Jane's sister Jamie probably doesn't even exist.
Think about it: Jane's such a natural and compulsive liar it's entirely possible she's an only child. She improvised the story about a younger sister as she went along, just like Verbal Kint's interrogation in The Usual Suspects.
She created "Jamie", probably the first name she thought of because of its similarity to her own, first to get on Clem's good side. Over time she then added little touches whenever she ran across objects or scenarios that she could weave into the narrative. Got a nail file? Make up a story connecting it to the falsified younger sister. Got a bottle of rum? She uses the bottle to manufacture another story involving blood and drinking, things that Jane as an impulsive psychopath always lusts for.
Jane viewed Sarah as baggage or just wanted to watch her die so Jane pushed to leave her behind. When Sarah gets killed or nearly gets killed in the trailer she improvises a scenario where Jamie died in a near parallel manner to the situation Sarah was in. In the event that Clem asks about Jamie earlier, Jane dodges the question until she's figured out a good way to keep spinning the lie.
Over and over again when she encounters an object or a situation she uses it to build the backstory of a sister and selling the image to Clem, buttering her up and building a false familial bond to drive as a wedge against Clem's remaining support network.
It's impressively devious and crafty if you ask me.
It also keeps with her character's Modus Operandi of being deceitful and manipulating people to make evil decisions they normally wouldn't.
In fact I'm ready to accept this as canon.
Exactly. Who would drag someone like Sarah/Jamie across three states, forcing them out of catatonia every time they woke up? That's not even possible.
Way too many unexplained factors in Jamiegate.
You might be on to something there.... XD
Boy. When you're right, you're right...
Never know because she is a compulsive liar.
Now Ive heard everything.
Yeah, it's ok.
If we are going to follow this logic, is it then reasonable to say that Carver and Rebecca never had an affair, but it was rather just a lie from two people who lie a lot? Besides the case with the baby, when has Jane explicitly lied about anything to us?
I have no words for this.
I guess her saying she's leavin in ep4 and then returning in ep5 is technically a lie.
It would be possible were it confirmed that Rebecca and Carver were adept, compulsive liars with something to gain for perpetuating this lie. Yes.
Beyond that "besides the case with the baby" is a pretty massive "besides".
Another Lemoncakes thread...
We need to go deeper.
What I am saying is this:
You accuse her of compulsive lying. To be a compulsive liar, one has to lie often and instinctively. BESIDES what happened with the baby, when has Jane exhibited traits of lying, if not to save lives (with the Troy situation). Where is your evidence in the first place that Jane is a compulsive liar?
Ok what? Ok that it's ok?
That's moreso a change of heart than a lie.
The ease with which she lied to both Troy and Kenny/Clem calls everything she says into question.
We know nothing concrete about her history.
We know nothing about her motives beyond survival and a desire to pull Clem away from the group.
In fact all we do know about Jane is that she's impulsive, mercenary, unscrupulous, deceitful and more often than not puts her own needs first.
Looks at title "dafuq" sees it was made by @Lemoncakes "that explains everything"
She also lied about eating glass tho! There was no blood in her mouth that I could see, so no proof. I call lie on dat bruh..
How deep are we talking? Not too deep I hope
Mamma mia.
Here we go again.
Excuse me I think my thread is very original.
Did you know Laura Eisenhower once told me that she went to outer space, to the secret moon base set up by the CIA.
All the way past the tongue!
If anything, she's brutally honest.
So what would you rather make topics about. "we luv keniiiii!!2q" Someone tries to post an idea. Doesn't matter if they've done other ideas like that. Too me it sounds reasonable and a deeper, interpretation of the game. Either I missed something or it's National "Be a dick" day.
Ooh sexy. I'm in
This is the crux of the issue.
How can you trust someone who's inherently untrustworthy? How can you believe the narrative of an unreliable narrator?
I sure am relieved these are questions that My Clementine, in having allowed Jane to die, doesn't have to grapple with day and night.
I'm getting tired of threads like these...
Youre calling me a dick, @Lemoncakes have been shitting on Jane fans for far too long, i want him to stop, how is that Being a dick?
I think you have a point there. Ive never before heard the theory that Jane's sister was a phantom of her own making.
Original in that hateful @Lemoncakes kinda way
I appreciate your support but please don't feed trolls like @telltalemaster
If you ignore them they go away.
I stopped questioning when she died so
You cannot.
Deep thro-- oh wait. Forget it.