Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • 1) Join them. I believe they're good people. We can trust them.

    TDMshadowCP (!) Alright, fuck it. Let's all try to make it to the woods, we'll cover each other. Password looked at us and then finall



    TDMshadowCP (!) Alright, fuck it. Let's all try to make it to the woods, we'll cover each other. Password looked at us and then finall

  • edited October 2014

    ayy lmao! Had to fix some things. The ending got cut off. B]

  • i

    ayy lmao! Had to fix some things. The ending got cut off. B]

  • h

    ayy lmao! Had to fix some things. The ending got cut off. B]

  • h

    Coming to a Theatre near you!


  • Here's what the critics are saying!

    10/10- Ay lmao

    This movie changed my life -Damn bb you good lookin

    So awesome!-You look like my uncle

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    h Coming to a Theatre near you!

  • edited October 2014


    (!) Join them. I believe they're good people. We can trust them.

    Juicy lifted her head and then turned to look at them."Join them. I believe they're good people. We can trust them." She says and then turns to look at me with a smile.

    I raised my eyebrows and turned to them."Okay... if this is what you want, then let's join them." I replied with a smile. I started walking over to them.

    "Damn, that place is going to light up like a Christmas tree." I heard Sheep as we moved closer.

    "Damn right! That place needs to go." Puncake replied while aiming his rifle.

    I saw Shadow turning his head to look at us."Hey. Came to watch the house burn?"

    "Yeah, and we also came by to let you guys know that we decided to join you." I replied.

    "What? Really?! That's awesome!" Sheep said while turning to us.

    "Oh my God! More people for our community!" Azlyn was ecstatic.

    "More pretty girls you mean." Shadow said while turning around.

    "Heh, excuse me?" I replied.

    "You heard me." Shadow said with a smile.

    "Don't get your hopes up, kid. You're too young for me." I said to him.

    "That's okay, I'll just get to know Juicy some more." He says while turning his head to look at her.

    "Oh, shut up, Shadow. Leave them alone." Azlyn told him while rolling her eyes and smiling.

    "Heh, well if you guys are done, how about we get the show started, huh?" Sheep told us.

    "Sure!" Juicy replied.

    "Glad to have you girls on board." Puncake told us. He turns around and aims his gun toward the cannibal house."Now, let's burn this fucker down." BLAM!

    Puncake fired his gun and shot the gasoline around the house, soon a trail of fire started outside and headed into the house."We wasted some gas, but hope it's worth it." Sheep said.

    "Don't worry. It was their gas anyway, and we still had plenty left over." Puncake replied.

    We all stood on top of the hill, watching as the fire started burning everything. BOOM! A loud explosion came out of nowhere and caused even more damage."Goddamn..." I heard Shadow.

    "Good riddance..." Azlyn said.

    The house started burning even more. I looked around at all the dead corpses, all the blood on the ground, all the human bones piled up in wheelbarrows. I knew that they would never harm anyone else. Juicy held my hand."They deserved it. Everything they had coming to them." She says.

    "Yeah. They won't be able to do this to anyone else." I said.

    We stood there for several more minutes until the whole house was engulfed in flames, and started to fall apart."Alright, y'all. Let's go home." Puncake told us.

    "It'll be a long drive, I'm going to get some rest." Shadow said.

    "Me too, I need it." Azlyn said.

    "We can all use some rest after what happened today." Sheep said while smiling at us. He turned to Puncake."We'll switch around if you get too tired and I'll take over the wheel."

    "Sure thing. Let's go, everyone." Puncake replied while walking over to the car. I looked at Juicy and nodded. Sheep helped Azlyn into the car, and then we sat in the back with her. Shadow sat beside Password's corpse and Sheep sat in the passenger side. I was beginning to believe Juicy that these were good people. I was hoping that she wasn't wrong."Okay, everyone. Buckle up, we'll be there by sunrise." Puncake says with a smile.

    "You okay...?" Azlyn asked Shadow.

    "Yeah... I'll be fine." He replied.

