Dragon Age Fan Thread



  • It's Loghain.

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    It's him, I believe. It's from a review that pretty clearly stated it.

  • Well then, looks like i'll need to do a DON'T KILL LOGHAIN playthrough.

    I actually didn't mean Corypheus. Look closely at the guy saying it...recognize him? :O hintLoghainhint

  • Yep, you should. Loghain's awesome.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Well then, looks like i'll need to do a DON'T KILL LOGHAIN playthrough.

  • NSFW? Cassandra? Good, good.

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    thatguy787 posted: »

    There were some very NSFW screenshots of Cassandras romance put out today. Ow my innocence.

  • edited November 2014

    I really hope I can edit Hawkes appearance, mine was a female rouge and she didn't look at all like the default appearances.

  • They've confirmed that you can.

    I really hope I can edit Hawkes appearance, mine was a female rouge and she didn't look at all like the default appearances.

  • May i have the link? For uh... research.

    thatguy787 posted: »

    There were some very NSFW screenshots of Cassandras romance put out today. Ow my innocence.

  • Gary-Oak posted: »

    May i have the link? For uh... research.

  • 6 days...

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  • edited November 2014

    Did someone say "science"?

    sees the pic

    Hot damn! Definitely NSFW, but, whatever. I'm satisfied... now (if you know what I mean, lol).

    And I'm also glad they finally stopped with a bit over-zealous censorship, too.

    thatguy787 posted: »

    Science? Now...shhhhhh.... http://abload.de/img/screenshotwin32_0081_qtszd.png

  • Hey guys. For those of you in the US (or wherever else the game comes out on the 20th), If you happen to be on the forum, any chance you could tell me how good the game is? Thanks. :)

  • 5 days...

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  • edited November 2014

    Why Morrigan still wearing that same outfit?

    Pipas posted: »

    5 days...

  • That was so badass that makes my balls hurt.

    Pipas posted: »


  • Nice. Can't say whether the music is 100% fitting, but it's still way more fitting than the music in "Mortal Kombat X" reveal trailer.

    Wiz Khalifa... Urgh.

    Pipas posted: »


  • Because:

    1. She likes wearing it.

    2. The devs are lazy and couldn't come up with anything better.

    I'm leaning more to the latter.

    Why Morrigan still wearing that same outfit?

  • Bloody hell I wasn't expecting that. :D

    thatguy787 posted: »

    Science? Now...shhhhhh.... http://abload.de/img/screenshotwin32_0081_qtszd.png

  • Imma just lean towards it with you.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Because: * She likes wearing it. * The devs are lazy and couldn't come up with anything better. I'm leaning more to the latter.

  • Damn straight.

    Imma just lean towards it with you.

  • If anyone is interested I finally finished Dragon age origins main game. I think I got a good ending though Alistair is kind of pissed at my warden. Now I'm off to play lelianas song then awakening then witch hunt. I'm never gonna get to da2 lol

  • Well, I have made a story on the Keep.

    My question is...Do I need to know anything to play DA:I?

    Will the story I made on the Keep transfer to DA:I?

  • Have you played either Dragon Age game? If not, you will be pretty confused about lore and characters. :<

    Well, I have made a story on the Keep. My question is...Do I need to know anything to play DA:I? Will the story I made on the Keep transfer to DA:I?

  • edited November 2014

    I don't think you HAVE to play previous games. I bet there'll be plenty of codex entries scattered around where you can read something about important characters and lore.

    And yes, if you click on "Export to DA Inquisition" it should transfer your choices to DA:I. (You need to login in the game under that Origin account though... I think...)

    BTW, in the Keep there's also a "Play" button that will let you watch the summary of the story of previous games, so if you haven't seen it already, you should check it out.

    Alt text

    Well, I have made a story on the Keep. My question is...Do I need to know anything to play DA:I? Will the story I made on the Keep transfer to DA:I?

  • I guess you didn't kill Loghain and let him marry Anora then, heh. :) And if it makes you feel better, Awakening is way shorter than DA:O, so I think you can make it. :P

    If anyone is interested I finally finished Dragon age origins main game. I think I got a good ending though Alistair is kind of pissed at my warden. Now I'm off to play lelianas song then awakening then witch hunt. I'm never gonna get to da2 lol

  • Nope, I wish I could but it's too late now.

    Have you played either Dragon Age game? If not, you will be pretty confused about lore and characters. :<

  • I have already watched it, pretty cool.

    I was wondering if I should transfer it or just play?

    Pipas posted: »

    I don't think you HAVE to play previous games. I bet there'll be plenty of codex entries scattered around where you can read something about

  • If you play without exporting it'll load Default world state. That world state was designed so after exporting the game would have as less references to the previous games as possible so a new players wouldn't get confused. (the main character didn't do any side quests; at the end of DA:O the Warden died - otherwise (s)he disappears etc.)

