5 Playable Characters and New GOT Characters
Update: Photos and names of GOT Characters!
"Lord Gregor Forrester is lord of a strong Northern House and a bannerman of House Glover, who are in turn loyal to the great house of the north – the Starks. As a youth, he famously arm-wrestled Galbert Glover for the privilege of becoming the man's squire; Glover later joked that he'd gladly lose the match all over again. After his father died at the Trident, Gregor ascended to the lordship, and married Elissa Branfield at the behest of Robert Baratheon."
"Elissa Forrester was born to House Branfield, a minor Southron House that was destroyed when the Targaryen dynasty fell. In the aftermath of the defeat, Lady Elissa was married to Lord Gregor. She at first saw herself as a prisoner at Ironrath, but Gregor was kind to his young wife and she quickly grew to love him. Once their children were born, Lady Elissa embraced her role as the Forrester matriarch and silently swore she’d never see her family destroyed again."
"Rodrik is the eldest son of Lord Forrester; he was trained from a young age to take on the burden of leadership. He’s a man built for the position, a formidable presence both on and off the battlefield—but when Robb Stark called his banners to war, Rodrik was asked by his father to stay and protect their home, Ironrath.
Rodrik refused, riding out into battle with his father and leading the Forrester army into battle with such force that he is now feared among the Lannister soldiers."
"Asher had always been a rebellious youth – brawling in taverns, sleeping with whores, and finding ways to raise his father’s ire. But his life took a dark turn when, at age seventeen, he fell in love with Gwyn Whitehill, the eldest daughter of his father’s bitter rival.
Bloodshed ensued and Lord Forrester faced a grim choice: go to war, or exile Asher across the Narrow Sea. He chose the latter. Asher remains in Essos to this day, living as a sellsword, trying not to think about the life he left behind."
"As a boy, Duncan showed such talent for managing his family’s farm that everyone assumed he’d one day take over. But Duncan was fated to run more than fields and a pigpen. In time he struck up an unlikely friendship with Gregor Forrester, the heir to House Forrester. The two grew close and when Gregor became lord he named Duncan his Castellan. Many eyebrows were raised, but Duncan proved himself worthy and has served the House well in the many years since."
"Gared was raised on stories of heroism about the likes of Arthur Dayne and Symeon Star-Eyes. Though the son of a pig farmer, he has always aspired to one day become a warrior himself. With the help of his uncle Duncan, who had risen from lowborn origins to become Castellan of Ironrath, Gared found work in Lord Forrester’s stables, rising through the ranks to eventually be named his squire. Gared has served Lord Forrester throughout the long months in King Robb’s army, and is ready to be a warrior in his own right"
"Royland Degore joined Lord Forrester’s army after his family was wiped out by Ironborn during Balon Greyjoy’s rebellion. Degore had a natural grasp of military tactics and strategy and came to play a crucial role in the siege of Pyke that ended the war. In the months that followed, King Robert awarded Royland a knighthood and Lord Forrester asked him to serve as Ironrath’s Master-at-Arms. Ser Royland still holds the position and is known for his military expertise… as well as his legendary temper."
"Mira had always been fond of Ironrath, but Lady Forrester — wanting her eldest daughter to learn the ways of a Southron court — arranged for Mira to serve as a handmaiden to Margaery Tyrell. To Mira’s great surprise, she enjoyed attending on Margaery at Highgarden, and followed her to King’s Landing with enthusiasm. Life in the capital has not been easy for Mira, as her straightforward Northern ways are often at odds with the subtleties of court life – but she also has more guile than she realizes."
"Hailing from House Forrester, third-born son Ethan Forrester is drawn to pursuits of the mind, particularly music and books.
Ethan and his twin sister Talia both shared a great love for the towering trees of Ironrath. He was young when his house joined the War of the Five Kings, and the end of the war placed him into a role which he was unprepared for."
