Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • The Guilty King dying? Blasphemy.

    But, it also would have led to Rafoli dying a lot sooner, and maybe even Guilty as well.

  • edited September 2014



    We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud explosion came from. Me and Guilty still had ammo left, and I found CS's PSG1 inside of the vehicle."Damn it... I hope Pro didn't go into a trap." I told Guilty.

    "Don't worry, he'll be okay. We just need to get to them, and then we can help him out." Guilty replied.

    "Okay..." I replied.

    "I'm... sorry." Guilty said to me.

    I turned to look at him."About what?" I asked with a confused look.

    "Noncy... we didn't get to her in time..." Guilty replied.

    I looked down."Yeah... I found her crawling on the ground... her face half-eaten, organs ripped out of her body. Her legs chewed up with her bones exposed... Oh, God." I covered my face and started to cry.

    "I saw her corpse... it must have been tough to shoot her..." Guilty said.

    "It was... I used Broken's AK, and just... shot her before she got any closer to me. I just stopped crying, and got up. I saw the walkers behind me getting closer, I looked down at her reanimated corpse trying to reach me, and all this hatred came to me. I shot her in the head, and just... it was over. I managed to grab her heels, it's the only thing I have left of her. It's almost like I stopped caring about others, I just didn't care about what would happen next. I just wanted to get to Tobi and rip his head off!" I shouted.

    Guilty turned to me, and then back at the road."I know what you mean. Tobi gets on everyone's nerves. Can't wait to finally see that fucker dead." Guilty told me. We were driving in the woods now, but there were too many trees in the way. It was still raining out, but it was letting up. We got out of the car and had our weapons aimed and ready to shoot."I'll go on ahead, keep an eye out, will ya?" Guilty asked me.

    "Go on, I got this." I replied. I watched as Guilty slowly moved forward. He was using the Handgun that Shadow gave him, he kept looking around, making sure no one was hiding behind the trees. He then moved further away until I couldn't see him anymore. It was raining lightly, I looked around to see if any walkers, or any of Tobi's guards were out here. It was awfully quiet, and I kept having a bad feeling."Guilty!" I whispered loudly."Guilty! Do you see anything?!"

    I kept looking around the woods, and after about ten seconds of me calling out for Guilty, he finally said something."Oh, fuck!" I heard him shout.

    I quickly started running to where I last saw him, I was hoping that he was okay, and that he didn't run into any danger. I kept running until I saw Guilty on his knees. I noticed a dark spot on the ground, and some tiny pieces of fabric all over the place, there was also a bit of blood on the grass. I was confused, I walked over to Guilty."Guilty, what--" My eyes widened when I saw what was in his hands."Is that...?"

    Guilty was holding a piece of Pro's shirt in one hand, and a piece of Tobi's shirt in the other. Guilty spoke up."Pro is gone... but so is Tobi."

    "No, no, that can't be... no." I kept shaking my head in disbelief.

    Guilty sighed."Look around..." He told me. I saw some guns scattered on the ground, and a few of Tobi's guards with missing limbs as well."I think they tried ambushing Pro. You can see that they were all shot in the head, I don't know what happened, but I'm guessing Tobi had the upper-hand for a while. They probably got into a fight, but I'm sure Pro gave him a hell of a fight though, heh..." Guilty said while getting up.

    I started to cry."No, no! What if he's out there, maybe he's just injured!" I started to move forward.

    Guilty got in my way."He's gone... let's just go back to the SUV. We need to head back to the mansion."

    "No! We have to find him! I'm tired of losing people! I need to make sure he's still out there! Angel and Noncy... I just can't keep losing more people!" I shouted.

    "There's nothing left here, WtW! We have to go!" Guilty told me.

    "He's out there! He's still alive! I know he is!" I shouted.

