Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)




    waits patiently for a sequel, because I know it'll come sooner or later

    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • TOP 5 CHARACTERS. 1. Tobi 2. Markd 3. Gustav 4. WhatTheDuck 5. Welcome_To_Woodbury

    I thought Lee and Jon would survive, WTD too.

    Chapter 3 was the best chapter.

    Nothing really.

    I'd bring back, Gustav, Jewfreeus, WhatTheDuck and Markd.

    Now that FOTD is over, who were your favorite characters? Who did you guess would have survived? What chapter was the best for you? What did

  • My mistake, i was thinking of Shiina, i typed his steam name instead :p

    Cactus? You mean Clayton? Haha, I don't think there was anyone named cactus.

  • Fav chars: 1. Me (let's be honest. The guilty king is always first), 2. Shiina (Plan C), 3. Pro (Badass assassin and good leader) , 4. Markd (his parts were always crazy and interesting), 5. Shadow (it was pretty nice to see him develop from a little kid to the young man he became in the end.) [if I aren't allowed to vote for myself, the 5th spot would go to Jewf because I have to admit, I actually liked AllThatFreeUs]

    Who did I guess would survive: Me, Pro, Markd, Jewf

    What did I expect: I thought the mansion would fall while we were out hunting Tobi. I thought we would return only to see our home and our friends dead. Luckily, that wasn't the case, so things went better than expected, but still a lot of people died. I also expected that at some point, Valky would die, sending me to my 100% guilty mode. I guess it was good that that never happened. Wouldn't have been pretty.

    Who would I bring back: Pro, Markd, Jewf, WTD

    Now that FOTD is over, who were your favorite characters? Who did you guess would have survived? What chapter was the best for you? What did

  • Alt text

    brilliantly done, Pro. You managed to keep me in these forums for quite a long time. That's a feat you should be proud of. I would like to thank you for this brilliant piece of entertainment you provided me with. That said, I am afraid that without your fanfic, there is nothing left in this forum that would keep me here, so I guess this is good-bye. It has been fun. Tell me if you start another fanfic...I might come back then.

    And always remember:

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    ..."Thanks, WtW." I replied with a smile. I looked over at the two females who were waiting by the vehicle, and I started walking over to th

  • It's okay, Star. I can take care of them :3

    Dark_Star posted: »

    "Thanks for joining us, you two. Glad you decided to stay, and thanks again for saving me." Sheep told us. "No problem. We couldn't l

  • Guilty...... Noo....

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    brilliantly done, Pro. You managed to keep me in these forums for quite a long time. That's a feat you should be proud of. I would like to t

  • Damn, it's over. Well done Pro, that was exceptionally amazing! :D. I hope you can make another fan fic soon!

    Favorite characters : 1. WhatTheDuck, 2. Markd, 3.Guilty 4.WtW 5.Blue

    I don't know who would have survived, anybody could have died. :P. Chapter 2 and 4 I think are my favorites. I didn't know what the ending would be. Worst bad guy, Tobi maybe. Characters I would bring back. WhatTheDuck, because SweetDuck :3

    Now that FOTD is over, who were your favorite characters? Who did you guess would have survived? What chapter was the best for you? What did

  • Shhh, shadow. It's fine. You will be alright without me. You will see. Stay strong.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Guilty...... Noo....

  • Later, man. If I ever make a new one, I'll let you know. B^]

    brilliantly done, Pro. You managed to keep me in these forums for quite a long time. That's a feat you should be proud of. I would like to t

  • Shu, Have a good life :)

    Talk to me on Steam later, I'm watching episode 8 of Guilty Crown.

    Shhh, shadow. It's fine. You will be alright without me. You will see. Stay strong.

  • I try ;-;

    Too slow

  • Too slow

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Shu, Have a good life Talk to me on Steam later, I'm watching episode 8 of Guilty Crown.

  • edited October 2014

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter One

    If you guys voted for Pro and TWDFan to go to the back. They both would have died. If you guys voted for Pro to fight the walkers. TWDFan would have gone to the back and died when the train crashes. Pro would have gotten injured when it did. If TWDFan went off by himself, he would have ran into someone else in the forest.

    If you guys voted for Corn to make a run for it, Mark would have gone after him to try and hunt him down. If Corn shot at Mark, he would have caught him in the shoulder and then have an option to kill him and take his stuff, or knock him out and leave him.

    If you guys voted for Bananas to use the tear gas on the three prisoners in the beginning, him and Cameron would have escaped a lot earlier, and he would have still been alive. They would have avoided the three prisoners outside with the car. If they surrendered to them, they both would have died.

    If Raging would have tried to steal the horse, He would have gotten kicked and knocked out. Duck, Stache, SweetPea and Mokonage would have held him hostage and he would have to explain himself.

    If Noncy told the class to leave immediately, They would have gone to the school library, and you would get an option to send someone back and see who was shooting. That person would have died. Rich would have been trapped in the the classroom that they left, but he would have shot the window and jumped out. He would have taken a car by himself. They would eventually escape, and they would have to decide where to go on foot.

    Puncake could have died if Clayton told Jon to shoot him. Firedog would have shot back and taken cover. They would be shooting at each other until the walkers break through and Jon and Clayton would have ran to the back exit leaving Firedog trapped, and he would have died. If Puncake shot the gun he would have killed Clayton and injured Jon by accident. Jon would have been pissed and not trust Pun and firedog. Pun and dog would have to leave by themselves. If Jon went for the car, he would have drove back for them but one of the characters would have died. If Clayton went, He would get the car, drive back and then tell them to leave as he held the walkers back and sacrificed himself by blowing up the pumps. If firedog went he would have tripped and the walkers would have killed him, Jon and the rest would have to run into the woods. If Pun went for the car he would get to it, and look back as the walkers would be surrounding the other three. He would get an option to leave them or try to help.

    Welcome_to_Woodbury would have died if AWESOMEO didn't intervene.

    If tntlee stayed in the back, He would have locked it and Guilty would have died.

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: Second Half Of Chapter One

    If TWDFan asked Pro to go to his family first, Pro would be hesitant at first, but he would have gone with him. They would have reached his apartment and then there would have been a showdown between Pro and TWDFan vs Corn and Mark. They would have to think of a plan to avoid them or try to kill them, even though they didn't have any weapons. WtW would have left with Deceptio, Randomz and Angel, if Pro and TWDFan distracted Corn and Mark. If TWDFan went off by himself he would have met Guilty and Valky, they would have been introduced a lot earlier. If Pro and TWDFan survived the two lunatics, they would have gone to Pro's apartment only to find out that it had been looted and emptied out. They would have to continue on foot without any supplies or weapons.

    If bananas tried to get the tear gas grenade and knife off of cameron. He would have gotten bit in the arm. If he left him, then he would just continue on without a knife and TG grenade. If he tried going up the hill using the riot shield, he would waste his shotgun ammo and push them out of the way. He would then run into an alleyway, and have to decide to take a car or run into a random apartment to look for supplies. If he took the car he would drive out of the city, if he went with the apartment, he would have been trapped inside when two escaped prisoners come up to surprise him. There would have been a decision to try to sneak out, use one as a human shield and take his weapon, knock them both down with the riot shield and run out the door. If he walked away from Deceptio and Randomz, they would have died. If he waited to see what would happen, Deceptio would have died and he would come out to kill the last walker.

    If you guys voted for Raging to leave the farm, he would have avoided the attack and be on his own for a while. He would end up at a mall by himself, until Pro, TWDFan, and WtW (determinant) would show up. Raging would get into trouble with some guys, and there would be a decision to try to save him or use the distraction as an opportunity to sneak out. If Stache took the shot at either Mark or Corn, they would have been injured. If Stache shot Corn then Mark would kill AWESOMEO and injure whoever was out distracting them. If Stache shot mark then Corn would kill AWESOMEO and then kill the other person that Mark didn't shoot (If there were two people distracting them) They would both go behind Mark's car and decide what to do. If you guys voted for WTD to shoot either Mark or Corn, they would have died, but if he shot Mark first, then Corn would have killed AWESOMEO and then shoot and kill whoever was outside distracting, If it was both Raging and Stache, then Raging would have died. If it was one of them by themselves then they would have died. Corn would then dive over behind the car and decide to try to get Mark's gun and keys and try to leave or run inside the house, or wait it out. If Stache or Raging went out there by themselves, then depending on who WTD shot first they would have lived no matter what. If WTD shot Corn first, then AWESOMEO would always end up getting shot in the shoulder. If Mark tried to run inside the house, he would shoot at WTD's window and then run up stairs, where WTD would be waiting for him. They would have fought and killed each other. If Mark tried to run towards the woods, WTD would shoot him in the leg and arm, and then the farm group would come out and torture him. They would have to decide to kill him or leave him on the road. If Mark/Corn kept hiding behind the car, they would have waited until sundown. There would have been a decision to send someone after Mark/Corn by sneaking up behind him, and trying to kill him with a pitchfork. If Raging went, he would have killed him, If Stache went he would have injured him and then they decide what to do with him, if Mokonage tried sneaking up behind him, he would have died.

