Tyrion ( the top, he should be the king of all the seven kingdoms ) , Jon Snow ( love his story ) , Littlefinger ( i got to say this guy is pretty amazing in terms of inteligence and power ) and probably the character TTG will make x)
Tyrion - His narratives are full of sarcasm and humor. Peter Dinklage does a spectacular job in flawlessly portraying Tyrion on the small screen.
Varys - The TV show makes him seem more sympathetic because we get to see his point of view in things. Conleth Hill gives Varys that fawning manner that I like.
Jaime - In A Storm of Swords (Season 3) he really goes on a large reversal arc and becomes likable. Plus I am enjoying his development as someone free of Cersei and Tywin. (A Feast For Crows)
Arya - Liked her from the start. The "lone wolf" in a world where her pack has all been killed. Interested to see where Arya will go.
Sansa - Her romantic view of the world is shattered when Ned loses his head. From there, she grows.
Margery - Ok, i have to admit, I just like Natalie Dormer hahahaha.
I'm not kidding. But I have to admit that Joffrey isn't my only favourite character. I also like Ramsay Snow/Bolton and his father Roose Bolton. It was tough choice between Joffrey and Boltons, but the OP asked us to name a single favorite character.
And to a lesser effect, in no particular order, Sansa, Samwell Tarly, Podrick, and, I suppose, Arya, although I like her a little less because of the last episode in the TV Show.
True. The story is only as good as it's baddies are. Joffrey is writtten in a way that people love to hate him, which makes him one of the most brilliant characters of the books/TV series. I admire his ability to alienate everyone, even his closest family members.
Tyrion - Makes things interesting wherever he is. Can't wait to have a chat with him in the game.
The Hound - I have loved him since the Blackwater and in season 4 he had many good moments, though there was some filler too. "Fuck the king."
Bronn - Well as a Tyrion fan I of course also love Bronn.
Stannis - This is the one true king. His arrival to the wall was amazing moment, one of the best in season 4. I hope there is going to be some epic dialogues between him and Jon Snow in season 5.
Arya - I like Arya as a character, I hope she will have a good plotline as she deserves in the future books. Hard to say what kind of future she has.
Honorable mentions: The one season wonders Ned, Drogo, Robert and Oberyn. I must admit I also rooted for Robb, and that was before I had read the books so Red Wedding was a shock.
I'm a book fan, and I'm only up to book 3 so this could change soon since I know one of my favorite characters dies in this book
* Tyr… moreion Lannister - I'm sorry but the dude is a badass
* Catelyn Stark - I think she is a very well written character
* Arya Stark - ^
* Jon Snow - ^
* Davos - we don't know a lot about him at this point but I still think he's pretty cool
Ned was my favorite in the first one though
What is peoples opinion on Ramsay? Personally, I think he is maybe the cooles character in the series. The way he treated Theon was awesom, Theon that bastard had it coming!
Ramsay is okay as a character. In books he's a little annoying and maybe even more psycho than in the show. In the show he seems to be a little more pragmatic while in the books he is 100% crazy. Also in the books all he is good at is torture (and hunting?) but in the show he seems to be a good fighter too. Well anyway I'm also happy that he did what he did for Theon. My reason is just different, I like this new Theon better.
* Ramsay Bolton
* Tyrion Lannister
* Jaime Lannister
* Rob Stark
* Jon Snow
What is peoples opinion on Ramsay? Personally, I think h… moree is maybe the cooles character in the series. The way he treated Theon was awesom, Theon that bastard had it coming!
I haven't read the books, only seen the show, and I think he's an excellent character. Really looking forward (well.... lol) to seeing him in the game.
Ramsay is okay as a character. In books he's a little annoying and maybe even more psycho than in the show. In the show he seems to be a lit… moretle more pragmatic while in the books he is 100% crazy. Also in the books all he is good at is torture (and hunting?) but in the show he seems to be a good fighter too. Well anyway I'm also happy that he did what he did for Theon. My reason is just different, I like this new Theon better.
Ramsay is my boy! I really like the character both in the books and the series. I've always been a big fan of villains and Ramsay arrived in a big way in the books (wish they adapted it for the show). Then Iwan Rheon got cast as him, I was a fan of his after Misfits.
* Ramsay Bolton
* Tyrion Lannister
* Jaime Lannister
* Rob Stark
* Jon Snow
What is peoples opinion on Ramsay? Personally, I think h… moree is maybe the cooles character in the series. The way he treated Theon was awesom, Theon that bastard had it coming!
Ok, some book readers think he is too elegant and charming in the show comparing to books. I don't really mind the way he is in the show, elegant villains are cool (though I'm not sure if even the show-Ramsay can be called elegant ).
I haven't read the books, only seen the show, and I think he's an excellent character. Really looking forward (well.... lol) to seeing him in the game.
no particular order: Jon Snow, Tyrion, Jamie, Hound, Arya, (Tywin-show mostly because of Charles Dance), Davos Seaworth (show didn't really give him much to do compared to the books, but it's always a treat reading his chapters--one of my main favs)
Well some people don't like him because they think his chapters are boring. Personally not my favorite character but I really don't have anything against him either, seems like a nice guy.
