I, for one, enjoyed Clem when she was jumping down on dudes after firing a gun at their ear or stealing Luke's kill at the bridge like a boss more than her sulking because Kenny said he has to leave her at plot-hole-ville.
Well to answer your first question, my initial reaction to finding out Clementine was S2's player character was to think it was a terrible i… moredea, reeking both of nepotism and a lack of vision. They took a major chance in S1 creating their own cast of character instead of banking on the popularity of established ones from other Walking Dead works but with S2 putting Clem as the main character just seemed like they were cashing in on their own previous success. (And that was before I found out Kenny steals the show.)
And playing Season 2 mostly cemented those feelings. The story isn't about Clem growing as a character or figuring out how to overcome obstacles unique to someone her age and size or coping with her vulnerabilities. It's just a series of excuses to have her do "badass" things, which makes her like most video game protagonists, which truthfully, makes her pretty boring to me. Sometimes there's more legwork required for her action … [view original content]
How exited i was when i found out clem was gonna be S2's Protaganist
I'm raising my cup of noodles to both of our Clementines and your Jane tonight XD Here's to them and their survival!
Let TT hear ya!
Oh they'll hear me someday my friend!
If not, we´ll have to take the more drastic route...
Hey you got my support Sheriff! We'll take them down together! (Starts gathering supplies for evil plans)
They don´t know who they´re messing with.
This is going to be fun
Telltale´s got a storm coming...play your card wisely.
You're right let's wait it out then we'll hit'em when they least expect it
For now...we wait.
My favorite scene of badass Clem is in episode 5 when you threaten the family to leave Howe's.
Tbh, I hated that family the moment I saw them.
You know you can be badass, but still treat people humanely right?
I guess I'm one of the few who likes badass Clem.
Believe me, you're not alone.
I, for one, enjoyed Clem when she was jumping down on dudes after firing a gun at their ear or stealing Luke's kill at the bridge like a boss more than her sulking because Kenny said he has to leave her at plot-hole-ville.