Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited September 2014

    I voted like I voted cos it could be a trap, but it could be a fake trap too, but... yea, you know what I mean.

    Yes! They will surviveeeeeeeeeee music

    I wish Markd would be alive, and Tobi too, that sweet heartbreaker :'( And Guetta of course, Pro you should have known that the Window Queen is immortal.

    Since this is a short chapter, I won't post daily so the story doesn't end too soon. If I posted daily, I could be done with it this week, b

  • After losing so much, some people become immune to it. Maybe this will harden her, instead of breaking her. As for Password blaming Shadow for Fan's death... maybe he did that off screen. B^]

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    If they went into the hotel, and something bad happens, they wouldn't have a lot of opportunities on escaping since they're on a building. I

  • You voted for your character's death!

    I voted like I voted cos it could be a trap, but it could be a fake trap too, but... yea, you know what I mean. Yes! They will surviveeee

  • DYK FOTD: Markd mentions Cornpopper in every chapter after his death.

    DYK FOTD: Ever since eking died, Jewf had the option to tell the group about what he did in every chapter, but he never did tell them.

    DYK FOTD: In chapter 1, eking was left by Jewf to die. In chapter 4, Salt left Jewf to die.

    DYK FOTD: In chapter 2, Rafoli broke CC's legs. In chapter 4, Rafoli gets shot in the legs.

    DYK FOTD: In chapter 2, Shadow always got mentioned by someone who was in Tobi's camp.

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited September 2014

    It would be cool if it happened on screen xD That would stay true to his character and I could be like Arvo and say, "LEAVE ME ALONE! LEAVE. ME. ALONE."

    After losing so much, some people become immune to it. Maybe this will harden her, instead of breaking her. As for Password blaming Shadow for Fan's death... maybe he did that off screen. B^]

  • Man, this is like our own 'Details' thread XD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    DYK FOTD: Markd mentions Cornpopper in every chapter after his death. DYK FOTD: Ever since eking died, Jewf had the option to tell the gr

  • Pro you should have known that the Window Queen is immortal.

    I THOUGHT YOU UNDERSTOOD IT! You Judas, betraying me liek that xD

    Alt text

    You voted for your character's death!

  • This is a startling development.

    Alt text

    Pro you should have known that the Window Queen is immortal. I THOUGHT YOU UNDERSTOOD IT! You Judas, betraying me liek that xD

  • Hmm, nice. I had plans for Blue to become the leader, but you know that already. I would bring Belan back, Cameron (He would have kept Richmond sane, and they would have made a badass duo) CS (And I'll tell you why later) Randomz was going to be the Hershel of the story, but he died too early.

    Some people that lasted longer than I expected. Jewf (He was supposed to die back at the school when you guys voted to leave him, but I had other plans for him. He lasted longer than I thought, though.) Mark, Twistee, Rafoli (Thought people were going to vote to kill him or break his legs) Guilty and Valky, Broken.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Blue (for the very, VERY obvious reasons XD), Salt, Noncy, CS (depends on what your plans were, Mr Evil), poor Gustav, Pru, Spiderboy (Awesomeo xD), and Latte. There's a lot more than that, but then I'd be naming the entire cast

  • You guys went upstairs. Your character jumped from the second floor onto the ground! There was nothing to soften the fall, what were you guys thinking? Lol!

    Pro you should have known that the Window Queen is immortal. I THOUGHT YOU UNDERSTOOD IT! You Judas, betraying me liek that xD

  • Wat is dis

    Alt text

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    This is a startling development.

  • Also, Rafoli never told Broken or AC about what happened to his wife and what he did to the man who killed her.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    DYK FOTD: Markd mentions Cornpopper in every chapter after his death. DYK FOTD: Ever since eking died, Jewf had the option to tell the gr

  • Shut the ayy lmao up! You knew that she couldn't pass an opportunity to jump out of window!

    You guys went upstairs. Your character jumped from the second floor onto the ground! There was nothing to soften the fall, what were you guys thinking? Lol!

  • Lmao! It was a trick option that I added, can't believe you guys fell for it. I seriously thought you guys were going to vote to go with Twistee and AC. GAWWWD!

    Shut the ayy lmao up! You knew that she couldn't pass an opportunity to jump out of window!

  • Wow, didn't even notice these. :p

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    DYK FOTD: Markd mentions Cornpopper in every chapter after his death. DYK FOTD: Ever since eking died, Jewf had the option to tell the gr

  • Alt text

    Shut the ayy lmao up! You knew that she couldn't pass an opportunity to jump out of window!

  • Lol, also, did you get my PM?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    It would be cool if it happened on screen xD That would stay true to his character and I could be like Arvo and say, "LEAVE ME ALONE! LEAVE. ME. ALONE."