    "Thanks for joining us, you two. Glad you decided to stay, and thanks again for saving me." Sheep told us.

    "No problem. We couldn't leave you behind, not after what happened to Star..." Juicy said.

    "Who's Star?" Sheep asked.

    "A good friend of ours. He gave me this butterfly necklace. He got bit and fought off a bunch of walkers so we could escape. I miss him so much..." Juicy said.

    "Damn... at least he saved you guys. Just know that he gave you a chance." Sheep said.

    "Thank you..." Juicy said while looking at the butterfly necklace. She looked up at everyone."Can't wait to see the mansion." Juicy said.

    "It's more than just a mansion, you'll see." Azlyn said with a smile.

    "We have walkers on chains and stuff, so don't get scared or anything. We just use them as guard dogs to keep bad people away. You two are nice, so I hope you don't change your mind when you get there." Shadow told us.

    "With everything we've seen, we've become numb to most things. So don't worry about that." I replied.

    "Okay, good. Two more tough survivors like you to join us. Exactly what we need, now let's take you gals to your new home." Puncake said with a smile and started driving the car...


    (!) You're right, we should start using walker guards around here.

    I was leaving the greenhouse and spotted Guilty talking to Twistee. I started to smile and ran over to them."Twistee!" I shouted. He turned his head and spotted me. I went up to him and gave him a big hug.

    "Hey, girl! I missed you." He says.

    "I missed you too! It's been over a month!" I said to him. I notice the walker he was holding on a dog pole."Whoa!"

    "Oh, don't be alarmed. I was just telling Guilty here that we should start using walker guards around here to scare off some bad people." Twistee explained.

    "That sounds good. I like that idea." I said while looking at Guilty and smiling.

    "Don't worry, AC. We're going to make this place better for all of us. No one will mess with us as long as I'm in charge." Guilty said.

    "I've also decided to stay here for a while and help you guys out." Twistee tells me with a smile.

    "But you're going to go back to the mansion, right? You always do..." I said and then looked down.

    "Yeah, I'm sorry about that, but I have to go back and forth in order to let everyone know what's going on. But I'm going to stay here a while longer this time, going to help you with the garden as well." Twistee told me.

    I looked up and smiled."Thank you. I'd like that."

    "Things are better, and they'll only get better from here on out. I promise you guys this. I will do my best to keep everyone safe." Guilty said with a smile.

    "Don't worry about it, Guilty. We put you in charge for a reason." Twistee told him."How about we go inside for some lunch. I'm starving, haha!"

    "Heh, sounds like a plan. I'll go get Valky and let her know that you'll be staying again. The next time you go back to the mansion, I'm going to tag along with you. It's been a while since I've been there. Valky will be in charge while I'm gone." Guilty told him and started walking away."Guards, get that walker and chain him up around the warehouse."

    "They'd like that. Glad to hear it." Twistee told him. The guard came over and took the walker away."Come on, AC. Catch me up on what I missed." Twistee says with a smile.

    "Okay, Twistee. I have a LOT to tell you!" I said, and we start to walk into the warehouse...


    I was in my room, looking at Angel's collar, Noncy's heels, Pro's M1911's and Fan's hat in a glass case. I kept them there to remind me of them. Not to make me sad, but to make me stronger and to be able to move on. I knew that they were gone, but I still had something to keep me focused. With them watching over me, I wasn't going to give up. I remember the first day this thing started, how Pro and Fan helped me. How easily they could have left me behind to die. But they didn't, they took me with them, and Pro taught me everything I needed to know to survive this thing. He never gave up on us, so I'll never give up for him. They helped me find Angel, and everything seemed to be going well. Noncy helped me when I was going through troubled times, and Tobi just came by to make them worse. But luckily for us, Tobi was taken care of. I would never forget any of them and what they did to help me... I walked out my room and headed out the mansion. Everyone was working as usual."Morning, Ms. WtW!"

    "Morning! How's everyone doing today?" I asked the workers.

