Is Carol on her way to becoming an antagonist?



  • Pretty much...

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Yeah anyone that grew up in the 80/90s were abused by the times.

  • Kids nowadays have it so easy.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Pretty much...

  • How can Rick be an antagonist? He's the main star of the show.

    Flog61 posted: »

    She is arguably already an antagonist, as is rick.

  • edited September 2014

    nah they are only making her like that cause if she was how she is actually meant to be, all depressed like in the comics then she wouldn't be a very interesting character she wasn't exactly a interesting character in the comics so i think they made the right choice to make her just hardened up and still alive instead of being depressed and dead

  • She's not an old lady. The actress is late 40s, only a few years older than Norman Reedus.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    She is that really old lady who looks like a beat up paper bag.

  • You can be the main character and be the antagonist.

    I strongly believe that Joel is the overall antagonist of The Last of Us for example.

    KCohere posted: »

    How can Rick be an antagonist? He's the main star of the show.

  • If you watch the show, she's the former abused wife who's friends with Daryl.

    The fuck is Carol?

  • They must have some talented makeup artists because she looks like she is in her 60s.

    KCohere posted: »

    She's not an old lady. The actress is late 40s, only a few years older than Norman Reedus.

  • He killed Shane because he was Jealous.

    KCohere posted: »

    How can Rick be an antagonist? He's the main star of the show.

  • Whatever you say.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    They must have some talented makeup artists because she looks like she is in her 60s.

  • She has grey hair.

    KCohere posted: »

    Whatever you say.

  • edited September 2014

    I thought it meant someone who goes against, the main character or causes problems for them, like Shane did for Rick. Who would Rick be going against?

    Unfortunately, I couldn't get too far playing Last of Us because my dual shock 3 controller is the worst.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You can be the main character and be the antagonist. I strongly believe that Joel is the overall antagonist of The Last of Us for example.

  • I think show Carol is a vast improvement over the crazy cakes from the comic.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    nah they are only making her like that cause if she was how she is actually meant to be, all depressed like in the comics then she wouldn't

  • Unfortunately, I couldn't get too far playing Last of Us because my dual shock 3 controller is the worst.

    Your not missing much, it is extremely over hyped.

    KCohere posted: »

    I thought it meant someone who goes against, the main character or causes problems for them, like Shane did for Rick. Who would Rick be goin

  • edited September 2014

    anti-hero: a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes

    Thats what Rick is, not an antagonist. As well as Walter White, Joel, and Bigby to name some more.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You can be the main character and be the antagonist. I strongly believe that Joel is the overall antagonist of The Last of Us for example.

  • it simply isn't something a person thinks its a fact

    Alt text

    KCohere posted: »

    I think show Carol is a vast improvement over the crazy cakes from the comic.

  • So? A lot of people as young as thirty have grey hair.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    She has grey hair.

  • I still want to finish it someday. I might need to buy a new controller.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Unfortunately, I couldn't get too far playing Last of Us because my dual shock 3 controller is the worst. Your not missing much, it is extremely over hyped.

  • Agreed, Her and comic lori dont kill a single zombie especially as she basically kills herself as Tyreese breaks up with her and Lori and Rick wont marry her. No wonder she basically fucks up sophia mentally by slitting her wrists in front of her and then killing herself by zombie later

    Kirkman did admit he felt he messed up her character and people were meant to find her tragic rather than weird and annoying

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    it simply isn't something a person thinks its a fact

  • I agree it's a bit over hyped but it's definitely one of the better games out there.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Unfortunately, I couldn't get too far playing Last of Us because my dual shock 3 controller is the worst. Your not missing much, it is extremely over hyped.

  • You can probably get one for like 20 dollars now. I bought a PS3 controller maybe five months back for about forty dollars .

    KCohere posted: »

    I still want to finish it someday. I might need to buy a new controller.

  • Carol humanely killed a psychopathic child who murdered her sister and tried to kill a baby.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Didn't Carol kill a child?

  • The main game is, the DLC is incredible.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Unfortunately, I couldn't get too far playing Last of Us because my dual shock 3 controller is the worst. Your not missing much, it is extremely over hyped.

  • edited September 2014

    No, the antagonist is generally considered the person who is morally bad opposing the morally good.

    it just so happens that often the main character IDS morally good, but in the last of us I don't think joel is at all.

    KCohere posted: »

    I thought it meant someone who goes against, the main character or causes problems for them, like Shane did for Rick. Who would Rick be goin

  • They need to get some just for men, know what i mean bro.

    Alt text

    KCohere posted: »

    So? A lot of people as young as thirty have grey hair.

  • edited September 2014

    Uh, you can be both an anti-hero and the antagonist of a particular story.

    That definition is far too wide regardless.

    Calling someone an 'anti-hero' implies they are still heroes. For me, Joel is about as far from a hero as you can get.

    I think Ellie is the true protagonist. Maybe Marlene.

    anti-hero: a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes Thats what Rick is, not an antagonist. As well as Walter White, Joel, and Bigby to name some more.

