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  • Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks JJwolf :D

    JJwolf posted: »

    That was a neat little something there, Tetra! Whatever you do this holiday season, have fun and don't be gone too long. Have fun!

  • I'm planning on revealing some surprising stuff in the next chapter! Don't hold your breath on the fight between Fayde and Holly, it could change as I said before!

    You got my thanks in the recent message I sent, so I won't create another paragraph here. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh man. That would have been a scene to read and enjoy. I often wonder how strong Fayde truly is and whould she be able to take a Troll on

  • Not bad, not bad. Unfortunate that Reuben got knocked by the door though, hate it when that sort of stuff happens. XP

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    So…I think I’m going to continue writing this...Yeah… Chapter 2 Cheshire continued to walk, once Reuben reached him Cheshire stop wa

  • edited December 2014

    I've still got a good amount of chapters to catch up on, had to say this though:

    Glanced at the picture and thought she was an elf at first, then I realized I was a total dumb dumb and finally saw she was human. Sorry! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    The castle was heavily guarded. The trio was in the muddy moat under the bridge, listening for activity above their heads. "...So he says

  • Thank you. He needs to learn to fight doors. :3

    Not bad, not bad. Unfortunate that Reuben got knocked by the door though, hate it when that sort of stuff happens. XP

  • Whoa, leaving us so soon? At least you were courteous enough to give us a warning! This particular chapter boggled my mind quite a bit when you mentioned our real selves. ;)

    (still need to do a bit of catching up to do with your chapters!)

    Tetra posted: »

    In Another Time Makoto lie in his bed that morning, when he realized he wasn't dead he jumped up and touched where the hole in his stomac

  • Just a simple button press to activate bullet time and all will be well.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Thank you. He needs to learn to fight doors.

  • edited December 2014

    Yeah I got exam week and I'll be going home on about Wednesday, so yeah I'll be gone except for when I get the chance to linger and check up on you guys. Glad you liked it! :D I'll get right back on them when the New Year hits ;) :3

    Whoa, leaving us so soon? At least you were courteous enough to give us a warning! This particular chapter boggled my mind quite a bit when you mentioned our real selves. (still need to do a bit of catching up to do with your chapters!)

  • Good on you, Tetra!

    Alt text

    Tetra posted: »

    Yeah I got exam week and I'll be going home on about Wednesday, so yeah I'll be gone except for when I get the chance to linger and check up on you guys. Glad you liked it! I'll get right back on them when the New Year hits

  • D'oh!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Sadly he isn't Max Payne.

  • Sadly he isn't Max Payne.

    Just a simple button press to activate bullet time and all will be well.

  • Porgie Clan page 11

    Alt text

    Junior sure has a way with the ladies. :P Ugh....hate Mondays. xD

    Any questions, ya'll know the drill. :D

  • I love Junior! And that section.....0.0 Watch out, Junior!!! Freakin' Georgie, tho! XD

    Wonder if Lyla will walk in and be like 'DAFUQ'.....

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan page 11 Junior sure has a way with the ladies. :P Ugh....hate Mondays. xD Any questions, ya'll know the drill.

  • edited December 2014

    The broken lamp reminded me of the one from Mr. Toad's. :P

    You shouldn't be complaining about Mondays. You got your time off now, boyo!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan page 11 Junior sure has a way with the ladies. :P Ugh....hate Mondays. xD Any questions, ya'll know the drill.

  • Do you have a link where i can view all your current comic sketchs?

    Nice work as always.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan page 11 Junior sure has a way with the ladies. :P Ugh....hate Mondays. xD Any questions, ya'll know the drill.