    If Jon left the groups with Clayton, they would have drove off and make enemies with Puncake and Firedog. Pun and Dog would tell Rich to go after them and try to find them. If Jon tried to convince everyone to go, then the group would have split up, with Rich, Jon, Puncake, Clayton and eking leaving in the pickup. Jon would leave a gas canister for Jewf, Firedog, ATR, Belan and Noncy. He would also leave them his car, but Jewf would keep the candy bars to himself. They would then head back to the city to look for their families, but would run into the horde that was surrounding the school. There would be a decision to try to drive through them or go into the woods. If Jon took his original group with him, they would go and try to find another BOAT!

    Originally I was going to kill off Jewf if they left him back at the school, but I decided not to. If he went to the city, he would run into the BOAT group and there would have been a decision to join them or not. If he did, then the school group would be surprised that he survived and Rich wouldn't try to shoot at them. If Jewf tried to distract Jon's group, then Rich would take the opportunity to shoot and kill him. Firedog would have shot back and killed Belan, who was behind him. Puncake would grab Jon's shotgun and kill Paul and Noncy, while Firedog distracted Rich by firing at him. Rich would then Kill Puncake. Clayton would get in the driver seat and tell Firedog to get in the back they would drive back and leave. If Jewf ditched them then Paul and Noncy would have heard him walking away, they would call him out and Jewf would get shot. If he said nothing, then he would have watched as his classmates and BOAT group people die. He would then come out and tell them, he arrived too late.

    If Belan, Paul, and eking went back for Jewf, they would have gotten out, but they would have been separated from their classmates. Jewf would be more trustworthy towards the three, and they would have to decide to follow or leave to the city. Paul would only twist his ankle if Belan sent him to go with Rich, Noncy and ATR. If Rich took Jewf only, he would have to help Rich at the backdoor, but then hear Firedog in trouble, he would get a decision to try to save one of them. If Rich took eking with him, Jewf would get pissed but ATR and the others would tell him to stay in the pickup. If Rich only took Firedog with him, Jewf would wait until they were in the pharmacy and then he would go in there. Belan would tell him it's a bad idea, but Jewf wouldn't care. Belan would then have to go with Jewf to make sure nothing happened. Depending if Belan and the others went back to save him, he would either leave Belan to die or try to save him.

    If AWESOMEO didn't save WtW He would have went back to the farm, and they would have stayed there for a while. WtW would have been killed, and Corn and Mark would go around the city terrorizing others, and killing walkers or get a showdown with Pro and TWDFan (determinant) If Pro and TWDFan left WtW, she would have died in the city trying to look for Angel.

    If Guilty ran into TWDFan, he would get a decision to try and kill him or let him join them. They would have been attacked by Tobi's people and run off to find tntlee in the gun shop. If tntlee decided to go back into the woods, Guilty would get mad and go on by himself. If they went right, they would find a horde of walkers blocking the way and have to turn back. If they went forward, they would find Tobi's warehouse a week later and make a decision to try and sneak in, or leave. If they kept walking down the road, they would find Tobi by himself with a truck full of supplies. Guilty would ask if he has seen a girl wearing a purple sneaker. Tobi would lie and say that he has, and that he knows of a place where they could find her. They would get a decision to go with him or continue on the road. If they continued, Tobi would have driven the car in front of them, this time with two of his men and force them to get in. If they went with him, they would get to the warehouse the next day, Guilty would have to decide to shoot either tntlee or TWDFan (determinant) If Guilty was by himself, then Tobi would have his men beat him up, but keep him alive. The warehouse would have been introduced a lot earlier and they would have to work in it. Guilty would tell Valky that they need to escape ASAP.

    If tntlee left by himself. He would run into Bananas if he had decided to go into the city. They would have worked together, taken a car and then headed into the countryside. They would find SweetPea's farm and notice the attack (determinant). Bananas would then try to help out the farm group by shooting at Mark or Corn. Mark would throw a grenade at their car and force them to run away from it. He would then shoot at them, injuring tntlee. WTD would have them pinned down with no where to go. Bananas would have a decision to shoot back or try to drag tntlee over to him. If Mark and Corn didn't attack then they would stop and see who lived there. They would decide to stay or keep going down the road.

  • edited October 2014

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Ch.2

    If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and continued on the road and head into town, where they would have ended up finding Mark and Twistee. They would get an option to help Mark out or leave him. If Rafoli said nothing, then CC would have ran back into the woods and then he would chase after him. CC would lead him to Shadow and then CC would be trying to protect Shadow. CC would tell Shadow that they are crazy people and that they need to run away. Rafoli would either leave them or try to convince them to come with him. If he tries to convince them, CC would be a little more trustworthy towards them, since he didn't try to kill him or his son. If Rafoli leaves, then CC and Shadow would continue on their way, deeper into the woods alone, until they run into Tobi's community. If Rafoli shot CC in the head or bashed his skull in, Shadow would come out and run up to him to try and stab him with his pocket knife. Broken and AC would try to calm him down. Shadow would pretend to be calm and then take the opportunity to stab Rafoli in the stomach and run away. If you guys decided to shoot CC in the heart, Shadow would kneel down and start crying. He would tell them about his mother. They would try to apologize, but Shadow would tell them to leave. Shadow would wait until his father turns, and let him bite him. If the crew left CC and took the RV to find Shadow, they would crash behind Tobi's community. They would tell Shadow to forgive them. There would be an option to go back to find CC who would still be alive. If they left him, Shadow would come out and say what's happening. CC would tell him that it's okay. There would be an option to forgive CC and take them with Rafoli's group, or leave them. If shadow killed Rafoli or broke his legs, Tobi would be proud. He would have Broken and AC do some hard labor.

    If DLB ran to the back of the store by herself and tried to escape, CSB and Kunny would have gotten surrounded and both would have died by the walkers. If she did nothing, she would watch as they died. She would stay in the toy store by herself, later at night she would get an option to try and get their supplies, with a few walkers around, or leave to find another store to hide in. If they went into the clothing store, they would spend the day trapped in the security room, they would have to sneak out, later at night, but the town would be overrun by more walkers. DLB and Kunny would die, CSB would have to escape by himself. If they tried the bicycle shop, they would notice that it's empty and continue on their way. If DLB tried going for the tools by herself, she would end up dying and CSB and Kunny would have to leave without them. If Kunny tried by himself, he would slide the pipe wrench over to CSB and DLB but would die with the hammer and screwdriver. If CSB tried he would get the screwdriver and pipe wrench but leave the hammer behind, and leave with Kunny and DLB. If CSB and DLB tried, CSB would die trying to hold the walkers off.

    If Salt tried to go through the small opening between the walkers and wall, with Sardines and Joe. He would have been killed, as the walkers would swarm him and Joe and Sardines would watch as he get's ripped apart by them, they would then escape the mall. If you guys voted for them to stay with Salt. Salt would tackle the walkers in the other side of the small opening, and then Sardines and Joe would try to run over to him. Joe would end up dying, and then Salt and Sardines would have Joined Pro, TWDFan, WtW and Angel.

    If Jewf didn't say anything about eking, he would start to get depressed. ATR would start to notice something is wrong with him, but he wouldn't tell her, leading to an argument. If he told Belan and ATR. Belan would get angry at Jewf and they would both start fighting while ATR tries to break them up. ATR would get hit on accident. The rest of the group would see them fighting and ATR laying on the floor unconscious. Belan would tell them about what Jewf did. The group would get an option to kick Jewf or both of them out of the group. If Jewf told the whole group, they would be less trust worthy of him. Belan and Paul would be angry, but the others would stop them from fighting. They would get an option to forgive Jewf and keep him in the group, or kick him out. If ATR told Rich about his secret, Rich would aim his gun at Jewf and then shoot him. If she said none of your business, Rich would walk up to her and start arguing. Jewf would step in and they would start fighting. Belan, Paul and Firedog would hear what's going on and then try to stop them. Once they do, Rich would walk away pissed off and they would go on the supply run without Jewf. If ATR said nothing, Rich would look at them confused, he would start shouting at them. He would get in an argument with them and the rest of the group would show up to stop him. If ATR told the rest about Jewf's secret, he wouldn't trust her anymore and he would leave the group, meaning she would die without him around to stop Rich if she told the group about him. If she told the group about them, they would have to decide to keep or kick them out, or leave one to stay. If ATR didn't tell the group, Noncy would tell them and after killing Bananas, Rich would go upstairs to kill her. If Jewf isn't around, ATR would feel bad about telling them his secret and she would walk out of her room, she would notice Noncy's door is open and walk in to get killed by Rich. He would leave that same night and take the pickup. If Cameron was still alive, Rich's sanity would slowly start to come back. If they tried kicking Rich out, He would pretend to leave and then come back to kill them, he would manage to kill Jewf from a distance with the MP5, and then Jon and Firedog as well, he would run up to the house and get shot from behind by Clayton and Puncake. If Puncake wanted to leave Bananas and Randomz behind Rich would get into and argument with him and start fighting. The others would break them up, and Bananas and Randomz would leave on their own. Rich would be angry and kill Puncake later at night. Jon and the others would find him, and then kill him.

