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  • Well, if I didn't have a fear of turkeys before seeing that picture, I sure do now! xD

    I enjoyed this chapter - outfoxing the turkey was fun to read! And in an odd way, I wish it weren't dead, it was so comical!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Gobble Gobble Die... Chapter 3 "So uhh, how are we going to catch a two story bird, that breaths fire, Etan?" "Since we need it ali

  • edited November 2014

    Oh, Robert. I can see why Rose and Gren wouldn't tell him - it's a bit of a sorry situation. :( But on the bright-side, Robert knows about RJ now, and with the Council hopefully not sniffing around they can start to build a life together! :D

    And I love your descriptions!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Chapter 16 Robert sat in the car. The rain poured on the windows, as the wipers furiously pushed the rain water to the side. The radio pl

  • edited November 2014

    The twins remind of the two from 'The Shining.' Obviously, the twins in that film didn't have different coloured hair, but there was a lot of blood - especially from that elevator.

    Anyway, poor Toad Jr! :( Whoever the villain is, they are a real work of evil. I wonder how the man and woman, and this man on the phone, all tie together. I think we've got a real mystery on our hands!

    Tetra posted: »

    Burn My Dread: Part 2 "What the fuck?" I said "Who was it?" Nerissa said "No idea, but he thinks it's a game called 'Death'" I told

  • "So-" A piece of bread flies out his mouth.

    Oh, Gren. xD

    The bit with Lyla, Junior, and Mary really reminded me of that page from your comic! You're clearly very busy, so this really is just a wondering-sort of question - do you have any rough idea when you might post more of the comic, possibly around these parts or over on dA? Just a question, no pressure meant by it. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Thanksgiving Challenge Part 6: Night before Georgie, with the help of Gren, brought the groceries in. By now RJ was awake and eating s

  • I haven't seen the shining in years Haha so I would've never have guessed they were like them XD yeah I dont know why I picked Toad and Toad Jr but they fit where the story was going. Sadly I had to cut this segment to four parts due to Luke using up his year in the contract in the persona side of him. I originally wanted to write 5 or 6 but then I realized that I had to end up finishing it up earlier :( all that reminds is the conclusion

    LupineNoir posted: »

    The twins remind of the two from 'The Shining.' Obviously, the twins in that film didn't have different coloured hair, but there was a lot o

  • Indeed, that ending! I love how this relates to your other tales; Gargoth really is evil. :)

    And the dialogue between Etan and Daren is... as insightful as ever. XD I'm sure we can reach that number with the continued quality of what everyone is writing, including yourself. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Back home for dinner, just like I promised Chapter 4 The trio return to the Gargoyle Elite lair. They carry the large turkey which is

  • I loved the opening with Scarlett walking around the Farm and Wolf Manor - the description really conjured up a lovely image of the place! I haven't commented on the particular post, but I think it's probably a good thing Carter decided to knock some sense into his uncle! It remains to be seen if Jackson will go to the Farm, but either way Scar at least has Snow and Bigby with her. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    The Farm was cold. No, freezing was the right term. Scarlett's shoes crunched in a layer of snow, not thick enough to last more than a day,

  • Of course the girls are Snow and Rose! Man, I should have realised that sooner. :3 Luke surely cannot be dead! But if Death is inside his heart, what would it mean if he's still alive? The twist of Death being a sort of different side of his personality is great, whatever happens. Entertaining reading, Tetra. :)

    Tetra posted: »

    Burn My Dread: Part 3 The Climax "Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end. You, who wish to safeguard the future, howev

  • XD Typical Gren behavior! lol

    More than likely I'll post the next page over at DA. Sorry; I noticed I have not been posting the pages. We've been moving this weekend and are not even half way thru. HOPEFULLY, it will be up and ready sometime this week OR weekend. Busy, busy, busy but happy to hear you are anxiously waiting for the next one. :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    "So-" A piece of bread flies out his mouth. Oh, Gren. xD The bit with Lyla, Junior, and Mary really reminded me of that page from

  • Hahaha! Yeah Snow and Rose with a younger brother :D Hopefully he isn't or at least not until he can see his son! that'd be tragic :( maybe Luke is undead :P I have no idea what I'd call it! XD Thanks it was meant to come up way later but yeah I forgot about the whole contract dealie :P Thanks LupineNoir I appreciate it! :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Of course the girls are Snow and Rose! Man, I should have realised that sooner. Luke surely cannot be dead! But if Death is inside his hear

  • Thanksgiving Challenge

    Part 7: Trip to Smith Manor

    The following week

    Robert pulled up to the side of the Porgie home, as Georgie walked out with several bags. He looked over and smiled, as RJ stepped out of the SUV and ran to Georgie. Georgie paused to grab the boy; he swung RJ around and planted a kiss on the boy's forehead.

    "That still cool with ya', RJ? Know ya' gettin' older and-"

    RJ smiles. "It's fine, daddy Georgie."

    Robert leans against the van. "Lyla in the house?"

    "Getting the rest of the Rugrats packed and ready ta' go. Once we hit that dirt road, that's it!"

    Robert pats RJ on the shoulder. "Go find your brothers and sisters, son. I'll be out here."

    RJ takes off running, his shoes crunching down on the wet grass. The air is wintry, as Robert rubs his plams together. Georgie throws the bags in the back and pulls out a cigarette; he offers one to Robert, as the two lean against Georgie's car and smoke. Geese fly over and honk their tradmark tune, as they fly towards the sunrise.

    "Its been nice these past few days."

    Georgie nods. "I don't mind this kind of weather. Back at the bloody Homelands, 'his was the kind of fuckin' shit we'd get all the time."

    Robert sighs. "Yeah. 'Member those days....hated it sometimes. Water would get TOO cold."

    "RJ looks better."

    "He's been anxious for this trip, so he was determined to get better. Thank you."

    Georgie throws the burning end to the ground. "For what, Robert?"

    "Excepting my son..."

    Georgie smiles. "He's part of Lyla; me not bloody lovin' that boy would be like me despising the very woman who helped make him."

    Their moment comes to an end when seven anxious children, all bundled up, run to the Van. The men watch as they climb inside; girls take their usual spot, as the boys figure out who goes where. Peter and Ethan switch seats; Peter desperatly wants to sit by RJ, who pulls out his ipad and the boys watch a cartoon movie. Robert leans in.

    "Hello Mr. Grendel." Peter waves. "We are watching 'Madagascar.' Its a funny movie!"