    "Very well! Thanks to you guys!"

    "Thank you for taking us in, and giving us a chance to survive this thing."

    "Not a problem." I replied with a smile."I'm going to head to the cemetery, you guys continue working." I told them and continued on my way. I made it over to cemetery and looked at everyone's graves."Here lies all those who sacrificed themselves for the people in this community to continue surviving, and never losing hope. Those who fought bravely to defeat the tyrant named Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy. Their legacy shall live on, and will go down in history. We will never forget them. Watch over us and give us the strength to go on. We will never lose hope because of you." I read out loud. "Thank you all..." I said to myself while looking down at their tombstones.

    A guard walked up to me."I wish I could have gotten the chance to meet Pro. I'm sure his skills would have come in handy."

    "Don't worry, he taught me a few things, so maybe I'll start training some of the guards around here. There hasn't been a need for it, but it's better to be prepared if anything." I told him.

    "Sounds good, Ms. WtW." He told me.

    "Is SweetPea by her garden?" I asked him.

    "She is, Ms. WtW. Tell her to save some of her apple tea for me." He says.

    "Will do. You guys take care now." I replied with a smile and started heading toward the garden...


    "Here you go, kids. Take them to your family." I told the children while handing them over some fruits and vegetables.

    "Thank you, SweetPea! You're so kind."

    "Thank you for everything!" They replied with a smile and then ran off to their parents.

    "Heh, they love you." DLB told me.

    "And I love helping them." I replied."Thanks for helping me with the garden today, and with Betsy." I told her.

    "It's no problem at all. I'm glad to help. Better than doing nothing all day. And that new horse of yours is a beauty!" DLB replied.

    "She is... reminded me so much of my old horse, that I had to give her the same name, heh." I told DLB.

    "Hey, SweetPea!" I heard WtW's voice behind me.

    I turned and spotted her with her rifle on her back, heading my way."WtW! Good morning!" I stood up and hugged her.

    "Best friend!" DLB shouted and hugged her.

    "Haha, Glad to see you too, Best friend." WtW Told DLB."I'm about to start my watch duty, just wanted to see if you could give me something to eat while I'm up in my tower." She told me with a smile.

    "Of course! You keep us safe here, so you can have anything you want." I replied. I picked up a basket and started packing it with all kinds of fruits and vegetables."I put some of my apple tea in there as well. Good thing Mokonage's apple came in handy." I said to her with a smile.

    "Wish I got to meet your friends, but I'm sure they're in a better place." WtW replied.

    I handed her the basket."Don't worry, we're surviving for all the people we lost. We won't give up, we'll keep this place up and running for them." I told her.

    WtW looked up at the sky."I miss everyone... but I'll stay strong." She said with a smile."Looks like there's a storm coming."

    I looked up and saw dark clouds in the sky."Hmm, you're right. Hopefully the solar panels still work a bit, heh."

    "A little rain won't stop us." DLB said with a smile.

    "You're right, DLB." WtW told her with a smile. She turned her head to look at me."Alright, SweetPea, Thanks for the food. Some of the guards asked me to tell you to save some tea for them." WtW hugged me. She hugs DLB."Take care, you two."

    "Will do. My pleasure, take care, WtW." I told her.

    "Be careful up there." DLB told her with a smile as she started to walk away...


    I was sitting down on my bed, reading the letter that Pro and Jon left behind. I read it every morning before starting my day, ever since I lost Jewf. Most people get bitter and cold after losing someone they love, but this letter gave me hope that things were going to get better, and they did... After finishing the letter, I put it away in my cabinet. I walked over to my window and looked at everyone working. I saw SweetPea and my sister DLB by her garden, Goust making weapons for the people of the community, and WtW on top of one of the guard towers, keeping an eye out for any dangers. I looked up and saw some dark clouds, it was going to start raining soon, but I wasn't going to let that ruin my mood. I headed out my room and down to the living room, I saw some kids running around and playing with some toys."Ms. ATR. Good to see you." One of their parents said.

