"In a new feature detailing the character's inception, Telltale reveals that the game was always designed to center around her. "Clementine was literally the first idea," writer Sean Vanaman revealed. "
Nope, Season 1 was most definitely Lee's story. Clementine was in it, but she had at the most 5% screen time. Most of the time, there were only adults on screen. Kenny was also in both seasons, but neither was his story.
However, the designers' quote "From the beginning, the designers knew they wanted a character that would act as a moral compass for the main character as he progressed through the game." (emphasis mine) doesn't seem to back their assertion that the game was about Clementine.
All it says is that the Season 1 story was going to be about Clementine's brother, and the purpose of the Clementine character was to be his moral compass. They changed that story to be about Lee, a person who would find a little girl who would act as his moral compass.
That doesn't say anything about the whole series. Season 1, 400 days and Season 2 had different main characters, and Clementine wasn't even in 400 days.
"In a new feature detailing the character's inception, Telltale reveals that the game was always designed to center around her. "Clementine … morewas literally the first idea," writer Sean Vanaman revealed. "
There's more here: http://www.shacknews.com/article/77194/the-walking-dead-originally-starred-clementines-brother
I would say that season one was both Lee and Clem's story.
Well, I think the fact a Clementine action figure was released and Skybound's reference to her as the 'heart and soul' of the past two seasons kinda suggests she's always been the main character. I don't see a Lee Everett figure anywhere.
+1 for the article. Thanks!
However, the designers' quote "From the beginning, the designers knew they wanted a character that would act … moreas a moral compass for the main character as he progressed through the game." (emphasis mine) doesn't seem to back their assertion that the game was about Clementine.
All it says is that the Season 1 story was going to be about Clementine's brother, and the purpose of the Clementine character was to be his moral compass. They changed that story to be about Lee, a person who would find a little girl who would act as his moral compass.
That doesn't say anything about the whole series. Season 1, 400 days and Season 2 had different main characters, and Clementine wasn't even in 400 days.
Alright sooo...
Clementine is my favourite character. All time. She's probably my favourite character in any video game I've ever played and pretty much any storytelling character. She's just...hnnnngh -spins away into void-
As expected, I am definitely for having her in Season 3. I know it might be hard for Telltale to do, but I feel like they wanted player's to have a CHOICE in the end how Clementine turned out, so they could continue to play the Clementine THEY created in Season 3. Obviously they cannot jump past the comic time line (I think they can only go 2 years forward?) I have a feeling that, at most, they will skip several months. The first two episodes may be completely different depending on what ending you chose but, in the end, they will eventually link. It would be difficult to do, I know, but it may make the player feel as those their choices MATTERED. It would be hard for me to leave Clementine behind and I think I would have a hard time purchasing the third season if that was what happened. However I would be OK with playing as another character, as long as Clementine is a major character. She's been too much of an impact on us and many players would up and quit if she was gone, or was killed off early. Regardless of what anyone thinks, Clementine IS The Walking Dead Game. Even if Lee was S1 protagonist it has always been about her. She's the one who is always left standing and always 'The Last Survivor'. (Good name for an episode, doncha think? ) I think a neat DLC idea would be about Christa and Clementine between Omid's death and the first chapter of All That Remains. It would be interesting to play as Christa and/or Clem and see what happened to her baby and such. I really want to see some closure on Christa, even if I don't want to play as her in Season 3.
But anyway, yes. I'm a 100% on Clementine for Season 3. Without her my gameplay would pretty much be pointless, as she is the reason for me getting into TWD in the first place.
people just need to accept and get over the fact that telltale kills off determinant characters and makes different choices lead to the same main plotline. thats just how they make this kind of thing work period end of story. even if clem is not the main character in the next season they will still have clem end up in the same spot regardless of endings. all of this "waah my choices dont matter waah" nonsense is just unrealistic.
Completely agree with you! If Clem isn't protagonist I may, just may purchase Season 3 as long as she at least has an important role to play. Otherwise... Meh.
If there is a 3rd season I hope there is another Sarah like character. A survival friend for Clem that survives the season. Or just make a cure arc and be done with the walking dead.
Well, I wasn't suggesting that Lee was the main character for the series either. I don't think there is a main character for the series. Season 1, 400 days, and Season 2 all had different main characters. Let's see what happens in Season 3.