Jaime, Stannis, Davos, and Sansa. But out of all of them? Jaime. Best villain and hero.
Tyrion ( the top, he should be the king of all the seven kingdoms ) , Jon Snow ( love his story ) , Littlefinger ( i got to say this guy is pretty amazing in terms of inteligence and power ) and probably the character TTG will make x)
You already know.
King Joffrey. He is kind of a cool person.

Please tell me you're joking.
I'm not kidding. But I have to admit that Joffrey isn't my only favourite character. I also like Ramsay Snow/Bolton and his father Roose Bolton. It was tough choice between Joffrey and Boltons, but the OP asked us to name a single favorite character.
Tyrion and Arya obviously.
In no particular order:
Tyrion, Arya, the guy who named Theon 'Reek' (can't remember his name), Jamie, Brianne, Bronn, 'you know nuffin Jon snow' (name?)
My Top 5 would be:
The two people you're forgetting are Ramsey Snow, now Ramsey Bolton, and Ygritte.
And to a lesser effect, in no particular order, Sansa, Samwell Tarly, Podrick, and, I suppose, Arya, although I like her a little less because of the last episode in the TV Show.
You've got to admit, things would've been substantially duller without him.
True. The story is only as good as it's baddies are. Joffrey is writtten in a way that people love to hate him, which makes him one of the most brilliant characters of the books/TV series. I admire his ability to alienate everyone, even his closest family members.
Brienne of Tarth :P Started liking her in season 4. I also like Jon Snow, Arya, and Tyrion
Best POV character: Jaime Lannister
Best non-POV character: Stannis Baratheon
Tyrion, Sansa, Petyr, Varys, Davos, Catelyn, Bran, Sandor, Brienne.... Too many to count.
Wasn't Ser Barristan also a POV character ? or am I imagining things again
I would say Stannis Baratheon , Oberyn Martell , Doran Martell and Reek .
People actually hate Bran? I don't see anything bad or annoying in him.
Yeah, he had a few chapters in the fifth book.
My top 5:
Tyrion - Makes things interesting wherever he is. Can't wait to have a chat with him in the game.
The Hound - I have loved him since the Blackwater and in season 4 he had many good moments, though there was some filler too. "Fuck the king."
Bronn - Well as a Tyrion fan I of course also love Bronn.
Stannis - This is the one true king. His arrival to the wall was amazing moment, one of the best in season 4. I hope there is going to be some epic dialogues between him and Jon Snow in season 5.
Arya - I like Arya as a character, I hope she will have a good plotline as she deserves in the future books. Hard to say what kind of future she has.
Honorable mentions: The one season wonders Ned, Drogo, Robert and Oberyn. I must admit I also rooted for Robb, and that was before I had read the books so Red Wedding was a shock.
Damn I completely forgot about that. So minor! lol, then I guess I'll go with Stannis for "non-POV".
I'm a book fan, and I'm only up to book 3 so this could change soon since I know one of my favorite characters dies in this book
Ned was my favorite in the first one though
Another Davos fan? High five!
At first he felt kinda dull but I've grown to love him.
What is peoples opinion on Ramsay? Personally, I think he is maybe the cooles character in the series. The way he treated Theon was awesom, Theon that bastard had it coming!
Ramsay is okay as a character. In books he's a little annoying and maybe even more psycho than in the show. In the show he seems to be a little more pragmatic while in the books he is 100% crazy. Also in the books all he is good at is torture (and hunting?) but in the show he seems to be a good fighter too. Well anyway I'm also happy that he did what he did for Theon. My reason is just different, I like this new Theon better.
I haven't read the books, only seen the show, and I think he's an excellent character. Really looking forward (well.... lol) to seeing him in the game.
Ramsay is my boy! I really like the character both in the books and the series. I've always been a big fan of villains and Ramsay arrived in a big way in the books (wish they adapted it for the show). Then Iwan Rheon got cast as him, I was a fan of his after Misfits.
Ok, some book readers think he is too elegant and charming in the show comparing to books. I don't really mind the way he is in the show, elegant villains are cool (though I'm not sure if even the show-Ramsay can be called elegant
arya stark.
A few from the books; Ramsay, Bronn, Jorah and Davos. Then there is GoT Tywin, Charles Dance was brilliant
Shit. How did I forget Dolorous Edd!? The most quotable character ever!
Damn you for posting this gif, I burst out laughing and my coffee is all over the place right now.
Davos is awesome. For me, his side of sailor's life is way more interesting than Greyjoys' one.
no particular order: Jon Snow, Tyrion, Jamie, Hound, Arya, (Tywin-show mostly because of Charles Dance), Davos Seaworth (show didn't really give him much to do compared to the books, but it's always a treat reading his chapters--one of my main favs)
Yeah, Ed is awesome.
Well some people don't like him because they think his chapters are boring. Personally not my favorite character but I really don't have anything against him either, seems like a nice guy.