No he wouldn't. Kenny was also stabbed in the fight and won. Mike would not beat kenny in a fight , simple.
Also , if mike was tough he would have struggled free or countered kennys attack.
The hate for Mike is real.
Kenny beats up Lee in S1. Still doesn't change the fact that Lee would choke the shit out of Kenny in a life or death situation.
Its precisely why Kenny asks Mike to give Clem a boost. Because he's stronger.
No he wouldn't. Kenny was also stabbed in the fight and won. Mike would not beat kenny in a fight , simple.
Also , if mike was tough he would have struggled free or countered kennys attack.
How does it make people hate Kenny more than Mike? Like I said, I'm only using those to show my hate towards Mike, because I want him to die After what he did, Bonnie and Arvo too.
The hate for Mike is real.
Kenny beats up Lee in S1. Still doesn't change the fact that Lee would choke the shit out of Kenny in a life or death situation.
Its precisely why Kenny asks Mike to give Clem a boost. Because he's stronger.
No thanks... I hate backstabber's.
I agree
At first I thought I could trust me. He seemed a good guy. But his shocking betrayal....
lol no.
I don't really agree that he was the strongest character of Season 2, but I am a big fan of him.
Kenny does not approve this topic.
Clementine, Lee.... hm... Kenny...Luke
Name a character who was tougher than Mike.
I assume you're trolling/joking but yes, that's exactly why Lee Everett and Clementine are my favourite characters of all time.
Kenny easily overpowered him in Episode 3.
Kenny's by far the most physically strong character in Season 2... He kicked Mike's ass.
Clementine: Bite's an adult's thumb, can kill walkers in 1 - 3 hits, can sew arm without anesthisea, can pull a body off herself.
Mike: eats raccoon shit.
Lmao I'm pretty sure he could take Clem one on one
Kenny wrecked Jane despite the fact she had a knife, and was an experienced fighter.
Clementine: Sews arm without anesthisea
Mike: eats raccoon shit
Mike wasn't trying to get in trouble with Troy/Carver.
Mike would beat Kenny in a fight. Especially if he could barely take Jane.
Kenny. Remember he had mike pinned up against a wall?
See above comment
But it wasn't fatal, it scratched his cheek and took a part off his ear.
Mike has a gunshot wound on his face but lived
Clem's bite is much more fatal than a gunshot wound that only scratches a cheek.
No he wouldn't. Kenny was also stabbed in the fight and won. Mike would not beat kenny in a fight , simple.
Also , if mike was tough he would have struggled free or countered kennys attack.
I wish this was still in the game
That's not official, just scrapped elements.
I know, just using this to establish my hate towards Mike.
Fuck Mike.
Not quite effective.
How about this then?
No, It's just so his character can have a use in the story.
The hate for Mike is real.
Kenny beats up Lee in S1. Still doesn't change the fact that Lee would choke the shit out of Kenny in a life or death situation.
Its precisely why Kenny asks Mike to give Clem a boost. Because he's stronger.
This just makes people hate Kenny than Mike himself.
How does it make people hate Kenny more than Mike? Like I said, I'm only using those to show my hate towards Mike, because I want him to die After what he did, Bonnie and Arvo too.
I don't understand your point , frankly I don't even understand what you're saying.
-__________________________- which time? Tell me what happned , which episode and whattime roughly.
I agree I'm a Mike fan and just to prove a points Mike, Bonnie and Arvo wanted to get away from Kenny.
Also I might want to add that Mike was going to let Clem go with them if you ask too.