Your thoughts on that bastard Ramsey Fucking Snow?



  • wonder that too

    lily_wolf84 posted: »

    So Ethan dies no matter what? Or i just fucked up a whole House? Beutiful episode. I love this kind of torture.

  • Geeze, I mean... I really hate to say this... but that might be the only reasonable course of action at this point. Going to have to burn the whole seven kingdoms down.

    Just fucking slaughter everyone...Just in case. XD

  • To be honest...I actually agree...I was a kind person and liked to negotiate but after that fucking ending...I'm going to slaughter...Most everyone.

    Duruial posted: »

    Geeze, I mean... I really hate to say this... but that might be the only reasonable course of action at this point. Going to have to burn the whole seven kingdoms down.

  • I mean, sure, I am going to be reasonable. I guess until I have evidence of Elissa's treachery, I will just murder the Whitehills, and their household, and anyone within a thirty kilometer radius of them. But, yeah, if Elissa set up her own son to die, and gave me that ending... There are going to be consequences and repercussions that I hope to spread across the entire realm.

    To be honest...I actually agree...I was a kind person and liked to negotiate but after that fucking ending...I'm going to slaughter...Most everyone.

  • I'm going to be nice to people that are nice to me and i'm going to be respectful to new people but as soon as someone starts being a dick or tries to turn against me then they are going to get a sword. If my own mother got her son killed well...She will meet a sword as soon as it's confirmed.

    Duruial posted: »

    I mean, sure, I am going to be reasonable. I guess until I have evidence of Elissa's treachery, I will just murder the Whitehills, and thei

  • edited December 2014

    The Forresters are new characters so it shouldn't really spoil too much of the show. I haven't watched the show either but I've heard that it can be pretty graphic with the violence and sex scenes, so I probably recommend not watching it with your family.

    Rhagavar posted: »

    Wow, I had a feeling that line bore nothing but extremely bad intentions, enough so that I did all I could to keep him away from Talia. And

  • I was talking about the TV show. GoT is the only show i have no hatred towards any character. After Jofrey died, i can firmly say that Ramsey is my favorite brutal character i the show. I am sort of sorry Joefey died, he was a brilliant acter. I just hated the way he was towords Tyrion in Purple wedding especially so i was glad when he died then ^_^

    Soley posted: »

    Joffrey isn't dead in the game yet, he is still the king. Unless you're talking about the show.

  • Fuck Ramsay Snow! I hope he gets diarrhea!

  • Huh in the book Tywin stripped it of him the moment he got back; or maybe im wrong did he get relegated to coin from hand?

    This is before the purple wedding so Tyrion is the master of the coin still.

  • Yes, he was made Master of Coin after Tywin got back and became the Hand.

    Huh in the book Tywin stripped it of him the moment he got back; or maybe im wrong did he get relegated to coin from hand?

  • I think we could also see Ethan's death as another motive for Forresters to join Stannis' forces when he marches against Bolton. Of course that wont happen in this season since the show is not yet that far in the story.

  • Fuckidy fuck fuck. I loved Ethan.

    Soley posted: »

    Not fucking enough.

  • edited December 2014

    Whitehill was never portrayed as the main threat though. Ramsay's the one who Mira wanted to stop, terrified Garred, and murdered a Forrester child/lord/protagonist. Why establish him in that way if he wasn't going to play any sort of larger role?

    Yes he was the main villain of the episode one but we have no idea how big or small his role will be in the future episodes. I mean what wou

  • Actually Ryon is lord Whitehill's, NOT Ramsay's, ward. "Take the boy as your ward. Kill him if they give you any trouble." That's pretty much Ramsay saying his work is done and giving lord Whitehill the keys to control the situation. But yeah, of course he might still have a major role in the future episodes, I just can't see what could that be since he anyway has some canon things to do.

    Mikejames posted: »

    Whitehill was never portrayed as the main threat though. Ramsay's the one who Mira wanted to stop, terrified Garred, and murdered a Forrester child/lord/protagonist. Why establish him in that way if he wasn't going to play any sort of larger role?

  • You know, it didn't even occur to me. I was so focused on the fact that Duncan didn't have the courtesy of standing by me for my meeting with Ramsay, that when Talia is yelling for the Maester, I hadn't even realized 'Oh right, he was missing'. Greedy monster opened the gate. I'd bet a grove of Ironwood on it.

    I'm going to be nice to people that are nice to me and i'm going to be respectful to new people but as soon as someone starts being a dick o

  • Yeah, I had forgotten that Whitehill was the one who got the kid in the end. He's the obvious target for comeuppance.

    But I still saw little to characterize him as the focal point of being an antagonist. Just a lot of bluster in comparison to the one who's actually orchestrating and committing all of the villainous acts we're forced to sit and endure.

    Granted, this was only the first episode. I just found it odd to give Ramsay such a spotlight in the introduction if there's only so much that can be done with his character.

    Actually Ryon is lord Whitehill's, NOT Ramsay's, ward. "Take the boy as your ward. Kill him if they give you any trouble." That's pretty muc

  • edited December 2014

    People hate Joffrey because he reacts.People hold a negative view towards people who react to things. It's strange. Even if they are good people.
    People like Ramsay because he simply tortures, maims, kills, and rapes. He acts, he does things because he enjoys doing them. I guess people somehow respect that more than someone who is perceived as whiney or petulant?

