Sarah should of lived, instead of the baby Not even going into the story reasoning...
Because she has a voice actor. The baby does not.
Character development for the baby is non existent. Sara's Character, has her moments, but at least she can express her feelings, children don't start talking until at least five years old to where you can kind of understand them.
I think it was a mistake to kill Sarah off, and keep the plot device alive. So what are they going to do with the plot device.
Now that S2 is over. The usefulness of the plot device has run its course... So now what...
They can either
Kill the baby
Age the baby to a age where they can write dialogue for him. This would drastically change the world the characters live in. I do not see this as being a option because it would change Clementine character and make her an adult.
Or pretend the plot device never existed, like they do with Christa's baby.
I added a straw poll.
Why can't he just be with the main group? :P
What main group?
They already talked about the idea of Clem leaving the baby to die in the finale, so as far as it goes, A.J's deemed expendable v_v and it is like you said, it's a baby, there's little development they can get out of that child, and Telltale can only skip ahead as far at the comics go from what I know.
A.J will probably live a little into Season 3 and then he'll get killed off just to make Clem sad and feel like a failure. He'll never get to wear Kenny's hat T_T
That said, it would've been nice if Sarah could've made it too.
I feel like the "Ben" characters get stepped on way too often in this game. I would of felt better knowing at least something good will come out of this, If Sarah would of lived through S2, S2 wouldn't of felt like such a failure imo, as the player thinks about all the things that went wrong, out of everyone, the only one we were able to save was the baby, and we know how that will end.
A.J. was such a shitty plot device, I actively scorned him and wished upon his death.
I already don't like babies as is, and having one shoved down my throat to get me to care for his safety because "it's a baby" was bringing my laughs to tears.
I remember, and i agree. Why would i care about plot device, whose mother wanted me dead, and father didn't care what happened to me, just a week ago. The logic makes absolutely no sense, they just locked me in a shed, and wanted to cut off my arm, now we are best friends again?
Fuck that.
I know i felt the same way. I can't force feelings that aren't there. In my mind subconsciously i think to myself, this baby is going to die, why would i get emotionally invested in it. I wouldn't.
Also, A.J. was a cover up for the terribly handled death Sarah was given.
Like "hey guys and gals, I know this established character a lot of people felt very protective over died in the most ridiculous way ever. But, here's a baby that would've scientifically died. He's your fucking problem now. Have fun losers."
This only added fuel to my strong bitter hatred of A.J.
I don't know if the other writers were trying to one up each other or not, but imo the story suffered because of the writer's ambition. Each part is written like its own story, none of the parts flowed together, it felt like that jigsaw piece that fit when you hit it with a hammer.
My biggest beef with the Sarah thing is that i didn't want hit her to save her life, but i did it, and i felt very guilty for doing it. I still do today, its weird. That being said, after she survives that situation, she dies thirty minutes later and the last she said was how "crazy." she was.
"we should all go back to the cabin, when my dad comes back."
Whoever wrote episode 4... I mean seriously, great words to remember her by. TTG
Well, I love both Sarah and the baby... So why not keeping both of them alive? xD
all this bicthing and moaning about AJ isnt gonna bring sarah back ya know
cause all the sarah fangirls/boys want the baby dead
It was a pretty lazy design over-all. Just like they did with Nick.
In my opinion, I don't see how Season 3 is going to work out with AJ. Since you can't go past the comics time-line and people DO NOT like time gaps. Like after Omids death, people didn't like that gap. So pretty much it's stuck as a baby and with what plot in Season 3? To be a constant nousense?
It'd probably be better at Wellington if someone could adopt AJ or something because I don't see how it's going to work out. Like at all.
ben charecters are detirmines to the group
The one that we get in season 3.
I'd rather Sarah had survived season 2 over Jane. When Jane was hanging from the deck I almost thought it was a choice between saving Sarah or Jane like back with Doug/Carley. Wished it was that way. TTG just wanted Sarah dead no matter what you did or wanted. And Luke.... Luke shouldn't have went out the way he did. Nick shouldn't have went out the way he did... (both ways). Everyone else from the Cabin group that died besides, Luke, Nick, and Sarah I found satisfactory. And after Bonnie betrayed us like twice, she could of suffered a fate similar to Sarah at the end I felt. Maybe like a bonus after credits scene with her deserved end for backstabbing Clem repeatedly.
I understanding wanting to bring Sarah back, but I wouldn't trade in AJ for it.
I mean, if AJ or Sarah didn't exist, and I had to choose one to keep, I'd choose Sarah plot wise, but I'm not going to complain about what is there. We just need to hope they take care of that in Season 3, and do it well.
Personally I feel like the most likely setting for season 3 by far is to have them skip forward a few years to where AJ is older, and in more of a role like Clem was in the first game.