Well, I think the fact a Clementine action figure was released and Skybound's reference to her as the 'heart and soul' of the past two seasons kinda suggests she's always been the main character. I don't see a Lee Everett figure anywhere.
Yeah, her story is complete. She overcame her antagonist (lack of safety) and achieved her goal (survival) by reaching Wellington.
The same people who are complaining that they would not like it if TellTale didn't have Clem as Season 3's main character would complain that the story wasn't interesting if TellTale actually gave them their wish.
Stories have to have a beginning, middle, and an ending... That's typically the natural progression of a character arc.
Clementine, I bel… moreieve, has reached hers with the end of season 2. By the end of season 1, she was alone, completely. There was all kind of territory Telltale could have explored with her character. That territory has been explored and exhausted though. At the end of season 2, she is now a born-again-battle-hardened survivor. What kind of development could her character have? What new problems could someone like Clementine face?
The reason films like Rebel Without A Cause, Taxi Driver, Easy Rider, Fight Club, Apocalypse Now, and Mean Streets (along with others) are so interesting is because they were their own self-contained stories about one particular character (or characters) facing an individual dilemma with the events and conflict coming to a head and wrapping up the story. A clear concise story.
I love Clementine's character, but she has run her course...
I never understood the reason why some people want Clementine's story to end at Season 2. Season 3 without Clem is a significant step backwa… morerds for Telltale. Clementine is a extremely exceptional video game character. she can't go to waste. I guess the reason why some people don't want Clem in season 3 is because deep down she is too good for The Walking Dead. She's far more compelling than the TV and Comic Characters. I wouldn't be surprised if Robert Kirkman is afraid of her because her character can potentially overshadow all of his creations
I gave absolutely no shits about any show characters, and was bored out of my mind the majority of the time. Compare that to the games in which I cried multiple times...
You're joking right?
I loved TellTale's games, and have just started watching the shows because of the games, but the show is far superio… morer in every way.
I even chuckled while watching the show, because I could see where the game writers copied so many elements from the show.
Telltale Walking Dead Commandment #1: Thou shalt not diss or temper with thy Clementine's hat. Breaking this commandment will result in severe punishment, such as brutal beatdown or death.
Telltale Walking Dead Commandment #1: Thou shalt not diss or temper with thy Clementine's hat. Breaking this commandment will result in severe punishment, such as brutal beatdown or death.
There's ways that Clem can still work for the 3rd season. But too many(or maybe it's just a very vocal minority) are letting the S2 phenomena get in their way of thinking of other possibilities. Sorry to everyone who feels offended, but it's the truth. I mean dream theories, ending the story on a cliffhanger (one series, ReBoot, did that due to ratings and the network, and I got really pissed, you don't just start a new event and end it like that), and other stuff to prevent another chance of a better story for Clem than the previous? Just because of S2 didn't live up to everyone's standards doesn't mean there's no potential for Clementine's story to continue. I get the S2 hate but come on!
I'm very open to Clementine being the Protagonist again. But I'd like to see her as the Deuteragonist again with a New Character as the lead. It would create a excellent conundrum where depending on where you left Clementine at the end of Season 2 will have an impact on her character and if a new character had met her, then he/she would have to deal with what she has done since those events. Not only that, but they could learn and grow as people from each other.
I agree completely, Clementine is the soul of this game and the first one (Lee goes without saying). The ONLY way I could allow another character from scratch is if they be real smart about it. (I've not read the comics btw) I would suggest either a member of Lee's family or someone whom is attached to one of the characters we love, come across Clementine and you get to build a bond with the Clementine you have helped mature. OR a great character like the father Rick Grimes meets in the first season and I think the 4th? season of the walking dead show. I could accept that, but I just couldn't accept another game with only the idea that "somewhere she's out there" as the only link to the previous journey.
What I'd rather see though is Clem return as main character and with more dream talks with the Lee you created in season 1. Now that would be awesome!
I know this thred is abit old, but I belive a Viable way to advance the story with all endings included would be to let us controll AJ with clementine beeing a "Lee" figure for him. Or maybe let us controll both. It would mean a huge timejump though.
