Raining - Interactive Story (Completed)
This is a Interactive story, called Raining. It's a murder mystery! (I'm sorry to say you can no longer submit a character)
After a sting violent murders, a small group of people go to investigate. What they uncover is bigger then they could have a imagine.
All submitted characters.
Dead Domenick Salavtoriello - 37 - Male
Dead Matteo Brown - 34 - Male
Dead Desmond Alexander Grand - 31 - Male
Gina Jackson - 21 - Female
Dead Jordan D'angelo - 29 - Male
Dead Reuben Harrow - 26 - Male
Dead Grant - 61 - Male
Dead Erika Cruz - 23 - Female
Dead James Téllez Girón - Late teens - Male
Konni Marsh - 20 - Female
Dead Marco - 16 - Male
Dead Joe Tucker - 27 - Male
Teddy Wolfson - 22 - Male
Hannah Anderson - 19 - Female
Dead Ricky Feels - 18 - Male
All None-submitted characters.
Dead Officer Tinpenny - 42 - Male
Dead Ricardo Kenny - 31 - Male
Dead Drake Josen - 18 - Male
Dead Dan Pips - 17 - Male
Dead Sarah June - 17 - Female
Dead Kat Homes - 18 - Female
Body Count. 50
Name: Domenick Salavtoriello
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Appearance: Jacket, Jeans, Work boots, and a T-shirt under the jacket
Jacket color: Black
Jeans color: Blue
Work boots color: Brown
T-shirt color: White
Height: Average
Weight: 200 pounds
Build: Muscular
Hair: Buzz cut
Facial Hair: Beard
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Dark Brown
Personality: Very sarcastic, witty, and stubborn , but serious when the time comes. He also acts very nervous around women he likes.
Backstory: Domenick grew getting teased by everyone because he was not that smart, eventually he became one of the smarter students and was teased for that. One time he got suspended because he beat up someone who was about to break his necklace that has his grandma's ashes in it. He was treated with respect then. When he grew up he worked an office job with a scumbag boss. He got fired when he told the boss to go fuck himself. And that's when he started drinking and smoking, his parents hated that. He got a new job working as a construction worker.
Little details: After his grandma's death, Domenick became a little negative towards people.
Thank you for submitting!
Thanks for the character!
Name: Matteo Brown
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Appearance: 6 feet tall , green eyes , short brown hair. Usually wears a grey shirt , blue pants , white socks and black shoes
Personality: Kinda creppy , Obsessed with the death and the supernatural. Funny and also stupid. A little asshole
Name: Desmond Alexander Grand
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Appearance: A young handsome man. He has brown hair, green eyes, and the "Perfect stubble" around his chin. He usually wears suits that are black with a red handkerchief.
Personality: A very polite man who is nice and constantly tries to help people. He has lost his sanity which causes a few small minor multiple personalities which rarely come out. He is constantly thought to be completely sane and the essence of good.
Backstory: He grew up in a poor family but as time went on he became very smart and got rich off of it. He created a medical company which stretches across the country which assists in advancements in the life span of humans and allowing easy safe lives. He donates to charity and takes good care of his friends, constantly helping them.
Detail: He is very smart and not easy to trick.
Thank you!
No problem but I swear if he dies first I will hunt you down. :P
Name: Gina Jackson
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: 5 feet tall , long black hair , blue eyes. Usually wears a light blue t-shirt , black pants and white slippers. She has big boops
Personality: Agressive with most of the people but caring with the ones she cares about. Wants to do all in her way
Backstory: Grown up in Detroit in the centre of a poor family. Had to work as prostitute to live. Has a son called Harry
Any little detail you want to add: asthmatic
I already have a plan for him. :P
As long as he doesn't die first then i'm good. XD
Name: Jordan D'angelo.
Age: 29
Gender: Male.
Appearance: 5 ft 9. Has blonde hair, a buzz cut. Blue eyes. Usually wears latest trends and designer clothing.
Personality: Cocky and arrogant, doesnt care for the middle class and under. Stuck up and care free, has a sense of humor and is reckless.
Backstory: Rich upbringing. Comes from a line of celebrities and is also one himself. He is a well known actor worldwide starting from a child actor till now.
Extra info: Having traveled around the world, he knows alot about different countries. Hates when others insult his looks/attitude, etc.
Are you okay if i make him a reporter?
I want to add in a few more things.
He loves history and foreign culture, especially Italian, French, and Native American culture.
Also can speak Italian
Yeah, he can be a reporter, Im cool with that.
One more thing, have him speak Italian.
Since by the name, he is Italian.
Episode 1, Chapter 1-1
11:13 PM, at Drakes party.