If the baby was killed off early in season 3 then I'd agree with those that say season 2 felt like a failure. But I don't expect that at all. I feel like season 2 ends with a lot more hope than season 1 did actually, with Clem and AJ finding safety in Wellington. (in my ending, at least)
I agree, Sarah should have lived and AJ really shouldn't have existed because baby characters are essentially plot devices and I just don't like baby plots, especially in apocalypse settings. I don't want to see him die terribly in some gore-fest or whatever but he shouldn't have a big part on S3 if it will be centered around Clementine. Maybe we can put him up for adoption for someone more experienced with babies, because Clementine is too young in the first place to be taking care of a child. She's 11. That'd be difficult in a non-zombie infested world let alone the TWD universe.
I liked the baby. Having the baby be miscarried would be too clichè imo and sorta even like the comics where they kill Judith to develop Carl's character.
AJ will die in s3, no doubt (if Clem is PC), but they can still do lots of interesting stuff with him before.
Although I fucking HATED AJ, I'm going laugh when he actually becomes a well written character rather than some damn plot device.All the hate we gave him, and next thing you know we loved him more then season 1 Clem. Pretty much a Clem 2.0 (But you know, not shit.)
Sounds like projection TBH.
if they're gonna keep aj alive in season 3 .... well.... rush written again the power..... of..... Super Timeskips....
sigh* telltale would never stop loving timeskips
maybe just gonna play season 3's episode one see how the kenny/jane's faith will be, gonna make 2 saves(1. Jane and 1 for kenny's ending with leaving with him) in my game.... if they die in "Omid Style"... gonna stop playing it... there that's it i said it
My nephew is almost 2 and I can understand nearly everything he communicates.
I am going to give the baby to someone. Anyone. I'm trying to find him a good place, but I don't give a fuck about the baby beyond the scope of "it's a defenseless baby." So I couldn't, on good conscious, leave it to die. But I'd sure as hell toss it at the next reasonable looking people I find.
sarah should have lived...
I really don't care for AJ because he really is just a big plot device, plus I don't really have any hope that it'll survive in a world like that. (Unless TT uses their magic as they did with finding formula and other supplies for it to survive.) I'm not comfortable with the baby being stuck with Clementine and having her be the "big sister' cause she's only 11. Regardless on how TT is making her out to be a badass, there's only so much she can handle and a baby's really pushing it.
Sarah had a big potential character development. A sheltered girl who knows nothing about the outside world slowly learning how to be a survivor and what it takes was pretty interesting, to me at least. And she wouldn't be just a Clem 2.0 because she had a very different personnality and experience of life.
As for AJ, well I don't really feel anything for him. I have the feeling that I should care for him just because he is a baby but I don't. I'll probably end up protecting him but it won't be from the heart. And AJ can't talk for the moment and even after the biggest time skip they could make it wouldn't be interesting conversations. Anyways, I'm really curious how Telltales will pull that off, if they manage to make me like AJ during S3 I will be very impressed and will recognize I missjugded him.
Oh so she's not a adult right now. She's just a murderous kid that seems to outsmart educated people that lived up to four times longer than she did. but shes not a adult.
Carlos is about 3x - 4x older than Clementine, and she's smarter than this quack doctor.
"I hate crying babies." - @JustinCage|
You assume their will be a main group , hopefully they don't make that mistake. Like i said in other threads i feel this game is becoming predictable which makes it boring at least to me. Season 2, wasn't subtle at all.
There probably will be one, even if it is predictable, I'd rather Clem be with a group of people than alone :P not only for Clem, but IMO it would be even more boring with Clem on her own and no one to interact with.
Sarah imo would of been a more interesting person to see how she changes over the course of the S2- S3 progression. Does she become like Clementine, a bad ass or does she fall apart like Nick. So many different avenues could of been explored were wasted with this character. How does she deal with her dad's death, do clementine/Sarah rely on each other for emotional support, does Sarah pick up bad habbits because of all the shit she been through.
Drug/Alcohol abuse?
"TTG" No fuck that
"TTG" Kill her
The plot device lives, long enough to get Omid'ed in the next episode. TTG thinks its good writing
Its not about that, its about making a point. I am calling out the decision to keep the plot device alive and to kill a an "actual" character with plot, character back story, history a paid voice actor etc.
I don't care really... They both are useless....
Its not about Sarah, and it is...
I don't want to bring her back, however what i am trying to say is that AJ has no story, no voice actor, no nothing. No reason to keep him alive, however Sarah had all these things, and they took out the wrong person in my opinion. The baby is going to die, unless they give the baby "Clementine immortality." personally i don't see happening. It was just a poor plot device, that will be resolved imo the beginning of S3.
I want the developers to create another character for S3 , to create another flawed character, but here is the thing. GASP
Keep them alive, without determinant status, for 1 season.
We tape a machine gun to AJ's hand
everything works out
Exactly the baby was nothing more than a plot device in S2.
I believe, they will Omid him i think, i don't believe they would ruin Clementine's character to elevate AJ's. They might though so who knows. I really hope not. Clementine is the only female protagonist i like in video games. S2 really killed a lot of that love.
Straw poll update
AJ is living with Santa!
Really guys, are we in Egypt because i feel like i'm wavering through da Nile.
Why not just have a single family as the cast.
i'm going to stop you right there