    "Don't you get it! He's dead! Pro's dead!" Guilty shouted back. Suddenly, it all hit me. Angel, Noncy, Pro... the people I was close too, all dying around me. I fell to my knees and started sobbing."He's..." Guilty sighed."Look... he's gone and there's nothing we can do about it. He looked after you since the very beginning, right? If you knew him well, then I'm sure he would want you to keep going and to stay strong. This world will take everything from us and try to bring us down, but we can't let it win. We survive until the end." Guilty told me. I looked up at Guilty and noticed him wiping his eye."C'mon. Let's take these weapons, and go. I'm sure Pro probably sacrificed himself for us... for all of us. We have to keep going, for him, for all the people that we lost..." Guilty said while moving back to pick up the weapons that were scattered around.

    I looked around and started to remember everything that I had gone through, all the pain, sorrow, joy, fury. It was then and there that I realized that I wasn't the same person I used to be. I had to stop being weak, I needed to tough it out, I needed to realize that this world was evil, and it would feed off of my misery. I needed to fight back and focus on my survival. I needed to be mentally and physically prepared for whatever this new world was planning to throw at me. I started to wipe my tears, but somehow they just kept coming out. I got up and walked over to Guilty to help him with the remaining weapons."I'm sorry for shouting..." I told him.

    "Don't apologize. I know what it's like to lose people we care about. Even before the apocalypse, I lost a number of good friends. But I learned to not care and to move on. Time doesn't wait, so we have to keep moving forward." Guilty told me.

    We started walking back to the SUV."Pro said he left something if anything were to happen to him or Jon. That ATR has it, what do you think it is?" I asked as we started loading up the SUV with the weapons.

    "Don't know... but I hope it can help us get through this thing. They looked after us and taught us a lot of things, even though my group wasn't with you guys for that long, I can say I respect the both of them. Jon is bit... he doesn't have a lot of time left, so maybe he can tell us something we don't know as well. We just have to get back to them." Guilty told me as we finished putting the weapons in the trunk and then moving to the front of the car. We stared into the woods one last time before entering the vehicle."Shit... I wonder how the others are going to feel about this."

    I started to get teary eyed again, and then looked out the window."I don't know... but let's get back to Fan, Puncake, Jon and Shadow while we still can." I said to Guilty...


    Shadow had finished gathering all the guns around the car, we still couldn't believe Fan was dead, and that Salt had betrayed us. Puncake was still out and Shadow was trying to get him to wake up. I was pissed at the kid, but I knew it wasn't his fault. I was looking down at my bite wound, wondering how much time I had left. I didn't feel nauseous or sick, I still felt pretty healthy, but it hurt like hell trying to move around."Come on, Puncake. Get up." Shadow said while lightly tapping on Puncake's face.

    I sighed."Damn... I seriously can't believe this right now... it's like I'm in a nightmare, but I can't wake up. I feel like this shouldn't be happening to us, but it is. Like some sick joke that someone played on us, but it just never goes away. I just can't help but wonder, what the hell did we ever do to deserve this? I know there were some sick people in this world, but not everyone was a psycho." I said out loud.

    "I don't know, Jon..." Shadow replied. He focused his attention back at Puncake, and tried to get him to wake up again. I kept staring at them, when suddenly, BOOM! We heard a loud explosion in the distance. Shadow got up and ran toward me. We had our weapons aimed and ready."Shit! What the hell?!" Shadow was shocked.

    "I don't know, but keep an eye out. We have to be prepared for anything." I told him. Shadow kept looking around, he seemed a bit scared. I noticed all the walkers heading towards the woods, to where the loud explosion came from."Look... they're moving away. I think we might be safe, for now." I told Shadow.

    "Okay... should I try waking up Puncake again?" He asked me.

    "Yeah, go ahead. I'll keep an eye out for anyone." I replied. Shadow nodded and went back over to Puncake. I noticed an SUV heading into part of the woods where the explosion came from. I was wondering if Guilty and WtW were okay, I noticed the explosion came from the woods, where Pro went after Tobi. It seemed like things were getting pretty bad. If Pro was gone... then it would be up to me to tell the others what to do, but ATR knew exactly what we wanted if both of us were gone, so I wasn't too worried.

    "Ugh... the hell... my fuckin' head..." I heard Puncake's voice.

    "Puncake! You finally woke up!" Shadow told him.

    "Ah, fuck... what... what happened?" He asked.

