A very Game of Thrones ending, lol. Episode One is over, and we're already down three Forresters. The Starks didn't fall this quickly, lol. Anyways, Looking forward to episode 2. I have a feeling I'm going to like Asher.
Uh.. no we wont. The books or the show might not have anything to do with the game, but the game has a lot to do with them. It still has to follow the TV show canon. So unless Ramsay dies off-screen in the show (doubt it), we will not get to kill him. Unfortunately.
Telltale have confirmed that the Books or the Show won't have anything to do with their Game.
It's the same story but with choices for you to make.
So it looks like we will get to kill that bastard.
This is Telltale were talking about, we always get the Bad guys. I agree the Show still has to follow the TV show canon, but I'm pretty damn sure we will get to kill Ramsay. Telltale won't leave us hanging..and I get that is interesting that you can't do anything when the Bad guy KILLS the main character. But that would piss off all the Game of thrones fans and Telltale Fans.
Like I said, the SAME story. Meaning it's the same as the Show and the Books. But with choices to make..
Uh.. no we wont. The books or the show might not have anything to do with the game, but the game has a lot to do with them. It still has to … morefollow the TV show canon. So unless Ramsay dies off-screen in the show (doubt it), we will not get to kill him. Unfortunately.
No, any choice we make will not impact the canon of the TV show. And Ramsay is a major character in the show. There is just no way they're gonna let Telltale kill him off. It would be like preventing the Red Wedding in the game, it screws with the canon. Not gonna happen, sorry.
This is not just a Telltale game anymore, it's a Game of Thrones game. You don't necessarily get the bad guy. And the canon comes first. Whatever happens in the show is also gonna happen in the game. And whatever happens in the game, happens in the show off-screen.
This is Telltale were talking about, we always get the Bad guys. I agree the Show still has to follow the TV show canon, but I'm pretty damn… more sure we will get to kill Ramsay. Telltale won't leave us hanging..and I get that is interesting that you can't do anything when the Bad guy KILLS the main character. But that would piss off all the Game of thrones fans and Telltale Fans.
Like I said, the SAME story. Meaning it's the same as the Show and the Books. But with choices to make..
I suspect that Ramsey will NOT be seen again in the game and was more akin to a "Special Walk on Enemy" and that we will instead have the Whitehills as enemies that we will kill as Asher. Im assuming that the biggest kill we will get is Lord Asher and the D-Bag from the farm with the bowl cut hair.
Telltale have confirmed that the Books or the Show won't have anything to do with their Game.
It's the same story but with choices for you to make.
So it looks like we will get to kill that bastard.
The last time a character's death was that shocking to me was a certain character from the walking dead (you know which character I'm talking about hopefully)
Seriously caught me off-guard
GOT to Fans: No its cool, you can actually care about this character, they'll be fine."
You: Thats what you said about Ned, Robb, Katlin and so many others
GOT: I promise, have you ever seen us actually kill off a child character besides the Millers Boy?
You: Well, not really. I mean Joffery was kinda on the young side but he was a douche so fuck it. OK I like Ethan..hes great and ...why is Ramsey acting like... get your hands off of her....WHAT THE FUCK GOT YOU SAID IT WAS COOL TO CARE...WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?
I did not see that ending. I was so shocked. I had the feeling that the episode was about to end and Ethan would have to deal with giving half the groves away. Then Ramsey grabbed Talia and I selected Ethan to yell for him to stop. I did not see Ramsey doing that! I jumped out of my seat a little. I know from the show that Ramsey is crazy and his father lets him get away with all that killing crap, but I feel killing Ethan was a big mistake and he'll regret it.
I played it as a real craven ! I let him in my halls and even knelt(for my family) , but when he reached for the girl , I lost it , grabbed her , and died !
Now I really regret that kneeling !
Did anyone else kneel/try to be nice to ramsay too ?
I had to play through it twice mostly to see if i could save ethan, firts time around my heart just dropped, never been this upset over a character since oberyn but to say the least a very good start for the game a+ story telling
Only thing I was always sure of was that my main character could not die. I made a lot of decisions in my last game based on this defending people etc. because I did not have to face any consequences. Now my character died and it caught me completely off guard. I thought I'd killed him but then I went online searched for how he can be rescued and it was like. Man couldn't have done a dime. Thought TellTale wanted to teach me a lesson but then I just shrug my shoulders XD.
