Nope, I don't just think inside the lines of the linear narrative. In that kind of situation, the kind of person I am, I would just sit back and observe. And I did, he does not care for Clementine. She almost froze to death, and Kenny was busy beating up some tool because... logic! Jane saved her life. So, I obviously chose the person who was a better human being (and don't give me your sob story about Kenny losing his horrid family, Jane lost people too).
ow the hell does a grown man sleep at night knowing a girl was there watching Kenny do something like that?
I dunno
Kenny may … morebe an idiot, be he has control over situations too you know...
I'm well aware, but in the end, YOU still have to make the decision to stay behind and watch that. That's like calling Lee an asshole for not feeding the kids when it was completely up to you.
Think for yourself, why would anyone stand by to watch that happen? Petty revenge?
I don't know. A majority of the people did, though.
I wanted to see how much Kenny cared for Clementine, I wanted him to prove it by actions. He doesn't care about Clementine though, I learned that much...
What? You've got to bloody kidding me. Him beating Carver to death in-front of Clem means he didn't care about her? Yeah, totally. The day before that, he totally just didn't receive an ass beating from Carver for Clem because he didn'… [view original content]
Im not judging on that one sole action, Ive chosen the action that exemplifies his personality best
That moment was the one that really showed me there was never any reasoning with him, the moment that I could say we would never be friends because his idea of a friend is one that only does what he says and never collaborates. Theres numerous examples of him doing this, but none better than his delusional deconstruction of the events at the farm
One shouldn't be defined by one sole moment. If we all had logic like that we would base all religions or group of people or organization of… moref one good or bad example, which isn't fair. Yeah, we can have cues that go off about a particular thing or person, that either make us start to feel one way or the other about something, but if we use that sort of logic to judge others, then Lee is by definition a murderer and bad man because he killed the man sleeping with his wife. Whatever reason he did it for, whether it be out of rage or trying to protect his wife, Lee is not a bad man if you ask me.
Kenny has his up and downs, and I had my major up and downs liking him and disliking him and hating him and wanting to leave him. But I played my Lee to the closest to my own personality, and Kenny backed me up in the end, so yeah, I like him. And in one play through when he didn't side with me, I was fuckin pissed. So, yeah, I understand why people … [view original content]
2 people on this board actually told me it was my fault Kenny didn't come with me to find Clem. "suck his dick" is pretty much what he expects and boy does his fans do that.
It's because he is completely neurotic. He cares for no one but people who constantly suck his preverbal dick.
I wasn't down to murder Larry because he might be dead. And he dogged me for it the rest of the season. Plus I killed his son and he still wants to bitch at me for not helping because... logic!
"suck his dick" is pretty much what he expects and boy does his fans do that.
So, if we admire and side with a fictional character t… morehat you guys don't like, we're automatically "sucking his dick" ?
Good point !
Imma big fan of your point !
Really, i am !
Everyone should know of your awesome point !
Really, what a magnificent point !
How Kenny treats you is based determinedly on how you handle him. Kenny doesn't say that to someone who helps kill Larry, which we could argue on that all day but I don't care what someone choose to do or choose to not do, but it's not something Kenny says no matter what we do in that situation. And to him, we weren't helping him, so he lashed out at us angrily and hatefully.
Should my view of Kenny be devalidated because someone else didn't like him and didn't get along with him when my Lee did? I understand if you don't like the type of person Kenny is, because the thing is not everyone is always going to get along. Just say you don't like him and that he screwed up to a point you would never like him. I realize Kenny's flaws, but I choose to still stick by him.
Im not judging on that one sole action, Ive chosen the action that exemplifies his personality best
That moment was the one that really s… morehowed me there was never any reasoning with him, the moment that I could say we would never be friends because his idea of a friend is one that only does what he says and never collaborates. Theres numerous examples of him doing this, but none better than his delusional deconstruction of the events at the farm
It's because he is completely neurotic. He cares for no one but people who constantly suck his preverbal dick.
I wasn't down to murder La… morerry because he might be dead. And he dogged me for it the rest of the season. Plus I killed his son and he still wants to bitch at me for not helping because... logic!
Saving Ben in S1E5, or taking the blame for the radio in In Harm's Way. Ultimately, Kenny will be the one to protect the people he cares about, or even people he hates(Ben), even if it means he could be killed.