    If Valky told Tobi that it was PAP's fault, PAP would tell Tobi that's she's lying to protect Guilty. Guilty would tell Tobi that PAP is scared, and that he's just trying to protect his own ass. Tobi would get angry and shoot PAP in both of his knees, he would start beating his face in with his gun until PAP dies. Valky would continue her guard duty, but with Emu keeping watch as well. If Valky said it was Guilty's fault, Guilty would be pissed at her. Tobi would tell Emu to beat Guilty until he learns his lesson. Emu would be using his AK to rough him up. Guilty would get hurt, but not as badly as what Tobi did to him, Valky would step in and tell him to stop. From there he wouldn't trust Valky and tell her that she's switched sides. She would feel hurt and angry, she would tell Guilty that he better not mess up again, or next time she won't step in. Guilty would plan an escape without her. If she said nothing, Tobi would slap her. Guilty would get angry and try to run up to Tobi. Emu would stop him and hold him back. Tobi would take Valky's gun shoot her all over her body, as PAP and Guilty watch, Emu would then hit Guilty in his eye with his AK, and then Tobi would walk up to him as he lays on the floor. Tobi would shoot him in the head with Valky's gun.

    If Mark ran off to the side of the buildings, Twistee would have shot at him, but miss. Some of the walkers would slowly go after him. From there he would get an option to run away or go after Twistee. If Mark kept pretending to be a walker and making his way over, Twistee would have caught him in the shoulder. The walkers would notice and then start biting him to death. If he took out his AK and started shooting at Twistee, he would miss but run off to the side of the buildings, he would shoot the lock off of the gate and go around. Twistee and him would be shooting at each other, the walkers would be getting closer to Mark, he would then run up to the roof where Twistee would be waiting behind the rooftop air conditioning unit. They would shoot at each other, both behind cover. Mark would get an option to use his grenade, or go out and shoot him, if he uses the grenade, Twistee would dive out of the way, but Mark would shoot him. If he goes out and shoots, Twistee would shoot him, and Mark would fall back on the railing and hit the floor, letting the walkers get to him. If he placed a grenade down, he would run to the side, but Twistee would shoot him in the leg. The explosion would catch Mark, blowing off both legs and then Twistee would let the remaining walkers kill him. If he used the grenade in front of the store. He would start running to the side of the gun shop before it goes off, Twistee would be caught off guard and wondering what happened. Mark would run up behind him and hit him with his AK. He would kick the sniper rifle away, and decide whether to shoot him, throw him off the building, or use him to escape.

    If you guys voted for SweetPea and crew to stay underground. The walkers would have fell through the board, and then slowly make their way inside. They would be fighting them off for a while, until they get overwhelmed with too much walkers and they all die. Anyone who went into the Hunting store would run into the bandits. Anyone who went into the department store, would run into a horde of walkers. The fishing store was the safest. It would be empty and they would be able to take a few fishing rods with them. Whoever SweetPea said was her favorite, would end up dying. If she stayed quiet, the bandits would kill her first.

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: Second Half Of Ch.2

    If you guys voted for Deceptio to go down the dirt road, he would see the huge horde of walkers and go back to warn the group. If he kept running through the woods, he would have ended up where Sardines and Joe were sleeping. He would have an option, to wait it out, wake them up, or sneak around them. If he waited, he would watch as Tobi and shadow show up the next day. He would either try to shoot Tobi or let him take them. If he woke them up, they would get an option to try and help him, or let Deceptio leave, or try to convince him to take them back to their friend Salt. If Deceptio tried running around the walkers, the one who was sitting behind a big tree would have bit him in the leg. Deceptio would have shot it in the head, and the walkers would start coming for him. He would still be able to climb a tree and he would be waiting on a branch. As long as Pro stayed back at the cabin, he would always try to leave to The Spot, WtW would always stay back. If everyone went and left Angel behind, she would die when the walker horde reaches the cabin. If Pro left with TWDFan and Salt stayed behind, he would leave WtW the keys to the SUV. WtW would stay up and and look around, she would notice the horde and then escape with Salt, but only have time to take a few weapons. If WtW stayed with Angel, she would go back to sleep. The horde would reach the cabin, and she would be trapped with Angel inside the house. She would see the pickup truck leaving and Pro's SUV would be surrounded with walkers. she would then escape with Angel, by climbing out her window and jumping down while the walkers are distracted by gunshots. She would run out onto the road away, from the cabin and The Spot, and be separated from the group. Maybe she finds CSB? If they get to Deceptio and find out he's bit, they would have to decide to leave him or take him, he would NOT shoot TWDFan in the leg because he would be in Pro's SUV, IF Pro or WtW took it. If not, then they would have to retreat and with or without Deceptio, if Jon didn't take the pickup to The Spot.

    If Mark stayed in town, he would have found an old police car. He would turn the sirens on and follow Twistee until his car breaks down. Mark would ram the car into his and kill Twistee in the process. If Mark snuck up behind Twistee while he was packing some things, Twistee would smell him and then turn around and shoot him.

    If SweetPea and AWESOMEO went to the zoo, they would find a secure place to stay in, they would be able to hunt antelope, and they would get an option to stay and start building a safer place for them, or take some items and leave. If AWESOMEO saved WTD, SweetPea would have gotten bit in the ankle. WTD and AWESOMEO would save her, but her time would be running short. If he ran away, they both would have died. If they went to the mirror maze, they would get lost for a while, walkers would start going in and kill them both. If they went to the go kart track, they would find some go karts and escape the amusement park.

    If CSB and DLB went to the other town, they wouldn't have run into the school and BOAT group. They would loot a couple stores and then get an option to stay in the city, or take a dirt road that they find. If kunny was with them when ATR finds DLB, there would be an option for either Kunny to stay back or CSB. Whoever stayed back would have to decide to find a house in the neighborhood, or keep going down another road. If Jon decided to drive off, they wouldn't be there to help the other group. Randomz would have died by the horde at the cabin, Salt would have died, but the others would have escaped. They would be low on ammo for their weapons though, if Pro took them with him. If Jon said nothing, the other group members would get into an argument on whether to go or not. A few of them would get out and try to see what's going on. Jon and the remaining few that stayed, would drive off.

    If Tobi killed Both Sardines and Joe, Shadow would be a little afraid of Tobi. He wouldn't trust him, and would have second thoughts about him. If Tobi killed Joe but took Sardines with them, Sardines would get to Tobi's warehouse but she would be too scared to work. Tobi would tell Shadow to convince her to work, or else. If Rafoli said "Man, fuck Tobi!" A guard would get Tobi and he would could out to kill him brutally. If Rafoli asked for Tobi to come out, Tobi would give him a water bottle and say that he likes his attitude. If he flipped the guards off, one of them would break his middle finger. If he spit in one of their faces, they would kill him.

    If Guilty decided to leave immediately. Guilty, PAP, Valky, Broken and AC would leave. They would overpower Emu and kill him, they would manage to kill a few guards and then Tobi would come out. They would try running into the woods, guilty would get shot and killed. Valky would stay beside him crying, PAP would tell Broken and AC to leave, while he tries to shoot back at the guards on the roof. He would get shot, and then Tobi would walk over to Valky and kill her. He would then hunt down Broken and AC.

  • edited October 2014

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Ch.3

    If AWESOMEO told SweetPea to shoot Gary and take his stuff, Azlyn would have killed SweetPea and run away, he would go after her, and then get an option to kill her, or use her as a hostage and make her lead him to her group. If he said nothing, SweetPea would run towards Gary and Azlyn, she would join them, Awesomeo would go off by himself. If he told her to leave, they would let Gary and Azlyn leave, and go their separate ways. When Awesomeo and SweetPea join Gary and Azlyn, if Awesomeo told SweetPea to help, they would both go over and Awesomeo would recognize Mark. Mark would spot him and go crazy, he would start shooting at them and using Twistee as a human shield. Azlyn and SweetPea would try to go to the back of the church, Shiina would tell the group to go inside the church where they could hide. Mark would pick up a grenade and throw it at Awesomeo and Gary. SweetPea would get angry and start shooting. Twistee would get shot, and Mark would run around to try to get to Azlyn and SweetPea. He would shout at them to stop shooting, but they wouldn't listen. He would get an option to take a car and leave or go into the church. If Awesomeo said nothing, SweetPea would get angry and leave him while she goes to help, Awesomeo would regret it, but he would leave on his own.

