Game of Thrones officially confirmed in interview to have five playable protagonists

In an interview discussing Telltale's growth since Walking Dead Season 1 as well as their future plans, they lightly touch upon Game of Thrones (and Tales from the Borderlands too).
How far will future games branch out from the Telltale template already set, or do you believe that template is strong enough to sustain multiple game series as it is?
We always will evolve our story telling toolkit from game to game based on the needs of each franchise and the creative decisions we've made. For example, Tales from the Borderlands adds multi-protagonist storytelling for us layered into the tailored narrative design established with The Walking Dead and it works amazingly well with two playable characters.
In Game of Thrones we're taking that multi-protagonist design even further with five playable characters from the same family whose choices affect everyone in the family, and that adds a whole new layer to things that we're really excited about.
We feel like the core tailored narrative template is very strong and supports multiple IP executions while also being extremely flexible in [taking on board] new narrative designs that I've mentioned here. It will continue to evolve from game series to game series.
They also point out that Game of Thrones, Tales from the Borderlands, and future titles will have better loading times.
I hope they pull it off good, then it's a really awesome idea.
I'd say it's 90% likely that it will fall into the tiresome trope of 3 boys 2 girls (that mirrors the 2 boy 1 girl heroic trilogy trope), but regardless that sounds like a fascinating way to set out the narrative.
wow cant wait! hope those titles comes out this year with no more delays
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Perfect I was worried we wernt gonna get a significant variety but this is good
Well, looks like they're keeping things pretty small and close-knit for the first season. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I do hope they start to expand a bit more in later installments, though.
Awesome. I hope we get a better trailer or some screenshots soon
Not 1, not 2, but 5 goodness gracious!
Awesome! I really think it is a damn interesting idea of having five player character of the same family. I can't wait to see how Telltale are handling this.
Here comes the hype!
Very risky.
Do you think each episode will have a different playable character?
Start like AGOT did in 1996 right? put the Stark children and Stark momma and pappa to tell the beginning story in a most clear way... Good enough for me taste, that is.
Sounds good (though I wish we could play characters from different Houses, not just a single House)....
I do have to wonder though. how many save slots would this game actually have?
Season 1 of TWD and TWAU both had the single fixed ending (although the process of getting to that ending may be different depending on Player's Choices), so 4 save slots were okay.
Things changed a bit with TWD Season 2 where it had multiple endings, but the game still had only 4 save slots.
I think if the endings are like Season 1 of TWD and TWAU, there should be at least 5 save slots (1 for each character). But if there are multiple endings (2 ~ 3 different endings per each character?) like TWD Season 2, then I hope there are a lot more save slots
I think they mean you play as all five protagonists no matter what - kind of like Walking Dead: 400 Days, except this time in a certain order whenever the story dictates you play as a character. I don't think they meant it as you choose a single character out of five to play as for the entire Season.
I want to guess that they'll have you switch between all five characters in an episode, kind of like how Wallace and Gromit/Walking Dead: 400 Days did so (and how Tales from the Borderlands also intends to do so). However, switching between five characters in a 90 minute episode sounds like there won't be as much character development as a typical episode with a single protagonist. Hopefully, Telltale uses longer episodes for this series so they can flesh out characters more.
I don't watch the show much, but I think from what I recall, that is also how the show handles it (switching between a few groups of characters) and I think Telltale has previously stated they want to be faithful to the show's portrayal of the story as well, so it would make sense.
You may be right. I do wish they would have made playable characters from different Houses though. While I do like it that we can play as more than 1 character, having all 5 player characters from the same House just doesn't sound very interesting (as playing as different House characters)
So, what we will be doing is to play as a family instead of a character. I still think that this will avoid any emphatic relation or even role play you could have with the character, but let’s see how it goes.
Cant wait to play GoT episode 1!
Neat. Almost makes me think 400 Days might have been a proof-of-concept of sorts for Game of Thrones.
I'm with you when you say that five characters in a 90 minute episode could lead to thin character development.
I think about 400 days, that's fine as an experiment, but 15 min per character seems way too shallow and "incomplete" for an heavy game as GoT.
That actually sounds pretty awesome. I like how Telltale as taking different directions with their storytelling lately. With this and with how Borderlands is going to be about unreliable narration.
They won't be able to handle it...
...Well someones being a bit of a downer. Wernt you complaining yesterday about no news? oh well people love to complain I guess
1 dad
2 sons
1 mother
1 daughter
Why not 1 dad 1 son 1 mother 2 daughters?
It could be, but those two are the most likely outcomes of who the family is built up of.
I'm not sure, it depends what 'family' means here. Like, we could play as an aunt or a grandfather or a cousin.
I'm saying they won't be able to handle it because having five protagonists for a whole season is alot to juggle for Telltale.
I doubt it. Telltale can handle it just fine, seeing as how well made 400 Days went and how they have been having practice with TFTB.
400 Days was an hour and a half and they didn't really connect each storyline that much, and TFTBL is only two characters (sure that can be practice too) and 400 Days characters got 3 second cameos in Season 2.
So far, they haven't showed me they can pull something off like this
Maybe they'll prove me wrong, but at this point - I severely doubt it.
GOT in first place, I can wait for Tales from the bordelands... >_<
Can't wait!
In the ASOIAF books, each chapter has a different character in a different place, but all the story is connected (not sure how it is in the show). Even if each character gets 20 minutes of screen time, as long as it connects the entire story together, I don't think Telltale will have that much of a problem.
That's great but who will be the family?
Very nice thank you for the info
Yeah, I was surprised to hear that the leads would be kept within a single family, but I suppose it makes sense if they're telling a personal story.
I wonder if the different protagonists will interact much with each other, developing base personalities outside of our control of them, or if they'll be completely split up a la the Starks.
I love the idea of influencing a story from multiple perspectives, but I'm wary about them using as many as five leads. Seems like a lot of development to cover. Then again, I imagine that keeping the cast more interrelated will make things easier, and I wouldn't be surprised if not all of them make it through the whole season...
Either way, I hope that the different character arcs get a chance to be lengthier than the 400 Days segments.
Eh when you consider the diverse cast and locations in the main series it makes sense.