But at the same time, when he kills Jane. He's unstable and broken. That doesn't mean he's just some wild dog to be put down, as some people have viewed it. I can't really fault people who would shoot him, as much as I disagree with it. Jane manipulated him, she wanted a fight and... She got it. I didn't leave Kenny, because... You don't leave family behind, and in my game at least, Clem and Kenny are family.
Things might be determinate, but this is beyond a "if he does this, then hes this" kind of a situation. You can look at both sides of the coin and when you put them together its always an ugly picture. Its not that I didnt get along with Kenny, I would have rationally argued points with him if ever I could, you know, like a friend (or even any person), but hes never willing to do that.
The first moments (and there were ups and downs in the beginning) I started to dislike Kenny was when we entered the pharmacy and I tried to talk Larry down (which would be logical, considering Larry is part of a larger group who could easily overpower us and it would be easy to prove Duck wasnt bit) and of course he berates me for it, simply because hes right about everything and clearly not because he cant see the bigger picture. The next was when we returned to the Motor Inn and I said "Nobody's right" so that I could defuse the stupid argument between Lilly and Kenny, both of whom I was quickly losing respect for. I went to talk to him and he doesnt even want to hear my opinion on the matter, no, I needed to pick his side, thats it, its not about right or wrong, its about him.
The talk after the farm was the breaking point, it was just completely ridiculous. I understand he was mad about the meat locker, it was a hard decision even for him and he didnt want to look like he alone was a murderer. If Lee had joined him, it would have looked a bit more justified. But the fact that he gives Lee NO CREDIT for clearly caring about his family and doing the majority of the work in saving both of them just broke all my faith in Kenny. Think of if it was you (or anyone you know, anyone I know at least), the first thing on your mind is that my family is safe now, damn Lee really took down those St. Johns to get them! But somehow Kenny just ignores it completely and focuses on his own "heroism" rather than what really happened.
How Kenny treats you is based determinedly on how you handle him. Kenny doesn't say that to someone who helps kill Larry, which we could arg… moreue on that all day but I don't care what someone choose to do or choose to not do, but it's not something Kenny says no matter what we do in that situation. And to him, we weren't helping him, so he lashed out at us angrily and hatefully.
Should my view of Kenny be devalidated because someone else didn't like him and didn't get along with him when my Lee did? I understand if you don't like the type of person Kenny is, because the thing is not everyone is always going to get along. Just say you don't like him and that he screwed up to a point you would never like him. I realize Kenny's flaws, but I choose to still stick by him.
I don't really know how else to continue this conversation other than say, that when an artist paints a picture, no one is going to look at it the same as someone else. Their ideas about it will not be the same as the person next to them, for whatever reason. This applies to everything in life, it applies to situations, to people, to things, no one is going to look at something the same way as someone else. The way you see Kenny is how you see him. The way I see Kenny, is how I see him. While I can see your points and it being all about him, despite Kenny being flawed, I still choose to stand by him because I still like him.
Things might be determinate, but this is beyond a "if he does this, then hes this" kind of a situation. You can look at both sides of the co… morein and when you put them together its always an ugly picture. Its not that I didnt get along with Kenny, I would have rationally argued points with him if ever I could, you know, like a friend (or even any person), but hes never willing to do that.
The first moments (and there were ups and downs in the beginning) I started to dislike Kenny was when we entered the pharmacy and I tried to talk Larry down (which would be logical, considering Larry is part of a larger group who could easily overpower us and it would be easy to prove Duck wasnt bit) and of course he berates me for it, simply because hes right about everything and clearly not because he cant see the bigger picture. The next was when we returned to the Motor Inn and I said "Nobody's right" so that I could defuse the stupid argument between Li… [view original content]
That definitely made me furious. Lee risked his life to save Kenny's family and he gets no acknowledgement for it. But the last straw for me was definitely Kenny refusing to help Lee look for Clementine. I still can't firgive him for that.
I don't really know how else to continue this conversation other than say, that when an artist paints a picture, no one is going to look at … moreit the same as someone else. Their ideas about it will not be the same as the person next to them, for whatever reason. This applies to everything in life, it applies to situations, to people, to things, no one is going to look at something the same way as someone else. The way you see Kenny is how you see him. The way I see Kenny, is how I see him. While I can see your points and it being all about him, despite Kenny being flawed, I still choose to stand by him because I still like him.
"suck his dick" is pretty much what he expects and boy does his fans do that.
So, if we admire and side with a fictional character t… morehat you guys don't like, we're automatically "sucking his dick" ?
Good point !
Imma big fan of your point !
Really, i am !