  • Nate

    anti-hero: a central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes Thats what Rick is, not an antagonist. As well as Walter White, Joel, and Bigby to name some more.

  • Thst still doesn't sound like Rick to me. He's had to make some hard choices but I still think that he's a good person. I don't feel like he's morally opposing anyone good.

    Flog61 posted: »

    No, the antagonist is generally considered the person who is morally bad opposing the morally good. it just so happens that often the main character IDS morally good, but in the last of us I don't think joel is at all.

  • Hahah, Lori's face.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    it simply isn't something a person thinks its a fact

  • edited September 2014

    I think she is all three, especially with how she killed herself and cutting her wrists in front of Sophia. I guess Kirkman was trying to say that some people can't handle the circumstances and lose themselves in different ways, but yeah, I didn't like the character much at all. People complained the first season of the show because Carol wasnt "hot" like she is in the comic, but she is a much better character. Her storyline with Tyreese and the girls last season was great.

    Agreed, Her and comic lori dont kill a single zombie especially as she basically kills herself as Tyreese breaks up with her and Lori and Ri

  • I'll look into that, thanks

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    You can probably get one for like 20 dollars now. I bought a PS3 controller maybe five months back for about forty dollars .

  • Again I didn't say rick IS an antagonist, I just said it's arguable.

    Most tropey antagonists are originally a good person who is driven to do bad stuff by x y and z. But regardless of intention, bad stuff is still bad.

    KCohere posted: »

    Thst still doesn't sound like Rick to me. He's had to make some hard choices but I still think that he's a good person. I don't feel like he's morally opposing anyone good.

  • Yeah Left behind was amazing. Although I think it could've been better if they didn't add those pointless fighting sections, it didn't feel like it needed them.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The main game is, the DLC is incredible.

  • whereas Jane expresses shock and panic when she has to.

    I don't really want to start an argument, but I always found it confusing that Jane was okay with shooting Troy in a dick and let him be devoured alive, but when she had to kill Vitali to protect the group, she was terrified.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nearly. Main difference I can think of is Carol is fine with the act of murdering people, whereas Jane expresses shock and panic when she

  • I agree, it didn't, but the story taking place in two timezones led to a nice link at the end between what Ellie did for Joel and Riley's speech.

    Yeah Left behind was amazing. Although I think it could've been better if they didn't add those pointless fighting sections, it didn't feel like it needed them.

  • I think it's because Troy had actually directly wronged her, whereas she didn't know anything about Vitalia apart from he was threatening people she liked.

    If they hadn't cut the lines about Troy sexually abusing Jane it would be more obvious.

    whereas Jane expresses shock and panic when she has to. I don't really want to start an argument, but I always found it confusing th

  • edited September 2014

    If you're mainly referring to the final level where Joel takes Ellie away from the Fireflys, there's alot of clues that lead up to the fact that Ellie's surgery was never going to work and she would have died for nothing, and then there's this idea that saving humanity would just be even more problematic and make things worse than better. Joel isn't a hero, but I wouldn't exactly call him a villain either.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Uh, you can be both an anti-hero and the antagonist of a particular story. That definition is far too wide regardless. Calling someone

  • edited September 2014

    But Joel isn't aware of those clues.

    In the end, Joel stops the surgery because he views Ellie as a daughter and cares for her.

    Thing is, he didn't take the time to think of the impacts this would have. Theres a moment right at the end where Marlene tells him that isn't what ellie would want, and she then says, upon seeing his expression, that Joel knows that's true.

    Joel's motivations weren't 'things would be worse with a cure' because he is taking Ellie in order to get a cure in the first place. IF he opposed that, then he would refuse to do take her.

    The reason he opposes it is because Ellie would die. That's it. And since he knows that Ellie (and Tess for that matter) would actually want it, he lies to her about it at the end.

    Thousands of people will die from the disease because Joel wanted a daughter figure. It's entirely selfish. That's why he's the villain to me.

    his actions are understandable, but then, the actions of the best villains ARE understandable. But they';re still morally wrong.

  • edited September 2014

    I mostly got these ideas from a video on YouTube. It's called "Last of Us-ending analysis and explanation." I'd give it a watch if you haven't, it's pretty interesting and sheds some interesting light on a few things, though it is simply opinion, still, it's worth a watch.

    Flog61 posted: »

    But Joel isn't aware of those clues. In the end, Joel stops the surgery because he views Ellie as a daughter and cares for her. Thing

  • That video was created from a biased view. As in, they played as joel and felt they needed to defend absolutely everything he does.

    Most people would agree that, given the choice between killing someone and curing a disease which killed millions, or saving the person and allowing the disease to continue, and killing some of the best doctors left in the process, is morally wrong.

    J-Master posted: »

    I mostly got these ideas from a video on YouTube. It's called "Last of Us-ending analysis and explanation." I'd give it a watch if you haven

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