Raining - Interactive Story (Completed)



  • If Matteo instead of open the door he listened through the door wahat would have happened?
    (you should something with like saying in all the choices what would have happened if we choosed the other one)

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Now it's time to start killing the other people... Even though i already killed a lot of people...

  • No problem! :D

    finlander posted: »

    Thank you so much man! I really appreciate that.

  • i knew it xd

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I've been think about doing that, but i am not sure how to go about doing that. Oh and if Matteo listened through the door not much would ha

  • edited November 2014

    I've been think about doing that, but i am not sure how to go about doing that. Oh and if Matteo listened through the door not much would have happened, he would have been stabbed through the door. He'd still die no matter what you chose. :P

    But in one that was chosen, he redeemed himself.

    supersagig posted: »

    If Matteo instead of open the door he listened through the door wahat would have happened? (you should something with like saying in all the choices what would have happened if we choosed the other one)

  • [Look for the bodies.]

    Looking in the OP lots of people are dead. Not many of us left.... The killer must be one of them.

    I'm guessing Teddy, Gina, or Jordan.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    (!) Matteo will open the door and see if he's still there. What the fuck did you just do?! You ran away, left Sarah and Marco to die. Why

  • edited November 2014


    Also, i can tell you now that the murderer kind of isn't Gina, she only killed Tinpenny. :P

    [Look for the bodies.] Looking in the OP lots of people are dead. Not many of us left.... The killer must be one of them. I'm guessing Teddy, Gina, or Jordan.

  • A question
    Are there anybody who died offscreen? Who?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I've been think about doing that, but i am not sure how to go about doing that. Oh and if Matteo listened through the door not much would ha

  • Maybe Dan? Kinda. :|

    Maybe some who's hasn't died yet...

    supersagig posted: »

    A question Are there anybody who died offscreen? Who?

  • Jordan has something to do with the murders , i know that
    He can saw everbody in the house with the cameras

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Maybe Dan? Kinda. Maybe some who's hasn't died yet...

  • Teddy was with the others while Erica was killed

    [Look for the bodies.] Looking in the OP lots of people are dead. Not many of us left.... The killer must be one of them. I'm guessing Teddy, Gina, or Jordan.

  • yeah , there more than 1 and the one who attacked Desmond and Domenick didnt kill you for some reason

    I might be the killer.... :P

  • I might be the killer.... :P

    [Look for the bodies.] Looking in the OP lots of people are dead. Not many of us left.... The killer must be one of them. I'm guessing Teddy, Gina, or Jordan.

  • Jordan went for a walk and hasn't come back... Before he left he said "I'll be right"... Maybe he dead off sceen D:

    supersagig posted: »

    Jordan has something to do with the murders , i know that He can saw everbody in the house with the cameras

  • Never say that xd

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Jordan went for a walk and hasn't come back... Before he left he said "I'll be right"... Maybe he dead off sceen

  • These are my suspects:

    • Desmond
    • Joe
    • Jordan
    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Jordan went for a walk and hasn't come back... Before he left he said "I'll be right"... Maybe he dead off sceen

  • The killer that attacked him and Domenick didnt kill him for some reason

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    What did Desmond ever do? :P

  • What did Desmond ever do? :P

    I might be the killer.... :P

  • Nothing...And that's the problem...Interesting twist if he is apart of the conspiracy...brought everyone together to kill them.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    What did Desmond ever do? :P

  • telltale soon or soon soon

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Well, i can tell you one thing, he's about to get very pissed... Soon

  • Well, i can tell you one thing, he's about to get very pissed... Soon

    Nothing...And that's the problem...Interesting twist if he is apart of the conspiracy...brought everyone together to kill them.

  • Alt text

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Well, i can tell you one thing, he's about to get very pissed... Soon

  • edited November 2014

    Sorry if it sounded like i was going to post something XD

    I'm may or may not start working on it soon

    Edit: Maybe sometime late today, or tomorrow. :P

  • Oh and who is your number one suspect? :3

  • Myself.


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Oh and who is your number one suspect?

  • Good to know... Hehe...


  • Voting is closed...

    (!) James will look for the bodies.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    (!) Matteo will open the door and see if he's still there. What the fuck did you just do?! You ran away, left Sarah and Marco to die. Why

  • edited November 2014

    (!) James will look for the bodies.

    He thinks to himself, if I don’t go he’s just going to kill me… If I do go he still might kill me. I need to go upstairs, maybe the attic? I don’t know about this. Matteo, Sarah and Marco wonder off somewhere, they could be dead too. For all you know they could be the bodies this guy Is talking about, But, you were going to die if you don’t do something fast.

    ???: Look, I don't have all the time in the world. So I’m going to count to 5. If you don’t do anything by then, I’m come to you and kill you. 1. 2…

    James: Wait! I’ll do it, okay?

    ???: 3. 4.

    James: Wait! I got it, okay. I’m going.

    ???: 5. Time’s up.

