edited October 2014 in The Walking Dead

Why I hate jane?


The Reason Why I Hate Jane:

  • She gonna get the children or someone killed.
  • She want you to rob someone.
  • She gonna have her own camp soon...
  • She won't let new members in her community
  • And also... She wants to leave everything behind, including our old friend.

Do you hate Jane?





  • ah yea cool story was there a need to make a thread about it? shit is gonna hit the fan now

  • Can we just stop? The Lilly/Kenny discussion went on until S2E1. Let's not do it AGAIN.

  • ok jane in episode 3-1st half of 4. she was okay. but from then on out, she was a bitch. #HateJane

    anywho can we please stop? i dont want another luke/kenny or lilly/kenny type agruement.

  • NO.


  • Nice try.


    Alt text

  • Nah I like Jane

  • Shit character, would not save

  • She gonna get the children or someone killed.

    Fair enough. Most people arent as cold as she about others.

    She want you to rob someone.

    For the good of the group. Kenny did the same in season 1 (if you happen to like him)

    She won't let new members in her community

    If you dont answer the family, Jane will let them in, so you are wrong.

    And also... She wants to leave everything behind, including our old friend.

    If you are not that interested in survival and care more about being "humane", then its a fair point.

  • Nah, she's ok if she doesn't try to manipulate little girls and get rid of anyone in the way of her new sister relationship.

    So never.

  • Some prefer liars over murderers.

    Nah, she's ok if she doesn't try to manipulate little girls and get rid of anyone in the way of her new sister relationship. So never.

  • edited October 2014

    Some of those reasons are just actively false, and half of them are pure speculation anyway.

  • Actually Kenny stole from someone and Jane robbed someone, there's a difference.

    Before you say anything I want to state I hate Jane and Kenny.

    zykelator posted: »

    She gonna get the children or someone killed. Fair enough. Most people arent as cold as she about others. She want you to rob

  • Thats what you get when the PS4/One versions are on sale now

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    ah yea cool story was there a need to make a thread about it? shit is gonna hit the fan now

  • edited October 2014

    Yeah she is a manipulator, i didn't have a problem with her until she started the final fight.

    Sure she said some things during the season about AJ/Sarah and others that she maybe shouldn't have said

    She killed vitali and asked Clem to murder kenny because she wanted to kill kenny but kenny was to strong and angry thatshe would have killed AJ

    Her saying she wants to ditch AJ and then lies about his death to get a fight to the death to show something(i'd like to see your responce if she said it to you, a child you care about, a glance of hope and there comes jane "he's dead" and after her i don't care about AJ speech my mind was made up, Kenny kill that crazy bitch) she is just nuts

  • Its the same thing, taking someone elses property.

    Actually Kenny stole from someone and Jane robbed someone, there's a difference. Before you say anything I want to state I hate Jane and Kenny.

  • And Clementine isn't a murderer?

    She shot a man point blank in the head (determinant). Still, it's ok if Clem does it but not if Kenny does it?

    Jane wasn't just a liar, she was a manipulator, way worse. She cared about her sister 2.0/Clementine and didn't give a fuck about anyone but herself and Clem, not even really about Luke after she let him fuck her brains out.

    Plus, Clementine is in any case a murderer if you go with Jane, whereas she can still have killed noone (that we know of) if she didn't shoot the stranger.

    And you shouldn't forget about Vitali, who Jane murdered. Yes, she saved Kenny and the others, I don't hold this against her, he had to die. Doesn't change the fact she killed someone.

    And fair enough, Kenny killed Carver and Jane (determinant). You can't hold Carver against him more than Vitali against Jane.

    But think about it: So you want Clem to kill someone, rather than have Kenny kill someone, which he would not do to Clem or AJ?

    And he wouldn't, no way. They are what keep him going, and Carver and Jane where just obstacles in his eyes.

    zykelator posted: »

    Some prefer liars over murderers.

  • She shot a man point blank in the head (determinant). Still, it's ok if Clem does it but not if Kenny does it?

    That is determinant, Kenny trying to murder/murdering others isnt.

    didn't give a fuck about anyone but herself and Clem

    Whats wrong with that?

    not even really about Luke after she let him fuck her brains out.

    Then why was she sad after he died?

    Plus, Clementine is in any case a murderer if you go with Jane, whereas she can still have killed noone (that we know of) if she didn't shoot the stranger.

    Misuse of word murderer. Its not like she planned to murder Kenny, she killed him to save another life and thats not murder and wont make her murderer.

    And you shouldn't forget about Vitali, who Jane murdered. Yes, she saved Kenny and the others, I don't hold this against her, he had to die. Doesn't change the fact she killed someone.

    Another misuse of word murder.

    You can't hold Carver against him more than Vitali against Jane.

    There was no point to murder Carver after he was already crippled and most certainly wasnt any reason to beat him to death and continue to beat his corpse. Vitali was holding a gun and was about to kill Kenny, there was a reason to kill Vitali.

    But think about it: So you want Clem to kill someone, rather than have Kenny kill someone, which he would not do to Clem or AJ?

    I would rather make Clem kill someone who is about to murder her friend (somewhat determinant), than just let them do it. I would have shot Lilly also to save Carley in the situation outside rv.

    And he wouldn't, no way. They are what keep him going, and Carver and Jane where just obstacles in his eyes.