    Robert smiles. "I like that movie, too. Now RJ, you mind your grandparents, you hear? You listen to your mother and Georgie and be nice to your siblings. And please...PLEASE watch that thing, okay?"

    RJ looks over. "I will, dad."

    Robert turns around and notices Lyla. "He'll be fine, Robert. He's a wonderful, well-behaved boy."

    "Well, call me if he-"

    "He'll be fine. Now GO! Shoo!"

    She closes the door, heads into the passenger seat and buckles in. Georgie gets into the driver's seat, turns on the engine and pulls away. They all wave to Robert, who pulls out another cigarette and smokes the last one before hitting the road. The Porgies were well on their way to the Smith Manor.

    "A for Apple, B Ballon, C Cat, D Dinosaur, E is.....ummm....ummmm!"

    Six kids eagerly watch, as Junior tries to remember what the letter 'E' was. Behind him, his bag shifts. A woman's voice echos.

    "Eggplant....Peter said 'Eggplant,' sweetie..."

    Junior smiles. "EGGPLANT and F will be for 'Fantastic.' "

    Lyla looks back. "What are you silly Monkeys playing?"

    "The Alphabet game, mommy." Katie points to Emily. "We all say a letter and the next person has to repeat what WE said prior and then THEY say the next letter and it repeats as we go. The person to either mess up or forget, loses."

    "Oh. We played that as a kid..."

    Georgie looks up from the wheel. "I know....I remember."

    "Your Aunt Gina was a PRO at that game."

    The seven kids continue to play, as Lyla grabs Georgie's hand and holds it. He looks over and smiles.

    "You ready, Georgie?"

    "'Bout as ready as I'll EVER be, love."

    "You'll be fine, sweetie."

    The Porgies arrive to the Smith Manor; outside, Lyla notices her uncle Edward and uncle Ethan. Both are smoking Cigars, as Georgie pulls beside the mailbox and parks. When the van parks and comes to a complete stop, the kids all unbuckle themselves and run outside. Ethan and Edward put their Cigars out, as they embrace the seven cubs.

    "There they are!"

    Peter and Penny are the first to reach them. Like two puppies happy to see their owner, they bumbard Edward with hugs and kisses. The other five line up to greet their great uncle Ethan. After making their rounds to all seven kids, Ethan and Edward head over to help Georgie unload the vehicle. They stop, however, to greet their neice.

    "Look at you, Lyla." Edward hugs Lyla. "You look more and more like your mother everytime I see you. How are you, kiddo?"

    "I'm doing wonderful, Uncle Edward. Glad you could make it. Dilion here?"

    Edward rolls his eyes. "You know your cousin....He's somewhere in there with Jimmy."

    Lyla embraces Ethan. "And YOU-how are things, Uncle Ethan?"

    Ethan smiles. "Better now-"

    There is a loud THUD, as Georgie manages to drop a couple of bags. The men laugh, as they assist Georgie.

    "Head inside, sweetie. We got this..."

    No sooner had Lyla began heading inside, Hans and Gren run out from the comfort and warmth of the house to help unload the items. They each high-five Lyla as she walks by. Georgie, holding two bags, watches as the others grab the rest.

    "Damn, ya'll take the house with you, too?"

    "Very bloody funny, Edward..."

    Up until two years ago, his relationship with Edward was always a touch and go thing; he had that mentality for YEARS that mixing was taboo and should never be practiced. Even after the quads were born, it took almost a year before Edward came around to see them. He and Ethan, however, never had an issue.

    "Nah! Just messing with you, Porgie. You know that."

    Georgie looks over at Hans and Gren.

    "When did you two get here?"

    "Hans, Gina and the twins have been here since last night. Carla and I JUST got here, MAYBE three hours ago?"

    All the children are now outside playing; The Porgie Clan jump in a nearby fresh pile of snow, while Mini and Hans Junior chase Rosie and Gren Junior around the house. Noah sits alone under a tree and begins digging in the wet ground.

    Gren sighs. "HATE when he does that."

    Ethan looks at Gren. "What?"

    "THAT!" Gren points to his son. "How he's ALWAYS playing alone like that."

    "Maybe he'd rahter play alone. You know, some kids would rather do that, Gren. Did you ever read that story about the Bull named Fernidad? He was content just sitting under the tree and smelling the flowers, rather than playing with the other bulls."

    The men step into the house. Each of them place the bags in a seperate room, as they head into the kitchen.

    "Yes, Ethan. I'm aware of that book...its just not 'normal' for a boy his age to be alone."

    Georgie huffs. "YOUR'E a grown ass man and there were times YOU'D rather be alone."

    Hans nods. "That's true, Before you and Carla dated, you were always alone in that bar and-"

    "HEY! I wasn't ALONE! I was with Holly, Jack and occasonially Woody and-"

    Edwrad laughs. "They don't REALLY count and neither do your imaginary friends, Grendel-"

    The group make their way inside; all are immediatly struck with the sensational smells of Pies baking in the oven. Nancy notices Georgie, heads over and wraps her tiny arms around his body.

    "Its so good to see you, Georgie. Glad you could make it."

    "Wouldn't miss this for, the um, world, Nancy."

    John, hearing Georgie's familiar British accent, stands up. In his hand, he holds a Beer. With his free one, he slaps Georgie's back, nearly causing him to fall forward.

    "HEY there, Georgie Porgie! Ready to go huntin' this week with us?"

    Georgie grins from ear to ear. "Wouldn't miss it for the bloody 'orld, John-"

    "Wonderful! I knew you wouldn't pass up on this! Its in your blood. You Brits used to hunt them Foxes on horses and-"

    "Johnathen, stop. No they didn't."

    "Yes they did, Nancy! They had those Fox Hunting sessions and the guys would ride horses and chase after a Fox with their Hounds! right, Georgie?"

    "Well, it WAS a big thing in Great Britian but-"

    "SEE! Told you."

    Nancy rolls her eyes. "Alright, John. You were right."

    Gina, Lyla and Carla try not to laugh at their mother's sarcastic tone of voice. The fourth sister, Mary, has yet to show up to the house. Lyla grabs some Corn and begins husking it.

    "Is Mary coming for dinner?"

    Nancy sighs, taking a spot between Gina and Lyla. "Well, she said her and Nina would be arriving later this week, so we will see."

    "Daddy eager to go hunting?"