Everyone should know of your awesome point !
Really, what a magnificent point !
I could bring up some points about why i really don't think you like Kenny, and why you're so butthurt that some people do. But i won't. You sir have a good night.
The fact that you assume I don't like him because I don't suck his dick just proves my point.
In this very thread
jesus... this is … morebeautiful, the Wellington ending goes all the way back to S1E2. Why is Kenny so perfect?
Just a bunch of Kenny circlejerking all over this forum.
I like Kenny. I really do. I think he's an interesting character. What i don't like is the assumption that I need to worship the ground he walks on in order to like him. Or that his fanbase seem to think he's infallable and that everything he's done is someone else's fault. I especially don't like how people tend to fixate on him like he's the damn star of the show.
I could bring up some points about why i really don't think you like Kenny, and why you're so butthurt that some people do. But i won't. You sir have a good night.
Some of Kenny's fanbase are a bunch of nuts and asshats who refuse to even have a decent debate about him. They just say Kenny is GOD, so screw your argument I'm right, much like Kenny does, acting without thinking.
In the words of Lee, "You're not a bad dude, Kenny, but FUCK, what the hell are we gonna do now?"
I like Kenny. I really do. I think he's an interesting character. What i don't like is the assumption that I need to worship the ground h… moree walks on in order to like him. Or that his fanbase seem to think he's infallable and that everything he's done is someone else's fault. I especially don't like how people tend to fixate on him like he's the damn star of the show.
When Kenny decided not to go with the rest of the group to find Clementine, I was heart-broken. I decided never to trust him again, even goi… moreng so far as to disagreeing with him every single scene onward. When he reappeared in season 2, to my own surprise, I couldn't have been more happy. After spending the entire first episode with this hostile group, seeing a familiar face felt like a welcome change. We sat down, had a talk. For the first time in season 2 I felt a genuine sense of happiness. But something was off. This wasn't the Kenny that had supposedly sacrificed himself for the last wish of some kid that had gotten his family killed. The rest of the season I decided to just roll with it. I was playing Clementine now, a blank slate. Episodes later, I found myself aiming a gun at his head, trying to make the tough choice between a good friend and a pragmatic survivalist who had taken a liking to me. It wasn't easy, but in the end, I didn't… [view original content]
I'd say the two moments that define Kenny are:
Saving Ben in S1E5, or taking the blame for the radio in In Harm's Way. Ultimately, Kenny … morewill be the one to protect the people he cares about, or even people he hates(Ben), even if it means he could be killed.
But at the same time, when he kills Jane. He's unstable and broken. That doesn't mean he's just some wild dog to be put down, as some people have viewed it. I can't really fault people who would shoot him, as much as I disagree with it. Jane manipulated him, she wanted a fight and... She got it. I didn't leave Kenny, because... You don't leave family behind, and in my game at least, Clem and Kenny are family.
When Kenny decided not to go with the rest of the group to find Clementine, I was heart-broken. I decided never to trust him again, even goi… moreng so far as to disagreeing with him every single scene onward. When he reappeared in season 2, to my own surprise, I couldn't have been more happy. After spending the entire first episode with this hostile group, seeing a familiar face felt like a welcome change. We sat down, had a talk. For the first time in season 2 I felt a genuine sense of happiness. But something was off. This wasn't the Kenny that had supposedly sacrificed himself for the last wish of some kid that had gotten his family killed. The rest of the season I decided to just roll with it. I was playing Clementine now, a blank slate. Episodes later, I found myself aiming a gun at his head, trying to make the tough choice between a good friend and a pragmatic survivalist who had taken a liking to me. It wasn't easy, but in the end, I didn't… [view original content]
Oh, it ain't like that. I just thought you were some o fhese guys that are like "hur durr, kenny worst character ever jane iz beter hurr his fans are so stupid, gon go criticize him and i dun care what people will think aokpasodkapo potato"
And fuck, if people like him at THAT point and are not joking... this is fucked up, man.
I like Kenny. I really do. I think he's an interesting character. What i don't like is the assumption that I need to worship the ground h… moree walks on in order to like him. Or that his fanbase seem to think he's infallable and that everything he's done is someone else's fault. I especially don't like how people tend to fixate on him like he's the damn star of the show.
As a Kenny fan, I'd like to point out that not all of us are like that. There are definitely some bad seeds, but there are also plenty of Kenny fans who are just that: Fans of his character, without going overboard on it.