  • I know, I'm disappointed. Smh v_v

    Lmao! It was a trick option that I added, can't believe you guys fell for it. I seriously thought you guys were going to vote to go with Twistee and AC. GAWWWD!

  • Damnit Guetta ;____;

    Shut the ayy lmao up! You knew that she couldn't pass an opportunity to jump out of window!

  • Shut the ayy lmao up! I don't have to be rational, I trusted that the others would be! Damn guys, you disappoint me XD

    Lmao! It was a trick option that I added, can't believe you guys fell for it. I seriously thought you guys were going to vote to go with Twistee and AC. GAWWWD!

  • Some people that lasted longer than I expected


    Cough Incoming the Guilty king Cough

    Also, damn. Completely forgot about poor Cam. Didn't he get bit in like, the first entry he was in? XD

    Hmm, nice. I had plans for Blue to become the leader, but you know that already. I would bring Belan back, Cameron (He would have kept Richm

  • Man, Pru. That joke really fell flat! :D

    Lmao! It was a trick option that I added, can't believe you guys fell for it. I seriously thought you guys were going to vote to go with Twistee and AC. GAWWWD!

  • Well, I kinda meant the gif I posted was a weirdo, but this works too.

    I think we're gonna get along juuuuuuuuuuuuuust fine.

    Alt text

    No no ;_; I'm not a weirdo!

  • Umm... alright ,D

    Alt text

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Well, I kinda meant the gif I posted was a weirdo, but this works too. I think we're gonna get along juuuuuuuuuuuuuust fine.

  • Oh god wat happened to your eye?! It's gone :o

    (Refering to ,D instead of ;D)

    Alt text

    Umm... alright ,D

  • In the second part that involved him, heh I thought people were going to vote to sneak out, but they voted to stay and wait.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Some people that lasted longer than I expected Guilty Cough Incoming the Guilty king Cough Also, damn. Completely forgot about poor Cam. Didn't he get bit in like, the first entry he was in? XD

  • Lotta people getting killed in their 2nd entries, huh.

    Luck of the draw, poor Cam/Blue/Spooch/Lord/Papai.

    In the second part that involved him, heh I thought people were going to vote to sneak out, but they voted to stay and wait.

  • Ah, you should know that I usually have only one eye. That's why I use ,D ,> ,3 a lot.

    Alt text

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Oh god wat happened to your eye?! It's gone (Refering to ,D instead of ;D)

  • k, lemme write this down for future refrence. Also ow. My stomach.

    Alt text

    Ah, you should know that I usually have only one eye. That's why I use ,D ,> ,3 a lot.

  • Some people that lasted longer than I expected


    Alt text

    DENIED. The guilty king shall never die.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Some people that lasted longer than I expected Guilty Cough Incoming the Guilty king Cough Also, damn. Completely forgot about poor Cam. Didn't he get bit in like, the first entry he was in? XD

  • I don't even know how I'm still alive tbh.

    I thought I was gonna bite the dust in Chp3, or Mark was gonna kill me somehow. I got out of some weird situations. :3

    Hmm, nice. I had plans for Blue to become the leader, but you know that already. I would bring Belan back, Cameron (He would have kept Richm

  • You got lucky.... real lucky.

    Twistee posted: »

    I don't even know how I'm still alive tbh. I thought I was gonna bite the dust in Chp3, or Mark was gonna kill me somehow. I got out of some weird situations.

  • In the words of Jane: "Give it enough time and everyone's luck runs out."

    Dis iz so tru doe ;~;

    You got lucky.... real lucky.

  • Mwuahaha! >B]

    Twistee posted: »

    In the words of Jane: "Give it enough time and everyone's luck runs out." Dis iz so tru doe ;~;

  • edited September 2014

    DYK FOTD: evry 1 is kill! ! !!!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    DYK FOTD: Markd mentions Cornpopper in every chapter after his death. DYK FOTD: Ever since eking died, Jewf had the option to tell the gr




    Dont_Look_Back We were finishing burning the last few walker corpses. SweetPea was sitting by WTD and Awesomeo's graves, Azlyn and Sheep

  • edited September 2014


    (!) I'm her sister, I'll go talk to her.

    Everyone was staring at me, waiting for me to say something. I sighed."I'm her sister, I'll go talk to her." I told them.

    "Okay, DLB. Just don't push it, if she wants to be left alone, just walk away." Valky told me.

    I nodded and started moving forward."Good luck..." I heard Puncake behind me.

    I was getting closer and I could hear ATR crying."Um... ATR...?" She didn't say anything and just kept crying."Sis...?" I walked closer to her."Sister, can I talk to you?" I asked her.

    She looked at me and then back down at Jewf's grave."He's gone, DLB..."

    I walked closer to her and then slowly sat down next to her."I know... he uh, he was a good guy, wasn't he?" I asked.

    "He was... he might have seemed like an asshole to some of you guys. But he was a good guy, he was always there for me and he would always look after me." She told me.