Clementine should remain the protagonist. There's so much more to do with her character- she is only 11. The game should at least follow her into young adulthood (18-22yrs). I feel there should've been an option to ditch Aj, especially since Clem has the option of going it alone. I really liked how someone brought up how much Christa has done for Clementine. She did take care of Clem longer than Lee and gets absolutely no cred for shaping who Clementine is. Lee gave Clem the basics, but Christa.. And Omid were the ones who truly taught Clementine how to survive. Who taught Clem how to suture herself? CHRISTA. Lee was taking care of Clem but Christa taught her to survive. If they wanted to do a different pc, Christa would make a great option. We would get closure on what happened to Christa and they could end it with Christa somehow finding Aj and Clementine and season 3 ending where season 2 left off. The only logical pc other than Clementine is Christa. Maybe Molly if you wanna stretch out - she was a good character and more likeable than Jane. Or if you wanna really stretch it Lily could be the pc and we can see what's going on with her. Or they could somehow get Clementine hooked up with Molly and Christa for the ultimate ass kicker club.
Overall they should continue with Clementine, but the Christa option could be a way to drive together the loose endings of season 2
I just finished season 2. It was just as good as the first I think and just as, or more so, heart wrenching IMO, Love them and hate them. Clem defined season 1 for me, to protect her, you played as her being more grown up in season 2 actively participating. Overall She is the story for me. I would hope Clem is still in season 3 and the main protagonist although,
Prediction: 1)They already switched protagonists once so they may do it again.
2) They’re likely to switch protagonists since it would be hard to start a new season fresh with how differently the ending choices were in season 2.
3)I likely wont buy it if Clem isn’t the playable protagonist, I wont buy it if they drop Clem out of the series or kill her off.
is it me or the frozen walker from the No Going Back episode seem to have some kind of importance, like it met something? Maybe that walker was Clem's uncle,but he died in the snow and failed to find Clem.
Also it would be kickass if it was like a badass aunt.
If I were penning Season 3, I'd switch to a different protagonist (i.e., playable character) than Clementine. Yet, I wouldn't abandon her st… moreory. Instead, much like Lee served as the protagonist in Season 1, but the story was still about Clementine, I'd set up Season 3 to do the same. That's why the protagonist I'd choose for Season 3 would be...her uncle. Another father-figure type. Someone who lived apart from Clementine's family when the zombie outbreak occurred. And, for him, his personal journey is an attempt to rejoin his brother's family (and hence, Clementine...because we already know her parents are dead).
I'd open the first episode of Season 3 with her uncle having finally made his way to Clementine's home, only to discover the dead babysitter...the same message on the answering machine from her mom...and I'd even let him discover a camcorder with the home movie the babysitter took of Clem discovering those baby raccoons in her tr… [view original content]
I don't know, I think Telltale won't abandon Clem. I totally agree with what you said - you gave a lot of good reasons. And to everyone saying that the choices at the end of S2E5 were too different from each other and it would be difficult to make them reach the same point without the player feeling like their choices don't matter - I'm pretty sure Telltale has a WAY bigger budget now than they had in Season 1 and they could actually afford making a game that changes because of your choices on a scale of Mass Effect.
What about Nate? He's a interesting character. And depending on which ending you picked I can see three of the following things happening
If you go at it alone, you'll meet up with Nate as a bandit, who will want to steal your stuff, but stops as soon as he just notices you are just a scared little girl or a badass little girl that he respects. Now you and his group travel to Wellington. And through out the trip to Wellington, depending if you hid from him or try to fight him, he'll either call you Clemmycat or Lil Asskicker.( similar to Russ story, when he called Russ ass wipe in 400 days) " Asskicker's parents, taught you to kill walkers and serve out some can-of-whoop-ass. Haha!"
If you leave with Kenny you'll meet with, Clementine after she runs away from Kenny because he kills Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo. When Clementine tries to stop Kenny from killing Mike and them ,in a blind rage, Kenny lashes out on Clementine, physically, Causing Clementine wounds to open up, again. After you witness the brutal murder of Mike and Arvo, you run away and take A.J., while Kenny is beating on Bonnie. Later, you meet with Nate similar to the first scenario.
If you are at Howes, unknown bandits(Nate's group) will take over Howes over night, Jane status will be unknown, Nate will have A.J. and you'll flee Howes that very night. You'll meet with Nate in Wellington with A.J. in his arms. Stating that, " I knew of Wellington from a grapevine. I just needed your little Asskicker here as a token, for the folks here to let me in."