    "Your father won't shut up about that damn bird. He's excited, though, to have all his son-in-laws and brothers partaking in a traditional 'Wolf' dinner. He's looking forward to getting the kids in on it, too."

    Soon, the kitchen is filled with the laughter of children; all tweleve kids crowd inside, as they hover over to look at the Corn. Gren Junior grabs his mother's jacket.

    "Can we play in the living room, mom?"

    "What are you going to do?"

    "Member, dad let us bring the Xbox one and-"

    "Oh, that's right! If you need help hooking it up, come get dad and-"

    Before Carla could finish, the boys all run into the living room. The other kids follow soon; the only ones to stay back are Junior, Katie and Mini. Junior sits in Lya's lap, as he helps with the Corn. Carla hands one to Mini, as Katie stands by and watches.

    "Is Jersey coming, Nana?"

    "Papa said he invited him. What better person to take on a hunting trip than the Jersey Devil himself?"

    "Nice, mom." Gina laughs. "I was actually surprised when Hans agreed to the hunting. He's so....what is the word I'd use..."

    "A pussy?"

    Gina kicks Carla's leg. "Don't call him that! The kids are RIGHT there, Carla!"

    "Well, its true! He is!"

    Nancy looks up. "DIFFERENT word, please.."

    "Fine. A weenie-" The kids laugh. "See! They think its funny. I'm off the hook."

    As the women continue arguing on the proper word to describe Hans, the men head outside. John takes them to the shed, turns on the light and shows them the equipment carefully mounted on the wall. He takes a gun down and shows Georgie.

    "Those wanting to use a gun or can not change into a beast will have one of these nestled in their grip. Pretty cool, huh?"

    "They are lovely lookin' guns, John."

    "I am so excited to have you all here with me; I know this may be out of your comfort area but the fact that you agreed to help me catch the Turkey this year, well..." John holds up his Beer. "That's good enough for me."

    All the men, including Georgie, holds up their Beer to John's.

    "To hunting! And geeting the wonderful, delicious bird where it belongs-in our bellys!"

    Agreeing, Georgie smiles and clashes his can into the others.

    He couldn't have said it better.

    Part 8 soon :) If you have any questions, you know the drill. Had time before work to add a page to the challenege. :)

  • I'm kinda doing a DC or Marvel universe thing.

    Theres going to be more dialogue like this at the thanksgiving dinner...

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Indeed, that ending! I love how this relates to your other tales; Gargoth really is evil. And the dialogue between Etan and Daren is...

  • Thank you. Before I rushed things. After reading Pies and the other various stories on here, I noticed it lacked description. :)

    And it is almost bitter sweet for the two but now things can TRY mending themselves, as Robert picks up the pieces. I have not decided if the Wolf Council will get involved. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Oh, Robert. I can see why Rose and Gren wouldn't tell him - it's a bit of a sorry situation. But on the bright-side, Robert knows about RJ

  • "Fine. A weenie-" The kids laugh. "See! They think its funny. I'm off the hook."

    I guess after dating Gren and having his children, Carla has learned a thing or two about comebacks like this. Well played, Carla. I've always adored her, though. :)

    "He's been anxious for this trip, so he was determined to get better. Thank you."

    Georgie throws the burning end to the ground. "For what, Robert?"

    "Excepting my son..."

    Georgie smiles. "He's part of Lyla; me not bloody lovin' that boy would be like me despising the very woman who helped make him."

    All this right here. Its nice to know Robert and Georgie get along and understand their places; it was so long ago when Lyla and Robert dated and sadly, things didn't work out. With kids in the picture, its nice seeing they have put their differences aside. :)

    I love how Junior took his hand held mirror with him and Mary secretly is keeping track of the game. <3 So kawaii these two are! :D

    "Hello Mr. Grendel." Peter waves. "We are watching 'Madagascar.' Its a funny movie!"

    I ADORE Peter to no end; he's the cutest little thing besides Junior. All the Porgie kids are but Peter is a bundle of freakin' sugar! LOVE that movie, too! XD

    "Maybe he'd rahter play alone. You know, some kids would rather do that, Gren. Did you ever read that story about the Bull named Fernidad? He was content just sitting under the tree and smelling the flowers, rather than playing with the other bulls."

    Makes me wonder, too, why Noah would rather play alone, especially in a place like Smith Manor. Also, love that book. Wonderful refrences!

    "Johnathen, stop. No they didn't."

    "Yes they did, Nancy! They had those Fox Hunting sessions and the guys would ride horses and chase after a Fox with their Hounds! right, Georgie?"

    "Well, it WAS a big thing in Great Britian but-"

    "SEE! Told you."

    This. All this! XD It makes me sad knowing John is dead later on in your stories; he's such a smart ass and typical male wolf. ALWAYS has to be right. makes me wonder HOW Nancy managed to keep her cool after so many years. lol

    All the men, including Georgie, holds up their Beer to John's.

    Its times like this I'm glad all of them are civil and have placed all silly bullshit behind them. This was really well done and I enjoyed it from start to finish. I'm looking forward to it all now. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Thanksgiving Challenge Part 7: Trip to Smith Manor The following week Robert pulled up to the side of the Porgie home, as Georgie w

  • Yep! XD

    I will keep an eye out for pages over the next few weeks then! No need to apologize; hope the moving goes smoothly! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    XD Typical Gren behavior! lol More than likely I'll post the next page over at DA. Sorry; I noticed I have not been posting the pages. We

  • It's a fun way of doing things; I'll keep an eye out for it. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    I'm kinda doing a DC or Marvel universe thing. Theres going to be more dialogue like this at the thanksgiving dinner...

  • That would be tragic, if he didn't get to see his son. :( Maybe you'll come up with a whole new term for sort-of undead! XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Hahaha! Yeah Snow and Rose with a younger brother Hopefully he isn't or at least not until he can see his son! that'd be tragic maybe Luke

  • A reference to Ferninand the Bull - I wasn't expecting that! I think that was one of the earliest stories I came across - I was so young I only just remember being told it. XD I'm actually tempted to write him into something now, haha.

    Back on track, I really enjoy reading everyone together, swapping jokes and chatting happily. I really do wonder how Georgie is going to get on with the turkey hunt, but at least the women will have lots prepared. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Thanksgiving Challenge Part 7: Trip to Smith Manor The following week Robert pulled up to the side of the Porgie home, as Georgie w

  • We'll have to see ;) how about Alivdeath XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    That would be tragic, if he didn't get to see his son. Maybe you'll come up with a whole new term for sort-of undead! XD

  • I reckon it'll be the next new thing in The Walking Dead. XD

    Tetra posted: »

    We'll have to see how about Alivdeath XD

  • edited November 2014

    Thanksgiving Preparation.

