Ok so how did Kenny and Clementine get from Virginia to Michigan in only 9 days?
During a zombie apocalypse and a snowstorm when there would be nobody clearing the roads? Clementine should of been a lot buffer in the Wellington scene with all the snow shoveling she would of had to do during that time.
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The question is, how does AJ survive a 9 day trip with only 1 day of food?
Telltale miracle. They happen quite often.
They got lucky...really lucky
Kenny found a magical boat obviously
So many people act as if it would be impossible to find baby food on the 9 day journey, seriously think of how small the amount of babies are in the apocalypse, that would mean little to no people would be looting baby formula. It really isn't that impossible for them to have gotten food.
They did have to take that trip to Howes after episode 2, that could have shortened the trip a bit, then the 1 day journey to Arvo's groups house, and the car trip that probably lasted a few hours. Not to mention the fact they got incredibly lucky in finding it, and that it's only specified to be "around" Michigan. It's possible, but unlikely.
You forget about something. Kenny in episode 2 said "(Wellington) supposed to be a big camp up near Michigan". He said "supposed to" so he only said what others told thim but we can't be sure. We can be sure that Wellington is somewhere north but maybe not in Michigan.
Yes, I know there is city called Wellington in both Ohio and Michigan but remember that we are talking about a camp, not a city.
From Virginia? They were in Georgia and maybe there's a place named Wellington there.
No they weren't. The game starts in North Carolina and the rest of the season takes place in Tennessee (Howe's) and Virginia (ski lodge, Parker's Run).
I knew there was only a slight chance, but I was hoping they'd pass through part of West Virginia. We need some lime light, damn it! ;_;
can you please post your source sir
When it comes to geography, it's easy to check the facts, yourself.
The game is suggested to start in North Carolina because of the license plate you see near the campfire with Christa.
The rest, you'll just have to google.
Like HeroStevyn said, the license plate that you find in All That Remains tells you that you are in North Carolina. Then Luke's map that he has in A House Divided has Virginia on it, showing that the ski lodge Kenny's group was in was located in Virginia. As for Howe's and Parker's Run (which is also in Tennessee, my bad), it says so on The Walking Dead wiki.
The power of Stuff, Thaaaannngs, and Rainbows.
They used those two things that dangle from your hip. People sometimes call them "walkin' arms".
Maybe Kenny fixed up another truck. I think a bigger unexplained detail is how did AJ survive without any baby formula?
They found one during those 9 days?
People would steal anything in a desperate situation. Meaning that Stores and other places would be picked dry. It doesn't matter if there are zero to no babies. People will take whatever they can find to survive.
Don't forget charm coming out of their asses.
Clementine could have passed out for 8 or so hours. They could make it pretty far.
Say, do you believe in magic?
Easy: Wellington isn't in Michigan. Kenny only assumed Wellington was in Michigan. Like someone above post, he said "supposed to," not "is." Also, during the Kenny ending, Edith said the name Wellington was the name people gave their camp. I think someone in the "Details people might not know" thread pointed out that the name Wellington might have been derived from the "Wellington" printed on the shipping containers that surrounded the camp. For all we know, Wellington could be in Kentucky (I think there is a district near Louisville named Wellington, don't quote me on that though). There could be many "Wellingtons" throughout the country. If the had stayed in Virginia, they might have ended up in Rick's community which could have been mistaken as Wellington by travelers. Shoot, if Christa and Clem hadn't been jumped by those Winston and Co., they might have found a "Wellington" in Richmond. So yeah, Kenny and Clem didn't make it to Michigan. The name "Wellington" is just a name associated with large, safe, uncorrupted communities throughout the country.
Kenny said in Episode 2 that Wellington is in Michigan (in the same conversation where he calls Nick Vanilla Ice)
No. He said "supposed to be a big camp up near Michigan". Not that it is there. He suspect that this place is in Michigan but it's only a theory.
He says it's near Michigan, not in Michigan. when you look it up, it's actually in Ohio.
It's a video game bruh.
Kenny calling Nick "Vanilla Ice" takes on a whoooole new meaning now
new creepy avatar ;_;
Kenny's powerful stache gave them all the energy the needed. Same logic as returning to Howe's and finding Carver's body untouched after a herd.
'Kenny magic mustache urban booaaaat he flew clem there n magic mustache xD xD xD
keny forever'
Am I doing (stereo)typical kenny fan right?
Wow, I hadn't even seen this comment before I made my ironic post about the overused mustache, boat and urban kenny memes.
GG flog, predicted/10
Hmmmm, Car, Boat, They Ran with amazing speed, power of the hat and beard, for the sake of the plot, You can use your imagination
I didn't know there are ski lodges in Georgia. It seemed like they were alot further north the whole season to me. Christa and Clem had been wandering for sixteen months, they had to have travelled a good distance in that time.