    If Mark told Shiina to shoot him, she would accidentally shoot Twistee, Mark would then start shooting at them, and kill a few before going into cover. Another group member would pick up Shiina's handgun and go into the church with the remaining group members that are alive. If he decided to kill Twistee and start shooting, he would slice his throat and start killing a few of them, he would pick up a grenade and decide to use it or not. If he used Twistee as a human shield, Mark would kill two group members, but then Twistee would free himself, he would be angry and snap Mark's neck. When Tobi shows up with his crew, If Mark used Twistee as a hostage to escape they would reach the back of the church, he would tell Twistee to work with him, they would notice that Tobi sent a guy after them, Twistee would hate the idea but agree to it. They would run into the tall grassy field. If he killed Twistee and shot at them, Mark would kill Pur and injure CiD. He would run towards the tall grassy field, but Tobi would send someone after him. If Gary didn't ruin his fake surrender plan, he would tell them that there are people hiding in the side of the church, he would then quickly pick up his AK and injure Tobi, they would run inside the church. Tobi's men would have to decide to try and finish them off, or go back to the warehouse.

    If Pro took Deceptio with him without cutting his leg, they would get out of the woods and find the river. They would wait until he turns, TWDFan would get an option to shoot him or leave him. If Pro decided to leave Deceptio behind, the group would start to question him, they wouldn't trust him as much. When Deceptio finds ATR, Noncy and Firedog in trouble, if he did nothing, the man would kill all three. Deceptio would scream in anger, the man would find and shoot him. If he went back for help, he would hear a gunshot. Puncake would find him, and Deceptio would explain what's going on. Another shot would be heard, and puncake would tell him to stay while he goes to check it out. Pro, DLB, and Jewf would show up and ask what's happening. He would explain, and Pro would tell them to wait while he checks it out. Another shot would he heard in the distance, when Pro gets there, ATR and Noncy would be dead, but Puncake would have stopped the man before he kills Firedog. If Deceptio tried to negotiate with the man, he would buy them enough time, Firedog would attack the man and ATR would pick up his gun, she would be hesitant to shoot him, but Noncy would take the gun and kill him. If WtW told the group to stay for the night but leave in the afternoon, they would have everything packed and leave. Salt would get there at night only to find out that the group is gone, he would find Firedog's grave and the dead man by the river, he would decide to try and find them or go back to help Sardines. If she told them to leave right away, they would find what will be revealed later on, a lot quicker. If they left the note for Salt, he would try and find them. If she said nothing the group would split up, some would leave and others would stay. If Jewf said that Password and Wanderer could leave, CSB would get angry with the group, but he would understand. If DLB said that the group should find Salt's friends, Pro, Salt, WtW, Clayton, Puncake and Password would go and try to save them. If DLB said nothing, Only Pro and Salt would go and try to save them, Pro would tell the group to leave without them and that they would try and find them later. The group would leave Arrows on trees so they could find them if they returned.

    If Guilty told Tobi that he wasn't going to look after Shadow, Tobi would get mad and threaten to kill Valky. He would tell Tali to bring her over and then put a knife to her throat. Guilty would run up to him and try to fight him, Tobi would get some help from Emu, and then Guilty would be thrown out the window, Tobi would also kill Valky after that. If Guilty asked Tobi to rank Valky up, Tobi would lie and say that she's already close to getting guard duty and that Guilty just needs to do this one little thing before she get's ranked up. If Guilty asked Tobi to rank him up, Tobi would laugh and ask why. Guilty would tell him that he could be useful and become his personal guard, Tobi would think about it and let him go. If Guilty told Shadow about the escape plan, Shadow would trust Guilty more, they would get along better and Shadow would promise to stay quiet about it. If Guilty said "Hey, Shadow. Fuck you." Shadow would be confused, Guilty would insult him and Shadow would get angry, they would start fighting until Ever comes to break it up. Shadow would trust Tobi more, and tell him that Guilty is untrustworthy. If Guilty told Shale that he doesn't care, Shale would get angry and not talk to him. Shale would then talk to Shadow about it. Depending on what he told Shadow, Shale would either find out about the plan and tell Tobi that he's trying to escape, or not hear about it and Tobi would believe him. If Guilty told Shale about the plan and not Shadow, Shale would trust Guilty and keep his mouth shut when Tobi comes back. Depending on what Guilty told Shadow, if Shadow is pissed with Guilty he would tell Tobi that Shale is trying to escape and involve Guilty in his plan. Tobi would kill whoever Guilty told him to kill, he would have killed them both if he decided to say that.

    If Wanderer told Password to shoot, CSB would be dead, he would remember that he went to school with him, they would both feel bad but decide to leave down the street. If he said nothing, Password would threaten CSB. CSB would run into the gas station, and password would go after him. They would both run into the woods, Wanderer would get an option to follow or keep going down the road. If Wanderer went with Password, CSB would search the woods alone, if he went with CSB, they would both go into the woods and Password would go down the road alone. If all of them went down the road, they would have found Tobi's community and they would be captured by his guards.

    If Azlyn told Gary to surrender and if Mark did the same, everyone could have lived. If she Told Gary to shoot Mark, Twistee would have been shot by accident, Mark and Tobi's group would start shooting, Mark would run away into the tall grassy field. If Azlyn met up with him, Mark would save her from the person that Tobi sent after them. Mark would have to decide to leave on his own or try to help her back to her group. If Tobi killed Gary, Shiina or Guetta, Azlyn would go after them no matter what, but she would be angrier and more determined. If she tried running away when she was hiding behind the big tree, Guy would have shot and killed her. If she did nothing he would find her and bring her back. They would get there too late, and he would tell her to get moving before he kills her. If she went the opposite direction, she would eventually find Awesomeo and SweetPea.

    If PAP decided that telling Tali was a bad idea, they wouldn't get that extra help that they need. If Sardines told PAP to ask Tali, PAP would try to convince him about the escape plan, he would be hesitant but give in. If AC tried to ask, she would get nervous and Tali would tell them to go back to work. If Broken asked, he would tell her to mind her business and get back to work. If Sardines asked, he would say that she shouldn't be asking questions, and that they should get back to work. If Rafoli punched Juice, he would knock him out and take his gun, he would go in the warehouse and find Guilty with Shadow, Shale and Ever. He would kill Ever and they would have to try to escape right then and there. Guilty would grab Ever's gun and they would try and find the rest of the group. Tali would kill Rafoli and injure Guilty, but Guilty would manage to kill him. The cameras would spot them and more guards would be on their way. Valky would take Rafoli's gun and PAP and broken would try to help Guilty. They wouldn't get too far with the guards on the roof. PAP and AC would die, and they would have to decide to try and escape or give up, if they try to escape, Guilty would have to be left behind and he would try to distract the guards until he dies. Broken would die, but Valky would manage to escape. If Rafoli said he doesn't need the water, Juice would call him a coward and insult him. He would keep teasing him with more water, but Rafoli would ignore him and keep working until dinner time.

    If Salt went up to the warehouse and started shooting, he would kill Tali and Sardines would spot him, she would try running towards him, but Juice would kill him right before she reaches him. Juice would be pissed and start asking her questions, he would put her in the torture room and tell Tobi what happened. If Salt waited until nighttime, he would hop the gate, Someone would tell Tobi that a person is trying to sneak in, Tobi would stop trying to ask Shadow and Shale what Guilty told them, and then tell the group to find Salt. Salt would kill two guards before getting captured. He would then be tortured and Tobi would ask him where his group is. He would have to tell him or Tobi would kill him. If Salt left to try and look for Sardines again, he would run into some walkers, and they would kill him.

  • DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: Second Half Of Ch.3

    Whoever Tobi tortured first, they would get to live. Tobi would kill the second person, depending on who went first, if it was Valky first, Guilrty would die. If it was Broken first, AC would die, if it was Shadow first, Sardines would die and vice versa. If Azlyn went the opposite direction instead of following Tobi, She would find SweetPea and Awesomeo. If Azlyn was with Mark, him and Awesomeo would start fighting, they would both roll down a hill and fall into the river where it would lead down a small waterfall and both would be unconscious. They would have to decide to work together or try to kill each other again. The bandit would sneak up behind Az and SweetPea, there would be a choice as to who should try to attack him first. Who ever is chosen would get shot in the shoulder but both of them would manage to kill the bandit. If Azlyn is alone when she finds SweetPea and Awesomeo, Azlyn would get shot and killed. Awesomeo would hide with SweetPea and they would work together to distract the bandit and get him out from hiding. Right when he's about to kill SweetPea, Awesomeo would shoot him inthe back of the head saving her. They would reach the mansion, but Awesomeo wouldn't trust Jon and Jewf. They would argue back and forth until they prove their innocence. If Az and SweetPea meet Jon and Jewf, they would tell them what happened. Jon and Jewf would be hesitant, but follow them into the woods with caution until they find out the truth. If Awesomeos is with SweetPea, and one of them get shot, they would stay there and mourn the other's death until Jon and Jewf show up. They would feel bad but Awesomeo/SweetPea wouldn't trust them and go off on their own. If Az/SweetPea get shot, the other would run away into the woods. There would be an option to try and hunt them down, or let them go. Mark and Twistee could have teamed up another option was chosen. They could have ambushed the warehouse and attacked from a different location and helped the mansion group. Mark would try to convince Twistee that they should leave his group behind, Twistee would get an option to go with Mark or stay with the group.