    Thanksgiving is nearly a week away. Since Harmony is hosting this particular year, she heads to the Butcher's to grab five turkeys and a few other meats.

    "Mornin'," Johann says in his normal cheery state. He smiles as Harmony approached with a long list in her hand.

    Flustered, she apologizes,"I'm sorry for coming in so late in the week. Do you by chance still have 5 turkeys back there?"

    Johann frowns,"All out of turkeys until December. You should have come last week."

    "It's okay," Harm says. She moved down to the next items on the list. "I'll find someone who has a few left. In the meantime, I need a ham, 2 small chickens, and a package of assorted lunch meats. Italian, preferably."

    "That's no problem," Johann says, going in to the back room. He emerges several minutes later with the bundles of meats, though Harmony notices an extra chicken.

    "I can't accept that," She protests, but Johann ignores her and tells her the price that doesn't include the third poultry item.

    "You won't let me leave with out it, will you?" She says.

    "Harmony, you have tons of lovely babies to feed. Take the extra chicken, make some soup or something."

    Thanking him, she leaves the store and heads home. She desperately has to find those turkeys in time for the dinner. Somebody must have some, right? She would head to the mundane supermarket tomorrow morning. For now, she had to get home with these groceries.

    You can probably guess the means of how she'll end up getting the Turkey XD Yeah, this challenge is much easier than last month's imo. Still behind on every one else's stories, but I'll get to them eventually. I have my cat sitting in my lap like a human and it's the cutest thing I have ever seen <3

  • edited November 2014

    Scarlett woke early that morning. She was looking forward to spending the day with her Aunt Rose who, despite living nearby, has been terribly busy running her Castle. Scarlett found it astonishing that one could exist in Fabletown, let alone the Farm, as well. She started a cup of coffee, pouring in the creme and sugar and stirring it all together. The kitchen was freezing because last night, Bigby accidentally started an oven fire and had to air it out all night long. She shivered, closing the window with one hand while the other was wrapped around the mug's warm surface. She'd put toast in the toaster when the sound of knocking was heard at the door.

    Baffled at who could be awake at 7 A.M., she waltzed down the hall and stayed quiet so as to not wake her family members. The brass handle was warm. As soon as the door had opened all the way, she practically froze, and not because it was cold out.

    Jackson stood there, a suitcase behind him and his signature smirk on his face. He was bundled in various winter-wear, a heavy brown snow coat and boots. His jeans were the same stained pair he'd worn the first time they went out for a date. That was six months ago.

    Not expecting a sudden bout of nausea, Scar placed the cup of coffee in Jackson's hand and stepped out the door, passing him and bending over, vomit spraying nastily into the snow and melting the small area it hit.

    "I'm so sorry," she said after she was done, wiping stomach acids off of her mouth.

    "No, it's okay," Jackson smiled at her," I mean, I was expecting a kiss, or a hug, or a 'Oh My God it's you!', but if you're revolted by me then I can just leave..."

    Scarlett playfully punched Jackson's arm. "You're such a jerk, you know."

    "How am I a jerk?" He said, genuinely surprised.

    "You could have told me you were coming."

    "I wanted to surprise you. I asked my sister, and she said that girls LOVE it when they're surprised like this. So, do you approve?"

    Scarlett smiled,"I would kiss you, but.....I don't think you want to taste my dinner."

    She ushered him indoors, the cold starting to nip at their noses. The loveseat in the living room was a substantial cuddling territory, so the two of them sat there and enjoyed the rest of the morning with general silence. She could feel him breathing against her, falling asleep.

    "I drove for hours," He said hoarsely. "I'm so tired..."

    She held his head against her chest, running her fingers in the tangled mess of curly black hair. Just then, Snow entered, slightly bent over with a robe on her shoulders and pink slippers on her feet. She rubbed her eyes for several minutes, squinting at them resting in the dark.

    "Who...the?" She whispered. "Ah, whatever. " She turned, heading for the kitchen. From there, Scarlett heard her call out,"Who left toast in the toaster? It's burned!"

    Scar giggled, stirring Jackson from his mini nap. "What did I miss?"

    "Nothing, darling. Nothing." And she continued to brush her fingers in his hair.

    Elora had been in a sort of funk. She normally didn't focus in school to begin with, but now she was doing absolutely nothing. She was starting to concern people.

    Her mundy friends would ask what was wrong. She brushed them off, telling them it was nothing. In reality, she was depressed. She thought she could be over him after what she'd learned. But for some odd reason, it only made her attracted to him more.

    "Jackson.." she mumbled in her sleep. She was snoring loudly, enough to wake her siblings had they still shared a room with her. She was glad to have her own living space; It almost felt as if she was on her own for once. Her wall was a disaster of pop culture posters. Katy Perry (With blue hair), various boy bands, even some movie posters covered the far wall. Secretly, these were hiding the only thing that she truly liked to look at. A single photo of Jackson, from not too long ago.

    Maybe this was obsessive. She had thought that many more times than she can count. Sometimes she was angry with herself.

    But why couldn't he love her? She looked fairly similar to her sister. What did Scarlett have, that she did not? His baby, for one. She, of course, did not want to be in that position, but her mind kept wandering. What if Carter hadn't intervened? Where would that put her and Jackson at?

    Would he have started dating her, then? Or would it have been a one time thing?

    These things conflicted her dearly. Some days, she would nearly refuse to get out of bed. There was more than one occurrence where she was late to school, her furious parents scolding her on the way to drop her off. None of it mattered though. Not to her. She felt as if her heart was broken. No amount of support from anyone could fix it, either.

    Finally, she pealed the covers off of her. The sun was up, shining through the giant windows of her bedroom. She got dressed, brushed the knots from her hair, and threw in a purple headband. She had the same pants on from last night, but she didn't care. She slipped a warm sweatshirt on, and left the apartment, trailing behind her siblings reluctantly.

    TwT Poor Elora. Scarlett's happy, though. So there's that.

    Again, I hope you're enjoying it. I'm trying my best :)

  • edited November 2014

    Burn my Dread: Memories of you, The Conclusion

    "Strength comes from the bonds you've made in your heart, No one is ever truly alone, only when the truth is fogged. Promise yourself to always seek the truth no matter how hard it gets."

