right. and he wrote ep. 1 of twau? wow. he i guess he doesnt like the walking dead lol... i mean i liked those 3&4 but i see the problems that people noted.
Good shout! I think that's why that opening is used for Rhys, too show the similarities they both have and how Rhys may turn into the type of person Jack is.
Yup, he wrote EP3 of TWDS2. He also wrote EP1 of TWAU.
Episode 3 of TWD and Episode 1 of TWAU.
He's not that bad, he's just not too fond of TWD universe.
cool story, send me the rest of it via email please
right. and he wrote ep. 1 of twau? wow. he i guess he doesnt like the walking dead lol... i mean i liked those 3&4 but i see the problems that people noted.
replace the face with Rhys' boss' one and "copy of TFTB" with "vault key".
Can do, king of the Guilty variety.
If you're a fan of both Borderlands 2 and Gorillaz, you'll fall in love with this!
Made by philtomato.
Best crossover ever...
A tough exterior, but soft on the inside.
Eat as fast as you'd like, you can't choke on these.
One of my favorite jokes in the episode! I love how Zer0 looks so tired of this BS in the last gif.
Zer0's gone through so much shit that he's just done with it.
I knew this would catch your attention sooner or later. XD
First I hear Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. on the GTA V radio, now this. You sir, have made my day.
Lack of peaches and beans in diet -> greasy face.
Guess which one
Why do we need a thread for this? Just replay Borderlands 2!
I am glad!
evil smasher
I am glad I wasn't the only one who saw the similarity.
It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.
Good shout! I think that's why that opening is used for Rhys, too show the similarities they both have and how Rhys may turn into the type of person Jack is.
Fun fact: Borderlands was originally suppose to be a serious first person RPG.
Here's a trailer for the original idea:
He wrote Episode 3, co-wrote Episode 5 with Nick Breckon, wrote Faith, and Zer0 Sum.
I made gifs for one of my favorite scenes. You can also find it on my tumblr here!
The bandits in this game are so hilarious.