Anyway I know that stories would be totally bezerk if it wasn't that way. I just feel helpless in the world TellTale creates since it is robbing me the chance to have any impact. Basically the lesson I got from TellTale Games is: do whatever you want it won't have much impact.
I enjoyed the episode btw I just wish that they would make a full retail release, put in 3 times the story they do now into 8 hours of game and this would make your choices really have an impact.
So am I right that, now matter what you do, same ending is going to happen every single time? I would also like to know if there is any way to actually fight Ramsey. Whole thing seems weird to me. Even choosing Ser Royland as sentinel (who always wanted to fight) and choosing to fight does not actually seem to do anything. After choosing to fight, I just got the option to either meet Ramsey at the gates or in the Great hall, which also does not seem to matter at all. You can not stop Ramsey from entering and they always move to Great hall. No fight ever happens and Royland seems to just forget his will to battle.
Is there any way to secure the protection of the crown from Kings Landing? I accepted the deal with Tyrion, asked Margaery for help, stole the key and other stuff from the table, but still nothing. Choosing the sentinel also does not seem to have big impact. I tried diplomacy, bribing, and "fighting" but not much change. It seems that no matter what you do, the ending is always the same with minor variations like dialogue. Sorry, if I sound too negative. I don't have problem with main characters dying. It just that we have like an illusion of choice, when in the end your choices don't really matter much.
But i'm really new to Telltale games so maybe this is just standard practice that everyone here knows. In that case sorry about that.
I understand that, but I kind of wish they had explained it a little better. I haven't watched the show and have no means of doing so, so I have to go to my friend who has watched it to explain some of it to me after he's played it.
I really thought I'd done something wrong, but now I think there's no way to save him. It took me a while to warm up to him but eventually I did, so it did come as a shock to me.
That being said, one thing did kind of amuse me. My first attempt at being a Lord Forrester did not go so well, so I wanted to appear more forceful this time. I'd choose things such as 'Let her go!' to say, which I thought would be said in a firm manner. But instead, they just sounded like helpless pleas from a kid who was far to young to be in that position.
I'm disappointed by the ending. Yeah Ethan was my favorite of the three but it also felt like too much of a shock without really really into consideration the character of Ramsey.
Is he a psycho? Yes, for certain but he's not a total idiot to kill a Lord of a house in the Lord's very hall and than take the youngest son of said house as a ward after said murder. He plays by at least 10% of the rules of the Game of Thrones, because his father would stop him if he didn't. To have someone swear fealty to you and than stab then endangers each and everything single bannerman under you and Lord Bolton wouldn't stand for it and nor would other bannermen. Lord Bolton barely tolerates what Ramsey does to Theon, who isn't even someone who's under his banner. To me, it's bad writing. They wanted to go for the cheap shock and in doing so, pushed and broke down the walls of the very story they're writing.
Killing a Lord is a huge deal, killing your new bannerman is a bigger deal, killing them in their house is the biggest deal. No way would Lord Bolton stand for this without taking Ramsey Snow's power away from him.
It also stinks that, once more, despite being told we have choices, nothing mattered. We all got the same ending. Nothing we did with Mira mattered, nothing we did with Ethan mattered.
I enjoyed it and i enjoyed the character but I don't want them to think they have to top Game of Thrones because in doing so, they're just going to lose the line. Basically this whole episode was, "Let's get people to really like Ethan and kill him"...And that's disappointing. They need to set their own path, not follow the path of the Starks.
So yes it was a shock but if you think about it; that's all it was. An easy shock without much logic behind it.
I hope Talia will move into his Lord position as I did like playing as a newbie Lord.
I did not see that ending. I was so shocked. I had the feeling that the episode was about to end and Ethan would have to deal with giving ha… morelf the groves away. Then Ramsey grabbed Talia and I selected Ethan to yell for him to stop. I did not see Ramsey doing that! I jumped out of my seat a little. I know from the show that Ramsey is crazy and his father lets him get away with all that killing crap, but I feel killing Ethan was a big mistake and he'll regret it.