    "Luke? Luke! Wake up! You've slept long enough!" A voice rang

    "Naoto, you need to calm down." A voice rang

    Where am I?

    "Luke! over here!" The two young girls said

    I lifted my body it was the two young girls.

    "Where am I?" I asked

    "Without the bonds in your heart you'd be dead although we don't know ourselves it must have taken a huge toll on your body huh?" They said "Although we came to wake you up everyone misses you! Can't you hear them?"

    "Luke! Please! You need to be here for your son" Naoto said

    "And who's gonna help me with keeping Fabletown safe." Bigby said

    "You helped me become a better person Luke" Georgie said

    "You taught me to control my anger and not be such a smart ass" Gren said

    "You helped me get my bar noticed!" Holly said

    "Big Bro you gotta wake up! You can't leave...." Nanako said

    "You made me realize I needed to prioritize my family first while keeping up with cases" Dojima said

    "You helped Bigby save us both" Nerissa and Faith called

    "SO WAKE UP AND COME BACK!" They all rang

    When I woke up I was in a bed and Bigby was sitting in a chair

    "Holy shit! Luke! How've you been? Slept quite a long time!" Bigby said

    "How long was I out?" I asked

    "It's almost the second week in December so about four weeks,the doctors were sure you were dead so we told them we'd take care of it, now what the HELL is wrong with you? Your wife has been worried sick! She could go into labor any day!" Bigby said

    I still felt really tired but I had to go see Naoto. So I got up and got dressed.

    "Hey Naoto? You home?" I asked

    "LUKE!!!" She ran to me gave me a hug and kissed me "What happened??? I.....I thought you were gone."

    "Well I met my shadow he was death." I said

    "But how can you kill death? He's already dead!" Naoto asked

    "I.....I locked him inside my heart." I said

    She slapped me "How do you know what it's going to do to your body!?" She yelled

    "I don't know, I don't know if I'm dead or alive or running on borrowed time." My head dropped "I'm sorry......I'm so sorry......" I couldn't find any more words.

    She hugged me again "It's okay just don't scare me like that again."

    I heard the door knock. When I opened it to my surprise it was a red haired woman.

    "Uh hi! Can I help you?" I asked

    "So you really don't remember do you?" She said "I'm your older sister Rose Red

    "That's right you look like an older version of the little girl in my dreams so that must mean Snow is my sister as well?" I asked

    "Yup, we got a lot of catching up to do!" She said

    "Should I get Snow as well?" Naoto asked

    "Nah I don't mix well with her." She said

    "Oh okay sorry I didn't know" Naoto was embarrassed

    "It's fine!" She said

    We talked during the whole day explaining who I was and she apologized for both her and Snow for sending me off. I went to bed early it was ten at night I was tired. The next day I went to see Bigby.

    "Hey Luke I arranged for a celebration for the weekend I hope you don't mind" He said

    I smiled "Of course not Bigby! You've really changed huh?" I said

    He smirked "Yeah Yeah get on out of here Holly and Gren wanna see ya."

    I nodded and went to The Trip Trap, it was packed

    "HEY HOLLY? I CAME TO SEE YA!" I yelled



    She smiled and pointed to Gren who was sitting at a booth waving me over. As I walked over it was a lot quieter over here.

    "Hey Luke" Gren smiled

    "Hey man what's up? Thought I'd swing by and say hi." I said

    "I'm fine I got great news! Holly and I are getting hitched! And I want you to be the best man!" Gren said

    "I'd be honored" I smiled

    "Good, you know you're the best thing that has happened to this town you know?" He continued "Sure things got bad but you backed the Sheriff up and showed that you guys can pull this off, also you showed me how to be a better person." He stood "HEY!!! I'D LIKE TO MAKE A TOAST! TO LUKE SHIROGANE!!!"

    "TO LUKE SHIROGANE!!!" The crowd roared.

    "Thanks Gren" I smiled holding back tears "I'm gonna head home I'm tired."

    "But it's only nine at night!" Gren said

    "Yeah I know, night." I said

    Days passed and so did the celebration combined early Christmas party. It's two days before Christmas, eight in the morning. I decided to go see Georgie and the girls. Luckily they were there when I arrived.

    "Hey Luke! What's up? I just came to see you and Naoto." Georgie said

    "Let's talk here. She's still sleeping." I said yawning

    "Okay" Georgie said

    "You know Luke you saved my life back then, I won't forget that." Georgie said

    "You also saved us!" Nerissa and Vivian said.

    I nodded "My pleasure but you gotta thank the sheriff as well, he means well but goes about it the wrong way." I told them

    "Yeah you're right Luke." They said

    I yawned looked at my watch it was 12 in the afternoon I started to get tired so I decided to go home. On my way home I got a call it was Bigby.

    "Hello?" I said

    "Luke! It's Naoto her water broke!" Bigby said

    I dropped my phone my baby is on the way and I'm here....shit....I waved a taxi and told him to go to the woodlands. When I got there Dr.Swineheart, Rose, Snow and Bigby were there.

    "Hey! Am I late?" I asked

    "LUKE!" Naoto cried

    I rushed over "Hey it's going to be okay, but you're gonna have to push!"

    Before I knew it she brought our son into the world. I felt a bit sleepy.....

    "Luke? Are you okay?" Bigby asked

    "Yeah you look like shit." Rose said

    "Nice" Snow said

    "I........" was all I could say before I collapsed. It was one in the afternoon

    "LUKE!" Naoto yelled

    I woke up the next day tired with no energy. I seem to have been placed in a chair. It was ten in the morning.

    "Luke" Naoto whispered

    "What's up sweetie?" I smiled

    "I was worried." she continued "We thought you were done for, you've been acting weird these past days."

    "I'm.....fine how's the boy?" I asked

    "He's handsome" She smiled "I found another thing that makes me the happiest thing in the world" She started to cry

    "Good" I smiled

    "What should we name him?" She asked

    "Makoto......Shirogane......" I managed to say

    "Oh after the Gekkoukan High student who saved the world!" She smiled

    "He'll be just like his mom" I smiled

    It was eleven thirty I started writing a letter with the pen and paper left on my table.

