Is Carol on her way to becoming an antagonist?



  • Well, that's a personal interpretation, so at least be respectable about it, I'm not saying it was objective or anything, I just thought it was a good analysis.

    Flog61 posted: »

    That video was created from a biased view. As in, they played as joel and felt they needed to defend absolutely everything he does. Most

  • Watching the trailer, isn't she trying to save the group from Terminus?

    If so, then she must still be a good guy(woman).

  • no problemo forum buddy

    KCohere posted: »

    I'll look into that, thanks

  • What does that have to do with what was being discussed?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I hate string cheese

  • edited September 2014

    I got the feeling that Carol sees Daryl as more than a friend.

    And when Daryl was with Beth, it seemed to me like something unique was growing between those two.
    Beth's inner strength,that innocent quality she has about her, and her physical beauty; make her very appealing.

    KCohere posted: »

    If you watch the show, she's the former abused wife who's friends with Daryl.

  • Walter White, aka Heisenberg, became an antagonist.
    But I do not see that in Rick.

    Flog61 posted: »

    She is arguably already an antagonist, as is rick.

  • Was she suppose to be bisexual in the comics?

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    it simply isn't something a person thinks its a fact

  • edited September 2014

    I think Melissa McBride is actually an attractive lady.
    Especially now that she's letting her hair grow out.

    Of course ones like Andrea, Maggie, and Beth; are down right gorgeous.
    But so is Carol.
    She may be older, but she's still got it.

    KCohere posted: »

    I think she is all three, especially with how she killed herself and cutting her wrists in front of Sophia. I guess Kirkman was trying to sa

  • no she was just weird

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Was she suppose to be bisexual in the comics?

  • I know she does. She flirts with him openly. The problem is, he just laughs it off. That's what makes me thing Daryl is just not interested in her or maybe anyone. Carol, Michonne, and Beth have shown some kind of interest and he doesn't really respond much.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I got the feeling that Carol sees Daryl as more than a friend. And when Daryl was with Beth, it seemed to me like something unique was gr

  • And Michonne. When she smiles, she shows how pretty she is.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I think Melissa McBride is actually an attractive lady. Especially now that she's letting her hair grow out. Of course ones like Andrea, Maggie, and Beth; are down right gorgeous. But so is Carol. She may be older, but she's still got it.

  • edited September 2014

    He can be an anti-hero, like Walter White from Breaking Bad

    KCohere posted: »

    How can Rick be an antagonist? He's the main star of the show.

  • Everything.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    What does that have to do with what was being discussed?

  • Lol

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    What does that have to do with what was being discussed?

  • Hell yeah, she's hot.
    But she's just one of the hot females on the show.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Hey let me ask you, out of curiosity, do think Carol is attractive? Now ones like Andrea, Maggie, and Beth, that's a no-brainer. But what

  • I personally, do not find Michonne attractive.
    Personally, black women don't do anything for me, no offense intended.

    KCohere posted: »

    And Michonne. When she smiles, she shows how pretty she is.

  • As a black woman myself, I'm not sure how to take that. Anyway, I think she's pretty.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I personally, do not find Michonne attractive. Personally, black women don't do anything for me, no offense intended.

  • Like I said, there was no hurtful intent in my comment.

    KCohere posted: »

    As a black woman myself, I'm not sure how to take that. Anyway, I think she's pretty.

  • Well according to this pic Carol gets hit by a car. This and other pics can be seen on the spoiling dead facebook page

    Here's the pick:

    Alt text

    I hope not. I really like her character. And she is the only female survivor that is still alive from the original Atlanta group, so I want her to make it.

  • You may want to use the SPOILER warning next time.

  • Ah, nice find. I also follow the spoiling dead. Spoilers are good.

  • edited September 2014

    Well one thing you have to remember, Daryl had a very abusive childhood, as is evident by his scarred back.
    The very ones who were suppose to help him to grow, failed him miserably.
    So it's very natural that he will be very walled-off emotionally.