I thought the same thing and I almost didn't send him for that reason. Now, I feel like the Forresters will definitely need him. I'm assuming that if you didn't send the uncle in this episode that he'll leave for Essos in the next episode.
No, any choice we make will not impact the canon of the TV show. And Ramsay is a major character in the show. There is just no way they're g… moreonna let Telltale kill him off. It would be like preventing the Red Wedding in the game, it screws with the canon. Not gonna happen, sorry.
This is not just a Telltale game anymore, it's a Game of Thrones game. You don't necessarily get the bad guy. And the canon comes first. Whatever happens in the show is also gonna happen in the game. And whatever happens in the game, happens in the show off-screen.
Yeah, we probably won't get to kill Ramsay because of the canon. I am hoping that knocking his stupid teeth down his throat wouldn't hurt the canon much, and I am certain that burning the Whitehill's hall to the ground and putting all their heads on pikes won't. So I am hoping we get to do that.
Ugh the ending really got me good :C
Felt a real kick in the gut after Ethan got stabbed... They certainly captured that feeling of shock… more/horror and subsequent sickness you feel after witnessing something truly unexpected and disturbing in the show.
I really got attached to all of the characters in such a short space of time, even Gregor and he only had like 5 minutes of screen time!
Each decision I made with Ethan was really thought out as I wanted him to become a good leader and still remain loyal to his house and family.
I was even planning on what I would do in future situations to help deal with difficult situations and change as a person over time...
Then that ending happens and it all gets shoved down the toilet :C... Thanks!
God I wish we could kill Ramsay, we already have MORE than enough reasons to absolutely despise him (from both the books and show). My hate for this character has greatly exceeded my capacity!! (please let us have some satisfying retribution at least Telltale!)
I'm surprised people are asking this question... I've seen it on the steam forums as well.
I mean, if Nathan didn't die, then the whole n… morearrative story would change, creating a domino effect. Usually choices in TT are small and their effect is temporary at best, but good none the less.
My question is WHY Ethan? Why couldn't we have had the others be killed (the girl or the squire) because really they aren't do too much. Gared is running scared and Malia(?) can't do jack shit in King's Landing. She's Sansa all over.
Not that I don't like Sansa or Malia, it's just they are the two most useless characters since all they do is shut up and obey everyone.
In defense of Telltale games I do have to say though that the choices are not meaningless. It might seem like they are at this moment but decisions you make now will sometimes be reflected on in later episodes. Even the minor banter you have with people in which it says "Person X remembers this" will in the long term have consequences.
Some consequences are alas not to be avoided and while it might seem stupid or bad storywriting this most likely was the best they could come up with within their time frame.
Consider the consequences if you did reach a settling agreement with the Boltons ?? It would most likely lead to a more boring storyline - there might be a market for it, but the majority of GoT fans would expect something a bit more entertaining then a tedious peace between houses.
Myself I was also gutted when I saw Ethan died....at first I thought he was some aloof disinterested spoiled kid but I grew to like him over the course of the game. Decisions I had to make in the keep slightly made me think of Dragon Age Inquisition where you also have to hold court as Inquisitor. It's logical though that ultimately you could influence things way less in this game then in DA-Inq since it's a whole different setting. In one you're the centre of the world and in the other you're playing a subplot of a much larger story which mostly doesn't center around you. Personally I like this focused narrative on side issues compared to the standard "hero to save them all" story lines.
As a last plea to Telltale though - please can we kill or at least badly maim Lord Bolton in this game. Just entertwine that plot with the Westeros world by making Geralt a hired killer of Stannis Baratheon (the location and motives are there for the taking).
I feel like I've made a huge mistake in picking Royland if he's to lead. Playing as Ethan I could keep him reined in but now there's no one to control him O_O
Killing Ethan gives Asher a reason to come back and knock a few heads together. He wouldn't be able to do anything for Mira other than die in vain and he probably wouldn't have to much reason to avenge Gared but it's been stated that he saved Ethan from a bully before and this is that multiplied by a billion.
So basically by killing one protagonist the game has given another agency.