    It read : Dear son you have no idea how glad I am to be your father. Keep these quotes in mind, "Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end. You, who wish to safeguard the future, however limited it may be... You will be given one year; go forth without falter, with your heart as your guide..", "Strength comes from the bonds you've made in your heart, No one is ever truly alone, only when the truth is fogged. Promise yourself to always seek the truth no matter how hard it gets.". Be good to your mother. I love you Makoto.

    "Wanna hold him?" Naoto asked

    I nodded I was burnt. It was eleven fifty.

    She put him in my arms. I smiled and started to cry I kissed his forehead, and closed my eyes......the time was twelve in the afternoon all the dread that I had was burnt out by the happiness everyone filled me with.

    That's it! Any questions or Comments let me know! :D

  • Oh gosh I hope not! XD That'd be awful!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I reckon it'll be the next new thing in The Walking Dead. XD

  • Great, so it's just me out of the loop! XD Jk, if it's something too personal to share, I don't mind being in the darkness :P

    JJwolf posted: »

    Edit: never mind. Got my answer

  • I read that book on Friday to the kids; it was neat, considering I remember that book as a child myself. It seemed appropriate for Noah's case. :)

    The women have this covered; tis' the men that MAY find themselves in a bit of a pickle down the road, considering WHO is in their group. xD None the less, nothing but fun, I promise you this much. :D

    LupineNoir posted: »

    A reference to Ferninand the Bull - I wasn't expecting that! I think that was one of the earliest stories I came across - I was so young I o

  • "That's no problem," Johann says, going in to the back room. He emerges several minutes later with the bundles of meats, though Harmony notices an extra chicken.

    "I can't accept that," She protests, but Johann ignores her and tells her the price that doesn't include the third poultry item

    :) And this is why I adore Johann. Such a sweet, kind soul. I don't blame him; considering the family AND his lack of Turkeys to sell to Harm.

    Hopefully she finds some and soon! Usually the mundies have Turkeys out their ass to seel during this time of year.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Thanksgiving Preparation. Thanksgiving is nearly a week away. Since Harmony is hosting this particular year, she heads to the Butcher's t

  • But why couldn't he love her? She looked fairly similar to her sister. What did Scarlett have, that she did not? His baby, for one. She, of course, did not want to be in that position, but her mind kept wandering. What if Carter hadn't intervened? Where would that put her and Jackson at?

    I feel terrible for Elora, considering the situation she is in. I hope she can figure this all out and soon, just for her sake. Scar and Jackson will forever be concected because of this baby; she seems like her mother, in regards to the 'strong' category and has a good head on her shoulder. Although her parents are scolding her for the recent behavior, she will have to find her own way. Here is to it that she does.

    Apart from that, Jackson seems to have taken to his newly found responsibility and hopefully these two will stike it out for that unborn baby (or babies; with you, I'm never too sure) xD But from the tension this is causing Elora, I'm not too sure.

    Great chapter! :)

    Again, I hope you're enjoying it. I'm trying my best :)

    And you're doing one hell of an effort. You should give yourself more credit. You've done wonders with Harmony.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Scarlett woke early that morning. She was looking forward to spending the day with her Aunt Rose who, despite living nearby, has been terrib

  • Aw, thanks! I figured a crush as hers would not go away overnight, even if she seemed it that one night with Carter. In reality, she has fallen in love with a man who cannot love her that way. It's going to take some time and some heart ache, but things will eventually get better for her.

    I promise I'm not pulling anything XD She's only got one on the way!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    But why couldn't he love her? She looked fairly similar to her sister. What did Scarlett have, that she did not? His baby, for one. She, of

  • Me too. Johann just seems like that type of guy.

    She'll find them, eventually XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    "That's no problem," Johann says, going in to the back room. He emerges several minutes later with the bundles of meats, though Harmony noti

  • edited November 2014

    Where on Earth have the turkeys gone?

    Every supermarket was sold out. Harmony was panicking, biting her nail as she stood in line with various other groceries for the upcoming week. The basket was filled with canned cranberry sauce, bags of frozen vegetables, and chicken stock for the soup. She also picked up some pie things so she could bake a few with the fruit she'd harvested a few days prior. She had Ashlyn picking all the apples off the tree today.

    "Are you sure you're all out?" She asked the man at the register.

    "Sorry, ma'am. Those things go faster than wild fire. Shoulda came a week ago if you wanted 5 of 'em."

    She payed for the items she could get, and left the Shoprite briskly. This was the third one in a row that had none left. Do these mundies stock up for the apocalypse, in case it were to strike on exactly Thanksgiving day? She hadn't even bothered to open the trunk, leaving the brown paper bags on the passenger side seat. She drove home, a mixture of angry and nervous. If she couldn't get a turkey....

    She stomped on the breaks, nearly running a red light. Thank God no one was in the intersection. She wrung her hands together, warming up from the little heater on her dashboard. As soon as the light turned green, she continued on her way home.

    Tim had off of work today, so he was lounging in the backyard. That was his favorite spot, too. She was happy that they could spend time alone while the kids were at school. Putting what she had gotten away, she began to simultaneously make phone calls.

    "Hmm... interesting," Bigby had retorted on the other end of the line.

    "You think it's a good idea?" She was pleading.

    "Well, yeah. If you can't find any human caught ones, why not rely on your senses to get any? I'm totally up for the challenge, though it's not much of a challenge on my part."

    "Great! Oh, and I was wondering if you could take my cubs with you? They need to embrace the animal within; It's been so many years that they've been unable to do it, and I think they're getting lazy. Tomorrow then?"

    "Sounds perfect. You have fun makin' decorations or whatever, and I'll teach my grandcubs how to be real wolves."

    Harmony laughed,"Sounds good. Remember, we need five."

    "It's no problem, Harm. I'll talk to you later. Want to say 'Hi' to your missing kid?"

    "Sounds great. Put her on."

    "Alright, one second."

    Harmony started preparing pie tins, taking the amount of free time she had today to practice making some pies. They almost never turned out quite right the first time, so she wanted to make sure she got it down before sunset.

    Just then, Scarlett's voice came through. "Hey Mom."

    "Hey sweetie," Harmony said, single-handedly chopping some apples up.

    "Did you know that Jackson's on the Farm now?"

    "Yes, I did. I talked with his Mom, helped him prepare the journey. He make it in one piece?"

    "Yes, one whole piece, Mom. Thank you, so much, by the way."


    "For letting him stay with me here. I know some parents, like mundies and such, don't specifically approve of that sort of thing."