I like Kenny. I really do. I think he's an interesting character. What i don't like is the assumption that I need to worship the ground h… moree walks on in order to like him. Or that his fanbase seem to think he's infallable and that everything he's done is someone else's fault. I especially don't like how people tend to fixate on him like he's the damn star of the show.
I backed that man up all the time (except for Larry and Ben) he then yells at me on a train saying I'm running a shit sham of a family, I was a bit mad at him for saying that but shrugged it off, but when he wouldn't help me look for Clem 'cus of not helping him kill Larry and dropping a kid that made a mistake I knew exactly what kind of a man he was.
I know. You've been awesome about it. And so have others. I've talked to plenty of Kenny fans who aren't unreasonable about it. Then I have people who are telling me Clem losing her parents and Lee doesn't count because its not the same as losing wife and child...... That's being unreasonable.
As a Kenny fan, I'd like to point out that not all of us are like that. There are definitely some bad seeds, but there are also plenty of Kenny fans who are just that: Fans of his character, without going overboard on it.
I just felt I had to specify because some people just lump all Kenny fans into the same bunch and label us all as "Unreasonable and petty" and other nasty adjectives just because we like Kenny and they don't. I'm glad you're not one of those people, as I'm sure you're glad I'm not one of the Kenny fans who really is unreasonable.
I know. You've been awesome about it. And so have others. I've talked to plenty of Kenny fans who aren't unreasonable about it. Then I h… moreave people who are telling me Clem losing her parents and Lee doesn't count because its not the same as losing wife and child...... That's being unreasonable.
When Lee has to fight him to get him to stop the train. It tells me he's a family guy, which is not necessarily bad, but he's also pretty stubborn and rarely open to different opinions. In my opinion, Clementine doesn't need Kenny, Kenny needs Clementine. When Sarita died, Clementine was the only person Kenny could trust. But unfortunately, he let his uncontrollable anger get the best of him and drove away the group. He had a good run.
But eventually, he needed to die. When he disappeared in season 1, he was a legend. When I killed him in season 2, he was a friend that had just lost it and need to go. Kind of like that book.. Of mice and men. Where the the main "sane" character had to shoot his mentality disabled friend because he kept fucking up big time.
I don't understand all this big deal where "Kenny sacrificed his safety for Clem & Alvie".. That's like someone offering you a ride, and then saying you would have not been able to reach your destination without that person offering you a ride.
It's just that I really don't like working with closed-minded people. I'm a supporter, not a blind follower.
Kind of like that book.. Of mice and men. Where the the main "sane" character had to shoot his mentality disabled friend because he kept fucking up big time.
When Lee has to fight him to get him to stop the train. It tells me he's a family guy, which is not necessarily bad, but he's also pretty st… moreubborn and rarely open to different opinions. In my opinion, Clementine doesn't need Kenny, Kenny needs Clementine. When Sarita died, Clementine was the only person Kenny could trust. But unfortunately, he let his uncontrollable anger get the best of him and drove away the group. He had a good run.
But eventually, he needed to die. When he disappeared in season 1, he was a legend. When I killed him in season 2, he was a friend that had just lost it and need to go. Kind of like that book.. Of mice and men. Where the the main "sane" character had to shoot his mentality disabled friend because he kept fucking up big time.
I don't understand all this big deal where "Kenny sacrificed his safety for Clem & Alvie".. That's like someone offering you a ride, and then saying you would have not been able t… [view original content]
Of course, there are bad seeds everywhere, and oh boy I mean everywhere, but every fan base has that. Not saying everyone is like that, and not saying you are like that. There are good people out there who we can have a good discussion with and I think you are one of them.
I just felt I had to specify because some people just lump all Kenny fans into the same bunch and label us all as "Unreasonable and petty" a… morend other nasty adjectives just because we like Kenny and they don't. I'm glad you're not one of those people, as I'm sure you're glad I'm not one of the Kenny fans who really is unreasonable.
I just felt I had to specify because some people just lump all Kenny fans into the same bunch and label us all as "Unreasonable and petty" a… morend other nasty adjectives just because we like Kenny and they don't. I'm glad you're not one of those people, as I'm sure you're glad I'm not one of the Kenny fans who really is unreasonable.
i didn't said that.
Nope, I don't just think inside the lines of the linear narrative. In that kind of situation, the kind of person I am, I would just sit back and observe. And I did, he does not care for Clementine. She almost froze to death, and Kenny was busy beating up some tool because... logic! Jane saved her life. So, I obviously chose the person who was a better human being (and don't give me your sob story about Kenny losing his horrid family, Jane lost people too).