"As a young man, Malcolm was the black sheep of the Branfield family. He liked to roam the countryside in the style of a hedge knight, refusing his father’s offers of marriage and lands. Malcolm fought bravely alongside his brothers when House Branfield fell; yet he and his sister were the only two survivors. Malcolm now lives with Lady Elissa’s new family at Ironrath, though he still tends to disappear for weeks at a stretch. Malcolm has fathered no children, thus he is the last of the Branfield line."
"During her fourth pregnancy, Lady Forrester dreamed she would birth a daughter with a voice like the summer rain. But as fate would have it, she gave birth to a boy. The infant, Ethan, wailed for hours - until Lady Forrester entered a second labor, this time birthing a girl. She named the girl Talia, after her own mother - and from then on Ethan hardly ever cried. Her dream came true, for there’s no sound at Ironrath more lovely than that of Talia singing as her brother plays the lute."
"Ryon is the fourth-born son of House Forrester and admires his older siblings. He's been spared from hardship as his childhood has been pleasant and he's had little to no responsibilities to worry about. Spending hours chasing his siblings Ethan and Talia through the grove, Ryon is just a kid.
But war cares not for your age."
"Originating from a minor house in the Vale, Maester Ortengryn studied at the Citadel in the hope of being assigned to the Eyrie. But by the time he’d earned enough links on his chain to graduate from acolyte, Jon Arryn had been murdered and the South was in turmoil. The Citadel ultimately assigned Maester Ortengryn to Ironrath, where he soon came to respect the Forrester family’s honor and integrity. He now serves the Forresters with pride and has become a trusted advisor to the Lord."
Previous Post: So I mentioned my idea of the 5 characters we could play as in another thread, but decided it was worth it's own thread. They are as follows:
- Lord of House Forrester (Ned/father figure)
- First born son of above father
- Daughter
- Older warrior who has looked after the children (A "hound" type character)
- A servant to house Forrester that is secretly romantically involved with the son or daughter.
OR what if the last character wasn't a servant per say or a love interest but instead a character that is enthralled with all the talk about the white walkers and that character takes us further north near the wall area?
Now, what type of members of House Forrester would you all like to play as?
Lord of the House. It will be like a political thriller because you're trying to keep your house alive so you won't end up like Ned Stark or his son.
I think you are on to something there. could be interesting if immediately things within the house structure are shaken up if one of the family members is in danger or killed causing us to play as 1 or 2 unlikely house memebers
Perhaps the lord, his female heir (an Ironborn captive in Deepwood Motte, perhaps), two of his cousins/nephews (each hedging their bets on opposing factions), and his brother in House Frey's dungeons. Or something to that effect. It would give us a good view of the Red Wedding's aftermath. Also, our actions could determine who would succeed the lord. Whatever we get, I can't imagine I'll be dissappointed with their decision, as there's very little opportunity to mess this part up.
I like the brother in house Frey dungeon's. Would be interesting if one the Forresters was a captive from a battle in the War of Five Kings
I agree with all of yours, but the servant thing might not really work. The other idea you mentioned, with the person wanting to learn more about the white walkers and such and deciding to move toward the Wall, that would be amazing. It might even be better than the whole "bastard son going up to the Wall" thing.
Maybe another idea is a ward. We get to see maybe some views on another House in the North, but while they are still in the conflicts of the Forresters. Or maybe a Catelyn Stark type character, a concerned mother/wife? Just my ideas.
when you said a ward I first thought of a warg and got really excited!
What comes to the head of the family, the Lord of House Forrester, I see two ways they might have done it:
Both ways are fine.
I think we will play as (in no particular order):
a politically important person, like the Lord or perhaps one of his closer servants.
a servant
a watcher on the Wall
a knight
a firstborn
1: The Eldest Son(Full of himself but means well, and will do anything for his family.)-He stays at home and runs it like its lord
2: The Second oldest/Daughter( Like Arya but a little more sassy)- City of Braavos
3: Youngest Son( Like a younger version of Jon snow)-The Wall
4: A family Friend (Like little finger, but more of a good guy)-Kings Landing
5: House Foresters best warrior( Like what beguiler said a hound like character that looked over the children when they were young)-Dorne
All I want is the game not to fall into the narrative trope of 3 boys 2 girls.
