The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I have three friends who wear glasses, and they were playing american football today, so they told me to take care of their glasses, I did this:

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  • Done and done! ;D

    blueneon posted: »

    I need a tie breaker, if you can give away a minute to vite I would really apreciate it. :}

  • high fives

    Thanks a lot. :D

    Done and done! ;D

  • Lol you almost look like Toby Maguire right here with dem glasses on!

    I have three friends who wear glasses, and they were playing american football today, so they told me to take care of their glasses, I did this:

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    No problemo! :)

    blueneon posted: »

    high fives Thanks a lot.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited November 2014

    I am Toby Maguire. Nah, I think I look more like Toby Cotrell. (so many tobys)

    Lol you almost look like Toby Maguire right here with dem glasses on!

  • Which one am I? xD

    No problemo!

  • (so many toby's)

    O)_(O But there can only be one...

    I am Toby Maguire. Nah, I think I look more like Toby Cotrell. (so many tobys)

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    blueneon posted: »

    Which one am I? xD

    edited November 2014

    I can't take my mind off of it, it's the only thing that's on my mind right now.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I'm sorry, I've been like that lately but just take your mind of whatever's bothering you.

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    blueneon posted: »

    I am young Clem?

  • edited November 2014

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    blueneon posted: »

    Woah, awesome.

  • My sister just finished Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 4 and at the end she was like

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  • xD

    My sister just finished Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 4 and at the end she was like

  • Everytime Alex from target is brought up I'm dead serious

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  • Surprised your eyes didn't explode

    I have three friends who wear glasses, and they were playing american football today, so they told me to take care of their glasses, I did this:

  • Where have you been?! You haven't been on skype...

  • edited November 2014

    So, so sillent....


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  • "If I could choose one day to live over again, it would be the day I met you."

  • LOL

    My sister just finished Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 4 and at the end she was like

  • Bad acne huh?

    I have three friends who wear glasses, and they were playing american football today, so they told me to take care of their glasses, I did this:

  • That moment where you give the guy your laptop to fix it after saying it would take one week, only to find out a week later, he didn't fix it.

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  • Yeah, trying to get rid of it tho.

    Bad acne huh?

  • edited November 2014

    "If I could choose one day to live over again, it would be the day I helped you make the right decision."

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    "If I could choose one day to live over again, it would be the day I met you."

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited November 2014

    "If I could choose one day to live over again, I wouldn't."

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    "If I could choose one day to live over again, it would be the day I met you."

  • edited November 2014

    "If I could chose one day to live over again, it would be the day that I made one right choice."

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    "If I could choose one day to live over again, it would be the day I met you."

  • "If I could choose one day to live over again, it would be the day I saved lives."

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    "If I could choose one day to live over again, it would be the day I met you."

  • edited November 2014

    I actually really like that she isn't the physically strongest, and only fights when she needs to. She bides her time and listens, because everyone underestimates her at this point. She uses her wits to get out of tough situations more so than brunt strength, which I find quite refreshing given that a lot of the characters are OP badasses when it comes to physical fighting.

    Those arms though..

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    But seriously, I agree that it's nice to have another character that isn't simply some BAMF in terms of dealing with danger/ fighting danger. Beth is deeper than that. The fact that she gets underestimated definitely does play to her advantage, though I kind of assume that Dawn and Co. are going to keep her on a shorter leash going forward. I'm assuming Carol is going to help mitigate that effect. The great thing about Beth is that there is still a decent amount of room to develop her character, which says a lot considering her character is much different from the empty, depressed, suicidal individual we saw way back in Season Two when she was first struck with the reality of the world around her. She seemingly hasn't changed her stance on the fact that she believes that this world will eventually take everyone, but she has found something to fight for, and as long as she has that, she seems to be rather unbreakable. Holding onto her humanity helps with this as well.

    I honestly feel like the whole idea of Carol getting captured on purpose is kind of a predictable route in terms of where her character development seems to be going, but I suppose it is definitely plausible. Getting captured on purpose also seems like a bit of a risky/ suicidal plan, considering I wouldn't imagine that Carol or Daryl had any idea what they were potentially dealing with. Like you said though, if Carol was feeling like she no longer deserved to be among the group (or something like that), I could see her being more willing to sacrifice her own safety.

    The issue I have with the doctor is the fact that he probably could have killed the guy on his own without anyone really being any the wiser. He had already given a pretty bleak prognosis for the guy, so I don't think anyone would have been very surprised if he had been "unable to save him" so to speak..
    With him knowing Dawn's aggressive/tyrannical/violent nature, it seemed kind of scumbag-ish to put Beth in a position where she could potentially get pretty hurt. All that being said, I still kind of like the guy. I'm just a little leery of his mentality. On one hand he clearly cares about Beth's well-being, yet he was pretty quick to shelve those feelings once he himself was facing a potential sticky situation.

    I can level with Abraham's concerns, but it just seemed smarter to keep everyone together, to stay as strong as possible. It just seemed odd to me that he was so willing to abandon the additional strength+safety that Rick's group brought to the table. He has an important mission and all, but I wish he would have given Daryl, Carol, and Beth a little more time. I mean, I know it was necessary for the purpose of the writing, I just really didn't agree with the actions from a realistic stand point. Oh well, hopefully the two groups will reunite at Washington... though I kind of have a feeling that isn't going to happen for some reason.

    I want it to be Morgan, but the only way I can think of Carol ending up near the hospital is if they ran into Noah, and he mentioned Beth, so Daryl forces Noah to lead him back. And then when they get to the hospital and see that they're outnumbered by both people and walkers, Daryl wants to turn back and get Rick and the others for backup, but the hospital people show up, and either Carol gets taken or she lets herself get taken to help Beth. That's my guess.

    I guess it depends on how what happened when Daryl and Carol went after the car at the end of episode two. But yeah, Noah is probably the most likely answer.

    Tinni posted: »

    I do watch the Talking Dead, I think they evaluated her character accurately. I actually really like that she isn't the physically strongest

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    That moment you are afraid to post spam cause you are afraid it has been posted before but you post it anyway and you like that until someone reacts.

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  • Why would they trust you with their glasses? xD

    I have three friends who wear glasses, and they were playing american football today, so they told me to take care of their glasses, I did this:

  • Because I sometimes use glasses as an accesory.

    Why would they trust you with their glasses? xD

  • I noticed her "King" and "Kong".

    blueneon posted: »

    That moment you are afraid to post spam cause you are afraid it has been posted before but you post it anyway and you like that until someone reacts.

  • I laughed way too hard at this...

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  • I bet you did.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I noticed her "King" and "Kong".

  • Lmao!

    I laughed way too hard at this...

  • Did you sniff sharpies with your dog again?

    Also, was I the only one who noticed the sign saying "MADE IN CHINA"?

    I swear she gets fatter and fatter everyday. Damn bby you good lookin Edit: Holy crap this picture is big

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