [Luke’s meeting] Oh hey is that…is

  • Luke, Nick, Pete:

    Alt text


    Alt text

    Sarah, Rebecca, Carlos:

    Alt text

  • ITs 2014, you can't use that word as a slur anymore. It stopped being acceptable in 1985. Get with the times.

    My thoughts...

  • Obvious joke is obvious.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    ITs 2014, you can't use that word as a slur anymore. It stopped being acceptable in 1985. Get with the times.

  • I didn't know about the window at my first playthrough..Most people dont notice it.I heard that if alvin gives you a juice box,you can tell it at rebecca at ep4 :P I dont know if this is true tho :/

    Liayso posted: »

    Pete: Awesome man. He believed and trusted Clem from the start and I loved his interactions with her and Nick. I really wish we got to spend

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