Reciprocity vs Favoritism
If you were put in a scenario where you could only save one of two people, which do you think would factor more into your choice of who to save: that Person A saved your life at one point or that you enjoy Person B's personality more? Do you feel like we have a duty to those who've saved us that goes beyond whether or not we like them?
Let me give an example. Troy, despite being a grade-A asshole, can at one point, save Clem's life by killing a walker that was about to bite her. Do you feel like, because of that, we ought to return the favor, even if it means saving him over another, more likable person?
Are we morally obligated to repay in kind someone who has saved our lives? If a character saves Clem's life, but she goes on to let them die in order to save another person because she likes them more, has she done something wrong?
It depends for me, if the character who saved my life(Troy in your case) is a complete prick and have no good qualities, I'm gonna save the person I like more.
Well, what if the character who saved your life isn't a prick but the other character is someone you really like? Say...if a character like Brie saved your life and you have to choose between them and someone who's like Omid and is really likable but never did anything for you.
Hm, I think I would save Omid. He's one of my favorite characters and I did tell him and Christa, so he was gonna do something for me.
I wish Omid got more spotlight, the only episode where he shines is in S1EP5.
I don't know, in those kind of situations I do what I feel is right but what I feel is right varies from scenario to scenario...
I don't have a specific well-defined moral code either and the main reason that I consider myself a good person is because my reactions tend to lean more towards protecting other people rather than protecting myself, but that's not solid enough to know what I'd do in any given scenario, specially if it involves morally gray stuff.
I would save Troy's life. I liked him anyway.
Well, that's kind of cheating, but fair enough.
No not really, There is no moral code in the ZA.
Save person B easy.
No, I meant that I used Troy as an example because you're not supposed to like him. Obviously if you like someone and they saved your life, you would want to save them. This is supposed to be more of a save an unlikable person whom you owe your life to or a likable person whom you don't.
well lets see.
Troy: Asshole. Bitchslapped my clemycloo. Hated Character because: Perverted, A Major Dickface
Jane: Bitch. Untrustable, would do anything to prove a point. Hated Character because: She told kenny AJ was dead. only looks out for herself.
Mike: F--kFace. Jerk and and abandoner. Hated Character because: He sided with arvo for no reason at all.
Ben: Shitbird. (im sorry but i had to) Untrustable. Hated Character because: He caused the death of 3 characters and the lost sanity of lilly.
Arvo: Commie Piece of Shit (i had to do that too) Untrustable. Hated Character because: Shot clem in the shoulder.
Duck... WORTHLESS. Duck cant do anything to defend himself or others. Hated Character because: annoying and worthless.
Kenny: Likeable guy. Will do anything for clem and AJ, proved more points than ANYONE in the series. Loved Character Because: epic humor, best person to be stuck with in a ZA if your close to him
Lee: Best black man ever. he did anything for clem, and he was the most interesting and well thought out character ever. (not to mention he is a total badass) Loved Character Because: He is Lee everett. do the math.
Luke: Epic Redneck. The game needed a daryl. it got one. Loved Character Because: we needed a kenny/daryl. luke was the guy who delivered.
Omid/Christa: They DIED trying to protect clem, and they were always helping out. Loved Character Because: epic characters, amazing personallity and humor.
Favorites are more trustable.
you have lost this arguement.
It was a question...that had nothing to do with what you just posted.
Ohhhhhh. sorry then! XD, i suck.
You say that a lot, but why?
I feel that you just say that to go against the majority, Troy had very little in the way of likable character traits.
The person who saved my life. The least I could do is return them the favor, even when they're kind of a dick. Even if our personalities don't mesh, the fact that they'd risk their own life for mine is telling enough what kind of person they are deep down. It also strengthens the bond between us far more than having more in common with the likable person ever will.
There's no specific moral code.
But that shouldn't stop people from having one, right?
In my opinion, it's much better to have one than not to.
I guess everybody's different.
The person who saved my life, as long as they weren't dangerous. If a serial killer saved my life, and I had to choose between saving them or my friend, I'd save my friend because I definitely wouldn't be safe having a murderer around me.
I think it'd depend. If it was between my all time best friend and some guy who saved my life but I didn't really know then I'd go for my friend. But then I'd feel really guilty letting the other person die because they risked their life to save mine before. I don't know! Just let them both die.