    I looked down at his grave."We didn't really talk much, but he did tell me that he really cared about you. That he would do anything to make sure you wouldn't get hurt. I just told him to not break your heart, or I would break his face, heh..."

    ATR looked at me and gave a little smile."Heh, he said that? YOU said that?"

    "Yeah... you're the only person I have left now, ATR. Our parents... I mean, what if they're still alive out there?" I asked.

    "Somehow I doubt it... not that I want it to be that way, it's just... with everything that's been going on. Everything just seems hopeless now." ATR told me.

    "You can't just give up, though. We have to keep going, we have to survive." I replied.

    "What's the point? Jewf was right, we're all going to die anyway." ATR tells me.

    "Bullshit!" I said.

    ATR looked shocked."Wha--"

    "No, ATR. We will survive, okay? We can't give up just because things seem difficult. We have to get through this thing no matter what." I said.

    ATR looked down and then over at me."What about CSB...? Wasn't he close to you or something?"

    I looked to the side."Yeah... I guess so." I looked down at the ground."We all lost people... there's nothing we can do to bring them back. We just have to keep them in our memories, and in our hearts. I remember meeting CSB for the first time, he was with Kunny and I saved them from almost getting surrounded by a horde of walkers. Sadly, Kunny didn't make it, and although I didn't know him that much, we kept moving forward for him. We never gave up."

    ATR looked down."Remember that Richmond guy I told you about?" ATR asked me.

    "Yeah, the man who went insane and tried to kill you?" I replied.

    "Yeah, that's him. Jewf saved me that night... I was so scared, I thought he was going to cut me open. You should have seen him, he was fucking GORKED! I didn't want that guy in my life! He grabbed me and covered my mouth so I wouldn't be able to scream, and right when he was about to kill me, Jewf comes out of nowhere and shoots him. I was so thankful and happy, I just ran up to him and hugged him as tightly as I could. The next day he told me that he decided to stay because I kept his secret to myself, and he said that he trusted me more..." ATR said while looking down.

    "What was his secret?" I asked her.

    "Heh, just because he's gone, doesn't mean I'm going to tell everyone. I promised him that I wouldn't tell, and that's the way it's going to be, sis." ATR tells me with a smile.

    "Heh, you two really cared about each other, huh?" I asked her.

    "We did... one time when we were on a supply run, I was trying to reach for a can of soup, but it was too high up. Jewf comes by and gets it for me but then he holds it above his head, tells me that I needed to reach for it if I wanted to get it. I remember being annoyed by that because I was trying to jump and grab the can, but I couldn't reach it. He's laughing at me and I'm getting angry, so I start walking away. He notices and runs up to me, turns me around and surprises me with a kiss. It was the first one we had, and I was just shocked and happy at the same time. I completely forgot why I was angry at him, after that he hands me the can of soup and says sorry. I just smiled at him and gave him a hug..." ATR tells me, and then starts crying again."Why did he have to die? Why does everything go wrong? Why can't everything just go back to normal?" She turns to me."I miss him so much, DLB... I miss him so much that it hurts..."

    I gave her a hug and start crying as well."We'll get through this, ATR. Please... just stay strong... I'm here for you like you're there for me. We're a family, and we'll look after each other."

    "I just wish we didn't have to suffer everyday... is that too much to ask?" ATR says.

    "We'll be okay, sis. Everyone is here for you, just try to move on. It's the best we can do... We need you right now, ATR. We all need you. Pro and Jon are gone, and I heard they left something behind that you have. Please, sis, we need to know what it is, but you have to pull yourself together... We're all in a tough situation right now, and we all need each other." I tell her.

    ATR cries a bit more, and then looks up at me."Okay, sis..." She looks over at Jewf's grave one more time."I'll do it for him..." She looks at all the other graves."For them... for all the people we've lost. I have to stay strong..."

    "We'll help you get through this." I tell her and wipe the tears off of my face. I start to get up."Come on, ATR. The others are waiting." I tell her with a smile.

    She gets up and looks at them. She sighs."Okay..." She looks down at Jewf's grave again, and then back at the others. She looks at me and nods, and then we both start walking over to them...


    (!) Let's check that hotel, make sure it's safe for us to stay in.

    "Let's check that hotel, make sure it's safe for us to stay in." I told them.

    "Okay, we'll try to sneak around these walkers. Just stay low and quiet, we'll make it." Scarlet tells us.

    "The walkers are looking the other way, we should go now." I said.

    We start moving away from the building, and then start heading toward the hotel. It still looked pretty new, aside from some broken windows and a few walker corpses on the ground. We managed to sneak our way to the hotel and opened the front door, the place was empty, we were surprised to see that no one was inside."Where should we start checking?" Juicy asked.

    "I want to say the first floor, but with all the walkers in the street, it might be safer to stay on the top floor." I replied.

