The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Holy crap...

    So freaking beautiful... You're so talented I can't even

    JonGon posted: »

    I got GoT on my mind! I know @Welcome_to_Woodbury wanted some more GoT art so here it is The one and only Robb Stark.


    Deceptio posted: »


  • Well it's midnight so it's now officially November fifth here which means my birthday/bonfire night!

  • This is nice!

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    JonGon posted: »

    I got GoT on my mind! I know @Welcome_to_Woodbury wanted some more GoT art so here it is The one and only Robb Stark.

  • Happy birthday! B^]

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well it's midnight so it's now officially November fifth here which means my birthday/bonfire night!

  • edited November 2014

    Jeremiah 9:4

    "Beware of your friends; do not trust anyone in your clan. For every one of them is a deceiver, and every friend a slanderer."

  • Interesting. From the little that I have read online, Slabtown didn't really seem to be as well received for whatever reason. I would say it has been my personal favorite so far as well. I think the next episode that happens to focus on Beth/Carol will be even better.

    I guess regardless of how Carol ended up being in the hospital, I just hope she doesn't steal the spotlight. She has her own character growth going on, but I still want this to be Beth's time to shine. Hopefully Beth can help her out more than the other way around.

    You're probably right in regards to someone getting hurt/killed in the next episode, triggering Abraham to do what he did in the sneak peak. He does seem a little explosive as it is... but I can't imagine why else he would beat someone near to death with a can of soup (or whatever it was).

    Bye Rosita..

    Tinni posted: »

    The great thing about Beth is that there is still a decent amount of room to develop her character, which says a lot considering her charact

  • When will you be on again?

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    I had some issues with my computer

  • Here's an article I wrote a few weeks ago for a magazine that we're doing in my media class. We had to do this as well as a piece of art/media.
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  • Maybe today I think.

    When will you be on again?

  • edited November 2014

    I try not to pay attention to what's posted online about episodes involving Beth, because a lot of the time they're made by people who hate her because she's not a bamf fighter like the other girls, or because she gets in the way of their ship(Beth x Daryl vs. Carol x Daryl. It is pretty hard to have a discussion about Beth on some sites without "ship fights" getting involved.). I remember when "Still" aired, those people were saying it did terribly because it had Beth in it, when really it did pretty great considering it aired the same night of the Oscar's. So I'm not so sure if those posts are accurate about how "Slabtown" was received by the whole twd audience.

    This is what I'm worried about tbh. Carol is a pretty popular character, and I wouldn't be surprised if she takes the spotlight. Personally, I feel Carol's character development/evolution is complete, and I can see her dying this season. I can forgive her being the main focus if it's her "farewell arc". My hope is that Beth takes charge a little bit, and Carol relies on Beth to get out.

    I don't want it to be Rosita, I really like her.D: But her or Eugene dying is the only catalyst I can think of that would break Abraham's composure and focus to that degree.

    Belan posted: »

    Interesting. From the little that I have read online, Slabtown didn't really seem to be as well received for whatever reason. I would say it

  • @AWESOMEO Happy birthday, Daniel.

  • Okay guys. Took a bunch of images of my home today, so I'll be uploading in a bit.

  • Alright, here they are!
    Dining room plus computer and study area behind it.
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    Lounge room (Yes, I know it's messy.)
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    This is a typical bathroom setup over here.
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    Posters a teacher gave me when she came back from New York.
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    Some Australia currency.
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    Foxtel, the main cable TV provider here.
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    Our garage (used mostly for any kind of party or BBQ.
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    Aussie pride b*tches!
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    Hope you guys enjoyed!

  • edited November 2014

    funny star was fims, cause the new film is coming out 2015

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  • :D

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Maybe today I think.

  • Happy day of birth! :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Am 16 nao C:

  • [removed]

  • edited November 2014

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    Ugh... I'm never gonna have BBQ peanuts ever again. Got me sick like hell yesterday. -_-

    Anyway, Happy Birthday to @AWESOMEO and @dojo32161! :D

    And good mornin', folks! :>

  • BBQ peanuts

    What the hell are those? And how come I've never heard of them???

    Ugh... I'm never gonna have BBQ peanuts ever again. Got me sick like hell yesterday. -_- Anyway, Happy Birthday to @AWESOMEO and @dojo32161! And good mornin', folks! :>

  • edited November 2014

    They're peanuts covered in artificial BBQ covering thingamajigs. Except the brand I had got me sick, for the 3rd time.

    EDIT: Oh shit.... I feel it again! ;~;

    Bloodeon posted: »

    BBQ peanuts What the hell are those? And how come I've never heard of them???

  • Awesome, hope it's fun! :)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well it's midnight so it's now officially November fifth here which means my birthday/bonfire night!

  • Good luck dying!

    They're peanuts covered in artificial BBQ covering thingamajigs. Except the brand I had got me sick, for the 3rd time. EDIT: Oh shit.... I feel it again! ;~;

  • Hi, Tobi!!!

    Ugh... I'm never gonna have BBQ peanuts ever again. Got me sick like hell yesterday. -_- Anyway, Happy Birthday to @AWESOMEO and @dojo32161! And good mornin', folks! :>

  • y u do dis ;_;

    Merry Christmas

  • thanks m8 C:

    Twistee posted: »

    @AWESOMEO bruh happy birthday.


    TDMshadowCP posted: »


    JonGon posted: »

    I got GoT on my mind! I know @Welcome_to_Woodbury wanted some more GoT art so here it is The one and only Robb Stark.

  • Happy birthday @AWESOMEO and @dojo32161!


    edited November 2014

    Jeremiah was one of the most miserable wrath prophets to ever exist, maybe even the most miserable prophet ever.

    Everyone beat him up and kicked him around on a daily basis for his prophecies, he was tortured in stocks by people like Pashur, he was called a false prophet everywhere he went because people didn't like his truthful prophecies and even his family tried to poison him, he truly lived in misery.

    But despite everything, he didn't stop because the prophecy was like a fire flaming in his bones:

    "But if I say, "I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." (Jeremiah 20:9)

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    Jeremiah 9:4 "Beware of your friends; do not trust anyone in your clan. For every one of them is a deceiver, and every friend a slanderer."

  • Thanks :D

    CodPatrol posted: »

    @AWESOMEO Happy birthday, Daniel.

  • Thanks AC c:

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    @AWESOMEO @dojo32161 Happy Birthday

  • :)

    Ugh... I'm never gonna have BBQ peanuts ever again. Got me sick like hell yesterday. -_- Anyway, Happy Birthday to @AWESOMEO and @dojo32161! And good mornin', folks! :>

  • thanks bruh

    Happy birthday @AWESOMEO and @dojo32161! FUCK-A-DOODLE-DOO

  • I get the feeling just because, everything I touch isn't dark enough.


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  • This video got me like

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  • Hahahhaha, fuck you.

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    papai46 posted: »

    Good luck dying!

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