My question is WHY Ethan? Why couldn't we have had the others be killed (the girl or the squire) because really they aren't do too much. Gar… moreed is running scared and Malia(?) can't do jack shit in King's Landing. She's Sansa all over.
Not that I don't like Sansa or Malia, it's just they are the two most useless characters since all they do is shut up and obey everyone.
Ramsay flayed the Ironborn at Moat Cailin ensuring they'd want revenge and that nobody from that point would surrender to the Boltons. He got lucky in getting information from Theon rather than keeping him as a valuable hostage. He's really not some kind of political 'game of thrones' player.
I'm disappointed by the ending. Yeah Ethan was my favorite of the three but it also felt like too much of a shock without really really into… more consideration the character of Ramsey.
Is he a psycho? Yes, for certain but he's not a total idiot to kill a Lord of a house in the Lord's very hall and than take the youngest son of said house as a ward after said murder. He plays by at least 10% of the rules of the Game of Thrones, because his father would stop him if he didn't. To have someone swear fealty to you and than stab then endangers each and everything single bannerman under you and Lord Bolton wouldn't stand for it and nor would other bannermen. Lord Bolton barely tolerates what Ramsey does to Theon, who isn't even someone who's under his banner. To me, it's bad writing. They wanted to go for the cheap shock and in doing so, pushed and broke down the walls of the very story they're writing.
Killing a Lord is a huge deal, killing your … [view original content]
Telltale have confirmed that the Books or the Show won't have anything to do with their Game.
It's the same story but with choices for you to make.
So it looks like we will get to kill that bastard.
Oh trust me you will, that mother fucker is like the God gazing over the entire planet..
Asher will fuck Ramsey in the ass.
Mark my words.
Uh.. no we wont. The books or the show might not have anything to do with the game, but the game has a lot to do with them. It still has to follow the TV show canon. So unless Ramsay dies off-screen in the show (doubt it), we will not get to kill him. Unfortunately.
It wouldn't be game of Thrones without a major character death :P
This is Telltale were talking about, we always get the Bad guys. I agree the Show still has to follow the TV show canon, but I'm pretty damn sure we will get to kill Ramsay. Telltale won't leave us hanging..and I get that is interesting that you can't do anything when the Bad guy KILLS the main character. But that would piss off all the Game of thrones fans and Telltale Fans.
Like I said, the SAME story. Meaning it's the same as the Show and the Books. But with choices to make..
No, any choice we make will not impact the canon of the TV show. And Ramsay is a major character in the show. There is just no way they're gonna let Telltale kill him off. It would be like preventing the Red Wedding in the game, it screws with the canon. Not gonna happen, sorry.
This is not just a Telltale game anymore, it's a Game of Thrones game. You don't necessarily get the bad guy. And the canon comes first. Whatever happens in the show is also gonna happen in the game. And whatever happens in the game, happens in the show off-screen.
Agreed. I in fact called bullshit as I watched them walk in.
I suspect that Ramsey will NOT be seen again in the game and was more akin to a "Special Walk on Enemy" and that we will instead have the Whitehills as enemies that we will kill as Asher. Im assuming that the biggest kill we will get is Lord Asher and the D-Bag from the farm with the bowl cut hair.
Hmm after this weeks Walking Dead (TV Series) ending then this im just done giving a damn about characters in media anymore....THEY ALL DIE!!!
That was amazing. Well played Telltale. 9/10 great start to the series.
GOT to Fans: No its cool, you can actually care about this character, they'll be fine."
You: Thats what you said about Ned, Robb, Katlin and so many others
GOT: I promise, have you ever seen us actually kill off a child character besides the Millers Boy?
You: Well, not really. I mean Joffery was kinda on the young side but he was a douche so fuck it. OK I like Ethan..hes great and ...why is Ramsey acting like... get your hands off of her....WHAT THE FUCK GOT YOU SAID IT WAS COOL TO CARE...WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?
GOT:Fuck you, thats why.
Was I the only one at the time thinking I picked a wrong choice or did something wrong that resulted in Ethan's death?