    After shooting the bandit in the legs, If SweetPea left him he would tell Jewf and Jon that she's crazy and that she attacked him and his group with a bunch of people, of course he would be lying, but Jewf and Jon wouldn't know that. SweetPea would tell them that the bandit is lying, but they wouldn't know who to believe. He would say that she has more people with her and that they're hiding, he would ask Jewf and Jon if they honestly believe SweetPea would be able to kill all his people by herself. Jewf and Jon would be convinced that she's lying and tell her to go before they kill her. The bandit would then tell Jewf and Jon to finish him off. Jon would be hesitant but Jewf would do it without a problem. SweetPea would later die out there on her own by a horde of walkers. If CiD decided to go back inside and put on his Spongebob pajamas, he would be caught in the crossfire and die. If Password suggested going in guns blazing, their positions would be given away, Az would stay with WtW while the others try to go inside. Password would get injured and would have to try and hide in the parking lot. Fan would run up to him and try to help him get into the woods, they would both get shot from the back and die. A lot of the people trying to escape would have died. Only Pro, Puncake and Clayton would make it back to WtW and Az with the remaining survivors. Salt would die trying to hold some guards back and he would never find out if Joe and Sardines made it safely. Going in guns blazing would have saved people from being tortured though, but if the group snuck in and PAP was with Tali, he would convince him to keep quiet about the group sneaking in, the second person being tortured would have died, however. If Sardines was tortured and killed, Salt would stay back and try to look for Tobi, he would get captured and there would be an option to tell him where his group went, or he would die. If he told him, he would find the mansion quicker and then use Salt as a hostage. Pur, Ever, and Emu would still be alive if the guns blazing option was chosen, they would be helping Tobi. Gustav would still try to help everyone escape.

    If ATR told Jon and Jewf to shoot SweetPea from afar, Jon would use a silencer and take the shot, SweetPea would get injured. They would make their way towards her, she would be bleeding out badly and they would feel bad about what just happened. She would manage to explain what just happened to her, they would try to get her up and into the mansion but she would die when they're halfway to it. If ATR said nothing, Jewf would take the shot and injure her, while also making noise. They would get pissed at him and ask him why he would do that. Jewf would feel like shit and walk away. ATR would follow him and try to comfort him. When they reach SweetPea, she would be dead. Jewf would feel hated and decide to leave the group, ATR would get a choice to leave with him or stay with the group. If they left, they would die getting surrounded by a horde of walkers. Jewf would risk his life for her, and die first. ATR would panic and start crying. With no one else there to help her, she would die as well. If SweetPea gets shot, by the time they reach Awesomeo's corpse, the bandit would be dead. They wouldn't know what happened if Jewf shot her, they would place their bodies by the river and burn them. If Jon decided that SweetPea could leave, she would go on her own. The others would be a bit angry with him, but they would understand that it was ultimately her choice. If PAP stayed with Tali, they would have escaped together. Rafoli would try to escape on his own, but he would get caught in the crossfire between the mansion group and a few of Tobi's guards. KingJuice would still be alive and helping Tobi out. If ATR told Jewf to tell them about eking, she would be there to back him up when he tells the group. They would understand and let him stay, if Pro decided that the survivors should leave, they would be pissed of that they let Jewf stay but not them. There would be arguments and everyone would be outside fighting when Tobi shows up. More people outside equals more deaths. If ATR said nothing, Jewf would get a bit annoyed and go tell them by himself. The group would question him and there would be an option to let him go or stay. If she told him to not say anything about it, they would both continue to keep it a secret. Eventually Jewf would get over it and accept that it was a mistake. If Tobi killed Gustav and Gamer while they were back at his warehouse, he wouldn't have them as hostages. Noncy would be more willing to leave with him. She would be more convinced that he could still go back to being a good boy.

    If WtW chose Guilty to say goodbye to PAP first, due to his injuries, Guilty would die as PAP would overpower him and take a chunk out of his throat. Valky would be too depressed to keep going, she would tell the group to leave her behind with his corpse, Tobi would later find her and there would be an option to kill her or take her. If Broken went first, PAP's reanimated corpse would rip her stomach open and start eating her insides, this would make AC more hardened and stronger. Valky would also die if she went first, Guilty would be pissed off with WtW, he would tell them to fuck off and leave him alone with Valky's corpse. Tobi would find him one the side of the dirt road later on and decide to take him or kill him. If AC went first, she would get her hand bitten, there would be an option to cut it off immediately or wait until she turns. She would live if they cut it off. If Salt decided to leave the remaining survivors behind, they would get angry, but the mansion group would threaten them to stay back and not try to follow them. The remaining survivors would get a decision to split up, or go another way together. Where they end up will be revealed in Ch.4. If Salt said nothing, Puncake and Jewf would tell the survivors to stay behind, but Pro would suggest taking only a few of them. There would be a chose on who to take back. If CSB told Jon to look for the others, they would have crashed with WtW and Fan. CSB and Fan would have died, and then it would take them longer to get back to the mansion. If Sardines was bit, she would turn before they reach the mansion, they would have to shot her and Salt would have never got to say goodbye. If they decided to shoot Sardines before she turned, they would leave her corpse by the tree next to PAP's corpse. Tobi would find them, but keep moving. If Valky suggested leaving her to turn, Sardines would be angry but too weak to do anything. She would wish death upon them and call them backstabbers for not finishing her off. Tobi would later find her reanimated corpse and leave her as a walker. If Valky said nothing, Sardines would tell them to shoot her and leave. They would shoot her, but hide her body with PAP's in the woods. Tobi wouldn't find them. If Pro decided that the remaining survivors should leave, if Jewf didn't tell his secret to the group, they would understand and start heading out. Ch.4 would continue with them in a different place. Tobi would kill either Gustav or Gamer, if Sardines was alive, Gustav and Fan would be arguing as to who she wants.

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Ch.3 If AWESOMEO told SweetPea to shoot Gary and take his stuff, Azlyn would have killed SweetPea and r

  • edited October 2014

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter 4

    If Mark waited until nighttime, Tali would die. Mark would try to sneak up to them, he would grab Papai and force Lord to give up the Humvee keys. He would then toss them over to him, Mark would have both guns at this moment, so he would aim his AK at Papai and order him to bring him the keys. Papai would do as he says, and then Mark would slowly move back towards the Humvee, he would steal it and as he's driving off, he would shoot at them and Papai would die. Lord would get injured but live, from there he would have to decide to go after him, or go the opposite direction where he would eventually find The hilltop group and try to kill them. If Mark decided to come out from hiding and "talk" to them, Lord would use Tali as a human shield/hostage. Mark and Papai would be aiming their guns at each other and arguing back and forth to put their guns down. Mark would get tired and shoot Papai, but since he has a bulletproof vest, he would just fall back and get knocked unconscious. Lord would tell Mark to stay back. Mark would tell him to let Tali go, and to hand over the keys. Lord wouldn't listen and start to back away slowly. He would then trip and fall back, Mark would run up to him and place his foot on his arm so he doesn't grab the knife. Tali would be weak, but he would be able to grab the knife and keys and then get to the Humvee. An option to kill Lord or let him live would come up. Mark would leave with Tali in the Humvee after that, but Papai would be alive, if Mark lets Lord live, him and Papai would go after them.

    If Juicy told Latte to wait until Scarlet does something. Simon would die, but Scarlet would be able to save Grafite. Juicy and Latte would show up, and tell them that they watched her. Scarlet would get angry with them and ask them why they didn't help a kid out. She wouldn't trust them and take Grafite with her. If Juicy told Latte to sneak in while they're distracted, Simon would die, Scarlet would spot them and yell out to them, a walker would sneak up behind her and kill her. Grafite would be left on top of the car, when Juicy and Latte finish (If they're both still alive) They would go back outside and see that Grafite had been killed by the walkers as well. If Juicy said nothing, Latte would go out there and try to help, Simon and Scarlet would live, but Latte would die. Juicy would feel bad for not helping, Scarlet and Simon would question her as to why she didn't do anything, and then leave her while they enter the superstore and go on without her. Juicy would be alone, and eventually die from a bunch of walkers. If Juicy tells Simon to leave without Grafite, he would get angry at her and still try to save Grafite either way. Juicy would go to the roof, and watch as both Grafite and Simon die, Latte would tell her that there was nothing they could do and move on, although she would feel very bad about what happened to them. If Juicy tries to save Grafite and tells Simon to go, Simon would make it to the roof, the walkers behind Juicy would follow her, she would be to slow when trying to help Grafite, and eventually she would get surrounded, both would die. Simon would get depressed over Grafite's death and blame himself, Latte would blame himself for not trying to help. If both Juicy and Simon tried to help, they would manage to save Grafite, there would be too many walkers around though, Simon and Juicy would try to hold them off while Grafite attempts to escape, they would both die, but Grafite would live. Latte would blame himself for not trying to help. If Juicy decided that Scarlet was right about being alone, she would leave Latte behind with Grafite, Juicy would later die when she runs into some bandits. If Juicy decided to leave with Scarlet, she would leave Latte and Grafite behind. Scarlet would be hesitant, but let her join. Scarlet would teach her a few more things, how to shoot, steal, kill walkers with different weapons. They would avoid the burning farmhouse but end up finding the bandit hideout a lot sooner.

