My surgeon was crying because his procedure failed and my mom's crying because well she's my mom. The only one not crying was me which I find kind of funny. I just tell my self I could be in a way worse situation like my cousin for example. He's only got 6 months to live. We're pretty close too.
I am sarry. ;-;
My knee hurts all the time, don 't think it is nearly as bad as what you might be going through but I can relate at least up to a point.
My surgeon was crying because his procedure failed and my mom's crying because well she's my mom. The only one not crying was me which I fin… mored kind of funny. I just tell my self I could be in a way worse situation like my cousin for example. He's only got 6 months to live. We're pretty close too.
South Park's Twitter feed is full of the newest episode and they keep talking about PewDiePie being in it......... Suddenly there's an episode of South Park I have no desire to watch.
Hmm. >:}
Well shit.
That turned out great. >_>
I know she is kinda hot but she on a TV talk show, you have no fucking idea how annoying she actually is. xD
good but impaciently wainting for my characters to cause chaos on salts fic and that misty hollow one
Well, well, it's an old meme I once made! lol
Honestly, my name is not very original.
I would never say something like that but good point.
I’m not going to argue with you. The evidence is there. It was your IP. It’s been dealt with.
Except i'm being serious?
And then my parents complain about scary movie when carttons are the ones who are more fucked up that saw.
i need surgery as soon as possible ;_;
Why, what happened?
i have the knees of a 60 year old. My previous surgery failed
I am sarry. ;-;
My knee hurts all the time, don 't think it is nearly as bad as what you might be going through but I can relate at least up to a point.
My surgeon was crying because his procedure failed and my mom's crying because well she's my mom. The only one not crying was me which I find kind of funny. I just tell my self I could be in a way worse situation like my cousin for example. He's only got 6 months to live. We're pretty close too.
Well, that is all I needed right now, positivity.
Anyway, I hope you get better. :}
Your knee is still bad?
it has for about a year and a half
He's barely in it
Have I mentioned how many times I've been King of Sweden?
I'd be happy if queen-regent Sofya wasn't a bitch...
Well, I'm all hot and bothered now.
XD Simons and Rachelle ones disturbed me for life :'/
Hmm... XD
XD I love this game
It's pretty fun. :P
Sheet I hope your alright bro get the surgery as soon as possible and you will be as good as new good luck:'/
Umm gustav i left you a question on your Game of thrones fic pls answer...
Our goals have been achived. >:}
evil laughter
The answer is yes milord.