Clementine should remain the protagonist. There's so much more to do with her character- she is only 11. The game should at least follow her… more into young adulthood (18-22yrs). I feel there should've been an option to ditch Aj, especially since Clem has the option of going it alone. I really liked how someone brought up how much Christa has done for Clementine. She did take care of Clem longer than Lee and gets absolutely no cred for shaping who Clementine is. Lee gave Clem the basics, but Christa.. And Omid were the ones who truly taught Clementine how to survive. Who taught Clem how to suture herself? CHRISTA. Lee was taking care of Clem but Christa taught her to survive. If they wanted to do a different pc, Christa would make a great option. We would get closure on what happened to Christa and they could end it with Christa somehow finding Aj and Clementine and season 3 ending where season 2 left off. The only logical pc other than Clementine… [view original content]
If the story doesn't continue with Clem I think I'd stop playing.
I posted about this as well in a round-about way but I want to see exactly where darling Clementine is heading and, to be blunt, I want all options available to her. If there's a character that's going to get everyone killed Clem, who everyone wholly depends on to save their butts all through season 2, needs to be put in charge and allowed to make difficult decisions that aren't just touchy-feely. There'd be a lot more bodies cause Clem don't take no s--t and then we'd be able to see what happens? Does she go the route of the Governor, does she go that extra step into Negan, or does she maybe become Rick-esque?
To quote Hudson from Aliens, "Why don't you put her in charge?"
"In a new feature detailing the character's inception, Telltale reveals that the game was always designed to center around her. "Clementine was literally the first idea," writer Sean Vanaman revealed. "
There's more here: http://www.shacknews.com/article/77194/the-walking-dead-originally-starred-clementines-brother
I would say that season one was both Lee and Clem's story.
+1 for the article. Thanks!
However, the designers' quote "From the beginning, the designers knew they wanted a character that would act as a moral compass for the main character as he progressed through the game." (emphasis mine) doesn't seem to back their assertion that the game was about Clementine.
All it says is that the Season 1 story was going to be about Clementine's brother, and the purpose of the Clementine character was to be his moral compass. They changed that story to be about Lee, a person who would find a little girl who would act as his moral compass.
That doesn't say anything about the whole series. Season 1, 400 days and Season 2 had different main characters, and Clementine wasn't even in 400 days.
Well, I think the fact a Clementine action figure was released and Skybound's reference to her as the 'heart and soul' of the past two seasons kinda suggests she's always been the main character.
I don't see a Lee Everett figure anywhere.
Alright sooo...
) I think a neat DLC idea would be about Christa and Clementine between Omid's death and the first chapter of All That Remains. It would be interesting to play as Christa and/or Clem and see what happened to her baby and such. I really want to see some closure on Christa, even if I don't want to play as her in Season 3.
Clementine is my favourite character. All time. She's probably my favourite character in any video game I've ever played and pretty much any storytelling character. She's just...hnnnngh -spins away into void-
As expected, I am definitely for having her in Season 3. I know it might be hard for Telltale to do, but I feel like they wanted player's to have a CHOICE in the end how Clementine turned out, so they could continue to play the Clementine THEY created in Season 3. Obviously they cannot jump past the comic time line (I think they can only go 2 years forward?) I have a feeling that, at most, they will skip several months. The first two episodes may be completely different depending on what ending you chose but, in the end, they will eventually link. It would be difficult to do, I know, but it may make the player feel as those their choices MATTERED. It would be hard for me to leave Clementine behind and I think I would have a hard time purchasing the third season if that was what happened. However I would be OK with playing as another character, as long as Clementine is a major character. She's been too much of an impact on us and many players would up and quit if she was gone, or was killed off early. Regardless of what anyone thinks, Clementine IS The Walking Dead Game. Even if Lee was S1 protagonist it has always been about her. She's the one who is always left standing and always 'The Last Survivor'. (Good name for an episode, doncha think?
But anyway, yes. I'm a 100% on Clementine for Season 3. Without her my gameplay would pretty much be pointless, as she is the reason for me getting into TWD in the first place.
people just need to accept and get over the fact that telltale kills off determinant characters and makes different choices lead to the same main plotline. thats just how they make this kind of thing work period end of story. even if clem is not the main character in the next season they will still have clem end up in the same spot regardless of endings. all of this "waah my choices dont matter waah" nonsense is just unrealistic.