    If Spooch told Blue to leave, Blue would be pissed that they left two friends behind to die. He would stop talking to Spooch and not trust him anymore. If Spooch told Blue that they need to save Salt123, only Romy would die, both of them would manage to get Salt123 out of the bar. If both of them tried to save Romy, Salt123 would die, Blue would be able to save Romy, but Spooch would sacrifice himself so they could escape. If Spooch told Blue to check the bar, Blue would be able to get Salt123 out in time. Spooch would be able to get to Romy, but there would be too many walkers in front of them. Romy would sacrifice himself to save Spooch so he could escape. If NDY told the bandits a lie, the leader would tell his men to check the RV a lot quicker, NDY would panic and tell them that no one is here except for him. The bandits would still check, and kill Star and WTWH, the leader would get mad that he lied and then shoot NDY in the back of the head. If NDY told the truth, the bandit leader would tell his men to get them out of the RV, now the bandits would have NDY, Star and WTWH as their hostages. Whoever else is still alive would have to negotiate and distract the bandits long enough for the others to try something. If NDY tried stalling them, he would keep talking and changing the subject, whoever is still alive would see Star and WTWH waiting outside of the RV, they would explain what's going on and think of a way to save NDY. If NDY tried picking up the rock, he would get shot and die, Star and WTWH would hear the gunshot, and head outside, the other bandits would kill them off, who ever survived would need to decide if they should leave or attempt to do something. If they try something, two more bandits would sneak up behind them, the whole Hilltop group would be killed off. Latte and Juicy would get there too late, and decide to leave or try to kill some of the bandits with the car. If they leave, they would get chased by the bandits, after losing them, they would have to decide to ditch the car and go on foot, or keep it and try to find some place safe. If they keep it, the bandits would eventually find them and finish them off. If Romy and Salt123 decided to wait, they would eventually figure out what's going on, Star and WTWH would come out of the RV depending on what was chosen, but two bandits would sneak up behind Romy and Salt123. The bandits, would yell out that there's more people and then keep them all as hostages, Latte would show up and have to decide what to do. If Romy said nothing, Salt123 would go out there and meet up with Star and WTWH. They would attempt to ambush the bandits and save NDY, Two bandits would sneak up behind Romy, though. Latte would show up and decide what to do. If NDY said nothing after telling them what was chosen, the bandit would head into the RV and kill Star and WTWH.

    If Latte started to honk the horn, the two bandits would hear him and start shooting in his direction, he would back up and his other group members would go around the RV for some cover, they would eventually kill the last two remaining bandits, but Latte would discover that Juicy had been killed by the gunfire. If Latte attempted to sneak up on them, WTWH and NDY would die, Latte would get in a struggle with one of the bandits, but the other would kill him. Romy and Salt123 would kill the last bandit. Juicy and Grafite would have to decide if they should stay with them or leave. If he tried to sneak up with Juicy, Latte would try to get to the bandits quicker, WTWH and Salt123 would die, Juicy would help kill the bandit that's fighting with Latte, Romy and NDY would finish off the last one. If the group decided to leave in the morning, and if Juicy is with them. Scarlet would die, they would see a burnt down farmhouse and barn in the morning, but continue on their way. A few bandits would be on their tail, though, but they wouldn't know it. If NDY tried helping Scarlet with just WTWH and had Juicy tag along. They would get pinned down behind the fence, WTWH would go insane and start killing the bandits off, he would manage to kill all of them except for one. The last bandit would see Juicy trying to sneak over to Scarlet, and kill her off, at the same time NDY would be trying to sneak around the cars to get to the last bandit, when he sees that he killed Juicy, he would go over and finish him off. If NDY took Romy, Salt123, and WTWH with him but kept Juicy behind, They would manage to kill a few bandits until they get pinned down, WTWH and Salt123 would go out there and try to finish the rest off, the bandits would be aiming for Salt123 and injure him, Romy would try to go out and help, but end up getting shot and die. WTWH would manage to finish the bandits off with the help of NDY. Salt123 would be slowly dying, they would have to decide to leave him to die, or finish him off. If NDY took WTWH and left Juicy behind, they would get pinned down and manage to kill at least one bandit. WTWH would see Scarlet struggling to keep the bandit off of her and shoot him. They would try to sneak around, but they'll see that Scarlet gets shot and dies. WTWH and NDY would try to finish the rest off, but NDY would die. WTWH would survive and have to go back to tell the rest in the RV what happened. If NDY said that whoever wants to help can go, Juicy would go out there and take a handgun, even though she can't shoot. Star would get angry at the group for not wanting to help and try to go out there with her, even though he's injured. They would drive off and continue on their way, feeling bad that they left them behind. Star and Juicy would die and so would Scarlet. They would manage to kill one bandit only. If NDY said that there was nothing they could do, they would drive off, Juicy would be pissed and think about leaving the group. Scarlet would die trying to fight all the bandits by herself.

  • DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: Second Half Of Chapter 4

    If Star told the RV group to wait until morning, a few bandits would sneak up up to them while they're sleeping. They would kill who ever was voted to keep watch, the bandits would kill two more people from the RV group, before the others decide to fight back. The group would get split up during the gunfire, who ever survived would be alone until they regroup later on. If Star said nothing, the group would split up on who wants to attack now, and who wants to wait. The people who waited would hear all the gunfire and then rush to see what's going on, they would notice their group members have died and then they would have to decide to leave or try to kill the bandits off, if they stay, they would all die. If Latte tried to help NDY, he shoot the bandit holding the gun, NDY would pick it up and shoot the bandit next to him that was holding the machete, Romy would die by the walkers, and NDY would call Latte over. He would be depressed about Romy's death, but tell him that they have to go. Scarlet would come out of a tent and join them. WTWH would show up and say that he'll stay back and hold them off. NDY would convince him that it's a bad idea, and they would all go meet up with Juicy and Star. They would take the RV and drive off, but then they would stop and have to decide if they want to finish the bandits off, or just leave. If they decide to kill them, they would drive back and the bandits would spot them, they would lead them to a different part of the woods where they would wait to ambush them. Star would die, and Scarlet would get severely injured. They would have to decide to try to save her and take her with them, or leave her behind. If they take her, she dies in the RV and then turns quickly, and bites WTWH. They'll put her down, and then WTWH would tell them to leave him out on the road. An option to do that would show up, if they take him, he slowly starts to die, they stop the car and put him near a tree. An option to shoot him would show up. If Latte stayed with Romy to distract the Bandits, they would kill six of them before they both die. If Latte tried convinces Romy to go with them, he would follow them to the Junkyard. They would have to deal with ten bandits, Romy, knowing that he's bit, would run out and try to kill as many as he can. He'd kill three before going down, the others would still be hiding and have to finish the rest off by themselves. Scarlet would kill two before dying, Star would kill one, but then get injured. Juicy and Latte would work together to kill the last four. If Star said nothing about going to the junkyard, Scarlet and Latte would go down there, Star would think it's a bad idea, and then Juicy would have to decide if she should leave with Star, or go down there to help them. If she leaves with Star, Latte and Scarlet would manage to kill three each, but Scarlet would die. If Juicy tries to help, they would manage to kill the six remaining bandits, but Juicy would sacrifice herself to save Latte when a bandit tries to sneak up behind him. If Star tells them that he's not sure, they would all keep moving with the bandits on their tails. The bandits would eventually catch up to them and start shooting at them. Only Scarlet and Star would survive and run away. If Juicy shot the rifle bandit, the noise would distract the other bandits. Latte would take the opportunity to shoot the shotgun bandit, and Scarlet would try going around the last four. Juicy would be pinned down, and Star would try getting to her, he would get shot and die. Scarlet would make it over to the four bandits and kill two of them before getting shot to death. Latte would call Juicy over, and she would sprint towards him. The two would work together to kill the last two bandits. If Juicy tried going over to Star, the rifle bandit would hear her, and shoot her. Star would shoot the bandit and then run over to where Latte is. Latte would kill the shotgun bandit and then tell Star to distract them while he goes around. Scarlet would kill two of them and then Latte would meet up with her. With Star's distraction, Latte and Scarlet would be able to kill the remaining bandits. If Juicy waited and did nothing, Star would try to get over to her. A bandit would spot him and shoot him. Juicy would run over to where Latte is, but end up getting shot and injured. Scarlet would kill two bandits before dying. Latte would try to defend Juicy, but both would end up dying. If Juicy told Scarlet to stay with her and Star, she would feel more welcome, she would trust them more and be happier to go with them. If Juicy goes with Scarlet, Star would be sad, but understand. His fate would be revealed in Ch.5. If Juicy said nothing, Scarlet would be confused and take it as a bad thing. She would then decide to leave on her own and tell them to take care of each other. Her fate would be left unknown.