Im not judging on that one sole action, Ive chosen the action that exemplifies his personality best
That moment was the one that really showed me there was never any reasoning with him, the moment that I could say we would never be friends because his idea of a friend is one that only does what he says and never collaborates. Theres numerous examples of him doing this, but none better than his delusional deconstruction of the events at the farm
You don't have to, you implied...
So, if we admire and side with a fictional character that you guys don't like, we're automatically "sucking his dick" ?
Good point !
Imma big fan of your point !
Really, i am !
Everyone should know of your awesome point !
Really, what a magnificent point !
It's because he is completely neurotic. He cares for no one but people who constantly suck his preverbal dick.
I wasn't down to murder Larry because he might be dead. And he dogged me for it the rest of the season. Plus I killed his son and he still wants to bitch at me for not helping because... logic!
Hypothetically, having not-so-good arguments doesn't really make you dumb.
Edit: NVM, you edited your post.
Sure did, it obviously wasn't clear to you. So, I helped make it clear.
How Kenny treats you is based determinedly on how you handle him. Kenny doesn't say that to someone who helps kill Larry, which we could argue on that all day but I don't care what someone choose to do or choose to not do, but it's not something Kenny says no matter what we do in that situation. And to him, we weren't helping him, so he lashed out at us angrily and hatefully.
Should my view of Kenny be devalidated because someone else didn't like him and didn't get along with him when my Lee did? I understand if you don't like the type of person Kenny is, because the thing is not everyone is always going to get along. Just say you don't like him and that he screwed up to a point you would never like him. I realize Kenny's flaws, but I choose to still stick by him.
I didn't said that Kenny wasn't an asshole back in season 1.
Plus, i told him to go fuck himself when he said... well, you know what he said.
But well, that's your opinion, it ain't really worth arguing over that...
I'd say the two moments that define Kenny are:
Saving Ben in S1E5, or taking the blame for the radio in In Harm's Way. Ultimately, Kenny will be the one to protect the people he cares about, or even people he hates(Ben), even if it means he could be killed.
But at the same time, when he kills Jane. He's unstable and broken. That doesn't mean he's just some wild dog to be put down, as some people have viewed it. I can't really fault people who would shoot him, as much as I disagree with it. Jane manipulated him, she wanted a fight and... She got it. I didn't leave Kenny, because... You don't leave family behind, and in my game at least, Clem and Kenny are family.
Well, you thought i was calling the Kenny haters "dumb" and i just wanted to make it clear that this wasn't what i meant.
And, well, even if you hate Kenny, saying that he didn't care about clementine is kinda... you know, invalid. But whatever, better not argue.
Things might be determinate, but this is beyond a "if he does this, then hes this" kind of a situation. You can look at both sides of the coin and when you put them together its always an ugly picture. Its not that I didnt get along with Kenny, I would have rationally argued points with him if ever I could, you know, like a friend (or even any person), but hes never willing to do that.
The first moments (and there were ups and downs in the beginning) I started to dislike Kenny was when we entered the pharmacy and I tried to talk Larry down (which would be logical, considering Larry is part of a larger group who could easily overpower us and it would be easy to prove Duck wasnt bit) and of course he berates me for it, simply because hes right about everything and clearly not because he cant see the bigger picture. The next was when we returned to the Motor Inn and I said "Nobody's right" so that I could defuse the stupid argument between Lilly and Kenny, both of whom I was quickly losing respect for. I went to talk to him and he doesnt even want to hear my opinion on the matter, no, I needed to pick his side, thats it, its not about right or wrong, its about him.
The talk after the farm was the breaking point, it was just completely ridiculous. I understand he was mad about the meat locker, it was a hard decision even for him and he didnt want to look like he alone was a murderer. If Lee had joined him, it would have looked a bit more justified. But the fact that he gives Lee NO CREDIT for clearly caring about his family and doing the majority of the work in saving both of them just broke all my faith in Kenny. Think of if it was you (or anyone you know, anyone I know at least), the first thing on your mind is that my family is safe now, damn Lee really took down those St. Johns to get them! But somehow Kenny just ignores it completely and focuses on his own "heroism" rather than what really happened.
When he screamed at Clementine about Saritas death. It shows that he is real & shows emotion.