I did not see that ending. I was so shocked. I had the feeling that the episode was about to end and Ethan would have to deal with giving half the groves away. Then Ramsey grabbed Talia and I selected Ethan to yell for him to stop. I did not see Ramsey doing that! I jumped out of my seat a little. I know from the show that Ramsey is crazy and his father lets him get away with all that killing crap, but I feel killing Ethan was a big mistake and he'll regret it.
I played it as a real craven ! I let him in my halls and even knelt(for my family) , but when he reached for the girl , I lost it , grabbed her , and died !
Now I really regret that kneeling !
Did anyone else kneel/try to be nice to ramsay too ?
I had to play through it twice mostly to see if i could save ethan, firts time around my heart just dropped, never been this upset over a character since oberyn but to say the least a very good start for the game a+ story telling
You still get stabbed, but instead of Bold or Brave lord, Ramsay calls you WISE Lord, and, of course, he doesn't need a wise lord xD
Only thing I was always sure of was that my main character could not die. I made a lot of decisions in my last game based on this defending people etc. because I did not have to face any consequences. Now my character died and it caught me completely off guard. I thought I'd killed him but then I went online searched for how he can be rescued and it was like. Man couldn't have done a dime. Thought TellTale wanted to teach me a lesson but then I just shrug my shoulders XD.
Anyway I know that stories would be totally bezerk if it wasn't that way. I just feel helpless in the world TellTale creates since it is robbing me the chance to have any impact. Basically the lesson I got from TellTale Games is: do whatever you want it won't have much impact.
I enjoyed the episode btw
I just wish that they would make a full retail release, put in 3 times the story they do now into 8 hours of game and this would make your choices really have an impact.
I thought that too.
Or Freddie Fazbear's Pizzeria.
So am I right that, now matter what you do, same ending is going to happen every single time? I would also like to know if there is any way to actually fight Ramsey. Whole thing seems weird to me. Even choosing Ser Royland as sentinel (who always wanted to fight) and choosing to fight does not actually seem to do anything. After choosing to fight, I just got the option to either meet Ramsey at the gates or in the Great hall, which also does not seem to matter at all. You can not stop Ramsey from entering and they always move to Great hall. No fight ever happens and Royland seems to just forget his will to battle.
Is there any way to secure the protection of the crown from Kings Landing? I accepted the deal with Tyrion, asked Margaery for help, stole the key and other stuff from the table, but still nothing. Choosing the sentinel also does not seem to have big impact. I tried diplomacy, bribing, and "fighting" but not much change. It seems that no matter what you do, the ending is always the same with minor variations like dialogue. Sorry, if I sound too negative. I don't have problem with main characters dying. It just that we have like an illusion of choice, when in the end your choices don't really matter much.
But i'm really new to Telltale games so maybe this is just standard practice that everyone here knows. In that case sorry about that.
Pst! Online video services! Or you could read the books. Or have you friend tell you how he watches it. Or watch it with him.
I really thought I'd done something wrong, but now I think there's no way to save him. It took me a while to warm up to him but eventually I did, so it did come as a shock to me.
That being said, one thing did kind of amuse me. My first attempt at being a Lord Forrester did not go so well, so I wanted to appear more forceful this time. I'd choose things such as 'Let her go!' to say, which I thought would be said in a firm manner. But instead, they just sounded like helpless pleas from a kid who was far to young to be in that position.
THAT FUCKING ENDING. Just finished the episode and I am sooooo fucking pissed.
Can't wait for the next episode though.
I think it's more likely to be Lady Elissa considering that Talia has no authority.
Nope. I think everyone will agree with you on that.
I'm disappointed by the ending. Yeah Ethan was my favorite of the three but it also felt like too much of a shock without really really into consideration the character of Ramsey.
Is he a psycho? Yes, for certain but he's not a total idiot to kill a Lord of a house in the Lord's very hall and than take the youngest son of said house as a ward after said murder. He plays by at least 10% of the rules of the Game of Thrones, because his father would stop him if he didn't. To have someone swear fealty to you and than stab then endangers each and everything single bannerman under you and Lord Bolton wouldn't stand for it and nor would other bannermen. Lord Bolton barely tolerates what Ramsey does to Theon, who isn't even someone who's under his banner. To me, it's bad writing. They wanted to go for the cheap shock and in doing so, pushed and broke down the walls of the very story they're writing.
