Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Yeah, you're right...

    Three grown adults [one previously a father] ran for cover and left a newborn baby and an eleven year old girl lying on the ground in the middle of a shootout, while a forth adult was too deaf to hear the wailing cries of an infant, but still left the eleven year old on the ground busy updating her status on twitter.

    Better? XD

    sialark posted: »

    Well that's not that fair to Luke, at least partly. He says, "I didn't even see him [AJ] out there!" if Clem goes after AJ. Remember? And who knows how any of them got into their starting positions. It makes no sense at all.

  • edited October 2014
    • In episode 4 you can show Rebecca the grey coat back at the camp
    • In episode 4 you can show Rebecca the medicine from Arvo back at the camp
    • If you guess the 'what's most important' wrong, you get another shot at it
    • If you backed Nick up at the bridge his 'thanks for the help' sounds honest. If you stay neutral or don't side with him it will sound sarcastic
    • If you don't make a decision between leaving Sarah or convincing her, you will die
    • If you let the timer run out with the 'let the family in' decision, Jane will decide to let them in
    • You have to take a picture of Sarah, the game won't continue if you don't
  • You have to take a picture of Sarah, the game won't continue if you don't

    You don't have to take the picture, you can tell her "I'm not in the mood" to avoid taking it.

    Near_ posted: »

    * In episode 4 you can show Rebecca the grey coat back at the camp * In episode 4 you can show Rebecca the medicine from Arvo back at the c

  • I think he meant when you do agree to take the picture, the game won't continue until you take it.

    You have to take a picture of Sarah, the game won't continue if you don't You don't have to take the picture, you can tell her "I'm not in the mood" to avoid taking it.

  • Yeah I know, should have put that in but thanks ;)

    IAmHoboKing posted: »

    I think he meant when you do agree to take the picture, the game won't continue until you take it.

  • Lol, much! :p

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Yeah, you're right... Three grown adults [one previously a father] ran for cover and left a newborn baby and an eleven year old girl lyin

  • Oh, the wording threw me off.

    IAmHoboKing posted: »

    I think he meant when you do agree to take the picture, the game won't continue until you take it.

  • Kenny manages to kill all of the Russian group at the shootout with a pistol! If you translate Vitali's dialogue he mentions to Kenny 'You killed Natasha you bastard', he kills Buricko after Luke is shot and finishes off Vitali after Jane stabs him.

  • I'd probably give the final kill to Jane, but yeah Kenny did end the lives of the remaining members.

    Kenny manages to kill all of the Russian group at the shootout with a pistol! If you translate Vitali's dialogue he mentions to Kenny 'You killed Natasha you bastard', he kills Buricko after Luke is shot and finishes off Vitali after Jane stabs him.

  • Little does anyone know, but Luke lives.

  • i wonder what would happen if u (as Clem) did noth'n while Kenny and Jane are outside fight'n? (in S2 i mean) o_O? then again, i also noticed that if i did noth'n while Arvo's sister (zomibified) came crawl'n towards me, she'd attack me and i'm dead lol ^^b then i'd re-spawn again and i'd have to kill her

  • Arvo: Aren't you urban?

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • In 'Around Every Corner,' if you win the 'fight' with Molly at the docks, Clementine's reaction will differ:

    If you didn't kill Larry and the Brothers, Clementine will react surprisingly with a shocked voice.

    If you killed Larry and the Brothers, Clementine will react with a 'whatever' tone.

  • and Mike.

    bloop posted: »

    Out of both Seasons, 3 characters are alive Clem, AJ, and Edith

  • Mike, along with Arvo, is unknown.

    Mazdamaxsti posted: »

    and Mike.

  • I don't know if this has been posted yet but;

    In S1E1, Clem and Lee would have that conversation in the barn talking about manure. If Lee answers "shit"... Fast forward to the bathroom scene in S2E1, Clem says "oh, shit" when she drops the water bottle, and says "oh, shoot" if Lee said something else.