    "We're Fables. That comes with a different set of morals. I'd rather him be with you than not. As long as you're happy with it."

    "I am, Mom. I really am. I'm going to be staying up there for a few days after Thanksgiving, because I also have a doctor's appointment. So don't go turning my room into a hobby or a tea room, okay?"

    "Whoops, too late," Harmony joked. "Just kidding. It's the same as you left it."

    "Thanks, Mom. I have to go, the lake is frozen solid up here and everyone wants to go ice-skating."

    "Just be careful," Harmony said. "I love you. Tell Jackie I said 'Hi'."

    A faint and masculine 'Hi' sounded from the speaker. Jackson had heard her because he was probably sitting next to Scar. "Love you too, Mom. Bye."

    The phone hung up, and Harmony continued to prepare her little pie experiments. The kids are going to love what's for dinner tonight.

    Haha, I love my OC's. And Bigby <3 Any questions, go ahead and ask!

  • Bigby is the greatest granddad ever! :D Good Job as always! :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Where on Earth have the turkeys gone? Every supermarket was sold out. Harmony was panicking, biting her nail as she stood in line with va

  • ....Is it weird that sometimes when I picture John talking, he sounds like Cave Johnson from Portal? And not because they both have 'John' in their names, I think it's just the way he talks that reminds me of that guy. I don't know XD

    ~Looked up black pudding because I had no clue what is was. Afraid to say that it is indeed, NOT pudding XD I gotta say though, Bubble and Squeak looks and sounds tasty :)

    Also, I'm glad to see that John isn't acting weird with Georgie, and genuinely wants to accept him at this point. I suppose it would be useless to think of him the way he used to, now that Georgie has much been reformed and what not.

    "Wonderful!" John claps. "Then its settled. Will let the others know about it. Don't forget to ask Lyla if she could-"

    "-Make the stuffing. No, I won't."

    So perfect! I'm really enjoying these, they give off a very heart warming feeling <3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Thanksgiving Challenge Part 4: Getting it together After Georgie dropped off the six kids, he drove up ti his In-laws' house. As he pa

  • Imagining this is very vivid, I think. Them holding Josiah over a pot, very scary!

    ....Really Pie? Making me start to like Remus now! Although, from the previous chapter, it seemed a likely thing to happen. He doesn't seem quite 'in' to what they're trying to accomplish, and probably feels bad for the things he's done. I like it!

    Hope smiles. "Bitch!"


    I love that the girls are using their powers to get out of this mess! It's so good!

    GAH! I swear, I'll never fall this behind reading AGAIN! This is just so good, I can't wait to read the next chapter!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 34 'Nowhere left' Hope sat in the cage, as Echidna dangled Josiah over an open pot. Romulus held a sharp dagger to the boy's a

  • Thank you. I wanted to paint in the reader's head what was taking place. :3 And Remus was never meant to be a 'bad' guy; he was told a completly different story, which led him to notice what he had done and now is taking place. Especially after the BS he went through before trying to get Peter Wolf on their side.

    Indeed, Hope has been around Papa Georgie and Jersey one too many times. xD And i wanted to incorporate the girls' powers; I feel like I have not done that enough and this feels like the perfect time.

    By all means, take your time; I too need to catch up on some reading myself.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Imagining this is very vivid, I think. Them holding Josiah over a pot, very scary! ....Really Pie? Making me start to like Remus now! Alt

  • I adore Harmony; she's such a sweetie. <3 Tim lounging in the backyard. Nice. :)

    Also, its going to be a blast hearing about Bigby and some of the cubs venturing out to capture the Turkeys. Bigby is so good to his family. :) And them pies sound good, Harm! xD And, nice to hear Jackson is on the Farm.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Where on Earth have the turkeys gone? Every supermarket was sold out. Harmony was panicking, biting her nail as she stood in line with va

  • While Scarlett and Jackson have each other, and the support of their respective families, Elora seems to have been left all by herself. I suppose no one else knows about her feelings towards Jackson?

    Yay for Jackson turning up! And 7 A.M. Snow White is now my favourite sort of Snow White. xD

    I'm enjoying it. :) But then, I've enjoyed everything else you've done, so there's no real surprise there. :P

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Scarlett woke early that morning. She was looking forward to spending the day with her Aunt Rose who, despite living nearby, has been terrib

  • What's happening to Luke? Is he dying, again? D: At least he could come back to see Naoto and his son, and everyone else. :) And he got to catch up with Rose!

    "I don't know, I don't know if I'm dead or alive or running on borrowed time."

    I like that quote; and how Naoto reacts when she finds out Luke has put Death into his heart. xD

    Tetra posted: »

    Burn my Dread: Memories of you, The Conclusion "Strength comes from the bonds you've made in your heart, No one is ever truly alone, only

  • Harmony is very serious about these pies if she's preparing for them while on the phone! It's so strange to think that not so long ago it was just her and Mary in an apartment, where Harmony would watch Law and Order - or SVU, or SUV (actually, isn't that a type of car?) - where she'd watch that TV show, and now look at her! And Mary, for that matter!

    I think it's impossible to not have a soft spot for Bigby Wolf. xD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Where on Earth have the turkeys gone? Every supermarket was sold out. Harmony was panicking, biting her nail as she stood in line with va

  • Thanksgiving Challenge

    Part 8: The Night before

    Twelve kids sat around the flat screen, as they each took turns playing with the Xbox one. The fire crackled in the corner, warming up their little bodies. A faint snowfall occured right outside the window. The adults were in the kitchen preparing for dinner; Nancy and her daughters, along with the help of the cousins, created tonight's feast now sitting on the kitchen counter.

    Gren attempted to sneak a bite but was quickly stopped by Carla. The wrath of the wooden spoon was enough for him to back off.

    "Stop, Gren! It's almost done."

    Gren, mumbling as he rubs his wrist, sits back down beside Georgie. John offers the boys some of the peanuts he is munching on. After another five minutes, dinner is ready to devour. The kids grab their plates and retreive their food first; Nancy and Lyla assist the younger ones, as the other kids make their way to their seats.

    Lyla looks over. "There is tea, Lemonade or water. If you need help, as."

    As Lyla cuts a piece for Carla's boys, Emily walks over to Georgie. In her hand, she holds a glass. Not too far behind, her brothers arrive.

    "Daddy we need help."

    "With what, love?"

    "Our drinks. They're too heavy..."