    "Salt knocked you out, he shot out the tires of my pickup and the van that you took us back to the woods with. He held us at gunpoint and made Shadow and me go over to this tree that I'm on... he then shot Fan and killed him when Fan tried to stop him. He took Pro's SUV and drove off... the bastard betrayed us." I told Puncake.

    "Fuck..." Puncake said while rolling onto his back and holding his head."That sonuvabitch! Did he really do that?!" Puncake shouted.

    "He did..." Shadow replied.

    Puncake sat up and then looked around. He noticed the flat tires, and then looked at me."That fuckin' asshole! He's going to pay for this shit!" Puncake shouted.

    "Here's your hat, Puncake." Shadow told him while handing it over."He left a bit earlier, we probably won't see him again..." Shadow told him.

    "Fuckin' piece of shit! Can't believe that fucker would do something like that!" Puncake was still furious."Where are the others?" He asked us.

    "They haven't returned yet, they should be here soon, though." I told him.

    Puncake got up and leaned against the hood of the car."My fuckin' head..." He looked up and noticed Fan's corpse on the ground."Fuck..." He pounded the hood of the car and kept looking down.

    "We just have to wait for the others, then we can start heading back to the mansion." Shadow told us.

    "What a fucking mess." I said while looking down and shaking my head. I heard a vehicle and looked up. It was the same one from before, I aimed my gun at them and waited."Shadow, get ready!" I told him. He ran to me and aimed the gun towards the vehicle, Puncake grabbed his weapon and then joined us. We saw the car flashing it's headlights."Hold on, guys... don't shoot." I told them.

    The car got closer and then parked next to us. We saw Guilty and WtW getting out."Get in, we're leaving!" Guilty told us.

    Puncake started helping me up, Shadow proceeded to do the same."C'mon, Jon. Back to the mansion we go." Puncake said.

    "Guys, guys! Wait a minute, where's Pro?" I asked them.

    "Pro he..." WtW looked down.

    "He's gone... but he took Tobi with him. We just have to get back to the mansion." Guilty told me.

    I looked down and couldn't believe it."Fuck, no..."

    "Shit, not Pro?! This is... damn it!" Puncake shouted.

    "Jon is bit, and Pro is gone... what are we going to do?" Shadow asked us.

    "Where's Fan...? What happened here?" WtW asked.

    "Salt betrayed us. Knocked me out, killed Fan, and took Pro's SUV." Puncake explained.

    Guilty gritted his teeth."That lying snake! That piece of shit got away?! Fucking bullshit!" Guilty shouted.

    "Fan's dead, too?!" WtW ran around until she found his corpse."Oh, my God!"

    "Fuuuuuck! Salt you fucking treacherous bastard!" Guilty yelled out.

    "We'll find that fucker and skin him alive!" Puncake told him.

    I noticed some of the walkers in the parking lot heading toward us. I saw Jewf's reanimated corpse as well."Jewf..." I said.

    "What?!" Guilty turned around and spotted him."Shit... I'm sorry, man... sorry this happened to you." He said while looking at him.

    "Shouldn't we take him back with us? For ATR..." Puncake said.

    "Yeah, maybe..." Shadow said.

    "Just make sure we destroy the brain first..." Puncake told us.

    Jewf's walker corpse was the first in line. The other walkers were further behind him. Taking him back to ATR would probably give her some closure since she would be able to bury him. But at the same time, we needed to get to the mansion, I thought about it."We should..."...

    1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    2) We should leave him. Let's go back to the mansion and tell the others what happened.


  • What's the point?

    I'm sorry, Jewf.
    2) We should leave him. Let's go back to the mansion and tell the others what happened.

    And for some reason. The guy/girl who had TWD soundtrack closed down his/her channel :/

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • What's the point?!

    Goddamn it, Ben!

    There's always a point. B^]

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    What's the point? I'm sorry, Jewf. 2) We should leave him. Let's go back to the mansion and tell the others what happened. And for some reason. The guy/girl who had TWD soundtrack closed down his/her channel

  • You said this chapter was about hope, so why not give ATR some, so she could see that Jewf died protecting everyone.