I don't really know how else to continue this conversation other than say, that when an artist paints a picture, no one is going to look at it the same as someone else. Their ideas about it will not be the same as the person next to them, for whatever reason. This applies to everything in life, it applies to situations, to people, to things, no one is going to look at something the same way as someone else. The way you see Kenny is how you see him. The way I see Kenny, is how I see him. While I can see your points and it being all about him, despite Kenny being flawed, I still choose to stand by him because I still like him.
That definitely made me furious. Lee risked his life to save Kenny's family and he gets no acknowledgement for it. But the last straw for me was definitely Kenny refusing to help Lee look for Clementine. I still can't firgive him for that.
Absolutely. Well said, Hollay.
By the way, its great to see ya!
The fact that you assume I don't like him because I don't suck his dick just proves my point.
In this very thread
Just a bunch of Kenny circlejerking all over this forum.
Running away from Shawn.
"You commie piece of shit!" Aaaaaand, that bit.
I could bring up some points about why i really don't think you like Kenny, and why you're so butthurt that some people do. But i won't. You sir have a good night.
I like Kenny. I really do. I think he's an interesting character. What i don't like is the assumption that I need to worship the ground he walks on in order to like him. Or that his fanbase seem to think he's infallable and that everything he's done is someone else's fault. I especially don't like how people tend to fixate on him like he's the damn star of the show.
Some of Kenny's fanbase are a bunch of nuts and asshats who refuse to even have a decent debate about him. They just say Kenny is GOD, so screw your argument I'm right, much like Kenny does, acting without thinking.
In the words of Lee, "You're not a bad dude, Kenny, but FUCK, what the hell are we gonna do now?"
That's pretty deep. Nicely said.
I agree with this 100%.
Oh, it ain't like that. I just thought you were some o fhese guys that are like "hur durr, kenny worst character ever jane iz beter hurr his fans are so stupid, gon go criticize him and i dun care what people will think aokpasodkapo potato"
And fuck, if people like him at THAT point and are not joking... this is fucked up, man.
BTW, i'm TeamNick, just saying.
As a Kenny fan, I'd like to point out that not all of us are like that. There are definitely some bad seeds, but there are also plenty of Kenny fans who are just that: Fans of his character, without going overboard on it.
I backed that man up all the time (except for Larry and Ben) he then yells at me on a train saying I'm running a shit sham of a family, I was a bit mad at him for saying that but shrugged it off, but when he wouldn't help me look for Clem 'cus of not helping him kill Larry and dropping a kid that made a mistake I knew exactly what kind of a man he was.
I know. You've been awesome about it. And so have others. I've talked to plenty of Kenny fans who aren't unreasonable about it. Then I have people who are telling me Clem losing her parents and Lee doesn't count because its not the same as losing wife and child...... That's being unreasonable.
I just felt I had to specify because some people just lump all Kenny fans into the same bunch and label us all as "Unreasonable and petty" and other nasty adjectives just because we like Kenny and they don't. I'm glad you're not one of those people, as I'm sure you're glad I'm not one of the Kenny fans who really is unreasonable.
when kenny asks the wellington girl for Clem and AJ to stay at wellington, that made me relize i would never leave kenny for ANYONE!
When Lee has to fight him to get him to stop the train. It tells me he's a family guy, which is not necessarily bad, but he's also pretty stubborn and rarely open to different opinions. In my opinion, Clementine doesn't need Kenny, Kenny needs Clementine. When Sarita died, Clementine was the only person Kenny could trust. But unfortunately, he let his uncontrollable anger get the best of him and drove away the group. He had a good run.
But eventually, he needed to die. When he disappeared in season 1, he was a legend. When I killed him in season 2, he was a friend that had just lost it and need to go. Kind of like that book.. Of mice and men. Where the the main "sane" character had to shoot his mentality disabled friend because he kept fucking up big time.
I don't understand all this big deal where "Kenny sacrificed his safety for Clem & Alvie".. That's like someone offering you a ride, and then saying you would have not been able to reach your destination without that person offering you a ride.
It's just that I really don't like working with closed-minded people. I'm a supporter, not a blind follower.
i fucking love that line.
but when kenny went full on govenor in the same episode i was like...
Of course, there are bad seeds everywhere, and oh boy I mean everywhere, but every fan base has that. Not saying everyone is like that, and not saying you are like that. There are good people out there who we can have a good discussion with and I think you are one of them.
Dude! You're like actually a mineral! You're solid!
"Jesus Christ, they're minerals Marie!" Oops. Wrong things. Moving on.