    "Good morning, everyone. Going to check on the others." I replied with a smile. I walked out the mansion and saw everyone helping each other.

    "There she is!" I heard Goust. I started walking over to him.

    "Morning, Goust. How's it going?" I asked with a smile.

    "Pretty good, just finishing this sword for Shadow." He told me.

    "Why are you making a sword for him?" I asked.

    "Well, I think we should start using blades against the walkers. It'll save ammo, I could also make some armor. I just want to start off with Shadow first, the kid has come a long way, and if he can learn how to fight with a sword, then there will be no excuse to teach everyone else." Goust told me with a smile.

    "Hmm, I like that idea, Goust." I replied with a smile.

    "Good! I'll start with him first, and if he gets it done right, I'll start training the others. By the way, how is everything? You haven't visited Jewf's grave today, have you?" He asks.

    "It's good, and no, not yet. It still hurts, but I've learned to deal with the pain. Some things heal with time, but they always stay with you." I replied.

    "That is true." Goust said with a frown."We lost a lot of people, but we've never lost hope."

    "And we never will. Look at this community that we built." I said to him.

    "Yes, I'm surprised at what we built here, it truly is something special. And thanks to Guilty, we're able to trade food, clothing and other supplies. We'll be able to survive this thing, no doubt." Goust tells me.

    "It's almost been two years. I don't think we'll ever get back to how we used to be, but we can start by keeping this community up and running." I said.

    "What do you mean, ATR?" Goust asked.

    "The walkers... they'll never leave. They won't find a cure, Goust. They would have already, people will keep dying and more of those things will rise from the dead. It'll never end. Some of the people in this community are having kids, trying to repopulate the earth, but they're not realizing that they're risking more lives by doing so. The more people they bring into this earth, the more people will die, causing more walkers to roam the earth. We don't know how many survivors are out there, they could be doing the same thing as us. People die everyday, and more walkers rise. Do you get it, Goust? This world belongs to the walkers now, they won. We're just living in their planet now, trying to survive as best we can. We're as dead as they are, we're already infected, we're just living to die another day. Like I said before, It'll never end..." I explained.

    Goust put his head down."You're right... never thought of it that way."

    "There is something we can do though." I said.

    "What's that, ATR?" He asked.

    "Survive... until the end. We still have hope, and we will never lose that." I replied with a smile.

    Goust smiled back."That's true." I started to feel a few raindrops on my skin. WOOOOH! One of the guards blew the horn."One horn blast, means the others should be arriving."

    "Right. I'll go check it out, take care, Goust." I told him.

    "You too, ATR. Tell Shadow I want to see him." He tells me. I nod my head and I start walking over to the front gate.

    As I'm walking toward the front gate, more rain starts to pour down. I saw that the bridge was down and a guard walks up to me."Ms. ATR, the others have returned. They have informed me that they found two new survivors, but... Mr. Password died on their journey."

    "Password?!" I looked down."No... he was the one who came up with almost everything we built here, he came up with strategies to fight off some of our enemies..." I looked up at the guard."Start building a grave for him, we will have a funeral for him tonight. I want everyone to be there. We will honor his memory."

    "Yes, Ms. ATR, right away." The guard replied and headed off.

    Puncake, Sheep, Azlyn and Shadow were making their way over to me. The guard dog walkers were trying to reach them, I saw their car parked out in the field with two females standing beside it. I saw two guards bringing Password's corpse into the community."Jesus..." I said as they walked past us.

    "Yeah... found some cannibals. They were going to eat Sheep and Azlyn." Puncake explained.

    "They killed Password, but we made sure to kill them all and we burned their house down. Lots of sick shit was in there." Shadow tells me.

    "You're injured, what did they do to you two?" I asked Sheep and Azlyn.

    "They roughed us up, but we're okay. We wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Scarlet and Juicy. I owe them my life." Sheep told me as he looked back at them.

    "Is everyone alright?" I asked.