    "Hmm, probably. I want to say that we should split up, but then again, it might be a bad idea." Scarlet told me.

    "Looks like we're both stumped on this. If we split up, we'd cover more ground, but we don't know what we'll be walking into. Hmm..." I held my chin and looked down.

    "The place seems empty, maybe Star is right, we should just go to the top floor and start checking out some rooms." Juicy suggested.

    "Okay, then. We'll do that." Scarlet says with a smile.

    "Really? You don't want to split up anymore?" Juicy asked her.

    "I never really wanted to split up in the first place, I was just saying." Scarlet says while keeping her smile.

    "Okay, then. We'll check the top floor first. Look for some rooms to stay in, and then tomorrow we can make sure that it's safe to stay in this town." I said to them.

    "Sounds good, let's get moving." Scarlet says while taking out her machete. Juicy took out her hunting knife, and I had my rifle aimed and ready. We moved to the stairs and then went up. We reached the top floor and then started walking down the long, empty hallway. It was a bit dark and quiet, seemed like a scene from a horror movie."Keep a look out." Scarlet whispered while looking back at us.

    "Start checking some rooms, but be careful." I whispered to the two.

    Scarlet tried opening a door to her left, but it was locked. Juicy tried the door on the opposite side, but it was locked as well."Let's check down the hall." Juicy whispered to Scarlet.

    "Okay. Star, keep checking the doors, one of these has to be unlocked." Scarlet told me.

    I nodded and they started to walk toward the end of the hall. I made my way to the middle of the hallway, and then started to check the doors. I turned the knob on one of them and slowly started to open it."Yes... finally." I said to myself. I opened the door wider and then looked inside. It seemed empty, I aimed the rifle and started to slowly walk inside.

    "RUN! GO UPSTAIRS!" I heard someone shouting.

    "NO! WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM!" Another shouted.

    "LEAVE! I'M BLEEDING OUT TOO MUCH! JUST GO! THE WALKERS ARE ALMOST--" KSHH!!! I heard some glass breaking.

    "HOLY SHIT! THEY'RE HERE! GO! I'll HOLD THEM OFF!" More shouting from downstairs.

    I ran out to the hall and saw Scarlet and Juicy running back to me."What the fuck is going on?!" Scarlet asked.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! Suddenly we heard gunshots."Don't know, sounds like some people have led the walkers into the hotel. Shit." I replied.

    "AHH!!! IT'S GOT ME!!!" Someone shouted.

    "NO!!!" Another person shouted.


    "HELP ME! ARGH!!!"

    "Holy shit...!" Juicy said. I heard some moaning behind them and then noticed a few shadowy figures moving on the wall.

    Scarlet and Juicy turned around as well. We looked down the end of the hall, and saw a crowd of walkers coming out of the corner. My eyes widened."What the fuck?!"

    "The noise downstairs distracted us, we never made it to the end of the hallway, we didn't know they were around the corner!" Scarlet tells me.

    "They must have been waiting by the elevator!" Juicy told us.


    "FUCK THAT! HE'S DEAD! DO YOU WANT TO JOIN HIM, OR DO YOU WANT TO LIVE?! LET'S GO!" We heard the unknown voices again.

    "Shit! They're going to come up here, and we have walkers behind us!" Juicy said.

    "In here! Come on!" I told the two. We entered the room and then I locked it."How the hell are we going to get out?!" I shouted.

    "Relax, we have guns. We'll shoot our way out of here if we have to." Scarlet told me.

    "That's if we have enough ammo left, which we don't!" I replied. I started hearing some loud banging on the door behind me."Oh shit! Damn walkers!"

    "I'll hold the door, find something to block it with!" Scarlet said while running to the door and leaning against it.

    "I'll check the other rooms!" Juicy told us.

    "Okay, okay. I'll look for something. Hang on, Scarlet." I said to her. I started heading into the living room, I saw a couch but it was too big, there was nothing else that I could use to block the door.

    "AHH!!! Star and Scarlet, help me!" I heard Juicy shouting for help.

    "What the fuck?!" I ran to front and still saw Scarlet struggling to keep the door closed.

    She turned to me."Go! Help Juicy! Hurry! I got this, don't worry! Just go help her!" She shouted. Juicy was screaming for help, I didn't know what type of danger she was in and I didn't know how much time she had left. Scarlet was looking at me and telling me to go help Juicy, but it seemed like the walkers might break through any minute. I needed to do something and I needed to do it fast...

    1) Find Juicy. Help her first.

    2) Go over to Scarlet and help her with the door.


  • he was fucking GORKED! I didn't want that guy in my life!


    1) Find Juicy. Help her first.

    Dont_Look_Back (!) I'm her sister, I'll go talk to her. Everyone was staring at me, waiting for me to say something. I sighed."I'm her

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