Season 2 is over. Kenny is now determinant. LET IT F***ING GO ALREADY, PEOPLE.
The tsunami of anti-Kenny sentiment on this board is getting way, way out of hand. If you want to fixate on what you believe is a massive flaw in S2, fine, but if you go on bleating about it, you become just as shrill and obnoxious in your own right as the Kenny cultists you love to berate.
This discussion has been closed.
Both sides need to
How bout no.
I want to thumbs up this post many more times. And then hand out cakes and give everyone a hug.
Ah yes, the neutral voice of reasoning, Robert Morgan. Someone who doesn't ever choose sides, he feels as equal about Kenny as he does Jane.
Are you upset that forums are bloated with the same discussions or are you personally angry because the topic's are of an opinion that don't fit yours? I personally think it's the latter.
i'm with you most of them are about how his relationship with clem is forced but what i don't understand is why are people complaining about this now? the points people are bringing up were already noticeable back in march when episode 2 came out people are just picking fights at this point...
The Sheriff always knows best people!
Season 3 can't come fast enough, let us move past this.
I would advice editing the title of this thread and adding spoiler tags, because there's plenty of people who haven't finished the Season 2 yet.
How else would Fabletown be safe, afterall?
I hope the cake is good ^^
All hail Sheriff Bigby!
Let it go like Lee can let go Ben.
Thank you, thank you!
I'm fully aware of that cardinal rule, but you can only ignore the fly that's buzzing in your ear for so damn long before you instinctively try to swat it.
Then I can't let it go. I could never let Ben go.
Did this happen in season one? I think not.
NOBODY around here is the "neutral voice of reasoning", and I for one never pretended to be. Get over yourself.
I did let go Ben, but I will never let Kenny go.
I'm still piss of that Kenny become determinant.
It's for the best.
Imagine how good would it be not having to see "hurr durr Kenny is wurst character, jane is better", "hurr Kenny and clem's relantioship is so forced", "hurr durr Kenny is a god, fck u"
I'm actually quite happy that he's determinant, i mean, if you look for the bright side of the situation at least...
After season 1 90% of threads were praising Kenny and how he was alive, nearly all of the threads after season 2 ep 1 was rage about kenny and why he wasnt back. telltale seemed to think everyone loved Kenny so I think its reasonable these threads are being made so as they dont continue to think this.
i couldnt avoid the pro kenny threads then either
Also what else would you have us talk about?
Yeah, but I'm still piss.
You're a piss? It probably sucks to be you.
Why are you addressing the people opposed to Kenny when it's actually his FANS who refuse to 'let go'?
Yeah, of course. Cause Kenny fans are the ones creating millions threads hating on him, right ?
It's hilarious how lots of (not all) Kenny fans were perfectly fine with creating a billion threads about how he's back and that is amazing during the episode 2 days and spamming the forum. I remind you that it got so bad that the mods had to create a thread just for the Kenny discussion to take place in; the same hasn't happened with debates about whether he should have returned.
And now, when it's happening the other way around, they can't take it at all.
At least it gave them perspective, I suppose.
It would be most pleasant if you were a neutral voice of reasoning.
Instead you have a huge spoiler in your thread title and you insult other posters in your forum posts.
Real classy.
I miss ben too.
This thread amuses me.
Some people are right fighters.
Good argument (as always) Robert Morgan. "Get over yourself." What am I, back in high school? Is that your only defense to people who ask legitimate questions?
It isn't a "legitimate" question. It's a question laced with condescending sarcasm. A question like that isn't worth answering.
I respond to people exactly how they choose to respond to me. My tone was no more insulting or confrontational than Everyone'sClemInTime's. If you're ignoring his behaviour just to scold mine, it only suggests you have some secret bias of your own. As for your points:
1) I don't endeavour to be "pleasant", just civil to the best of my ability.
2) NO GOING BACK was released on August 26, well over a month ago. Although I personally doubt spoilers are much of an issue any more, I'm ready to the moderators. Certainly not you.
3) I'm not entirely sure how hurling accusations in my direction is meant to demonstrate how your table manners are an improvement over mine. Besides the "whining" gif in my original post (I don't see how that's too different from other similarly condescending gifs people have used on this forum), not once have I called anyone a moron, a retard, or a "bitch". I'm guilty of getting angry, sure, but no more than you already have.
No one said shit when Jane got a million hate threads now all of a sudden people are up in arms cause Kenny's getting too much hate.
I did let Lee go, but not Kenny let Ben go.
I haven't asked your apology. I have asked that you would take into consideration the people who haven't finished the game yet. As this thread shows at the top of the page, even those people who avoid TWD section of this forum are likely to see it's headline.
I don't have anything against you, but your first post seems bit rude towards those who don't like Kenny and towards those who like Kenny. If we also take into account that you ignored my polite request to remove the spoiler, it seems that you don't really care about other people. I might be wrong, but that's the impression which you give.
I'm not commenting your feud with Everyone'sClemInTime as it is not my business and I have nothing to say to him/her. I'm not interested how much you two insult each other. Only reason I actually posted to this thread again was because there's a huge spoiler on the title and I really hope that you would change it.
The topic creator requested I lock this thread, so I'm going to do just that.