  • Thanks! I really wanted to get a sort of Gothic horror vibe going. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Wow this was a very dark chapter! Especially when described the scene with the wolf. I watch him come, my eyes suddenly keen despit

  • Thanks for saying so. :) And I hadn't noticed I put that - it's a typo! From when I was considering splitting chapter 6 in two. Dragons really are observant. ;)

    You say you worry about whether your writing isn't as good as it is was? Preposterous! I thought it was just as good as the previous inst

  • Elves: they're either adorable or grumpy sods! But I'm liking Fred, and Bob the penguin too! Frankly, I think you could eat the gingerbread men. Not only would that save the North Pole, it would make for a tasty meal. ^_^

    MasterStone posted: »

    A VERY DRAGON CHRISTMAS! On a very cold and dark winter night, Viera tucks her young son Marcello into bed. She kisses him goodnight and

  • Emotional scenes at the Witching Well, and what's this about voices and death? Very intruiguing, and well written! Seems like Fly make more of an appearance later, though Fayde might not want to see Tez and Rose again any time soon. And you included Fly commenting on Fayde's accent! :D

    Looks like you guys have got things sorted out, but I'll reiterate what Pie said - we're here if you need someone to talk to. Hope you feel good. :)

    Chapter 3: Learning The Truth "Holly..." Fayde looked at the troll, then, the others. "What happened with Lily?" Rose put down her gla

  • edited December 2014

    -scanning memory file- OH yeah! xD It does look like that. Guess Junior took a note or two on how to throw lamps at Bloody mary's mirrors.

    I know; classes are done and I'm off today but it still sucks. Look at Monday...mocking me. xD

    The broken lamp reminded me of the one from Mr. Toad's. :P You shouldn't be complaining about Mondays. You got your time off now, boyo!

  • Yes we are, don't you dare forget it! >:)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Thanks for saying so. And I hadn't noticed I put that - it's a typo! From when I was considering splitting chapter 6 in two. Dragons really are observant.

  • MasterStone posted: »

    Do you have a link where i can view all your current comic sketchs? Nice work as always.

  • Welcome! Obviously this is your second post so you're not totally new, but welcome. :) This curse has me curious, and just what is trying to kill the Cheshire Cat? Perhaps someone who got annoyed at him vanishing mid-conversation, as he often does!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    So…I think I’m going to continue writing this...Yeah… Chapter 2 Cheshire continued to walk, once Reuben reached him Cheshire stop wa

  • Haha, this was fun! xD I'm sorry to hear you'll be leaving us, but at the same time I'm not because you're coming back - and that's something to look forward to! :) Have a great Christmas/Holiday, Tetra!

    Tetra posted: »

    In Another Time Makoto lie in his bed that morning, when he realized he wasn't dead he jumped up and touched where the hole in his stomac

  • Thanks for the welcome! :)

    And it might be a little more sinister than that...

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Welcome! Obviously this is your second post so you're not totally new, but welcome. This curse has me curious, and just what is trying to kill the Cheshire Cat? Perhaps someone who got annoyed at him vanishing mid-conversation, as he often does!

  • That top right panel with the two eyes is really striking! And, if you don't mind me asking, what is it you hate about Mondays so much? xD Is it because it's a new work week?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan page 11 Junior sure has a way with the ladies. :P Ugh....hate Mondays. xD Any questions, ya'll know the drill.

  • Ooh, suspenseful!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Thanks for the welcome! And it might be a little more sinister than that...

  • i guess so... :P

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Ooh, suspenseful!

  • Ethan was too much like his uncle Gren. Perhaps as a young boy, after close observation and the many summer nights spent there, he learned the ways of the alcohol bottle. He could recall on those long, summer nights of his uncle's requent intake of the Devil's water and the arguments that usually led to these quirky yet entertaining moments of his young life.

    He needed a drink. That is what Ethan was telling himself the entire time he sat at the desk. His wrists were cramping up, hie eyes ached from the screen and the words began to jumble together and create a whole new language. Leaning back and sighing heavily, his mind was made up.

    Peter had not returned, letting him to believe he finally took into consideration what he said earlier at the bar. Ethan knew it was not his place to speak; he understood the trials and tribulations his family faced in regards to the ever mysterious Bigby Wolf and his relationship with Peter but he couldn't help but take on the role of 'caring little brother'. There were times Peter needed it, despite how he felt that day.