    I think he may see Carol as the sister he never had.
    I think she is the first person in his entire life, that ever took an interest in him as a person.
    And then her interest in him grew to something more than just as friends.
    Sadly, because of his being so screwed up emotionally, Daryl has hard time making that kind of connection, at this point.
    Daryl, still has more growing to do.

    But is evident that he does care for her.
    He obviously took her apparent death in Season 3 hard.
    And when Rick banished her, Daryl became furious, even though he knew she killed two of the groups members.

    And as for Beth, Beth has been the only one, who got him to really open up.
    I think that honestly Beth has been able to do him more good, than Carol was able to.
    And the way they interacted with each other, I think there could've been something brewing between them.

    KCohere posted: »

    I know she does. She flirts with him openly. The problem is, he just laughs it off. That's what makes me thing Daryl is just not interested

  • idk. But I hope that people don't just immediately forgive her for what she did to those two people at the prison. That was just sick, no matter how she tried to justify it.

  • edited September 2014

    What Rick did to Shane was different.
    Shane was actively trying to kill Rick.
    Rick did what he had to do, not only did he protect himself, but others in the group.
    Otherwise Shane would've not only killed Rick, but also killed anyone else who got in his way.
    Like Hershel for example.

    Carol, on the other hand, killed two sick, defenseless people.
    These people meant her, nor anyone else no harm.
    Her saying that she was like Rick, when Rick killed Shane, was bullshit.
    I don't blame Rick for booting her out.

    It was just like when Lee abandoned Lilly.
    When Kenny and Lee killed Larry, it was because he presented a very real threat to the group, who were already in a precarious situation.
    Lilly just killed Carly in anger.
    And if she did that once, she'd do it again.
    People who kill once, won't hesitate to do so again, and that's a well known fact.
    That's why Kenny stated: "If we let you come with us, how long before you get me!?"

    Tinni posted: »

    idk. But I hope that people don't just immediately forgive her for what she did to those two people at the prison. That was just sick, no matter how she tried to justify it.

  • Not this season at least. In the trailers, we've seen that she'll be coming to help the group get out of Terminus, probably blowing a hole in the fence to let the walkers in.

  • Wow, people still bash Lilly for killing their waifu? I thought everyone who'd played Season One multiple times would remember why Larry was so important to her and that she, while doing the wrong thing, tried to protect the group, just like Carol did.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Agreed. What Rick did to Shane was different. Shane was actively trying to kill Rick. Rick did what he had to do, not only did he protect

  • Do you mind with the spoilers shit? I mean lets face it shes probably fine but still

  • F'ing not cool. Spoiler alerts, please!

    It's one thing when somebody doesn't spoiler tag, for instance, Luke getting caught by the Howe's group before he can rescue anybody. That shit's been out for months and players who are that far behind are kind of browsing these pages at their own risk. If we were all being sticklers about spoiler tags in that scenario, the forum would be infuriatingly cluttered with them and would make much slower reading.

    This ain't that. You know for a FACT that that isn't even out yet. Boo. Total dickmove.

  • Please remember to use spoiler tags even for the TV show.

    I added one for now but please remember to use them again when talking about future episodes as some countries get episodes after it airs in America or some people might not get chance to see the episode for a few days and they might not want to see spoilers.

  • Thanks.
    I hate when someone possibly ruins something for another person.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Please remember to use spoiler tags even for the TV show. I added one for now but please remember to use them again when talking about fu

  • I hate to keep bringing this up but this hasnt even aired anywhere yet. Shes posting spoilers that have been leaked. I honestly wouldnt care if shed posted something from an episode already out as I'd be partially at fault. The picture shouldnt be on here at all

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Please remember to use spoiler tags even for the TV show. I added one for now but please remember to use them again when talking about fu

  • ...and in some cases the episode in question won't have aired anywhere for any reason for another 2-10 weeks. The first thread I venture into today and @RosemaryTWDFan already has me too pissed to forum anymore.