    Georgie leaves the table and helps pour each of the kids their desired drinks. After the kids received their meals and places at the table, the adults went next. When everyone was settled and said grace, the family began eating their meals.

    "Mmm. This is really good, ladies."

    Nancy smiles. "Thank you, John. Had the best team in town."

    Carla rolls her eyes. "Gina 'sampled' half the time."

    "I had to taste the produce. Make sure it was fresh."

    Hans chuckles. "She does that a lot back home."

    Lyla giggles. "I believe you. She did that when we were kids, ESPECIALLY if mom was baking something sweet that day."

    Nancy grabs the tea pitcher and pours herself another glass of tea. "Indeed. You girls always wanted to be in the kitchen with me. And during holidays, as you girls grew up of course, seems like you can't get enough."

    Lyla sighs heavily. "Wish Mary was here, though."

    "Is she not coming this year?"

    John clears his throat. "She, uh, has a meeting this week She may not make it in time..."

    Lyla sips from her wine glass. "How typical of my sister."

    The subject is quickly dropped; Lyla does not want to create tension and havoc at the mere mention of her lone wolf sister. Perhaps this is were Noah got it from; Mary always prefered to be alone, even as she transformed into adult life. Lyla quickly changes the subject.

    "You kids enjoying your dinner?"

    Twelve little head pop up; each of them a mouth full of food and several other preparing for more. They all nod in agreement.

    "See. There you go. Enough said."

    Nancy smiles. "So nice seeing them with appetites. That's how it's meant to be."

    John coughs. "What ya' talking about?" John points to Lyla. "This one hardly ate at all when she was a kid."

    "Well, she had that mundy metabolism, like her mother...."

    Georgie snorts. "Eh, I DON'T remember it like THAT...."

    "Oh?" John seems surprised. "And how so, Georgie?"

    Georgie wips his mouth. "She was always eating whatever the bloody devil it was. And everytime I brought over food, she-"

    Nancy cocks her eyebrow. "WHEN did you bring over food? I don't remember you EVER bringing over food, Georgie. Except for maybe backyard barbeques or one of the girl's birthday parties...."

    Georgie's face is flushed, as he quickly shoves Spanish rice into his mouth. Everyone, including Nancy and John, stare at Georgie. Lyla is beat red and tries to cover her face. Carla notices her sister's apperance and chuckles.

    "OH MY GOD-you whore!"

    Nancy smacks Carla's hand. "Young lady! Language! Your sister-"

    "-Is a whore! I KNEW it! I knew I wasn't losing it!"

    Lyla tries to kick Carla's foot under the table but can't quite reach her. John looks over at Georgie, who now has his head hung low and peering at his Enchilladas.

    "Georgie...what is Carla talking about?"

    "Yeah, Georgie. Tell my faher what you and my sister used to do?"

    Lyla glares at Carla. "Oh. Like what you and Gren used to do?"

    Gren spits up his Beer, as John now has his attention at Gren. "WHAT did you do!?"

    Gren tries to smile. "Huh, well, uh....does it REALLY matter, John? I, uh-"

    Carla flips Lyla off. Nancy looks at her daughter. "Carla Ann Smith-"

    "Me and Gren?"

    Nancy points to Lyla. "I'll get to your sister in a minute. What is she talking about?"

    Before she could answer, Rosie walks over to Carla's side; she holds up and empty plate, as she looks over at the kitchen.

    "Mommy, can I have more please?"

    "SURE, sweetie-let me just-"

    "Gren, can you help Rosie, please?"

    Gren grabs his daughter's hand and leads her to the kitchen. Nancy glares at Carla.

    "Go on....what did you and Gren do?"

    Carla whispers into her napkin. "Sneak out...."

    "What was that?!"

    "Sneak...cough cough...sneak out. I used to sneak out and see him....Gren and I have known eachother for a long, LONG time, mom...."

    Nancy looks over at John, who is trying to keep his temper under control. Emily and Junior walk by, empty plates ready for more.

    "Mommy, papa looks like he's gonna explode."

    "Go, Emily. Your uncle Gren is in the kitchen-"

    "And YOU!" Nancy points a knife at Georgie. "So, what did you and Lyla-"

    "FINE! You want to know, mom!? When you and daddy would go out and you had either Gina, Mary or Carla 'babysit' me, I'd call Georgie over because I was bored; he'd climb up my window and we'd stay with each other until either you came home or these three were lurking around. He'd bring me food and-"

    "How old were you, Lyla smith!? Georgie Porgie! How old was my daughter!?"


    John slams his hands down. "Ah HA! THIS is why I placed that spell on you! I knew it, you sick son-of-a-bitch!"

    "We never fucked, John! We just-"

    Nancy covers her ears. "Stop! no, no, no! I don't need to hear!"

    Georgie stands up. "What does this have to do with-"

    John jabs his finger into Georgie's chest. "I KNEW it! I knew it! And you!" He points to Gren. "The hell you doing sneaking around with my underage daughter!?"

    John looks at Hans. "Oh God! Please tell me you and Gina-"

    Hans quickly shakes his head. "No, no, no!!! I swear! We-"

    Gren smiles. "HEY! Isn't that how YOU and Nancy met, John?"

    Georgie smiles. "OOOOOHHH yeah. That's bloody 'ight, Grendel...."

    John sits back down. Everyone looks in his direction; Nancy is silent, as she grabs the beans and gaucamole.

    "WHO wants seconds!?"

    Georgie smiles at John, who can't help but laugh and give a small pat of Georgie's back.

    "Oh man....Happy Thanksgiving indeed, right Porgie?"

    Nancy sighs. "You BETTER not act like this that day and-"

    "We'll be fine. And besides-got that hunting trip to looked forward to, eh boys?"

    John immediatly drops the subject; he continues to shovel food into his mouth, as everyone else does so.

    "So, about those pies, ladies?"

    "One of each flavor. Just waiting on the bird you boys will bring home."

    John cracks a smile. "Excellent. All set and ready to go!"

    The men all agree, as everyone continues to eat their dinner. No one mentions anything that took place at the table ever again.

    Part 9 soon :)

    Don't you just LOVE those random conversations held during the holiday season for some off reason? You get everyone in one big room and this happens. -sighs- Yup....xD

    If you have any questions, you know what to do. Plus, another page of the Porgie Clan comic is up.

    WHEW! Almost done moving all the furniture, too. Then we have to prepare for our OWN Thanksgiving this year. :3

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