    AJ is Kenny priority, as he states this himself. Kenny has already shown that he can ignore Clementine because of his anger issues and he left her in middle of herd because he was mad at her. Knowing this, we can speculate what he would do in case AJ died because of Clementine.

    And Clementine isn't a murderer? She shot a man point blank in the head (determinant). Still, it's ok if Clem does it but not if Kenny do

  • edited October 2014

    ケニーは、彼はわずかに大きく依存するクレメンタイン一緒にグループを維持します。確信しています彼の父が彼を教えなかった「尊重」彼のピックアップ トラックのシーンの間に言ったように、ケニーは失礼と無謀です。我々、サリタ、次に何を保存する最善を試してみました?それは「悪い」決断だったように私たち怒らさ、何を期待する私たちをケニーを行うか?痛みで「ガール フレンド」叫びながら我々 方法を飛ぶ?ケニーのエピソード 3、エピソード 4、エピソード 5 の中にせせらぎの疲れ育った。グループはエピソード 2 からバラバラになるだろうことを知っていた。私の正直な意見彼べき決してシーズン 2 で再びして未知に宿泊されました。ジェーン、私は問題がある主要な彼女、好きではなかった彼女はケニーを残すクレメンタインを作る方法。


    And Kenny, he just greatly depends on Clementine to keep the group together. And I'm sure his father didn't teach him "respect" as he said during the pick-up truck scene, Kenny was rude and reckless. We tried our best to save Sarita, and then what? We get told off like it was a "bad" decision, what do you expect us to do Kenny? Fly our way out while your "girlfriend" screams in pain?

    I grew tired of Kenny's babbling during Episode 3, Episode 4 and Episode 5.

    I knew the group would fall apart since Episode 2.

    In my honest opinion, He should've never reappeared in Season 2 and stayed unknown.

    And with Jane, I have no major issue with her, I just didn't like the way she did in making Clementine leave Kenny.


  • i hate jane as much as the next person, this wasnt worth making a thread about tho

  • TeamKenny-TeamAJ-HateJaneTeam. I'm in 3 team now.

  • Keeping humanity is more important.

    Id rather have a short and happy life keeping those who others would consider "liabilities" alive than have a long and dreadful life where i try to survive and only stick up for myself and only keep those around who are "useful".

    This is why sarahs death almost ruined the series for me. Nick and her were both dead, so the only people i could really care for are Luke and Kenny (though luke isnt holding the group back terribly much), as much as i love kenny, i know he's part of the (and most likely the main) reason the group fell apart but yknow what? He cared about people others would call "liabilities" and so did Sarah and Nick and Luke, even rebecca and alvin cared, actually, almost every character who showed any bit of humanity died. And as upset as i am all of them died, im glad they died caring

    zykelator posted: »

    She gonna get the children or someone killed. Fair enough. Most people arent as cold as she about others. She want you to rob

  • didn't give a fuck about anyone but herself and Clem

    Whats wrong with that?

    a lot of stuff actually

    zykelator posted: »

    She shot a man point blank in the head (determinant). Still, it's ok if Clem does it but not if Kenny does it? That is determinant,

  • And?

    JMOREL posted: »

    TeamKenny-TeamAJ-HateJaneTeam. I'm in 3 team now.

  • Clementine has murdered people, sure. Let's review.

    The Stranger (determinant): Was on top of Lee about to suffocate the life out of him and held Clementine prisoner after lying to her about her parents being alive looking for her.

    Lee (determinant): Asked Clementine to not allow him to turn because he didn't want something like that to happen to him.

    Sam (determinant): To, again play the "angel of death" and put a suffering dog out of his misery.

    Sarita (determinant): Kills her to ensure she doesn't suffer because Kenny was busy shouting obscenities at an eleven year while his "loved one" was begging for the sweet release of death.

    Kenny (determinant): Was about to viciously murder someone because of a hunch he had had the moment he met her and was just waiting to jump at the opportunity to throw her under the bus.

    Now Kenny...

    Larry (canon): Had a hunch he might come back and kill three abled-bodied adults and a child.

    Johnny (canon): Because he was a threat to the safety of his loved-ones. (Not discussing the indirect danger that posed to said loved-ones)

    Carver (canon): Because Kenny thought it'd be cool to viciously maim someone in the name of "revenge." A little selfish.

    Those Russian pricks (canon): Because they were a direct threat to the safety of the group.

    Jane (determinant): Because he had a hunch she viciously murdered a baby for no reason.

    See a difference between their motives? Kenny has only killed those Russian assholes for purely understandable reasons (of course, after Jane saved his life). Everyone else, including Johnny was debatably completely out-of-line and beyond unnecessary.

    And Clementine isn't a murderer? She shot a man point blank in the head (determinant). Still, it's ok if Clem does it but not if Kenny do

  • And what?


  • And what what?

    JMOREL posted: »

    And what?

  • WTF?

    And what what?

  • and what wtf what?

    JMOREL posted: »


  • What the flying fuck?

    and what wtf what?

  • and what wtf what the flying fuck what?

    JMOREL posted: »

    What the flying fuck?

  • Ok I'm gonna be late for class, thats it for the "what" thing.

    and what wtf what the flying fuck what?

  • okay...


    JMOREL posted: »

    Ok I'm gonna be late for class, thats it for the "what" thing.

  • Hate whoever you want.

This discussion has been closed.