    If Mark helped look for the lady's baby, he would run into a trap set up by her group. They would rob and kill Mark, but he wouldn't go down without a fight. If Mark stayed in the HUMVEE and kept shooting the walkers, CS would spot him and then snipe him in the head. If Mark tried to get out and make his way inside, he would barely make it to the back door and then spot Gustav hiding behind cover. Mark would remember that he helped them escape, and then he would help him finish off Tobi's men. Gustav would tell him where Tobi could be, and then they would work together to get to him. They would spot the others and then join up with them

    Some people would be left behind and switched around if the option to take different people to Tobi's warehouse was chosen, random, mostly, Pro would go regardless. If Noncy spit in Tobi's face, he would get infuriated and start beating on her, he would then get his gun and pistol whip her to death. CS would walk in and see her dead on the chair, he would ask what the hell happened, and Tobi would tell him to keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him, he would then walk out. CS would get angry, and decide to betray Tobi during the war. If Noncy said nothing, Tobi would laugh and call her a coward. He would then walk out, but she would still be alive. If Shadow went with Gustav, Rafoli would get angry, but he would follow both of them to the back. They would see Pro, Fan and CiD and then help them out. Pro would take Shadow with him while Rafoli and Gustav distract Tobi's guards. Rafoli would get injured, but Gustav would save him. He would then help him get to the medical station while the others are distracted. Rafoli would get patched up and then Gustav would tell him that he's going after Tobi. Gustav would spot the others, getting shot by a sniper, and then run over to them, while Rafoli waits in a corner. If Mark is with them, He would distract Tobi's men while Gustav get's to the medical station, Mark would tell them about the HUMVEE he has outside, Pro and Puncake would go with him, while the others look for Tobi. CS would spot them outside, and then kill Puncake. WtW would shoot back, and CS would retreat. Broken and WtW would provide cover fire while Pro and Mark get the HUMVEE. They would drive around and spot CS trying to get inside the warehouse, Mark would be on the turret while Pro drives, Mark would kill CS. If Guilty went with Pro, they would get ambushed, Pro would get injured and then Guilty would get shot in the leg. They would manage to kill Tobi's guards, but then Tobi would show up and try to finish them off. Pro and Tobi would get into a fight and Guilty would crawl over to one of Tobi's dead guards. He would try to go for a gun and then get an option to shoot Tobi, or try to let Pro kill him. If Guilty shoots, he warns Pro about it, and then Pro would manage to grab Tobi, he would tell him to go for it, he would shoot one of the grenades and all three of them would die. If he lets Pro fight him, Tobi would take out his gun and shoot Pro in the leg, he would quickly aim for Guilty and kill him. Tobi would be injured and barely able to move, he would then manage to get away. If WtW is by herself, she would spot the SUV with loads of supplies. She would be confused and go to the second floor. She would look around but not find anyone, CS would shoot her and kill her while being hidden behind cover. He would then take the SUV and drive off. If Guilty, Shadow and WtW went after the sniper, Guilty and Shadow would try to sneak up behind CS, Shadow would make a loud noise and CS would notice. He would get into cover and then spot WtW on the second floor. He would then move around and shoot Guilty, he would shoot and injure WtW and let Shadow live. He would then drive off. If Only Guilty and Shadow went after the sniper, Guilty would go to the second floor and tell Shadow to distract CS. CS would spot Guilty and then use Shadow as a hostage, Guilty would get an option to shoot or let him take Shadow and drive off. If Guilty shoots, CS moves just in time and Shadow dies. He then gets into cover and tries shooting back at Guilty. An option to stay on the second floor, or go down to the first floor would show up. If Guilty stays, CS kills him, if he goes down one floor, CS gets away. If WtW goes with Pro, he tells her to stay back and hide somewhere, when Tobi's men try to ambush Pro, she helps him by sniping some of them. Tobi shoots Pro in the leg and then hides behind a tree. He then yells out to her to come out from hiding or else he kills Pro, an option to stay hidden or go out will come up, if she stays hidden, Tobi shoots and kills Pro. WtW would then have to go around and try to find Tobi. She's dumbfounded when Tobi isn't near by and then he manages to sneak up behind her, and stab her. Tobi then picks up another gun and shoots her, he then manages to get away. If WtW comes out from hiding, Tobi tells her to put her gun down, Pro tells her not to do it, but she does and then Tobi kills her. He then shoots Pro in the other leg and tells him that he'll come back to finish the job another day, Tobi then leaves him and gets away. If Mark is still alive, and he goes with Pro, they would get ambushed, Mark would get shot near his chest and go down, Pro would use one of Tobi's guards as a hostage, Tobi would shoot his guard and then shoot Pro in the shoulder. Tobi would try going for another gun and then walk over to Mark, but Mark would sweep Tobi's leg and then Pro would get on top of him and start punching his face. Mark would go over to one of Tobi's dead guards and grab a knife. Tobi would manage to get Pro off and then Mark would stab Tobi in the leg. Tobi would kick him in the face with his other leg and then pull the knife out. Pro would make his way over to him and then Tobi would stab Pro in the leg. Tobi would get up and grab the grenade belts. Mark would then tell Pro to leave while he stays and fights Tobi. An option for Pro to stay or leave would show up, if he stays, Mark would eventually manage to grab Tobi, he would tell Pro that they will all die, but Pro tells him to go for it, Mark pulls the the grenade pins and all three would die. If Pro leaves, he would crawl back and then hear an explosion, he would turn around and see that Mark sacrificed himself, but also took Tobi with him.

    If Guetta went with Twistee and AC, she would live. If Shadow stayed and tried to help Rafoli, they would both die trying to kill the walkers around them. If Password tried helping Deceptio and Wanderer, Goust would notice and then join in, after they help them Goust would get bit in the shoulder by a walker that sneaks up behind him, Shiina, ATR and SweetPea would die as well. If Password stayed to help Goust fight off the walkers, Deceptio, Wanderer, Shiina, ATR and SweetPea would die. Goust would be pissed with Password, and then leave him for the walkers, Password would die. If Password shot the walker behind Shiina, he would run over to help her. They would hear SweetPea screaming and then see them getting surrounded by the walkers around them. They would hear Goust yelling and see him trying to help Deceptio and Wanderer. Shiina and Password would run back to help him. If Password ran to the front of the Mansion, Deceptio, Wanderer, Shiina, Azlyn, DLB, ATR and SweetPea would die. The others wouldn't know what just happened and then try to finish the rest of the walkers off. Password would tell him what happened and feel guilty about it, he would tell them that he doesn't deserve to stay in the group and then an option to kick him out or keep him would come up. If he leaves, he dies later on by a bunch of walkers. If SweetPea told the others that the walker was WTD, she would get a decision to keep him as a guard dog, or just kill him anyway. If she did nothing, she would go on her knees and continue crying, she wouldn't be able to kill WTD's reanimated corpse, and then WTD would kill her. If Guilty told CS to go, he would take half of his stuff, CS would be happy and understand his choice. If Guilty let him go with everything, CS would be happy and give them one duffel bag, he would then drive off. If Guilty told him to get up, CS would spot WtW on the second floor, he would start to say something but then WtW would shoot him in the head. The plans I had for CS will be revealed in Ch.5. Also, Salt's character was supposed to piss off the reader, that was the point and it worked, whether he's alive or dead, that's up to the reader to decide. The theme for Ch.4 was that death is everywhere, not everyone is going to be safe forever. Things don't always go as planned and hope is wearing thin.

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter 4 If Mark waited until nighttime, Tali would die. Mark would try to sneak up to them, he would

  • edited October 2014


    If Jon told the others to Leave Jewf behind, they would have left Broken and Fan behind as well. WtW would be angry with Jon and so would AC and ATR. ATR would tell them to dump Jon's corpse in the river, but Puncake wouldn't like that. There would be arguments and fights, people would try to break it up and when things have calmed down, ATR would read the letter. Puncake wouldn't like the idea of ATR being the leader and would have to decide if he should leave the group or not. WtW would also want to leave because even though she had regained some hope, she would feel as if she would be better off alone, making her own decisions. If DLB said nothing, Puncake would walk up to ATR and try to talk to her, but she would scream at him and tell him to leave her alone. She would become bitter and the others would have to try to find the letter. When they fail to find it, ATR would get angry with them for going into her room and going through her stuff. She would give Puncake the letter but then decide that she wants to leave. After reading it, she has second thoughts, but leans more toward leaving. DLB tries to talk her out of it and then she has to decide to leave alone, leave with her sister, or stay in the mansion and try to be the new leader. If DLB said to leave her alone, ATR would hear her, and the others would try to walk up to her. She would tell them to leave her alone, and then she would go to her room. She'll leave the letter in a visible spot and then leave through the back door by herself. If Guilty decided to not use walker guard dogs, he would kill Lord's walker and continue on with his day. What happens to the warehouse after that is up to the reader.

