What do you NOT want to see in Season 3
This thread is about things that you don't want to see in Season 3 in terms of the story - i.e. Telltale putting these in the game would be a big no-no for you. Please try to justify your choices.
Here are mine
First and foremost, Clementine not being the Protagonist/Deuteragonis or not to feature at all in Season 3 - i.e. her story is over.
I think this is the only truly fatal mistake Telltale could make as it would alienate a very large portion of their current fans. Most people I know who play Telltale's TWD want to see where Clementine's story goes. She is a very well developed and likable character and at this stage she is the only character left from the beginning of the game. Ending her story in what I (and I'm sure a lot of people here) feel is not a very satisfying way in Season 2 would not go well with most people. Starting a new story would not make any sense as what has been built up over these last two seasons would essentially be destroyed - back to square one.
This is one of the only things that could possibly sway me from purchasing Season 3.
Introduce new characters and have ALL of them leave us in the same season - be it by death or other means. This includes the general lack of character development.
I thought that season 2 was a bit poor in this manner - characters were not developed enough and those that were and had a chance of becoming long term characters or even a new Deuteragonist (or perhaps Protagonist in following seasons) like Luke were removed for shock factor. This is one area of the game that needs to be improved considerably because lets be honest - what is TWD game without character development?
Having one of the 5 endings as "canon".
This would be quite poor too as the players choices would effectively be completely pointless. Telltale need to think of a good way to tie the story without doing this. Methods could involve a small timeskip or perhaps DLC which revisits each of the situations for a brief period with all of them converging onto the same point.
I have plenty more but want to see what the community thinks - thoughts?
Lol 5 seconds into reading this and I already disagree with your first point.
I just want lengthier episodes and more character development. The reason why Season one worked so well was because we knew all the group really well. Larry was the asshole, Ben was the screwup.. Kenny was the best friend with the temper and we could talk to all of them about lots of things etc... I want to feel that again in season 3.
Can't agree with the first point.
I would like to see longer episodes with more character develpment. The lack of it kinda made me sad. I wanted to talk to other people but they were just monologuing or talking random stuff. They should really avoid it, at least for the sake of people who like the game.
Can you please elaborate on why you don't want to see Clementine at all next season? Don't like her as a character?
I don't want to see telltale making a main group with characters we will love and then kill them all.(RIp cabin group )
i dont want season 3 to be a 7 second vine
Jane dying.
Another Sarah/Nick situation, and by that I mean, another character (or characters) who is obviously being set up and given development only to meet an untimely end that doesn't feel like it flows naturally, but rather feels like the writers just wanted the character gone.
Timed hubs like the yard in episode 3 of season 2. I don't like when the game decides for me that I've had enough exploring rather than getting to that point myself.
Might think of more later.
No more Clementine as the PC character.
Let's bring in another adult Male character.
More dialogue options.
And more action choices.
Being able to craft weapons.
Having to scavenge for ammo, like in The Last Of Us.
No playing as a woman.
We've already played as a little girl.
Not playing an urban character again, no disrespect intended.
( Not that I'm a racist. It's just that we've already played as an urban character twice, first as Lee, and then as Clementine.)
Also, no more having every single determinate character getting killed after you save them.
I can't begin to tell you how sick I am of it!
I'm looking forward to season three.
While I do hope that there'll be a lot of constructive criticism in this forums, I am not looking forward to the exaggerating whining and bitching and straw grasping that'll happen again.
I took care of Clem as Lee in S1 don't try to replicate that dynamic by forcing me to take care about some football of bait-meat as Clem in S3.
Ah yes an adult white male... Like that hasn't been done before...
Craft Weapons? Scavenge Ammo?
I'm not saying it wouldn't fit the game, but ... it wouldn't fit the game.
So much fail.
Remember, I'm no troll, just too lazy to make an actual reply.
I don´t want to play as anyone other than Clem. I also don´t want an ending to be "canon" (though I don´t think there will be one).
No more Russian villains. Please.
That clip with Jamie cracks me up every time. Thanks for the laugh, man. We could use more of that on these forums.
Play as a adult...