  • Well, to be fair, all the gunfire and the yelling and screaming should be enough to drown out the cries of a baby, but yeah. It was really bad of all of them that their first priority wasn't to protect the children before taking cover themselves.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Yeah, you're right... Three grown adults [one previously a father] ran for cover and left a newborn baby and an eleven year old girl lyin

  • edited October 2014

    In Season 2 Episode 2 before Luke and Clem go to the bridge, there are two walkers. If Clem goes for the little one, we see that that walker has the exact same design of the (or very similarly looking) shirt that Lee had, though it could not be Lee's (clear sign of a second sleeve).

  • Clems like

    "Meh bitch you nothing on psycho Lee"

    In 'Around Every Corner,' if you win the 'fight' with Molly at the docks, Clementine's reaction will differ: If you didn't kill Larry and

  • Clem can do the knee trick three times in Episode 2. If you target the big walker at the beginning of the bridge you can hammer it in the back of the knee, you have to do it after Luke falls down and the other walker approaches you. Lastly if you select the pipe when fighting the female walker you can hit her in the knee.

  • Branda STJohn can kill so many time.

  • Jane wants Clementine to stop breaking the ice Luke is drowning in, if she doesn't, she'll still say that she can't belive he is gone

  • edited October 2014
    • Depending on dialogue choices, Molly can talk directly to either Lee, Clementine, or Kenny about Crawford. If you stay silent, Clementine will ask what Crawford is. Molly will then look at her and ask if she really wants to know. If you repeatedly choose other dialogue options other than the 'What's Crawford' one, Kenny will eventually ask. Molly will turn and ask if he really wants to know. If you ask directly, the same interaction will happen with Lee and Molly. It's not anything big, but just something small I noticed after watching a few playthroughs.

    • A little off topic here but Gavin Hammon and Dave Fennoy met Scott Porter for the first time a week ago. (Instagram post from Scott here).

  • Lee, Luke, and Kenny together in one room


    Only needed Melissa Huntchsion(I think I spelled that wrong) AKA Clem there, it will be COMPLETE

    quinnics posted: »

    * Depending on dialogue choices, Molly can talk directly to either Lee, Clementine, or Kenny about Crawford. If you stay silent, Clementine

  • Luke falls through the tracks on the bridge in Ep. 2, Similar to the way he falls through the Ice in Ep. 5

  • Doug lived with his uncle prior to the apocalypse.

  • So much awesomness in one room..

    quinnics posted: »

    * Depending on dialogue choices, Molly can talk directly to either Lee, Clementine, or Kenny about Crawford. If you stay silent, Clementine

  • edited October 2014
    • Clementine can acknowledge out loud that Bonnie seems to have respect for Carver. Bonnie will deny this, correcting it to sympathy. She'll explain that she feels sympathy for him even though he doesn't always feel the same.

    • In episode four, we really get to see our two potential leaders (Luke and Kenny) break down. Luke disappoints the group by failing to do his job and Kenny seems unreliable and dangerous during his emotional/mental state. This whole theme is foreshadowed at the very beginning of the episode when Clementine reunites with Bonnie and Mike. Bonnie, upon noticing that neither Luke and Kenny are around to help, will say that she was hoping Luke would have a plan. Mike will speak up and say that he thought Kenny would have a plan.

    • When catching up with Kenny at the ski lodge, Clementine can blame Lee's death on herself. Kenny will then tell her it's not her fault since Lee and the rest of them made the choice to go after her.

    • After Luke drops Clementine on the ground, Clementine can plead with him and Pete to believe her when she says it's a dog bite. Luke's face will become sad, almost regretful as he says: "Look kid, I want to." He'll then become more serious and doubtful as he continues: "But I gotta see it with my own two eyes first. I didn't see no dog around."

    • If you ask Alvin to search inside Matthew's house for food, he'll tell you he's going to sit down while you go ahead and look.

    • Luke will actually tell his entire group before the kitchen meeting that he wants to trust her. He'll cut into the conversation and say, "I may be in the minority here but my gut is telling me she's telling the truth. It probably is just a dog bite. Probably."