Killing a Lord is a huge deal, killing your new bannerman is a bigger deal, killing them in their house is the biggest deal. No way would Lord Bolton stand for this without taking Ramsey Snow's power away from him.
It also stinks that, once more, despite being told we have choices, nothing mattered. We all got the same ending. Nothing we did with Mira mattered, nothing we did with Ethan mattered.
I enjoyed it and i enjoyed the character but I don't want them to think they have to top Game of Thrones because in doing so, they're just going to lose the line. Basically this whole episode was, "Let's get people to really like Ethan and kill him"...And that's disappointing. They need to set their own path, not follow the path of the Starks.
So yes it was a shock but if you think about it; that's all it was. An easy shock without much logic behind it.
I hope Talia will move into his Lord position as I did like playing as a newbie Lord.
Oh, Ramsey will regret it. I'll put it into song for you.
"Oh, you better watch out. You better cry. You better go hide. I'm telling you why. Ethan's brother's coming to town!"
It looked like they were together in the "Coming Next Episode" bit, probably at Yunkai.
I went with a different ending (offering to go instead), and got killed for it as well.
Yup and that is exactly, what I hate about this. You can be almost 100% sure that u won't be able to kill some of the characters.
Yeah, we probably won't get to kill Ramsay because of the canon. I am hoping that knocking his stupid teeth down his throat wouldn't hurt the canon much, and I am certain that burning the Whitehill's hall to the ground and putting all their heads on pikes won't. So I am hoping we get to do that.
Hell, that's why I brought him into the hall. I thought we could've gone Walder Frey on Ramsey and his men.
Well, I would argue the multiple endings in TWD Season 2 had a great effect in how the story ended.
My question is WHY Ethan? Why couldn't we have had the others be killed (the girl or the squire) because really they aren't do too much. Gared is running scared and Malia(?) can't do jack shit in King's Landing. She's Sansa all over.
Not that I don't like Sansa or Malia, it's just they are the two most useless characters since all they do is shut up and obey everyone.
In defense of Telltale games I do have to say though that the choices are not meaningless. It might seem like they are at this moment but decisions you make now will sometimes be reflected on in later episodes. Even the minor banter you have with people in which it says "Person X remembers this" will in the long term have consequences.
Some consequences are alas not to be avoided and while it might seem stupid or bad storywriting this most likely was the best they could come up with within their time frame.
Consider the consequences if you did reach a settling agreement with the Boltons ?? It would most likely lead to a more boring storyline - there might be a market for it, but the majority of GoT fans would expect something a bit more entertaining then a tedious peace between houses.
Myself I was also gutted when I saw Ethan died....at first I thought he was some aloof disinterested spoiled kid but I grew to like him over the course of the game. Decisions I had to make in the keep slightly made me think of Dragon Age Inquisition where you also have to hold court as Inquisitor. It's logical though that ultimately you could influence things way less in this game then in DA-Inq since it's a whole different setting. In one you're the centre of the world and in the other you're playing a subplot of a much larger story which mostly doesn't center around you. Personally I like this focused narrative on side issues compared to the standard "hero to save them all" story lines.
As a last plea to Telltale though - please can we kill or at least badly maim Lord Bolton in this game. Just entertwine that plot with the Westeros world by making Geralt a hired killer of Stannis Baratheon (the location and motives are there for the taking).
I feel like I've made a huge mistake in picking Royland if he's to lead. Playing as Ethan I could keep him reined in but now there's no one to control him O_O
Nothing, they still got in without a fight.
Killing Ethan gives Asher a reason to come back and knock a few heads together. He wouldn't be able to do anything for Mira other than die in vain and he probably wouldn't have to much reason to avenge Gared but it's been stated that he saved Ethan from a bully before and this is that multiplied by a billion.
So basically by killing one protagonist the game has given another agency.
Ramsay flayed the Ironborn at Moat Cailin ensuring they'd want revenge and that nobody from that point would surrender to the Boltons. He got lucky in getting information from Theon rather than keeping him as a valuable hostage. He's really not some kind of political 'game of thrones' player.