    Joffrey does what he does because he thinks people are mocking him.
    Ramsay is genuinely evil, heartless, and sadistic. Admittedly so! HE FLAYS PEOPLE ALIVE! He murders innocent peasant girls for sport!
    Joffrey is bad, but Ramsay is a level of evil that would surprise even Joffrey.

    I am genuinely concerned for anyone who would like Ramsay.

  • That is actually my assumption at this point. They can keep Ramsay as a distant villain, and use his actions this season to justify running off to Stannis next season. This season we get the Whitehills, next season we see bannermen joining Stannis to fend off the Boltons and get vengeance on Ramsay.

    Geeze. Only Ramsay could drive me into the arms of the Red Woman and her fire god.

  • edited December 2014

    well, they do tend to wait a good long while to release episodes. More than a month sometimes.

    with 5 more episodes and 5 months until season 5 of game of thrones, one could conceive that they will release episode 6 of the videogame with House Forrester witnessing justice against bolton soon after stannis catches up with bolton in the show. should the show decide to resolve the bolton vs stannis storyline.

  • Didn't want to start a new thread so I ask here.
    What happens if you decide to flee in the scene where you are playin as Gared and u see Ramsey flayin a man?

  • edited December 2014

    He runs and doesn't turn back. That's it. End of scene.

    Pertsa posted: »

    Didn't want to start a new thread so I ask here. What happens if you decide to flee in the scene where you are playin as Gared and u see Ramsey flayin a man?

  • To be honnest, I love him !
    I mean, come on, he tortured that fucking traitor reek ! and didn't u see his fights with the greyjoys ? with all the scars !
    he's just one mean bastard, but he's still badass !

  • OT question: Are you from the Czech Republic, Majda?

  • Well he is still just a character, I don't assume that those who like him really take him as a rolemodel or anything. I mean I loved Lorne Malvo from Fargo as a character but of course I know that he is a pure monster.

    Drealgrin posted: »

    People hate Joffrey because he reacts.People hold a negative view towards people who react to things. It's strange. Even if they are good pe

  • No, is it because of the name? :D

    stitch123 posted: »

    OT question: Are you from the Czech Republic, Majda?

  • Yeah. It's a name given mostly to cats here ;)

    Majda posted: »

    No, is it because of the name?

  • To be fair Duncan couldn't have done it in my game...Must've been Royland!

    Duruial posted: »

    You know, it didn't even occur to me. I was so focused on the fact that Duncan didn't have the courtesy of standing by me for my meeting wi

  • I love Ramsay Bolton. Someone we can all love to hate.

  • I don't suspect Royland or Duncan really, as which ever one you don't choose has a hissy fit and doesn't show up. Though it does mean that they are on my shit list for the next six episodes. Howe could they not be there to help Ethan in his time of need!

    To be fair Duncan couldn't have done it in my game...Must've been Royland!

  • As that is, in my opinion, the most tedious scene in the episode, running away and getting it over with faster would be a plus.

    Pipas posted: »

    He runs and doesn't turn back. That's it. End of scene.

  • I'm really happy to hear that. I thought they did a great job portraying him. Ramsay is batshit. I won't say anything else since it sounds like you aren't familiar with the books/series (and there probably are others)?

    The ending was hard to wach, but I think it matched the tone of the original to a tee. It wouldn't be GoT without the shock factor.

    Rhagavar posted: »

    I'm extremely impressed with what they did with him. I had no idea who he was before playing the episode and in a matter of about 20 minutes of screen time they managed to portray just how much of a brutal monster he is.

  • Yeah, I'll be kinda pissy towards Royland but I won't want him dead or anything. He is still my Master at Arms and a loyal soldier in my army. I trust them both.

    Duruial posted: »

    I don't suspect Royland or Duncan really, as which ever one you don't choose has a hissy fit and doesn't show up. Though it does mean that

  • That option deceived my poor little non-native english soul. ;_;

    Rippo posted: »


  • They did a good job of making him as psycho crazy as he is on the show. I'm glad they ep were able to get the original actor to voice him too. He gives me chills.

  • My opinion is...

    I will not rest until I have every fucking Bolton turned into an exact representation of their fucking banner.

    Ramsey can be the poster boy for the new catalog I plan to release when the task is done.

  • edited December 2014

    I like him too being in the show so I can hate him. (Edit: Well, someone has to take my hatred)

    Majda posted: »

    I like him too, he bring joy to the show

  • I fucking love that fucking motherfucker! He fucking made the first fucking motherfucking episode leave my fucking ass on the egde of my fucking seat! Tho i fucking loved fucking fucking ethan, i fucking thought ramsey is fucking awesome!!!! fuck fuck fuck fuck fucking fuckidy fuck!

  • Alt text

    I fucking love that fucking motherfucker! He fucking made the first fucking motherfucking episode leave my fucking ass on the egde of my fuc

  • Awesome villain, you have to give him that. Sucks we won't be able to kill him though.

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