    If Scarlet decided to keep looking in the supermarket, Star would have found some Shrek cereal, and then they would have decided to stay there for the night. A horde would come and they would have to escape. I was planning to keep Star alive, but he didn't mind a death scene, so he would have died trying to help them escape. This led to the story being a bit longer, so I added the hotel scene. If Star told them to check the town first, they would find a car. Star would try to start it up while some walkers get closer to them, he'll then start to fight them off and tell Scarlet and Juicy to leave without him. If Star went to go help Scarlet with the door, she would ask what the hell he was doing and get angry with him for not checking on Juicy. She would run over to where Juicy was screaming and then hear a gunshot. She would find Juicy dead on the floor and then kill the crazy man in the room. The walkers would bust through the door while she's crying and Star would call out for help. Scarlet would run back to him and start fighting with him and arguing that Juicy died because of him. Star would be shocked, they would eventually kill the walkers trying to get inside the room and then he would check to see if Scarlet was telling the truth. When he sees Juicy dead on the floor, he gets up and they both head down to the first floor. They would start fighting their way out, but then Star would get surrounded by walkers. He would scream out for help and Scarlet would get a choice to save him or leave him to die. If she saves him, they would go to an alley and then she would tell him that she shouldn't have trusted any of them. That she's better off alone, and then leave him, her status would be unknown. Star would later be tied up in the cannibal house with Sheep and Azlyn instead of Scarlet and Juicy. If Scarlet told the cannibal that she screamed, he would knock her out and Juicy would watch as he cut her into pieces. If Scarlet said that Juicy screamed, Juicy would be shocked at her betrayal, she would start crying and yelling at her that she should have never trusted her. The cannibal would kill Juicy in front of her, and Scarlet would try to look away as tears roll down her face. The cannibal would then grab her, but she would fight him off and kill him. Sheep and Azlyn wouldn't trust Scarlet, and then leave her alone with the cannibals as they run toward the back door, the cannibals would kill Scarlet. If Scarlet said that Azlyn screamed, Sheep and Azlyn would get angry at her and call her a liar. The cannibal would kill Azlyn and injure Sheep, he would laugh at them and tell them that they won't escape, he would then die from his injuries and Scarlet and Juicy would have to try to escape on their own. Password, Puncake and Shadow would mistake them for cannibals and kill them. If Scarlet said nothing, the cannibal would get pissed off at her, and then hurt her. Juicy would yell at him to stop and then say that she screamed. Sheep would tell the cannibal that he screamed, but then the cannibal would grab Juicy and Scarlet. He would tie Scarlet while placing Juicy on the table, Sheep would get up while Scarlet distracts him and then try to fight him. Scarlet would get badly injured on accident, and then Juicy would kill the cannibal with a knife while Sheep keeps him against the wall. They would have to decide to take Scarlet with them, or leave her. If they take her with them, Sheep would stay behind and fight the cannibals off no matter what, he would die trying to protect them. If Scarlet decided to leave Sheep behind, Azlyn would get angry with them, and tell them to leave her too, but Sheep would tell them to go. Azlyn would tell the others that she doesn't want them coming back to the mansion with them and Scarlet and Juicy would be on their own, their status would be left unknown. If Scarlet said nothing to Sheep, Azlyn would stay and fight the cannibals with him. Sheep wouldn't want that, but it would be too late, Scarlet and Juicy would try to bring Azlyn, but she would keep fighting them off. Scarlet and Juicy would go to the back door, and without Sheep or Azlyn there, Password, Puncake and Shadow would mistake them for cannibals and kill Scarlet. Juicy would hide in cover and hear Sheep and Azlyn dying. Juicy would have to decide to run back into the house, or stay outside. If she runs back inside, she would survive and kill the injured cannibal inside. She would check their bodies and find keys to a car. She would look in front of the house and then manage to make it out alive while driving off. She would be on her own, and wonder if she would stay alive any longer. She would look at the butterfly necklace and continue going down the road, her status would be unknown. If Password stayed behind with Shadow, more cannibals would try to get over to them. A decision to sacrifice himself for Shadow would show up, if he decides to do so, he would save Shadow's life at the cost of his own. If he doesn't, both him and Shadow would die. If Password says nothing, Shadow would try to pick him up and take him to a different spot, Shadow would die saving Password. If Scarlet and Juicy decided to not join the mansion group, they would go on their own and their status would be unknown.

    Here's where ComingSoon would have come into play, I wanted to keep him alive because he would show up at the supermarket, he would tell them that he's friendly and then they would have to decide to trust him or not. If they let him in, they would stay for the night, but a horde would come. They would run toward the woods and then after surviving, CS would tell them about the mansion and that they could go there for safety. If they agree to go with him, he would take them and get them to the mansion a lot sooner, if not, he would just leave them and his status would be unknown. If they decide to let him take them to the mansion, they would travel to it, and then run into the cannibals in the woods. The cannibals would try to kill them, but CS would fight back and then they would have to fight their way out of the woods. Depending on a decision, Star could die sacrificing himself, or Scarlet could die doing the same. If all of them live, they would trust CS more and continue on their way. He would eventually get them to the mansion, and then tell them that he has to leave them. He wouldn't tell them why, but he would tell them to go to the mansion and they would take care of them. They would tell CS to go with them, but he would decline the offer. He would then wait until they go over and then he would leave on his own, his status would be unknown. The story would have ended sooner, but I would have added some more scenes at the mansion and probably at the warehouse as well.

  • I put all the different outcomes on here for those who missed it, and also put the different outcomes for Ch.5.

    ayy lmao B]
  • Mark and I approve this.

    Alt text

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: Chapter Five If Jon told the others to Leave Jewf behind, they would have left Broken and Fan behind as well. WtW wou

  • 69th page. Ayy lmao

  • Alt text

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Mark and I approve this.

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited October 2014

    Hey, Lee. I remembered you said Shadow would had have his own story in chapter 5 if he stayed with Tobi in chapter 3. Could you tell me what it was? Thanks.

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: Chapter Five If Jon told the others to Leave Jewf behind, they would have left Broken and Fan behind as well. WtW wou

  • Holy shit Pro, you really planned this story out. Brings back memories from when it just started, I bet none of this expected this. All that effort and the outcome is a great story (yes, I finally finished it!) Awesome job! :)

  • Also, here's the link to the whole story. You can read it all on google docs. vvvv

    Everything is there. For those who want to read it again, or for those who haven't finished, or those who haven't read it and want to read it. Enjoy! B^]

  • Yeah, man. When no one really knew each other, haha. Good times, gooood times. Thanks, man! I appreciate it and thanks for participating!

    Deceptio posted: »

    Holy shit Pro, you really planned this story out. Brings back memories from when it just started, I bet none of this expected this. All that effort and the outcome is a great story (yes, I finally finished it!) Awesome job!

  • edited October 2014

    If he turned evil, and if Tobi died, he would escape the warehouse. I didn't really plan it out since I do it from the top of my head, but I guess he would find another location and try to take it over with deception and then either try to go after the mansion group again, or just stay where he is and become Tobi 2.0.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Hey, Lee. I remembered you said Shadow would had have his own story in chapter 5 if he stayed with Tobi in chapter 3. Could you tell me what it was? Thanks.

  • O____O

    Alt text

    620 fucking pages....

    Pro, you literally wrote a fucking novel O_O

    Also, here's the link to the whole story. You can read it all on google docs. vvvv

  • Lmao, it was the help from everyone and their characters. I just came up with the situations, but your characters were what really made the story. Everyone is awesome. B^]

    Deceptio posted: »

    O____O 620 fucking pages.... Pro, you literally wrote a fucking novel O_O

  • Yeah haha.

    And no problem man. It was very fun!

    Yeah, man. When no one really knew each other, haha. Good times, gooood times. Thanks, man! I appreciate it and thanks for participating!

  • Lmao, it was the help from everyone and their characters. I just came up with the situations, but your characters were what really made the story. Everyone is awesome. B^]

  • I never got to say this, but your story was amazing! It got me addicted to it from the moment I started reading it to the end. It was awesome to be in it too (even if it was only for a short time). The different outcomes are very interesting too, they make us wonder what could have happened with different choices (ATR killed by Richmond, Tobi not dying, TWD fan going to Tobi's community...).

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: Chapter Five If Jon told the others to Leave Jewf behind, they would have left Broken and Fan behind as well. WtW wou

  • Oh, man. The story would be a lot different, haha. Thanks for participating! Glad you liked it. B^]

    Grafite posted: »

    I never got to say this, but your story was amazing! It got me addicted to it from the moment I started reading it to the end. It was awesom

  • Jesus..

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter One If you guys voted for Pro and TWDFan to go to the back. They both would have died. If you g

  • Titty...

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Ch.2 If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and conti

  • Fucking...

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Ch.3 If AWESOMEO told SweetPea to shoot Gary and take his stuff, Azlyn would have killed SweetPea and r

  • Christ...

    DIFFERENT OUTCOMES: First Half Of Chapter 4 If Mark waited until nighttime, Tali would die. Mark would try to sneak up to them, he would

  • Yeah, man. Imagine if some of these things happened, the story would have been so much different. B]


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