    But if you already created save in the Keep, then why wouldn't you export it? :)

    I have already watched it, pretty cool. I was wondering if I should transfer it or just play?

  • You can edit the default world state to make it resemble a custom one.

    Pipas posted: »

    If you play without exporting it'll load Default world state. That world state was designed so after exporting the game would have as less r

  • Yeah I didn't kill Loghain for some reason I felt it would be wrong to do it. Kind of glad I didn't he is actually decent. To me anyways. I did have Anora and Alistair marry since my warden was a male elf and couldn't marry her or him. Do y'all want to know my choices in the game? If so, ask me anything I would love to share with y'all.

    Pipas posted: »

    I guess you didn't kill Loghain and let him marry Anora then, heh. And if it makes you feel better, Awakening is way shorter than DA:O, so I think you can make it. :P

  • Sure we do! :D

    How did you deal with Connor?

    Did you defile the ashes?

    Bhelen or Harrowmont?

    Did you destroy the Anvil?

    How did you resolve Dalish/Werewolves situation?

    Did you side with templars or mages?

    Who did you romance? :P

    And I bet I forgot many important choices, so any other choices you want to share with us? :)

    Yeah I didn't kill Loghain for some reason I felt it would be wrong to do it. Kind of glad I didn't he is actually decent. To me anyways. I

  • 4 days...

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  • 6 days for some people. Me, for example. :C

    Pipas posted: »

    4 days...

  • I'm so excited that there is only few days left until release of Dragon Age: Inquisition so I made two fan trailers for this game. :) Only 6 days... stil not happy about it but what can I do? :(

  • edited November 2014
    1. How did I deal with Connor?: I had Rowan do the blood ritual and killed the demon. Seemed like the right thing to do and thats what Isolde wanted.

    2. Did you defile the ashes?: No I didn't. It didn't seem right and I didn't want Leliana pissed at me lol. Besides I really didn't think Andraste was just alive xD.

    3. Bhelen or Harrowmont?: This one was easier for me. Harrowmont seemed like he would be a nicer more kind king and more likely to hep the warden. Also Bhelen is kind of a d*ck.

    4. Did i destroy the anvil?: This was a surprisingly hard decision for me. I knew Branka was somewhat insane and obsessed but having a potential army of golems was tempting but I decided to side with Caridin. Mostly because I figured Shale would be pissed if I didn't and i sympathized with Caridin.

    5. I sided with both kind of. I made zathrian cure the werewolves. While I sympathized with zathrian because his story was really sad and the bandits who did that to his family deserved to be cursed. But, I realized the werewolves were right the guys who did that were long gone and the current werewolves suffered enough. So I sided with the werewolves but the elves helped me in the battle with the archdemon.

    6. I sided with the Templars. I didn't listen to Cullen I didn't kill Irving and the other mages mostly because i knew wynne wouldn't like that lol. But i did say about some blood mages might have survived and they should be contained or whatever because i figured better safe than sorry.

    7. Now this one is interesting, I romanced Morrigan and did the ritual with her and and had a little baby warden or whatever xD. I figured hell might as well do it because i wanted my warden and Loghain to survive the archdemon and my warden could get laid in the process xD. But the weird thing is I also romanced Leliana. Basically earlier in the game when Morrigan and Leliana fought over me I broke up with Leliana because I liked Morrigan more and i loved her personality. But later in the game and after Leliana's mission I kind of started to really liked her and was like dang I kind of wished I romanced her and then when I talked to Leliana's in camp about what happened to marjoline I guess I chose the right choices and a romance was re-initiated must have been a glitch I supposed. So yeah I romanced both lol.

    Pipas posted: »

    Sure we do! How did you deal with Connor? Did you defile the ashes? Bhelen or Harrowmont? Did you destroy the Anvil? How did

  • Yep, me too. :( But I have stuff to do during the week, so it's no big deal. It'd only distract me anyways. :P

    Tewudin posted: »

    6 days for some people. Me, for example. :C

  • I made two fan trailers

    Share them with us! :)

    Tewudin posted: »

    I'm so excited that there is only few days left until release of Dragon Age: Inquisition so I made two fan trailers for this game. Only 6 days... stil not happy about it but what can I do?

  • Pipas posted: »

    I made two fan trailers Share them with us!

  • I don't know why but after playing games like mass effect and dragon age I find it curious to how old the characters are. Anyone else ever get that?

    1. It's iconic.
    Lingvort posted: »

    Because: * She likes wearing it. * The devs are lazy and couldn't come up with anything better. I'm leaning more to the latter.

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