The party had been going scents 6:00 PM, half the people were drunk and the other half were just dumb teenagers. Dan was flipping though channels, he stopped at one talking about Grand's medical company. Although we have found that if you... At the time Drake runs up garbs the remote and changes the channel.
Drake: We are not watching some rich prick talk to other pricks, on some stupid show!
Dan: You really don't care what there talking about do you?
Drake: Not one bit, I'm too drunk to care!
Dan: Everyone needs to calm down, before someone calls the police.
Drake: Nobody's going to call the police, also, where did Kat go?
Dan: I think see went down to the lake, with some other people, oh someone's comeback up.
Drake: Can you see who it is?
Dan: No, their... wearing a mask...
12:06 AM, Drakes party.
A police officer's car pulls up outside, starts walking to the front door that is slightly opened. He knocks on the door, theirs on answer.
The Officer: Hello? "Knocks again" Hello?
The Officer pusses the door open all the way, and steps inside, he sees 3 body's in the living room, "He pulls out his gun" He hears a noise from upstairs, walking up he sees someone in a mask banging on a bathroom door, trying to get in. hello? the masked figure turns around, and runs to the stairs and past the officer.
[Chase the masked figure]
[Go to the bathroom door]
[Call for backup]
[Call for backup]
Is this a prologue or something?
I thought you were waiting for more characters.
Yes, this is a prologue. I'm still waiting for more characters, but they aren't needed for the prologue.
[Chase the masked figure]
Okay cool, So I guess these people think I'm some rich asshole...Nice to know. :P
These dumb teenagers think your a rich asshole. :P
[Call for backup]
You forgot the drunk part so I put it in for you. :P
How about that?
...Yeah that's about right. XD
NHL! Yess!
Name: Reuben Harrow
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wavy brown hair, brown eyes, tall, some stubble, thick eyebrows, a bit scrawny and lean, usually frowning, white teeth, usually wears glasses, an orange sweater with a hood, a plain white t-shirt, jeans, red shorts if it's hot, and grey running shoes.
Personality: Loyal, intelligent, and friendly. A bit on the quiet side, doesn't like people prying into his business, holds a grudge but tries not to act on it by physical means, fast runner and would rather run then get in a fight that he cannot win, likes to climb things, brave.
Back story: Had an okay childhood with an okay family. He found his life kind of boring. He was an only child, and he found it hard making friends. He did well in his studies, and he got out with no plan. One day he found himself robbing stores with this gang he hung out with. He found it exhilarating and it felt so good, it also helped pay the bills but it all changed when the cops caught them, and Reuben barely managed to escape. He learned his lesson and knew he had to do something honest, so he became a (Insert your job of choice here). He lives in an apartment in (Insert place of choice here).
Little Detail: Virgin, experience with motorcycles, basic knowledge of robberies, break-in's, and mugging.
Thanks for making a character Blades!!!
No problem !
. And the link to the chat is not working for me. It says not available?
I'll PM you
[Go to the bathroom door]
[Go to the bathroom door]
Chasing won't work, you can't catch him that easy, and calling for backup is too obvious. Bathroom door it is!
Voting closed
[call for backup]
Episode 1, Chapter 1-2.
The masked figure runs pasts the officer and out of the house, the Officer runs back to the front yard. He trips on the sidewalk gets up and runs to the police car, gets in and pulls out the radio. Hello? We have a 187 (Homicide) and maybe a 417A (Person with a knife), we need some back up an… He looks in the mirror and sees someone in the backseat, before you can even turn around the figure garbs him by the head, and slits his throat.
The figure moves the Officers body to the left seat and gets behind the wheel, and drives the car to the dock. The figure pusses down on the gas, once about 15 feet from the end of the dock, he jumps out.
The police officer and his car sunk to the button of the lake.
End of Episode 1, Chapter 1.
Holy shit...Well at least they heard it.
R.I.P Nameless Officer that dies in the beginning. You will be remembered for your courage.
Cool! I'll think
Call for backup.
It's an interesting premise. I'll submit a character soon.
Whoops too late
--Name: Grant
--Age: 61
--Gender: Male
--Appearance: A tank of a man, built strong and tall. Bald on top with short grey facial hair. Caucasian, brown eyes.
--Personality: Generally quiet and reasonable. Usually listens rather than talks, but speaks with authority. Can be untrusting and blunt.
--Backstory: Grant is a retired cop who retired a few years ago. Quickly becoming bored of his life of leisure and took a job as a part-time security guard. (I leave most of his backstory to your discretion. By all means, expand upon it if you see fit.)
--Other info: Carries a snub-nosed revolver and knows how to use it. Has the standard skills of a cop but suffers from worsening arthritis.