    "Yeah, we took care of 'em. Don't worry, they won't be able to do this to anyone else. They may have taken Password, but that ain't gonna stop us. We're gonna keep surviving this thing." Puncake told me.

    Some of the guards were returning."I've told the others, Ms. ATR. The funeral will be set up and everything will be ready by tonight."

    "Alright, thank you. It looks like the rain will start pouring some more, gather everyone inside. Tell the fishermen around the moat to come in as well." I told them.

    "Not a problem, on my way." A guard replied.

    "Have you noticed?" Azlyn asked.

    "Noticed what?" I asked her.

    "It only rains when someone from this community dies..." She explained.

    "Hmm, I've never noticed until just now." I said while looking down.

    "I'm going to head inside, I need some rest and food." Azlyn said.

    "Thought you got plenty of rest in the car?" Puncake asked.

    "Not really, I was still sad over what happened to Password..." She replied.

    "Ah, I see. Well don't worry, we'll put him to rest tonight." He told her.

    "Come on, I'll take you inside." Sheep told her. He walked up to me."Remember, they saved me back there. They're good people." Sheep says and then walks away with Azlyn.

    I turned to look at Shadow."Hey, Shadow. Goust wants to see you." I told him.

    "Great! Heard he was making something for me. Can't wait to see what it is." He says with a smile and walks away.

    "Starting to rain a bit more. You should head inside as well. The others love the two new girls, and they did help us with the cannibals, you can read people better than I can. So make the decision for them to stay or not." Puncake tells me with a smile and then walks into the community.

    "Hey, give me the signal and you know I'll take care of it." I heard WtW up in her tower...

  • edited October 2014

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to them. Giving people chances to survive this thing. Building a perfect place for everyone, to have peace and to get along. To build a place where we could try to live like how we used to. The walkers were still out there, but they were the least of our problems now. We had to take care of each other and make this place even more special than it already was. We may have lost people along the way, people who sacrificed themselves so everyone can continue living. They helped others, and never lost hope, they fought so we could continue their dream. We're alive because of them, and we will continue living for them. We're all that remained. I walked across the bridge and made it onto the field. The rain was starting to pour a bit more. I stopped in front of the two, the younger one was smiling and the older one with a leather jacket looked unsure. They both looked like they had been through a lot, it was time to take their fear and pain away. It was time for them to finally live in peace with us. They kept staring and waited for me to say something."Welcome... To Angel's Paradise." I said with a smile.

    ............................................................................................THE END! ......................................................................................................

    Ending songs...

    Rambo ending song, because ayy why not? B]

    Better days for the FOTD survivors...


    FINALLY! FOTD IS OVER! GO HOME! IT'S DONE! THERE'S NOTHING ELSE! AYY LMAO! But anyway, I want to thank all of you who participated! This story wouldn't be the same without everyone and their characters. Thanks for taking the time to read and enjoy this story. Maybe I'll do another one, but we'll see. Thanks for reading!

    BadassScarlet (!) Join them. I believe they're good people. We can trust them. Juicy lifted her head and then turned to look at them."

  • Great finish and great story over all man. Glad to be apart of the story, it would of been complete shit if I wasn't apart of it :P. But all jokes aside, all you have left is the alternate choices and you can get your well deserved rest.

    Well done Pro! Now lets get you an oscar and standing ovation.

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • "That's okay, I'll just get to know Juicy some more."

    Oh Shadow, you pedo...

    That hit me in the feels...that ending..oh god...

    Thank you Pro. This was the first story I've been in, and it was a great ride.

    This might be over, but we still have the FOTDL, and it's a freakin great one. :)

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • applauds

    Can't believe it's over ;~; but it was a great experience. Glad I was apart of it. xD

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • Damn.... IT'S OVER AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH WE'LL MISS IT Great Job, Excellent Writing and (!) Saltlick123 will remember the Forum of the Dead

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • Lmao! Shadow is younger than Juicy. He's 16 at the end of the story, and she's 18.

