Dragon Age Fan Thread



  • I am far in, I think. I am in a romance with Cassandra, did a quest for Cole, and in Skyhold. And I am about hit Corypheus, but I need Forty Power!

  • I'm soon getting the game, on PS4 too.

    Is there anything I should know about without spoilers?

  • LOL so like anyone else find it odd when you get the prompt, "Cullen are you with someone." You just don't ask another guy that.

    -XYAB- posted: »

    Lol i didn't want cullen either...

  • All i did was side quests when i got the keep, so my guys are like level 23, now I killed all the dragons., now i just got to the point where i was going to continue the storyline, and it crashes during conversations during story quest line.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    I am far in, I think. I am in a romance with Cassandra, did a quest for Cole, and in Skyhold. And I am about hit Corypheus, but I need Forty Power!

  • I don't know, the only real issue i had was this conversation bug. A few stupid bugs here and there. If they resolve this conversation bug i could play the game again

    Personally i would wait until this is resolved, IMO.

    The game is good, but it has its weak points like everything.

    • They don't give you a item box, but you command a entire castle.

    • Little bugs here and there, like left stick will stop working after a while. You have to save/load to resolve it.

    The main bug right now is this conversation bug, where it hangs on the conversation.

    I'm soon getting the game, on PS4 too. Is there anything I should know about without spoilers?

  • If you want to go on with the convo, you need to press the skip button. On the Xbox360 thats the X, and for the PS4 I'm assuming that it's the Square button maybe? Anyways, if you just skip ahead, you'll miss a quip or sentence, but should be able to go on no problem.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Quick question to anyone who has the game on PS4 , or knows how to fix the conversation bug. I just started up the main quest again, got

  • Just made a certain alternative choice in my second playthrough...lawd, I think I may actually cry. D:

  • Yeah i know, i don't want to skip this part, i am at a really good part.

    If you want to go on with the convo, you need to press the skip button. On the Xbox360 thats the X, and for the PS4 I'm assuming that it's t

  • Sounds troubling and I hope it gets resolved soon, I will still play it and deal with these bugs when I run into them.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I don't know, the only real issue i had was this conversation bug. A few stupid bugs here and there. If they resolve this conversation bug

  • What is it?! Just reply with a spoiler warning. :)

    Just made a certain alternative choice in my second playthrough...lawd, I think I may actually cry.


    I should have known better, seriously. After Mass Effect 3, BUT NO I IDDNT!

  • Yeah, it's buggy as hell. I missed moments in game, cause of it.

    Sounds troubling and I hope it gets resolved soon, I will still play it and deal with these bugs when I run into them.

  • Hahahahah, Josephine is blatantly staring. xD

    Bioware is freaking awesome XD this dragon age romance scene is hilarious NSFW(maybe? Lol) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr8-5Fn_6XY

  • edited December 2014

    Hawke's death.

    Varric's reaction is...heartbreaking. At least you can give him a hug afterwards.


    What is it?! Just reply with a spoiler warning.

  • I don't dislike any of them! Varric! Sera! Gah, can't decide. They all win in my book. xD Props to Bioware for that. :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    HAI GUISE. WHO IS YOUR FAVE COMPANION Mine is a tie between Solas and Sera.

  • I simply couldn't let my Hawke go. She's been my favorite MC we can play as in the entire series. And I've seen the video, it's simply too depressing. :<

    But if it was Alistair v. Hawke, like it can be, I would probably cry my eyes out and then choose to save Alistair and sacrifice Hawke... I think this choice is probably the hardest choice in the game series yet. Next to siding with the Templars or Mages in DA:2

  • Actually makes me glad my Warden didn't physically appear as well. Then they'd probably make me choose between her and my Hawke.

    That would just be cruel. :C

    I simply couldn't let my Hawke go. She's been my favorite MC we can play as in the entire series. And I've seen the video, it's simply too d

  • If it was between the Warden and Hawke, I wholeheartedly believe the entire Dragon Age community would pick to save their Warden over Hawke, considering how much crap Dragon Age 2 got. :<

    Actually makes me glad my Warden didn't physically appear as well. Then they'd probably make me choose between her and my Hawke. That would just be cruel. :C

  • Well, I would. My Hawke was entertaining, but with DA:O's more blank slate approach I felt like my Warden was a character that I was personally crafting rather than just puppeteering, and thus I got more attached to her. Also more invested in her romance with Leliana than I am with my Hawke/Isabela, so I'd feel awful about leaving my Warden.

    Wouldn't do it easily, though. Sarcastic Hawke is just about the most fun I've had with a protagonist for a long while.

    "I have an excellent sense of dramatic timing. And good hair."