    1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • 1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    I think it's better for ATR to have closure. Man, it's so weird having non-debate and non-intense votes XD

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • Well, I guess it wouldn't take much to kill him. But we still have Jon in our hands. Are we really going to take him with us? Unless... He risks himself to kill Walker Jewf?

    What's the point?! Goddamn it, Ben! There's always a point. B^]

  • Lol, Jon can't move. The others will take care of it.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Well, I guess it wouldn't take much to kill him. But we still have Jon in our hands. Are we really going to take him with us? Unless... He risks himself to kill Walker Jewf?

  • Haha, there probably won't be a lot of votes this chapter, trying to make it short.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here. I think it's better for ATR to have closure. Man, it's so weird having non-debate and non-intense votes XD

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited September 2014

    Ch.5 started, final chapter!
    final chapter!

    i crai

    Pro, you can take as long a break as you want, but a fanfic like this is too awesome and amazingly well-written to not have another one of. It's up to you, but breh :D please. Consider all the great times we've had here. And all of the debates. I mean, 28 votes were on the second-to-part of Chapter 4 XD I don't think I've ever seen that much on any fanfic.

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited September 2014

    Well, WtW just lost 3 people she cared about, so she wont be able to help. Shadow, Puncake, and Guilty will do the job then.

    Lol, Jon can't move. The others will take care of it.

  • Haha, I'll think about making another one. But we'll see. ayy lmao B^]

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Ch.5 started, final chapter! final chapter! i crai Pro, you can take as long a break as you want, but a fanfic like this is to

  • U better, ayy lmao B]

    Haha, I'll think about making another one. But we'll see. ayy lmao B^]

  • Goddamnit, it's all starting to sink in...

    1) Take the dead Jewf.

    It's either:

    Guilty: "Sorry, he died back there. I'm sorry."


    Guilty: "He died back there, we have his body. Let's bury him, so he may be at peace."

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    You better, or I'll throw a can of Ayyy Lmao repellant on ya...

    Pru Pls

    Haha, I'll think about making another one. But we'll see. ayy lmao B^]

  • It doesn't have to make sense, just ayy lmao. B^]

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    You better, or I'll throw a can of Ayyy Lmao repellant on ya... Pru Pls

  • Hey WtW guess what...

    Alt text

    1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • Oh, the feels... ;~;

    1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • ;--------------;

    1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • edited September 2014

    1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • 1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    I don't knoooow ;____;

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • But if you have ayyy lmao repellent on ya, all you can say is lmao ayyy


    It doesn't have to make sense, just ayy lmao. B^]

  • edited September 2014

    I'm trying to read his lips and I don't see how he's saying "And then everyone you love dies" and its annoying the living hell out of me.

    Hey WtW guess what... 1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

  • LOL, I was doing the exact same thing xDDD

    I'm trying to read his lips and I don't see how he's saying "And then everyone you love dies" and its annoying the living hell out of me.

  • Space? And gone.

    That's what I get from that. XD

    I'm trying to read his lips and I don't see how he's saying "And then everyone you love dies" and its annoying the living hell out of me.

  • Lmao wow. xD

    But if they're going to use those words, use a gif where he's actually saying that. Damn.

    LOL, I was doing the exact same thing xDDD

  • "Replace alliteration" Thats what I got from it.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Space? And gone. That's what I get from that. XD

  • 1)We should take him with us.

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • 1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should them bring his corpse back.

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • 1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • 1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    I must be buried at our home

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • 1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • 1) We should take him with us. One of you put him out of his misery, and another should help them bring his corpse back here.

    I don't think it is really a good idea bring him like that... but who knows?

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • too risky

    2) We should leave him. Let's go back to the mansion and tell the others what happened.

    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

  • I can't move? What a pussy ass Marine ;~; ayy lmao

    Lol, Jon can't move. The others will take care of it.

  • You can move, but not too far, you'll be slow, and adding your weight to the leg will be bad. You can hop around, but it won't be fast, heh.

    JonGon posted: »

    I can't move? What a pussy ass Marine ;~; ayy lmao



    Chapter Five: FIXING THE BROKEN MIRROR Welcome_to_Woodbury We were in ComingSoon's SUV, driving into the woods, to where the loud expl

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