    Thanks, guys! Alt. choices are left, and I'll add some stats of all the characters as well. B]

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    "That's okay, I'll just get to know Juicy some more." Oh Shadow, you pedo... That hit me in the feels...that ending..oh god...

  • Lol, are you surprised that you survived?

    Twistee posted: »

    applauds Can't believe it's over ;~; but it was a great experience. Glad I was apart of it. xD

  • (?) LeeTheProfessional appreciates everything.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Damn.... IT'S OVER AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH WE'LL MISS IT Great Job, Excellent Writing and (!) Saltlick123 will remember the Forum of the Dead

  • FOTD: "Keep those italics short..."

    Blue: "I will, I'll type them myself..."

    Blue will remember that

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Damn.... IT'S OVER AHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH WE'LL MISS IT Great Job, Excellent Writing and (!) Saltlick123 will remember the Forum of the Dead

  • Juicy: Dayum bb u lookin foiiiine!

    Shadow: ._.

    Lmao! Shadow is younger than Juicy. He's 16 at the end of the story, and she's 18. Thanks, guys! Alt. choices are left, and I'll add some stats of all the characters as well. B]

  • Wow bye FOTD, we'll miss you...Alt text

  • Shadow: damn bby you good lookin

    Juicy: You look like my uncle

    Scarlet: ayy lmao!

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Juicy: Dayum bb u lookin foiiiine! Shadow: ._.

  • Yeah, I don't know how I did.

    Musta been that Mike charm.

    Lol, are you surprised that you survived?

  • At least your character didn't betray the group. B^]

    Twistee posted: »

    Yeah, I don't know how I did. Musta been that Mike charm.

  • edited October 2014

    Now that FOTD is over, who were your favorite characters? Who did you guess would have survived? What chapter was the best for you? What did you expect at the ending? Who was or who were the worst bad guys? Who are some characters you would bring back?

  • Alt text

    I'll miss it, haha. Thank you for creating all of this. :p

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • wow can't believe it is over great finish for a awesome story glad that i was apart of this well done man

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • Thanks for participating, all of you are awesome! :)

    I'll miss it, haha. Thank you for creating all of this.

  • AllThatFreeus!

    Thanks for participating, man! B^]

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    wow can't believe it is over great finish for a awesome story glad that i was apart of this well done man

  • This was an amazing story pro i cant thak you enogh for it

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th


    You're kicking us out? Hell no! I'll stay here.... I don't care if I stay here for months, or years. I will be waiting for a sequel >:C

    "More pretty girls you mean." Shadow said while turning around.

    "Heh, excuse me?" I replied.

    "You heard me." Shadow said with a smile.

    "Don't get your hopes up, kid. You're too young for me." I said to him.

    "That's okay, I'll just get to know Juicy some more." He says while turning his head to look at her.

    Shadow's getting that puss tonight.

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

    1. Guilty
    2. Markd
    3. WhatTheDuck
    4. BadassScarlet
    5. Jewfreeus

    Hm, I don't know about that, but I would of thought that Lee would of survive.

    Chapter 3 was pretty long an action packed.

    At the end when the thunder storm was coming, I thought a horde of walkers was going to pass through Angel's Paradise.

    I would bring back, WhatTheDuck, ClementineCultist, Jewfreeus, and Cornpopper.

    Now that FOTD is over, who were your favorite characters? Who did you guess would have survived? What chapter was the best for you? What did

  • I don't even remember Ch.3, haha. All I know is that the ending led up to the war.

    And to think that Jewf was supposed to die back in Ch.1 when they left him in the school, he survived longer than I thought though.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    TOP 5 CHARACTERS 1. Guilty 2. Markd 3. WhatTheDuck 4. BadassScarlet 5. Jewfreeus Hm, I don't know about that, but I would of thought

  • so you wouldnt bring back Lord EAA? :(

    (im jking i liked Lords zombies cameo)

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    TOP 5 CHARACTERS 1. Guilty 2. Markd 3. WhatTheDuck 4. BadassScarlet 5. Jewfreeus Hm, I don't know about that, but I would of thought

  • That was a great ending Pro! Amazing story. I'm a little sad it's over though. I do wish i appeared again, but, i am on a walker killing journey, i can not return until it is done!

