My Alternate Pizza or Ice Cream Choice: Luke or Nick

Looking back on the 2nd season, I realized that Nick could've had Kenny's place in the season. I mean they're both alike in several aspects, plus both were traumatized and undergoing stress to the point where they questioned their mentality. Plus Luke was a main character of the season and deserved a much more respectful end like Nick does. Both had great potential. Now I thought what if Kenny died from eye infection and Jane died in the lake? What if our final choice was instead choosing between Luke or Nick? Both were very likable characters and you can see how many were affected by their deaths. So who would you choose? LUKE OR NICK?

I just came up with this and thought it'd be kinda fun for everyone. So please not go at each others throats and let's just try to have some fun of a change, kay? ^^



  • Luke, I love Nick, but Luke was my Clem's second best friend(Kenny's first)

  • Luke. I would have picked Nick if Telltale gave him more development on EP.3 and EP.4

  • edited September 2014

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    I agree I would of chose Nick :D

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    Sorry, Nick, but I´d choose Luke over anyone else.

  • Nick, though I would have thought about it for a moment, Nick is still my favorite character of season 2.


  • Wow this is a good idea, and a good thread for that matter!

    Nick, because I promised Pete, and I never break my promises.

  • ...Except on replays!

    Wow this is a good idea, and a good thread for that matter! Nick, because I promised Pete, and I never break my promises.

  • edited September 2014

    Luke over anyone else.

    What if it was Lee instead of Nick in the choice? >:)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Sorry, Nick, but I´d choose Luke over anyone else.

  • Luke, although I'd feel terrible for letting Nick die.

  • Tobi is not a good boy at all. D:<

    Not fair. ;_;

    Luke over anyone else. What if it was Lee instead of Nick in the choice?

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Tobi is not a good boy at all. < Not fair. ;_;

  • Nick. I made a promise to keep Nick safe, and honestly I just like Nick more than Luke.

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  • edited September 2014

    Thinking... thinking...

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    Hmm... I dunno. I just like to troll cuz that's how I roll. B)

  • I...fine, Lee. But besides Lee, Luke over anyone.

    Are you happy?

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    Thinking... thinking... Hmm... I dunno. I just like to troll cuz that's how I roll.

  • I don't understand why you'd need to choose between Luke and Nick tho...

  • My boy Nick. He had style.

  • Nick. He's my favorite character, and I don't like Luke that much.

  • Nick. He and Pete were my favorites from the cabin group.

  • Nick. He was a cool dude and tbh, Clem promised Pete and Luke that she would look after Nick so it makes it even better than both Pete and Luke would sacrifice themselves for Nick .

  • Perhaps it's as simple as go after Luke or Nick when you get lost in the blizzard? I find it hard to believe it would ever come down to a duel to the death.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    I don't understand why you'd need to choose between Luke and Nick tho...

  • Luke because it's pretty much Luke over everyone for me.

    But I love Nick too! He's my second favourite character of season two.

  • I don't see how a Nick v. Luck decision would be set up though... if it was in the same way as Kenny v. Jane choice had been, I would've gone with Luke. Not because I dislike Nick, but because... c'mon... it's Luke we're talking about hur!

  • I also can't see a good set up for this particular decision...but if it went simply like both are struggling against a walker and you have to choose which one to save, I'd help Luke.

    We should bear in mind, however, that both of them would probably be telling you that they're 'fine' and that you should go help the other first. They'd also feel very burdened by the fact that the other had to die so he could live.

  • edited September 2014

    Probably Nick. I don't hate Luke, but I'm not as huge a fan as alot of people. (No offense to any who really likes him.)

  • In this case, I think Nick would be pissed you saved him, and then Luke would tell you its okay and just be sad Nick didn't make it. It's kinda like with how the Pete v. Nick choice was, they were both like, "Why'd you choose me!?"

    I also can't see a good set up for this particular decision...but if it went simply like both are struggling against a walker and you have t

  • Huh, I'm not entirely sure. If they had gotten around to develop Nick into a person who tries to be reliable then I might have been tempted to go for him.

  • Dude, are you letting out a massive fart when you think? The back of your coat is getting some major wind action back there...

    Thinking... thinking... Hmm... I dunno. I just like to troll cuz that's how I roll.

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    I like both Luke and Nick, but I'm gonna have to go with Luke because Nick is borderline suicidal and makes rash actions.

  • Nick, he needs to lead Clem to the river, only he knows where it is.

  • Luke, Nick's a good guy, but I trust Luke a lot more than Nick. Luke came off as a very smart and cautious leader, while Nick was more reckless and easily let his uncle's death affect him to the point where he killed Matthew.

  • I didn't care for Nick. I thought he was kinda boring and thought he was becoming a 'Lilly-esqe' liability...he shot Matthew for no reason when he was supposed to stay behind...and for good reason!

    But I'd have to choose Luke.

  • Holy shit, it's revived! o_O

  • If I had to pick, I would choose Luke. NIck's cool and I wanted him to live, but it seemed we had a more happier relationship with Luke compared to Nick.

  • edited January 2015

    Luke obviously!:D

    photo tumblr_static_1389265013848_zps168b5ea3.jpg

    Also, I don't see how Nick would have been a good guardian for Clementine? Luke was smart, level headed, calm under pressure, nice - which is what would have made him a good guardian for Clementine.

  • If we had spent more time with Nick and had him develop, it'd probably be a hard choice.

    But as it stands now, I'd go with my boy Luke. :P

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  • Nick: Hey Clem, you're gonna pick me right? Remember the moonshine? That stuff was great weren't it? :( Like, like how we really bonded and shit?

    Clem: I don't know, you were drunk and depressed and it scared me. Besides, nothing you say is going to really change my mind that much if Luke has chocolate like he always, do have chocolate right?

    Luke: Fuck sorry, I'm out. Got some gum though.

    Clem: flavored or sugar-free? -.-

    Luke: Uh, mint?

    Clem: ...okay, that'll do.

    Nick: OH COME ON! He led you across a bridge of lurkers and nearly got you killed!

    Clem: =.= and who was it exactly that nearly shot my head open like a watermelon, twice?

    Nick: ಠ_ಠ....fuck.

    Yeah, you know my answer :p

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    And they lived happily ever after, where Luke became an awesome daddy for A.J and him and Clem went on an excellent sibling adventure in a time traveling phonebooth.

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    Meanwhile Nick bumped into Molly and that ship set sail like the Titanic, epic yet heading for disaster.

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