    If it was between the Warden and Hawke, I wholeheartedly believe the entire Dragon Age community would pick to save their Warden over Hawke, considering how much crap Dragon Age 2 got. :<

  • I would have to choose my Hawke over the Warden, I personally felt more attached to my Hawke than the Warden. I really hate that Alistair would be alone in that case, but I just identify with my Hawke so much more. But I can see where you would think that about Hawke and the Warden, Dragon Age Origins was just so much bigger and grander.

    Also, I hope we can play as one of the three heroes we've created in the next Dragon Age. As much as I love having all these different avatars to play as, Mass Effect had me way more attached to the story because it was Shepard (meaning we played consistently as the same person). Of course, since Hawke can be dead by our choice and the Warden could've died fighting the Archdemon, that would leave only the Inquisitor to be the next Playable Character for DA;4. AWWW I LOVE THESE GAMES SO MUCH FUCK IT BIOWARE JUST THROW ME SOME MORE DRAGON AGE!

    Well, I would. My Hawke was entertaining, but with DA:O's more blank slate approach I felt like my Warden was a character that I was persona

  • I have to say that playing as multiple characters seems a bit ridiculous to me. The amount of absolutely insane events that just the Warden went through are then practically matched by the next two characters. It makes me feel like too many people are way too insanely powerful all at the same time. It's almost like a super hero game.

    I would have to choose my Hawke over the Warden, I personally felt more attached to my Hawke than the Warden. I really hate that Alistair wo

  • This game is making me mad. I want to play it because it finnaly got good and now i can't. I did every stupid pointless quest in the game, but trying to play the main storyline NOOOOOOOOOOo

    Can't have that.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Yeah, it's buggy as hell. I missed moments in game, cause of it.

  • edited December 2014

    I dunno, I actually think it makes the world more believable when there isn't just one big guddamn hero out there, doing everything. It's a cool feeling, hearing about the world and your past characters' exploits from a fresh perspective each game. Talking to Hawke and getting a letter from The Warden was really surreal. It isn't like they stop existing when the game is done, you just jump to a new perspective.

    I don't think our characters are quite as ridiculously powerful lore-wise as they are gameplay-wise, also. My Inquisitor actually outleveled my Hawke when they were in the party together, which wouldn't really make a hell of a lot of sense at that point. :S

    I have to say that playing as multiple characters seems a bit ridiculous to me. The amount of absolutely insane events that just the Warden

  • It's just that so many exploits happen in such a brief 10 year period. Crush the Blight, defeat Flemeth, everything from Awakening, then Hawke and the Deep Roads, and everything else, and now the Inquisitor. It just seems like an awful lot of insane shit is happening really fast. The one thing is that having companions balances it out a bit for me. It's far more believable than say the Dragonborn who wanders alone and kills everything with and without a pulse. At least the Dragon Age heroes have help, and in two games they have an army. The exploits are still insane though.

    I dunno, I actually think it makes the world more believable when there isn't just one big guddamn hero out there, doing everything. It's a

  • edited December 2014

    That's kinda what DA2 was, I reckon - an intermission period between the crazy shit. Really most of the stuff that happened for the majority of the game was localized conflicts, nothing earth-shattering and world-threatening like what the Warden had to contend with, until Anders blew up the Chantry and started a war across the continent. And awakening Corypheus, in retrospect. People hearing about what Hawke did outside of Kirkwall probably just thought "Huh, what an interesting fellow!" and went about their day.

    Wouldn't be much more believable if we were still playing as the Warden, though. Gets dragged away from their home, becomes a Warden, is one of only two Wardens to survive Ostagar, gathers armies, stops the Blight, goes to Kirkwall for some reason and holds off a Qunari attack, defeats an ancient Magister, gets involved in the start of the mage/templar war, gets dragged off to the Conclave, Conclave blows up, Warden is once again the only survivor of something, now has a magical mark on their hand, is now dubbed the Herald of Andraste on top of their many other titles at this point, goes on to lead an Inquisition...

    ...I don't think that much stuff could feasibly happen to one person. :S

    It's just that so many exploits happen in such a brief 10 year period. Crush the Blight, defeat Flemeth, everything from Awakening, then Haw

  • I got that on the Xbox 1. All I had to do was hold down X (not sure what that is on PS4) and it just skipped to the next line. I didn't miss anything, so I don't think you will either, it'll just be annoying.

    There isn't any fix I've found other than that. Hope they fix it soon.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Quick question to anyone who has the game on PS4 , or knows how to fix the conversation bug. I just started up the main quest again, got

  • Has anyone crafted some nice armor?

    Alt text

    There are also crafting weapon bugs where hilts clip into certain blades, so I guess they didn't check everything.