    He jumps up, running to the stairs, he looks up them. He doesn’t see anything or anyone. He starts running up the stairs. At the top he doesn’t find anyone. But he sees the ladder go to the attic. Running down the hallway, sees a pool of blood of the floor and a closet, he walks past it. Going into the attic. Once up there he runs a few steps, and then hears a noise coming from where he just was. After hearing the noise he runs deeper in to the attic. Running from, what he thinks is the killer. He comes to a window at the end of the attic and turns around. He sees the killer standing at the ladder.

    James: Come on, come on don’t do this!

    The killer doesn’t say anything. He takes a step forward. James runs to the killer and try’s to tattle him. The killer grabs James, holds his arms to his side. Pushing him to the window. He’s almost there now, just then James frees one of his arms. He grabs the killers mask, pulling it off. James stirs at the killers face as his is throughout the window. He hits the ground hard. James is dead.

    End of chapter 2-3. (The next part will be coming soon...Tomorrow. :P)

  • edited November 2014

    Episode 3, Chapter 3.

    (This is tying all the other parts together, Hannah’s and Dan’s, Matteo, Sarah and Marco’s, and James’s, chapters.)

    Desmond, Joe and Hannah run into the kitchen, to talk to Konni and Teddy. They are sitting at the table, talking about something. They looked uneasy. Once they get there, everyone stops when they hear a noise. It was the sound of someone running downstairs. It was Marco. Once he gets there he yells.

    Marco: Their dead! Matteo and Sarah are dead.

    Hannah: Dan’s… Dan’s dead too.

    Konni: What?!

    Desmond: What the fuck happened while I was gone?! Is there anyone else that’s dead that I should know about?! And how the fuck did Erik…

    In the front yard they see someone fall from maybe the roof and land in the ground. They run to the door to see. They couldn’t see from here so they step outside. It was James, he died. He was covered with bits of glass, and he was holding a mask in his left hand. They all look up and see someone walk away from the broken window. They run back in side.

    Konni: Well… Do we try to kill him?!

    Desmond: We find this son of a bitch and kill him!

    Desmond starts running to the stairs, when he turns around and sees that only Hannah and Marco followed him. Desmond looks at everyone who didn’t follow. Joe, Teddy and Konni didn’t follow him. Desmond stirs at them like he’s been betrayed. Then almost out of nowhere then hear someone.

    ???: Oh my fucking god!

    It was Jordan, he was standing by Erika’s body. He looked like he was in shock.

    Desmond: Where the fuck have you been!?!

    Jordan: Holy shit… I went for a walk. I just get back.

    You just looked at him, not one word and then you punched him. Right in the jaw, Desmond could tell it hurt like hell. Desmond looked back at everyone else. They all looked like they were scared of him, in a way. Desmond looked back at Jordan.

    Desmond: You left Erika alone in the van, didn’t you?! Why the fuck did you leave he alone!

    Jordan: Look, I didn’t know any of this was going to happen, I’m sorry.

    He looked back at everyone else, all you wanted to know at this point was how Erika died.

    Desmond: Do you know, do any of you know what happened to Erika?!

    Everyone looked scared, nobody said anything.

    Desmond: Fine.
    He starts walking to Erika, he looks at her. He’s crying. But then Hannah says something, that he couldn’t hear.

    Hannah: It’s our fault…

    Desmond: What… What did you say, say it again!

    Hannah: It’s our fault! It’s our fucking fault she’s dead!

    Desmond: What… What the fuck do you mean it’s your fault! What fuckin’ happened!

    They all won’t stop looking at me, why are they watching me? What did I do, that made them scared of me. Why won’t they fucking say anything! Why do they need to keep it from me?! Why won’t they just tell me what happened. As you were thinking this, Teddy started talking.

    Teddy: The killer… He gave us a choice, Erika… Was tied to the chair, he told us that if none of us would take her place, he would kill her. None of us… None of us did anything… We just watched it happen.

    Desmond: Is… Is that fucking true!

    Hannah: Yes…

    Desmond: You’re all… You’re all killers in my book!

    He starts walking to the news van. Now you knew, you knew everything to need to know. You knew who the fucking killer is. You got in the van, you pulled out a gun. It had 7 shots. You knew what you had to do. But it felt like you had just lost your sanity. What if you were wrong? You would have killed someone who didn’t need to die. But, in a way you didn’t care. You stepped out of the van, pointing the gun where everyone was. Nobody was there, did they all leave?

    Desmond: Hello, Come out! I won’t hurt any of you!

    They all left, but where did they go? You knew the killer was among them. You needed to kill the killer. That’s all you wanted, to kill the killer. You knew who the killer was but… it was odd, like you didn’t know him at all, you pointed the gun at your head, kill the killer.

    You looked at the sky, it was hard to look at, and your head felt like it was on fire. With the gun pointed at your head, you had one last feeling. Regret. Desmond is Dead.

    End of Episode 3. (This may have not made since… but it will soon.)

    Edit: I'm starting to think this didn't make any since, but it doesn't make since because you don't know what i know. Lets leave it at that. :P

  • Yeah, I guess im sort of confused, what I got from this though, is that Desmond is the killer. He said he had to kill the killer, so he shoots himself. Sounds confusing but maybe he just played a role, and felt regret so he killed him self. I just dont get why he went in to the News van and knew where the gun was right away, since he has no relationship to the news crew.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 3, Chapter 3. (This is tying all the other parts together, Hannah’s and Dan’s, Matteo, Sarah and Marco’s, and James’s, chapters.)