Why should sex even matter? Give us interesting protagonists is all I ask, boy or girl really doesn't matter.
I reckon one will be a bastard, sent to The Wall.
I really, really hope we get female protagonists.
Yeah I figure there will be female protagonists, and they are likely to be like Sansa and Arya type characters more than anything else. Also, I do hope that we get to spend some entire episodes on the Wall, because that be awesome.
To OP new pics which at the moment look legit.
Guy to the right of the kid I'm assuming looks right and maybe one of those dudes in the background
I'm thinking a 4 to 1 ratio
VERY COOL! A TT leak! I would have never guessed it!
This guy on the horse looks like an important character. Leaving Ironrath and sad about leaving. Could the man and woman be Lord and Lady Forrester?

And here is our same character on the right. Anyone recognize the one on the left from show or book descriptions?

And my last assumption is that the bearded guy on the right seems to resemble who I'm guessing is Lord Forrester??

Hoping they're diverse enough to warrant splitting up screen-time among five leads; and unique enough to set them apart from the roles of the original cast. Not to say that I don't expect some parallels, but if I play a young bastard son being sent up to wall I'll probably be calling him Jon-lite for the first episode.
I lol'd pretty good there, thanks for that.
So Mira's in King's Landing? Haha, Cersei will destroy her.
TT surprised me with the character choices! I do fee like there are a few that mirror original characters like Ethan = Tyrion and Mira = Sansa, but still looks like these characters are going to be a lot of fun to play as!
But I read somewhere that one of the characters we were gonna play is this
Hmm... Interesting. I had not thought to check Nerdist! Nice find! Looks like I need to edit my post and include his bio. It seems we do not know which exact 5 characters we will play as. I wonder if there are any other characters floating around. It looks like we have hit the major gaming sites so far...
Im so hyped to be honest
The HYPE is GROWING! So if you had to pick which of the 6 above characters would you not want to play as?
Asher seems the most interesting one for now. Of course that might change after I've actually played the game
Malcolm looks like Bronn.
Alright ladies and gents, Pick your top 5 PC's of the list of now MANY revealed characters!
Mine are:
Lord Gregor Forrester
Asher Forrester
Gared Tuttle
Rodrik Forrester
Mira Forrester
(my list is based on seeing the leaked images previously posted so I know Gared and Mira are most likely pc's)
Thread: All 13 character reveals
Cool, a twin sibling dynamic. One of my many random predictions came true.
Hopefully one's not immediately axed off for the sake of it.
So there are 13 characters floating around the internet, interesting.
Thread: So who do you think we will play as?
So there's been a total of 13 characters revealed and we know we play as 5.
Who do you think and who do you want to play as
I personally think the two parents are dead, maybe we play as one of them briefly but who knows. I kind of like the idea as playing as the mother protecting her kids she reminds me a lot of Catelyn in that sense.
We will almost certainly play as the outcast son and the daughter in kings landing as they are so far from everyone else
Out of the rest im guessing one of the three younger kids as well. Also the squire seems likely and the uncle. The others seem like charcaters in their own right rather than protagonists
Aside from that I'm unsure
I hope will get to play as Lady Forrester. It'll be interesting playing a role where your main goal is to protect and keep the family together. I also wonder if she'll be more like catelyn or cersei.
Well, I guess we'll be playing as the characters who are away (Mira and Asher) and I suspect one of the twins to be playable. Then we need someone, who's not part of the family, which I guess will be Gared. As for the last spot, not sure.
With the help of of the members of the main GOT forum thread I've managed to put them all up with bios above! Now to speculate our 5 pc's...
I'd like to play as exiled son. The one who was brawling in taverns and sleeping with whores. He's badass.
Lady Elissa sounds very interesting as a character. I just have to think because they said we'd go to Kings Landing that we will play as Mira and then there are so many other great characters that I doubt we'll play as 2 females...Sorry to say it, but that's what my gut tells me