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited October 2014

    Face characters: 5: Guilty 4: Shiina 3: Markd 2: Jewf 1: Gary Oak

    I hoped that Shiina would survive, but luckily my other face characters survived.

    Best chapter was chapter 3, in my opinion.

    I'm going to be honest, i thought it would end on a cliffhanger, and would hint at a sequel...

    I would bring back Jewf, Cactus, Mark, Awesomeo and WhatTheDuck

    Now that FOTD is over, who were your favorite characters? Who did you guess would have survived? What chapter was the best for you? What did

  • edited October 2014

    I left it like that so if there's a spin off or sequel, you could show up in them. But there might not be any, just saying.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    That was a great ending Pro! Amazing story. I'm a little sad it's over though. I do wish i appeared again, but, i am on a walker killing journey, i can not return until it is done!

  • Cactus? You mean Clayton? Haha, I don't think there was anyone named cactus.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Face characters: 5: Guilty 4: Shiina 3: Markd 2: Jewf 1: Gary Oak I hoped that Shiina would survive, but luckily my other face characters

  • Luke taught him well...

    Luke taught him well.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    FINALLY! FOTD IS OVER! GO HOME! IT'S DONE! THERE'S NOTHING ELSE! You're kicking us out? Hell no! I'll stay here.... I don't care if

    1. Blue 2. Pru 3. Mark 4. Guilty 5. WTD

    Meh, don't really know.

    Ch 3, without a doubt.

    Don't know, I guess I expected more people to die

    Cornpopper didn't really do much, but that's not his fault lol.

    To name a few: Noncy, Jewf, Pru, WTD, and Guetta. Epecially Guetta. Extremely Guetta.

    Now that FOTD is over, who were your favorite characters? Who did you guess would have survived? What chapter was the best for you? What did

  • edited October 2014

    "Thanks for joining us, you two. Glad you decided to stay, and thanks again for saving me." Sheep told us.

    "No problem. We couldn't leave you behind, not after what happened to Star..." Juicy said.

    "Who's Star?" Sheep asked.

    "A good friend of ours. He gave me this butterfly necklace. He got bit and fought off a bunch of walkers so we could escape. I miss him so much..." Juicy said.

    "Damn... at least he saved you guys. Just know that he gave you a chance." Sheep said.

    "Thank you..." Juicy said while looking at the butterfly necklace.

    Pro... why?! FUCK! I miss Scarlet AND ESPECIALLY JUICY! I'm so proud of her. Thank you so much Pro. I'm glad that Juicy and Scarlet finally safe.

    "More pretty girls you mean." Shadow said while turning around.

    "Heh, excuse me?" I replied.

    "You heard me." Shadow said with a smile.

    "Don't get your hopes up, kid. You're too young for me." I said to him.

    "That's okay, I'll just get to know Juicy some more." He says while turning his head to look at her.

    Shadow... GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM JUICY OR I WILL FUCKING END YOU!!! YOU HEAR ME?! I'll miss you, Juicy. You take good care of my sister, Scarlet. It's nice to see some happy ending. That ending reminded me of that ending I had with Juicy and Scarlet way back in Chapter 4. Good times... My death scene was so emotional and ossum. I keep reading that part, Pro. It's my favorite.

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • edited October 2014

    My favorite characters: Myself, Juicy, Scarlet and all of the RV gang.

    My favorite chapters: Chapter 4 and 5.

    What did I expect at the end: I was expecting that my zombified version would appear and kill that horny Shadow! DON'T YOU DARE, SHADOW!

    Who are some characters I would bring back: Myself and my RV gang. Sharing the last shrek cereal with Juicy and Scarlet. sigh FUCKITY FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK!

    Now that FOTD is over, who were your favorite characters? Who did you guess would have survived? What chapter was the best for you? What did

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