Completely agree with you! If Clem isn't protagonist I may, just may purchase Season 3 as long as she at least has an important role to play. Otherwise... Meh.
If there is a 3rd season I hope there is another Sarah like character. A survival friend for Clem that survives the season. Or just make a cure arc and be done with the walking dead.
Meanwhile at TT Headquarters :P
do you realise that the use of that meme means that a new protagonist is the good idea, and telltale is to dumb to do it.
if you do, well done
Well, I wasn't suggesting that Lee was the main character for the series either. I don't think there is a main character for the series. Season 1, 400 days, and Season 2 all had different main characters. Let's see what happens in Season 3.
How quickly we forget Season 1 and 400 days :P
Yeah, her story is complete. She overcame her antagonist (lack of safety) and achieved her goal (survival) by reaching Wellington.
The same people who are complaining that they would not like it if TellTale didn't have Clem as Season 3's main character would complain that the story wasn't interesting if TellTale actually gave them their wish.
You're joking right?
I loved TellTale's games, and have just started watching the shows because of the games, but the show is far superior in every way.
I even chuckled while watching the show, because I could see where the game writers copied so many elements from the show.
Really? ._.
I gave absolutely no shits about any show characters, and was bored out of my mind the majority of the time. Compare that to the games in which I cried multiple times...
while bringing back lee is a good idea a new hat? you mess with clem's hat, you earn a trip to hell.
Thats a point of view, but not mine
Me against who?
Telltale Walking Dead Commandment #1: Thou shalt not diss or temper with thy Clementine's hat. Breaking this commandment will result in severe punishment, such as brutal beatdown or death.
I'm not the one who made and posted the meme (even if it was unintentionally disagreeing with the op) :P
what about the girl that said a new hat? that has to be punished >:|
She's doing a dumb face, so she came up with a dumb idea! x)
Even Lee succumbed to the hat's demonic powers in the end.
My 7 years old bro and me both cried in the "Wellington" ending. Of course we both want Clem in s3 Q.Q
There's ways that Clem can still work for the 3rd season. But too many(or maybe it's just a very vocal minority) are letting the S2 phenomena get in their way of thinking of other possibilities. Sorry to everyone who feels offended, but it's the truth. I mean dream theories, ending the story on a cliffhanger (one series, ReBoot, did that due to ratings and the network, and I got really pissed, you don't just start a new event and end it like that), and other stuff to prevent another chance of a better story for Clem than the previous? Just because of S2 didn't live up to everyone's standards doesn't mean there's no potential for Clementine's story to continue. I get the S2 hate but come on!
I cried too: Oh, my God, it can't be the ending! What have you done with season 2, Nick Brecon, you bastard!
I'm very open to Clementine being the Protagonist again. But I'd like to see her as the Deuteragonist again with a New Character as the lead. It would create a excellent conundrum where depending on where you left Clementine at the end of Season 2 will have an impact on her character and if a new character had met her, then he/she would have to deal with what she has done since those events. Not only that, but they could learn and grow as people from each other.
I agree completely, Clementine is the soul of this game and the first one (Lee goes without saying). The ONLY way I could allow another character from scratch is if they be real smart about it. (I've not read the comics btw) I would suggest either a member of Lee's family or someone whom is attached to one of the characters we love, come across Clementine and you get to build a bond with the Clementine you have helped mature. OR a great character like the father Rick Grimes meets in the first season and I think the 4th? season of the walking dead show. I could accept that, but I just couldn't accept another game with only the idea that "somewhere she's out there" as the only link to the previous journey.
What I'd rather see though is Clem return as main character and with more dream talks with the Lee you created in season 1. Now that would be awesome!
I would love to be Clem for every single future installment of this game. Not playing as her someday would kinda break my heart.
This Discussion has recieved so many like...Well done- I hope we'll se Clem in Season 3
I know this thred is abit old, but I belive a Viable way to advance the story with all endings included would be to let us controll AJ with clementine beeing a "Lee" figure for him. Or maybe let us controll both. It would mean a huge timejump though.