    1. WTF. 2.Joe has something to do with it
    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 3, Chapter 3. (This is tying all the other parts together, Hannah’s and Dan’s, Matteo, Sarah and Marco’s, and James’s, chapters.)

  • Remember, the reason they are at the house in the first place. They were setting a trap for the killer, Desmond put the gun there, there's also one or two cameras in the house leading to monitors in the van. :P

    Yeah, I guess im sort of confused, what I got from this though, is that Desmond is the killer. He said he had to kill the killer, so he shoo

    1. Your probably going to be kind of confused until the end.
    2. Maybe...
    supersagig posted: »

    * WTF. 2.Joe has something to do with it

  • Joe is very suspicious

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    * Your probably going to be kind of confused until the end. * Maybe...

  • I would really like to know why you think Joe is suspicious. :P

    supersagig posted: »

    Joe is very suspicious

  • He wasnt around when most of the things appened

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I would really like to know why you think Joe is suspicious. :P

  • edited November 2014

    He also hasn't had many lines, he's had like 4 lines. :P

    I would want the killer to be well developed.

    supersagig posted: »

    He wasnt around when most of the things appened

  • Well that was definitely an interesting twist, the only one left of the investigation team is Jordan though...

    I'm not really sure what's going to happen.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 3, Chapter 3. (This is tying all the other parts together, Hannah’s and Dan’s, Matteo, Sarah and Marco’s, and James’s, chapters.)

  • edited November 2014

    Episode 4, Chapter 1-1.

    Everyone ran back inside. Jordan told them too. It was like he was scared of… Desmond, well he did hit him, so I guess I can understand. But you wanted to find out who the killer was, what was their motive. Why did they want to kill everyone? It didn’t… It's not like the movies, it’s not like you thought it would be like. Everything you saw was just a story, and the killer saw the same movie. It was just so odd, the killer acted like they do in the movies, but they didn’t at the same time. You had a guess, a guess at who it was. You may have to make a guess, if you wrong, then… You couldn’t be wrong! You just had to find out what their motive is, then… It would be clear.

    Konni: I’m going to the attic to look for anything helpfully. Anyone want to coming with me?

    Joe: I’ll… I’ll go with you.

    Konni: Okay. Anyone else want to come?

    Nobody said anything, they all looked scared. Almost unwilling to live, like they would wait for death. You and Joe walked up the stairs, you don’t see anyone at the top. Down the hallway you could see a pool of blood, at the bottom of the ladder. You go up the ladder, into the attic. There was the window that James was pushed out of. Konni walked to it and look out and down. There was James. You turn around to the killer standing there.

    Konni: oh, fuck you!

    Where the fuck was Joe?! Did he run? Was he killed? Is he the killer?! The killer just keeps walking forward, slowly. You look out the window again. No way could you just jump from up here… But what if you landed on James? That wouldn’t keep you from breaking bones. But you would survive the fall, probably. You turn back around the killer is right next to you. He grabs you by the neck. He pushed you out the window about half way. You could feel the remaining glass stabbing your back. It hurt like hell, so you hit the killer as hard as you could, and it knocked him back letting you go. You had to get out of there, fast. Started lowering yourself out the window, you could feel the glass cutting your fingers.

    You could see the killer get back to the window, he saw you. Then he started stabbing at your fingers, to avoid getting your fingers chopped off, you drop to the edge of the roof. You grab it. It’s hard to hold on to it. You get on to the roof. It’s a little hard to stand. You could see the killer in the window; it looked like he gave up. Then you turn around to see the killer has somehow gotten on to the roof.

    Konni: Fuck off!!!

    The killer starts walking to you, you run to the edge of the roof. You look down, you could jump; but risk breaking your neck, or you could fight the killer, you’re going to fight him?! You can’t outsmart the killer. Well you could at least try.

    Konni: What the fuck do you want?!

    ???: To see what your insides look like. (Scream quote :P)

    Konni: I warning you, you’re going to die. Just like in the movies!

    ???: Oh, I’d like to see you try!

    At the moment the killer ran at her, she tripped him and he fell off the roof. You look down, he’s not moving at all, looks like he’s dead.

    Konni: Fuck you! >:P

    You could now get off the roof and see who this killer really is or go back inside the house and rejoin the group.

    [Investigate the killers body] (You got to know who this bastard is!)

    [Rejoin the group in the house] (You can’t risk it again, you should go back to the group.)

    I want to know who you think the killer is and what you want to see in this before it is over.

  • Rejoin the group in the house.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 4, Chapter 1-1. Everyone ran back inside. Jordan told them too. It was like he was scared of… Desmond, well he did hit him, so I

  • edited November 2014

    [Rejoin the group in the house] the killer is obviously Joe

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Episode 4, Chapter 1-1. Everyone ran back inside. Jordan told them too. It was like he was scared of… Desmond, well he did hit him, so I

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