1.Season 2 storyline with different character's
2.Machine gun attached to a chainsaw
3.Dudebro-badass-motherf*ckers killing THOUSANDS of zombies with machine guns attached to a chainsaws.
That Kenny and Clementine dying
I honestly don't see Kenny getting out of this alive. He's just one of those characters who will be with you, almost to the end.
Either Kenny or Jane having too big of a part to play. I'm perfectly fine with them both dying early into the third season, and that's 99% certain to happen anyways because it would use too many resources to split the game to such a massive extent to accomodate both ending paths.
After season 2, I'm now wary of a returning character other than Clementine having an enormous part. Kenny's return ruined season 2 for me because he overshadowed every new character and messed up our chances of getting attached to new characters again. As someone who disliked Kenny in season 1 and did not start liking him just because he was sometimes shoehorned into hero mode in season 2, that was terrible for me.
Even if it wasn't Kenny, I want to meet and learn to love new people and see what the writers do with brand new characters. That, for me, will keep the game fresh. I'd actually be fine with an entirely new story but I can live with it centering on Clementine again. I may not be as attached to her as I was in season 1 but she's been important so far and her story doesn't really feel over. I kind of hope that we see her more grown up next time so the ridiculous times when the adults let her do everything and her own survival prowess seem more believable.
I want the next playable character to be an actual grizzly bear.
Short episodes
But, but...
It's not nice when people you love always are dying. Left over from Season 1 is only Kenny and Clementine (maybe Christa too).
I would not want them to die.
Yeah I get why people want Kenny/Jane to live on but I think everyone should be realistic about this. To have the ending choices of Kenny/Jane/alone matter for and influence the whole third season, Telltale would have to essentially create 4 different games. It's just not going to happen.
And I want to move on to new characters and have them actually matter next time and not be overshadowed by returning characters. The handling of the Cabin Group this season has made me bitter towards huge part returning characters, I must admit.
If they kill Kenny off Omid style i will be so pissed off. After all this.
But you just said we didn't play as a woman but a little girl.
And even if you consider Clementine a woman, couldn't I pull the same argument to you?
Not playing as a man, we've already played as a man.
You mean like the million adult males every other game has?
Determinant characters remaining how they are at the moment. I mean, you can clearly spot the determinant characters in a scene! That's just a bit of a pet peeve of mine. But really, I just want to be able to actually interact with characters and for our choices to even be mentioned more often. Both season had the illusion of choice but at least S1 used it well and actually hid the fact that the choices didn't change any real outcomes fairly well.
Season 3
No significant mention of the cabin group. Clementine, at least in my game, promised to tell AJ of all the people who died to keep him safe. This includes his parents, Luke, Nick, Kenny, Sarah, Carlos, etc. I JUST WANT A MENTION OF LUKE.
I don't want to see determinant characters getting the Nick treatment - being saved and then dropping off the face of the planet until they die off-screen. Give them the type of involvement Ben had in episode five, where we got to learn more about him and see him stand up for himself. Killing them off like that just leaves loose ends untied and potential wasted for a redemption arc (or the opposite).
I don't want to see Randy.
I really want them to actually have less determinate characters, I mean look what happened to Nick.
He gets major development then gets tossed out the window.
I also hope for longer episodes, for obvious reasons.
I dont want Kenny to die ;-;
Determinants survivng the whole season, or more ANYONE surviving the season besides clem, just because its ep 5 dosnt mean we have to lose everyone.
i do not want a child protagonist, a group of idiot/incompetent members with the protagonist (stories are always so much better when people do all the right things and are smart but still somehow fail), plot points that go nowhere or people/events that just go unmentioned for no reason, more choices with the exact same outcome (eg. steal/don't steal or cut off arm/don't cut of arm), more determinant character that as soon as they are revealed as determinant just do nothing, and i don't want more non stop clicking for an entire episode (we need breaks from the action for pacing and exploration plus optional chatting with other member of the group)
The only thing i don't want is someone other then Clem. I'm completely done with zombies. Either give me more Clem or give me a very compelling reason why she's not there. I don't care about anything else and it will take a lot to get me to.