    I'll see you guys tomorrow.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Please remember to use spoiler tags even for the TV show. I added one for now but please remember to use them again when talking about fu

  • I'm sorry if it spoilt the show for you and it also spoilt it for me but we don't know the context of the scene yet so hopefully that one photo doesn't spoil too much. Up until recently (S4 E8) the UK didn't get episodes of TWD until 5 days after it aired in America so there where constant spoilers on this forum and on other websites that i visited and Hershel's death got completely spoilt for me :(

    ...and in some cases the episode in question won't have aired anywhere for any reason for another 2-10 weeks. The first thread I venture into today and @RosemaryTWDFan already has me too pissed to forum anymore. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

  • I'm sorry if it spoilt the show for you and it also spoilt it for me but we don't know the context of the scene yet so hopefully that one photo doesn't spoil too much. Up until recently (S4 E8) the UK didn't get episodes of TWD until 5 days after it aired in America so there where constant spoilers on this forum and on other websites that i visited and Hershel's death got completely spoilt for me :(

    Im in the same boat as you and yeah if I get spoiled like that its annoying but I'm fine with that as the episode has aired and I should be avoiding all media involving the subject, this is different shes spoiled something that hasnt aired anywhere, anyone with an inch of common sense and decency concerning spoilers wouldnt do that, I'm prepared to give leeway to anything thats been aired anywhere

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I'm sorry if it spoilt the show for you and it also spoilt it for me but we don't know the context of the scene yet so hopefully that one ph

  • edited September 2014

    People who kill once, won't hesitate to do so again, and that's a well known fact.

    Going by that logic, Kenny was a danger who needed to be thrown out of the group, and so was Lee long before he determinately helps kill Larry. Reasons don't matter, apparently. It's just "kill once, keep killing". That's too simplistic a view, especially in the setting this story is in.

    Lilly killed Carley out of anger, yes, but did it in the name of protection of the group, no different from Kenny. Was she wrong? Of course, but she doesn't kill out of a psychopathic need to keep killing. Either both are cold-hearted murderers, or both are flawed human beings who acted without really thinking in high stress situations. Hint: The correct answer is the second one.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Agreed. What Rick did to Shane was different. Shane was actively trying to kill Rick. Rick did what he had to do, not only did he protect

  • The point, behind fact was: That killing changes a person.
    For some, especially those who are in combat, it almost becomes a sport to them.
    For others, no matter how many times they have to do it, it doesn't become any easier.

    My uncle, who served in Vietnam during 1970-1971,( some of the most violent and bloodiest years in that war), stated to me over breakfast one morning: "It's not easy to kill."
    So agreed, even though a person kills, does not mean they a murderer from the heart.
    My uncle isn't.

    damkylan posted: »

    People who kill once, won't hesitate to do so again, and that's a well known fact. Going by that logic, Kenny was a danger who neede

  • Jesus Christ I'm sorry :(. I was just trying to show welcometowoodbarry that Carol might not be okay. Plus that might not even be used in the show, or deleted scene. Or that might not even be Carol.

    I'm sorry if it spoilt the show for you and it also spoilt it for me but we don't know the context of the scene yet so hopefully that one ph

  • edited November 2015

    That's how I see it as well. Carol was just so clinical/emotionally detached in her actions, like she didn't even care that she killed two defenseless, sick people, and then proceeded to drag them out and burn them. She didn't seem to care about the act, only that she was caught by Rick. I was disgusted by her actions, which is why I don't care what happens to her. She has no morals, I think that kind of person is a danger to have in the group.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Agreed. What Rick did to Shane was different. Shane was actively trying to kill Rick. Rick did what he had to do, not only did he protect

  • edited November 2015

    double post.

    Luke, she is becoming a danger to the group.

  • Luke, she is becoming a danger to the group.

    Tinni posted: »

    That's how I see it as well. Carol was just so clinical/emotionally detached in her actions, like she didn't even care that she killed two d

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