    Made some nice "art", too. Ain't that right, Lingvort?

  • I agree with your thoughts on having one certain character go through the events of the entire Dragon Age Trilogy. Having the Warden go through the Blight, and then start the Templar Mage war, and then become the 'Herald of Andraste' would be a bit too much for one character. They did well with Shepards story though.

    The reason why DA:2 might've been so bad was because remember, we had the awesomely dashing and prone to lying Varric Tethras retelling the events of Hawke. XD

    I would really like to play as Hawke again. I have replayed DA:2 so many times.

    And another thing, I haven't gotten past the elimination of the Venatori as part of the main quest, I just finished The Abyss mission this week. So, with everything that happened, meeting Justinia again and seeing what really happened, does Andraste and the Maker have anything to do with what happened? Or was it all really blind luck? I at first was hesitant to admit I was the Herald, but then after going to Skyhold and rallying my people, I felt like perhaps what happened was a divine intervention. Is the world of Dragon Age really a godless universe?

    That's kinda what DA2 was, I reckon - an intermission period between the crazy shit. Really most of the stuff that happened for the majority

  • Alt text

    Has anyone found this hat yet? I want it. I like hats.

  • You're talking to me, dude? I don't even know why would you- clicks on the pic

    Oh. Excuse me, I'll be back in... some time. laughs like a pervert

    Katalept posted: »

    Has anyone crafted some nice armor? There are also crafting weapon bugs where hilts clip into certain blades, so I guess they didn't check everything. Made some nice "art", too. Ain't that right, Lingvort?

  • I'll be sure to post more developments if Sera and my Inky (now known as Buckles, or perhaps Shiny) use the "epic" Orlesian bed I purchased.

    What character did you romance, anyway?

    Lingvort posted: »

    You're talking to me, dude? I don't even know why would you- clicks on the pic Oh. Excuse me, I'll be back in... some time. laughs like a pervert

  • Ah this reminds me I need to get back into playing this now that GOT and TFTB is out.

  • From what I've played. Crafting seems pretty worthless, I get better gear killing Dragons. I haven't made anything as good even with T4 materials.

    Katalept posted: »

    Has anyone crafted some nice armor? There are also crafting weapon bugs where hilts clip into certain blades, so I guess they didn't check everything. Made some nice "art", too. Ain't that right, Lingvort?

  • DRAGON AGE : Inquisition should be renamed Dragon Age : Buggy Game #3. I think its hilarious how game companies will release these games , for 60, the special edition i got was 120+ dollars, and it doesn't even fucking work. Piece of shit game. I so tired of this, this shit happens every time now a days game companies don't give two shits about QA. They don't have testers, look how terrible ROME 2 came out last year. It wasn't playable until a YEAR after release.

    Seriously Thanks EA for a shitty broken game. Done with it.

    Ah this reminds me I need to get back into playing this now that GOT and TFTB is out.

  • My point was that none of the events sound feasible, and yet they all still happen. It's just crazy that in a matter of ten years that three of Thedas's greatest heroes all emerged and have done the amount of insane shit they've done. What's even crazier is that it's still not really enough lol.

    That's kinda what DA2 was, I reckon - an intermission period between the crazy shit. Really most of the stuff that happened for the majority

  • Wow George calm down, It probably isn't as bad as you're claiming.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    DRAGON AGE : Inquisition should be renamed Dragon Age : Buggy Game #3. I think its hilarious how game companies will release these games ,

  • I agree that they need to put in more time into the games development, when they release it too fast we get issues like this. I personally think that developers might still be working out the issues of the next gen consoles. And considering this game is for almost every gaming system, I can see why lags and glitches would be issues.

    Sorry George... :<

    Alt text

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    DRAGON AGE : Inquisition should be renamed Dragon Age : Buggy Game #3. I think its hilarious how game companies will release these games ,

  • edited December 2014

    I'm going through two playthroughs now without any major problems. I think people are overdramatizing it a bit...

    Wow George calm down, It probably isn't as bad as you're claiming.

  • It's not at all worthless, with the right materials you can make stuff that's much more tailored to your own personal build than the stuff you just pick up.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    From what I've played. Crafting seems pretty worthless, I get better gear killing Dragons. I haven't made anything as good even with T4 materials.

  • I still haven't got it yet and I'm trying my best to stay away from spoilers.

    George seems to be most upset at the missing dialogue problem that is making him skip portions of the game. I can understand why he is upset and I will probably be too when I play on PS4 but I'll just deal with it and probably replay it a year later. However his reaction to this glitch is a little outrageous.

    I'm going through two playthroughs now without any major problems. I think people are overdramatizing it a bit...

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