I thought about that question a lot before. In Season 2 when you have the choice between Nick an Pete, I ran to Nick, because Pete was bitten, but I think in "real lfie" I would've run to Pete, even though he was bitten, but I liked him a little bit more than Nick and I think in a situation like that, where you have maybe 2 or 3 sec to think, you would run to the person you like more.
JUSTIFYING MY REASONING FOR LIKING someone no one else does!
I liked troy because he saved Clementines life,
I liked troy because when he kicked Clementine, if she tells her not to kick him Telltale will write "Troy might remember this." I enjoyed this touch very much.
I liked some of Troys catch phrases like "Come the F on." or the phrase "Everything come out ok girls."
I found him funny at times.
The person I like. It's rather hard to give concrete reasons why I feel this way. But I would prefer someone I like and trust more than someone who saved my life. Also in a case where saving my life may have just been in accordance with the "fuck it, I might as well help because I can" mentality. Now if I liked someone and they deliberately didn't help when it wouldn't have been a major problem to try vs someone who risked themselves to save me but I didn't particularly like them then my perspective may change. In a sisituation like that I couldn't really tell you. Many factors would play into it such as : how long ago they saved my life. How truly distasteful I found their personality. How much them saving their life affected me. Just how dangerous it was for them to save me. How much the person I like means to me. What both can offer me after the situation pans out. The list goes on and on. So, short answer, I don't know. Scenario based?
i don't care how bad the person that saved me is. He risked his life to save me, and I feel I owe him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself (probably wouldn't in either situation).
Wow this is a hard choice....
I think I would save the person who saved my life. I owe it to him/her.
(If it were a close friend I'd save them instead)
That's kind of what happened with Pete and Nick. Pete was very helpful to Clementine, but Nick nearly got her killed on several occasions; people saved Nick anyways because they preferred him as a person.
Probably whoever i felt closest too. That's a good question though, actually a tough one even.
I think most preferred Pete as a person.
Yeah, I certainly did, but it was kinda 60%-50% or 30%-70%. Unless you wanted to save the guy that wasn't bitten, a lot of people felt that Nick had redeemed himself with his apology.
I had a thread when the choice happened asking why people saved Nick or Pete. It was a reoccurring theme that most people who saved Nick did so because Pete was bitten. Most said that they liked Pete more, but that it didn't make sense to go with someone who was going to die.
100% agree. Was just about to write something just like this
The first time around, things happened so fast that I didn't even realize that Pete was bitten - I took him at his word when he said it was just a scratch, and chose to help Nick because I felt bad for him. Color me surprised when they redid the 'Doug or Carley choice' from last Season's first episode and ended up killing off Pete right then and there.
I didn't abandon Pete because he was bitten, I just ran to Nick because I felt he needed a reason to trust me and he could've been more help to Pete than Clem would. Funnily enough, judging from his reaction Nick would have been happier if you abandoned him in order to show your loyalty to his uncle. Self-hate much?
Definitely not an unreasonable choice. I was just pointing out that, from my meager little thread awhile back, I came to the inference that the majority of those who had chose Nick on their first play through went with him because they had recognized Pete being bit.
Astonishing they would take one of the first major things to happen in S1 and apply it to one of the first major things that happened in S2. Such creativity. But throughout the rest of the episodes we did see what their actual creativity led to, and so I guess I can't blame them for trying to remake some of the interesting points from S1.
Nick hates himself :P
I really liked Troy too. He's one of my favourite characters
I know you were quoting kenny but gj on being racist.
Save the one who saved you.
A Lannister always pays his debts.
....I'd rather stay away from you.
for what? calling arvo a piece of shit? for mentioning comunism? i was insulting the ruskie not the black people. and if you think its racist to communists... RUSSIANS ARE NOT A RACE! They're either black or white. being steyrotypical to a russian is not racism.
Yes they are.
Almost forgot this:
Yes it is. You just don't understand racism.
Luke was more of a country boy than a redneck. Rednecks don't have southern hospitality. That's just being really stereotypical.
And your whole 'explanation' of Luke was completely wrong, too.
He's not like Daryl OR Kenny.