    At least, Ethan thought as he headed to the Elevator, he hoped that this was the reason why Peter had not returned to the office. Ethan knew Peter was forever cursed with the genetics of not only the Big Bad Wolf but John Smith as well. He had the temper of a raging Bull and he could remember several times his papa let these nasty habits slip. His brother was a kind soul; Peter never thought twice about the feelings of others and he would easily lend you the shirt off his back. But he also had those demons, like the rest of them.

    Right now, Ethan was going to fuel his demons with several shots of straight tequila. Hopefully Peter would return to the office and see the sticky note attatched to the computer screen. As he pressed the down button on the Elevator, their assistant Michelle turned the corner with a stack of papers. Ethan sighed and rolled his eyes. Another long night.

    Michelle was a little fish taking a huge dive into the wide, open ocean. She was the Tooth Fairy's youngest daughter; Michelle had been sheltered all her life and was sure she'd take the place of her mother one day. But the thought of handling stranger's teeth and being responsible for large sums of cash did not seem pleasing after awhile. She left the comfort of her predictable future and stepped out into the arms of the Business office.

    She stole the hearts of both Peter and Ethan; she was a young woman with blonde hair, always pulled back with a scrunchie, blue eyes resembling the open skies; pale skin like milk and always wore red Pumps, pencil shirt and yellow blouse. Michelle was a total sweetheart and could walk into a room full of strangers and leave with every one of them a friend.

    Michelle bounced in her red high heels, as she stood beside Ethan.

    "Paperwork AGAIN, Michelle?"

    "This is just from one Fable."

    Ethan glared down. "Who the hell-"

    "The three Maidens, sir. They are complaning about the heater, water and this mysterious Folker running around harrassing Fables."

    "Yeah, yeah....we, uh, know about that. I'll send Peter out later to check out the area."

    Michelle pinned the papers against her chest. " don't think its anything, do you Ethan?"

    The doors opened, as Ethan stepped in. He punched the large, red button.

    "I doubt it, Michelle. BUT keep an eye out tonight when you're heading home."

    "I will sir-"

    "Leave those on my desk..."

    Michelle gave a nod, just as the doors closed. Ethan rubbed his eyes and stepped out of the Elevator when it came to a complete stop. He waved to the security guard, as he walked down the frigid streets of Fabletown. Ethan passed by several Hotdogs stands; perhaps later after work, Peter would love to grab one before heading home. Today, every single one of them smelled devine.

    As Ethan turned the corner, he noticed a familiar face sitting at the Coffee shop. Beaming, he crossed the street and stood behind the man. The mysterious figure was unaware of Ethan's presence, as he continued to nibble on his Coffee cake and sip his coffee.

    Ethan coughed. "Well, hello stranger..."

    The man turned around; he looked just like Gren except his eyes were an Amber color and a gray beanie sat upon his head. His eyebrows, nose and ears were peirced. His arms were covered in tattoos, as was the left side of his neck.


    Ethan embraced the man. "Hey, RJ. Nice to see you out and about."

    RJ pats his brother's back. "Hey, man. GREAT to see you, too. Where is the big guy at?"

    "Peter? He ACTUALLY listened and went to see Bigby...or, at least I HOPE he's there..."

    RJ grabbed his coffee. "Well, I hope that's where he went to. Mom does not want to bail him out of jail again. AND he needs to talk to that guy..."

    Ethan nods. "Glad you agree. He thinks I'm not understanding about this."

    RJ finishes off the muffin. "NOT understand? Huh...."

    RJ knew all too well what that feeling of not belonging did to a person. For the first years of his life, he lived at the Farm. The Folkers did not accept him into their community and he refused to change, which meant he had to live at the Farm. Georgie loved him; RJ was certain of that and he welcomed RJ into their home. His younger siblings adored him and he always had the respect and love he needed. But like Peter, there was always that thought of being the 'other' child. Not biological. Not their child. A stranger.

    "You know how Peter is, RJ."

    RJ pushed in the chair. "I wish he didn't act like the lone Wolf all the time. I mean, we WANT to help him."