Clementine should remain the protagonist. There's so much more to do with her character- she is only 11. The game should at least follow her into young adulthood (18-22yrs). I feel there should've been an option to ditch Aj, especially since Clem has the option of going it alone. I really liked how someone brought up how much Christa has done for Clementine. She did take care of Clem longer than Lee and gets absolutely no cred for shaping who Clementine is. Lee gave Clem the basics, but Christa.. And Omid were the ones who truly taught Clementine how to survive. Who taught Clem how to suture herself? CHRISTA. Lee was taking care of Clem but Christa taught her to survive. If they wanted to do a different pc, Christa would make a great option. We would get closure on what happened to Christa and they could end it with Christa somehow finding Aj and Clementine and season 3 ending where season 2 left off. The only logical pc other than Clementine is Christa. Maybe Molly if you wanna stretch out - she was a good character and more likeable than Jane. Or if you wanna really stretch it Lily could be the pc and we can see what's going on with her. Or they could somehow get Clementine hooked up with Molly and Christa for the ultimate ass kicker club.
Overall they should continue with Clementine, but the Christa option could be a way to drive together the loose endings of season 2
I just finished season 2. It was just as good as the first I think and just as, or more so, heart wrenching IMO, Love them and hate them. Clem defined season 1 for me, to protect her, you played as her being more grown up in season 2 actively participating. Overall She is the story for me. I would hope Clem is still in season 3 and the main protagonist although,
Prediction: 1)They already switched protagonists once so they may do it again.
2) They’re likely to switch protagonists since it would be hard to start a new season fresh with how differently the ending choices were in season 2.
3)I likely wont buy it if Clem isn’t the playable protagonist, I wont buy it if they drop Clem out of the series or kill her off.
is it me or the frozen walker from the No Going Back episode seem to have some kind of importance, like it met something? Maybe that walker was Clem's uncle,but he died in the snow and failed to find Clem.
Also it would be kickass if it was like a badass aunt.
Aside from that, the plot is amazing.
I don't know, I think Telltale won't abandon Clem. I totally agree with what you said - you gave a lot of good reasons. And to everyone saying that the choices at the end of S2E5 were too different from each other and it would be difficult to make them reach the same point without the player feeling like their choices don't matter - I'm pretty sure Telltale has a WAY bigger budget now than they had in Season 1 and they could actually afford making a game that changes because of your choices on a scale of Mass Effect.
What about Nate? He's a interesting character. And depending on which ending you picked I can see three of the following things happening
If you go at it alone, you'll meet up with Nate as a bandit, who will want to steal your stuff, but stops as soon as he just notices you are just a scared little girl or a badass little girl that he respects. Now you and his group travel to Wellington. And through out the trip to Wellington, depending if you hid from him or try to fight him, he'll either call you Clemmycat or Lil Asskicker.( similar to Russ story, when he called Russ ass wipe in 400 days) " Asskicker's parents, taught you to kill walkers and serve out some can-of-whoop-ass. Haha!"
If you leave with Kenny you'll meet with, Clementine after she runs away from Kenny because he kills Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo. When Clementine tries to stop Kenny from killing Mike and them ,in a blind rage, Kenny lashes out on Clementine, physically, Causing Clementine wounds to open up, again. After you witness the brutal murder of Mike and Arvo, you run away and take A.J., while Kenny is beating on Bonnie. Later, you meet with Nate similar to the first scenario.
If you are at Howes, unknown bandits(Nate's group) will take over Howes over night, Jane status will be unknown, Nate will have A.J. and you'll flee Howes that very night. You'll meet with Nate in Wellington with A.J. in his arms. Stating that, " I knew of Wellington from a grapevine. I just needed your little Asskicker here as a token, for the folks here to let me in."
If the story doesn't continue with Clem I think I'd stop playing.
I posted about this as well in a round-about way but I want to see exactly where darling Clementine is heading and, to be blunt, I want all options available to her. If there's a character that's going to get everyone killed Clem, who everyone wholly depends on to save their butts all through season 2, needs to be put in charge and allowed to make difficult decisions that aren't just touchy-feely. There'd be a lot more bodies cause Clem don't take no s--t and then we'd be able to see what happens? Does she go the route of the Governor, does she go that extra step into Negan, or does she maybe become Rick-esque?
To quote Hudson from Aliens, "Why don't you put her in charge?"
I'm really not going to survive the wait for Season 3... Losing my mind already. I NEED MORE CLEM.