    • When Pete suggests cutting off Clementine's arm, Alvin will say that nobody would volunteer to do that. Pete will then say he would if it meant saving her life.

    • When Luke tells you to ask Rebecca why Carver is still chasing them, you can respond with "I don't want to upset her". Luke will agree to this, saying he wouldn't want to either.

    • If you sit at Kenny's table at the ski lodge, you can see Luke already turned around in his seat when Kenny demands that the others cannot stay there (had you said you didn't want to leave the cabin group behind). He doesn't walk over until Walter leaves the table. When he sits down, he'll glance at Clementine before beginning his conversation with Kenny.

    • The only person you have to talk about Clementine's old group with from the cabin is Luke. It is impossible to not tell him about Lee at the kitchen table back in episode one, even if you choose to remain silent. Luke will tell her it's fine not to tell him, but she will anyway. Every other voluntary mention of a motor inn member (Ben, Lilly, Carley, Duck) is determinant.

    • If you look at the tables at the ski lodge, Clementine will comment that it reminds her of school. This is how Telltale described the 'Sit with Kenny or Luke' decision during their Playing Dead interview.

    • If you give Doug an apple, he'll say that he never liked to eat fruit before the apocalypse.

    • Pete saying "I hope this isn't anyone you know" at the river before he kills it parallels the scene when Clementine discovers a zombified Nick in the fence.

  • That's not true, I've killed Larry and Clementine's never had the "whatever" tone in that moment.

    In 'Around Every Corner,' if you win the 'fight' with Molly at the docks, Clementine's reaction will differ: If you didn't kill Larry and

  • While arguing about who gave supplies to the bandits in 103, Ben will say they should put it to a vote, however once outside the RV Ben will panic and say that they dont need all these votes, despite it being originally his idea

  • I've killed Larry but do Saint things all the other time all Clem get a "whatever" tone...

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    That's not true, I've killed Larry and Clementine's never had the "whatever" tone in that moment.

  • Interesting... I heard that if you killed too many people she will say "Lee?!" in an anxious tone, and if you didn't kill "enough" people she will just say "Lee?" in a peaceful tone.

    In 'Around Every Corner,' if you win the 'fight' with Molly at the docks, Clementine's reaction will differ: If you didn't kill Larry and

  • And she will say "It smells like ‘Shit!'. Isn't it, Lee? " before Kat in the barn...

    I don't know if this has been posted yet but; In S1E1, Clem and Lee would have that conversation in the barn talking about manure. If Lee

  • And with his robots~

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Doug lived with his uncle prior to the apocalypse.

  • Depending on your dialogue choices in the trailer park, Clementine may give Sarah her glasses back before or after they escape. If Clem gives them back afterwards, Sarah actually smiles a little after putting them on.

    "Thank you."

  • When Danny and Justin are asking Vince about his past, if you wait long enough, Danny will ask Vince if the reason why he's going to jail is touching kids, which gets Vince an angry face. (By the way, if Lee tells Kenny that he was going to jail before the dead ones started to walk, Kenny will ask if that's for touching kids....)

    In S1E1, if you let Lee knock Clem's house's glass door for too many times, Lee himself will guess that the door is unlocked and open it.

    In S1E3, after you take the map of Savanah in the cab of the train, you can still see it in the same place if you exit the cab and enter it again, and can still ask Kenny if he has seen a map. But you cannot take it again.

  • As Russel, you can point your gun at Nate, but you cant shoot him.

  • Arvo ' group ambushed Clementine's in the same way Jane and Clem did to him on the observation deck. Arvo was the Clem, distracting her, and his group did Jane's role of sneaking up on them. Regardless of the dialogue choices, Clementine will come off as the person reluctant to treat Arvo the way they did in comparison to Jane and Arvo seemed to appear guilty throughout his part in causing the shootout.

  • edited October 2014


    Alt text

    Additional Info : This exists in the files of Episode 5

  • Zombie AJ confirmed for Season 3.

    Okay. Additional Info : This exists in the files of Episode 5

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