    The two brothers walked down the road. "He's always been that way....even in the womb, my mom swears he was FAR away from me."

    RJ sighs. "Well, he'll come around I suppose."


    There was silence, as they walked down the sidewalk. The towering buildings surrounded the men, as they headed down King street. Several children played near an apartment complex; one tossed a ball into the air, while two little girls Hula hooped. A homeless person sat on the edge of the street, holding up a cardboard sign. The flurries returned, as they sprinkled down from the sky.

    "You work today RJ?"

    RJ sticks his hands in his jacket pockets. "Yeah. I'm heading back here in a few. I'm on break. SLOW as shit today."

    "Who want's to get a tattoo in THIS weather, though?"

    RJ chuckled. "You'd be surprised, Ethan. I've had this one guy-mind you, it was ten at night-drunk as shit and he wanted a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe on his chest."

    "Did you do it?"

    "No. The guy passed out before I could ask in black or in color."

    "Have you ever had someone ask for the most random tattoo ever?"

    "OOOOOH yes."

    RJ and Ethan stand next to the Trip Trap. "Oh yeah...what?"

    "This lady, as a present to her husband, wanted a picture of his Penis tattooed on her back."

    Ethan cocked his eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

    RJ smiled. "Yup..."

    "Wow...uh, that's uh....interesting? Is that the word?"

    RJ laughed. "You could use that....I'd be a little like what the hell if my girlfriend wanted THAT on her body."

    "Henry would think I was high before he knew I was being serious."

    RJ pulls out his phone to check the time. "Hey, I better be going. I have ten minutes to get back. But, hey, we should grab lunch or something one of these days. Bring Peter with you."

    Ethan nods. "Sure. That sounds like a plan..."

    "Alright, Well, see ya' around, Ethan."

    Ethan watches as his monsterous brother crosses the street. He nearly slips on the icy road as he turns the corner. Giggling, Ethan turns the sound off to his phone and heads into the Trip Trap.

    Let the drinking begin.

    Any questions, you know the drill. Man...I could go for some Tequila right about now. xD Celebrate for these marvelous grades; all A's except for Algebra 2, which was a B-. Not bad, not bad. :) Ready to graduate, though! ONE more semester!!

  • Glad you liked it :) So kind Lupine :D I'm not leaving this thread until this thread gets shut down or something happens to me so I will always make a comeback!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Haha, this was fun! xD I'm sorry to hear you'll be leaving us, but at the same time I'm not because you're coming back - and that's something to look forward to! Have a great Christmas/Holiday, Tetra!

  • Thank you. I would have colored the rest but me damn marker for the flesh tone ran out. xD Time for a new one!

    lol Me and Mondays have never gotten along, even when I was a kid. I guess those two days of hanging out, playing video games, going out to eat or whatev makes me wish weekends were longer. I'm usually fine by the afternoon, though. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    That top right panel with the two eyes is really striking! And, if you don't mind me asking, what is it you hate about Mondays so much? xD Is it because it's a new work week?

  • Well, after reading the notebooks with her, um, 'festive' feelings at the mall, I'm glad you added that part, too. :)

    I just pictured this place that looks like a candy paradise. You have done wonderful. I'd pack up NOW just to visit this place if I could. Its no wonder the kids at work love you, pie. You'd do wonders writing children's books, too.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    My mom was like that when we were kids. I HAD to include Carla and the reason WHY Gren and so many others just back up and let her do the en

  • I loved this section with Ethan's description of his childhood memories of Gren. Shame he has the alcohol gene, though. Hopefully he won't be too bad. :(

    RJ!!! :D I'm happy that you are including him into this little section of the Porgie clan! -hugs- he is such a damn sweetie! Can't wait to see what happens; we left off with Bigby and Peter fighting and now wondering what happens! And Emily, too!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Ethan was too much like his uncle Gren. Perhaps as a young boy, after close observation and the many summer nights spent there, he learned t

  • edited December 2014

    Everything happened so fast. Therese was on the roof of the castle right now, William's arms holding her tight as he watched her saviors climb up to get her.

    "Damnit," He whispered under his breath. He kept dragging her further across the low-sloped surface, bringing Therese to the south tower.

    Therese had long given up fighting him. She lost so much energy doing so, and was also emotionally drained from the events prior to escaping the ceremonial hall. She let him take her, praying Reynard and Adam knew what they were doing.

    They were even higher up now, in the crow's nest of the castle. Adam and Reynard were tiny figures moving quickly in the day light, their eyes trained on Therese and her captor. William shoved her to the ground, binding her with some twine left in a crate up there.

    "Behave yourself, while I get rid of them," William warned her. He left her alone, on the tower, climbing back down to deal with her friends. She had to find a way to get free of her bindings.

    "It's over!" Adam called from one end of the roof. William finished climbing back down, holding a sword of his own now.

    "I beg to differ," William replied. "You know how powerful I am, Adam."

    "Is this still about the Crooked Man anymore? Is Therese going to accomplish saving the man?"

    William looked angry. "This is bigger than my father! This is bigger than finding him. This is about my son, Adam. This is about my empire. I want power. I want everything."

    Rain clouds came tumbling in, not naturally though. It seemed as though the anger surging through William was creating unnatural weather patterns around the castle. The clouds turned dark grey, and Reynard could feel a rain drop hit him every few seconds.

    "I miss Zachariah too," Adam yelled over the thunder, sadly. "I miss him as much as-"

    "HOW CAN YOU MISS HIM AS MUCH AS ME?!" William was fuming. He took two strides forward, swinging his sword angrily. "How? HOW?"

    Adam took a few steps back, yet still felt too close to his long ago comrade. His sword reflected the lightning that hit the ground only a few hundred feet away from the roof's surface.

    And then, Adam lunged forward. He swung his sword, letting his own built up anger pour in to one battle. Family vs. Family. Because William was his family, even though it was through marriage. He had Grace. He loved Zach as much as Adam loved the boy. They were essentially brothers. And it hurt him, deep down, to have to resort to such a thing. But William had to be put down.

    The sword ripped a gash in William's arm. He yelped, but did not stop, the lightning coming ever closer the longer they fought. Reynard stayed behind Adam, spotting the man in case he were to slip and fall. Rain poored in buckets now, drenching the three of them on the room. The sky was nearly black, occasionally lit by the terrifying lightning and thunder that was still growing thicker and more dangerous around them.

    William's sword tore at Adam, cutting him in several places severely. And yet, Adam was able to go on. He used his bitterness to drive himself further, for the people he'd lost in his life.

    He knew, deep down, that this might be his last fight ever. And he wanted to make sure he died in glory.

    Another lightning strike. Therese winced, whispering her prayers faster and faster, hoping with all her heart that the strikes were not hitting anyone. She wiggled in the tower, squinting her eyes closed from the rain. She was able to sit up now, the rocky surface tearing holes in her white dress. It got muddy too, from years of guards with dirty shoes trekking around the tops of the towers. It all clung messily to her, but she didn't care at that point.

    She got onto her knees now. She could see just over the bricks down below, the top of Reynard's red head barely in view. She wondered what was happening. There was a lot of clanking metal in between lightning strikes. She was on her feet now, nearly falling over from the heals. She kicked those off, for better footing and then got a better look at the fight.

    Adam was wounded badly. He kept his moral up though, his arms swinging fiercely as William blocked more and more attacks. She could have sworn she heard him laugh at one point, thinking that his counterpart was just not powerful enough to rid himself.

    And then it hit Adam. The lightning, that was. It struck the man faster than Therese could process. She found herself blinking a few times, as if nothing happened. But when she realized it, when she watched Reynard slunk over Adam's lifeless body, she let out a shrieking cry. All the emotions she had held in were bubbling over, like a pot of overcooked stew, and she felt as if she were a train whistle about to burst to life. As soon as she leapt from the high tower, her body was no longer human. She hand the body of a wolf, yellow fur covering thickly around her limbs. Her face had giant jaws, rows of sharp teeth ready to grind William's head between. She came up behind him swiftly, knocking him down with full force.

    Reynard stared at her in awe as he held his friend in his arms. Adam was barely there, barely alive, but he kept weakly whispering something nearly inaudible. Reynard leaned down, listening to the man's words:

    "Free her," He said. "From the cage. Free her."

    His sister. Reynard closed Adam's eyes as the life finally slipped from his body, and watched as Therese put her massive paw in the center of William's bloodied chest.

    William said nothing. He was struggling to breath as she pressed down hard. Blood started pouring from his mouth, mixing with rain and tears as the storm slowly began to subside. Her giant teeth clamped down around William's head. She pulled in one foul swoop, and it was off, bouncing down the slope of the wet roof.

    "Burn his body," She growled. She turned to Adam, striding over to his side. Her nose nuzzeled the crook of his neck, feeling for a pulse, for anything. There was nothing. She started to whimper, laying beside him. She licked the dirt and blood from his face as the rain got thinner and thinner, letting puppy tears fall down and stain her fur. Reynard began dragging William's decapitated body toward the latch he used to enter the roof, dropping it down the narrow hole and letting it hit the floor below. Reynard walked over and sat on the opposite side of Therese, leaving her in between both men.

    She turned her massive head to see her red-headed coworker. Reynard slowly wrapped his hands around her head, his tears mixing with hers as the sun emerged from the clouds and made a rainbow across the sky.

    "It's over," He whispered to her. "It is over."

    Not QUITE done, but William is finally dead. Probably another chapter or two before I move one. Hell, maybe three. I don't want to finish this arc right away T^T I love it so much. We'll revisit though, don't worry :) I need to start my Christmas challenge after this, which will probably be much briefer, but still enjoyable. No sadness in that one, I assure you!

  • I won't murder you for disliking the Hunger Games, lol XD If it's not your forte, then you don't have to like it. I liked the books better than the movies, but the movies are still good in my opinion. I actually gained my inspiration from Cressida's tattooes but in my mind, it looks slightly different for Therese. Thank you :)

    Tetra posted: »

    Oh man things are picking up! It's cruel what William did to Adam I wasn't a big fan of The Hunger Games (Please don't murder me XD) but th

  • I'm sure you will enjoy them :) And yeah, it's just Cressida from the Hunger Games movies XD I can see how she would look like an elf though. I would have thought so too had I not read the books. It's alright!

    I've still got a good amount of chapters to catch up on, had to say this though: Glanced at the picture and thought she was an elf at first, then I realized I was a total dumb dumb and finally saw she was human. Sorry!

  • That part will be sort of dwelled upon in the next chapter. :) And Fayde's more mad at Rose for yelling at Holly, not Tez. I knew you would notice that part too! XD

    I'm over it now, I'm feeling good. :P

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Emotional scenes at the Witching Well, and what's this about voices and death? Very intruiguing, and well written! Seems like Fly make more

  • It's the hairstyle she has that made me think she was an elf. :P Anyways, I'll just leave it at that before I embarrass myself further. ;)

    I only watched the first Hunger Games on Netflix, I might watch the others if they have 'em on Netflix.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I'm sure you will enjoy them And yeah, it's just Cressida from the Hunger Games movies XD I can see how she would look like an elf though. I would have thought so too had I not read the books. It's alright!

  • until this thread gets shut down or something

    Alt text

    Tetra posted: »

    Glad you liked it So kind Lupine I'm not leaving this thread until this thread gets shut down or something happens to me so I will always make a comeback!

  • Whoa there, memory file scan? I didn't know you were a, uh, a pyborg!

    Get it? 'Cause pie + cyborg = pyborg. Ah, I'll be quiet now. XP

    pudding_pie posted: »

    -scanning memory file- OH yeah! xD It does look like that. Guess Junior took a note or two on how to throw lamps at Bloody mary's mirrors. I know; classes are done and I'm off today but it still sucks. Look at Monday...mocking me. xD

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