Season 3 Kenny
What are you think about Kenny in season 3? You think he be alive ? Kenny is one of my favourite characters (Lee,Kenny,Clementine) i stay with Kenny but evry characters who can die earlier like Carley,Ben,Alvin,Nick died soon you think he will be alive in season 3 or he dead in first scene like Omid? and sorry for my English
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To avoid repetition they'll probably keep him alive as an NPC that only offers a couple lines of dialogue. If Season 3 is the "Community vs Community" Season then i can see them keeping Kenny alive but taking no part in the story, just have him sit around working on something, construction or farming or BOATING or whatever.
In my story, he'll be a frozen corpse laying in a play ground curled up in a fetal position.
Thank God for that.
Cute. Very adorable, like a mini-"troll" that hasn't the slightest talent for actually "trolling."
You've used that picture like a dozen times, try coming up with new material.
They won't handle Kenny like Omid, they won't make that same mistake twice, especially with how much backlash they got from it. No, I think Kenny will live for at least one whole episode and have an impact and then die late in the episode or in Episode 2, maybe even go into Episode 3.
Kenny can be killed in S2 so it is very ridiculous to believe that he'll be in S3 unless it's a 2 second cameo if you didn't shoot him.
its up to tell tale where they go with Kenny cause right now its a 3 way split cause for some Kenny will be alive for others Kenny is dead so its 50/50 here all I know was he was suppose to be dead in season 1 but they changed their minds and erased his death scream in season 1 but now in season 2 it could go either way cause some I am sure picked Kenny to live and some picked to kill him so its hard to say what their going to do here but one thing is for sure its going to be weard if they let him live for some and him being dead for the others so its hard to say what happens now cause now you either have him dead or alive and if he is alive than you have him alive in two ways where one he is out there somewhere all by himself or Clementine is with him so we got a 3 way split on the topic with Kenny on how it can go from here for him
You got to love Marshall, he was one of my favorite characters from the show.
If Kenny die, i dont play this game anymore xD. Lee died. its possible Kenny die too in season 3
He´s probably going to die 10 minutes into the season.
Whoever you chose will die in the first few minutes.
-1 Kenny fan.
Get omid'd?
Considering TellTale might be sick of people saying Choices wont matter they may make Kenny/Jane stay around for a while more. I really dont think TellTale wants to just throw their 2 of their strongest characters out the window
Probably, i don't see them being around longer than Omid/Christa was, they are both determinant so we will see. That is assuming we even play as Clementine/ continue her story.
TTG is all about killing people off, they like to repeat the same story arcs. I wouldn't be surprised if Clementine meets up with someone from her past and said to her in a cold evil voice. "I'm lucky... Very Lucky!"
You know whats funny? Kenny and Jane are good survivors after all, they cant simple kill them after 10 minutes. I mean, Look at Jane skills and what Kenny had to pass trough S2. they deserve to leave at least to the end of episode 3. Kenny had his orbital crushed and not die, so he will be killed by a fucking bandit coming from nowhere?
I hope when they remove Kenny from the story he just gets lost again. I mean maybe TellTale could make you be separate from Kenny/Jane for an episode or 2 if it would make it easier for them to write
At least the alone ending will spare people the annoyance.
Clem Will die in the first 10 mins of the story
Funny in my story Jane is a frozen corpse with her own knife protruding from her chest.
A wise man once said "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."
I don't care what happened to Jane, as long as Clementine lodged a lead bullet into Kenny's black heart, I'm cool.
Nice try though.
Why they must killing best characters
lee,luke, probably kenny too
I know it's zombie apocalypse but they can give them more time.
lol... Call his heart black but take delight in him being blown away? Pot meet the kettle
I think the way you let Kenny live will affect how he will die. For example, If you leave Kenny after he kills Jane, Kenny would be a broken man because he loses everything that he fought for,thus, making him commit suicide in the snow,alone,sad,with a bottle of whiskey, later in season 3.
Leaving him at Wellington, he'll be a man who accomplished his goal in life: keeping Clementine and A.J. safe. He'll probably die in the same matter, but with a more happy ending, with a smile, and talking about life that he wishes that Clementine will have,drifting to death in the snow.
Leaving with Kenny, you'll meet up with some marauders that will try to "Carl" Clementine(if you are familiar to what happen to Carl from the T.V. series). Kenny,only armed with Jane's knife, kills two out of the four marauders.The remaining marauders jumps Kenny to death. While marauders wondering what they are going to do to Clementine, Kenny reanimates into a walker and bites one of the marauders on the neck. She quickly grabs A.J. , and runs. Next day, finds reanimate Kenny and kills him.
I'm Good.
you're damn good.
Kenny will die. It's because of ending in S2 where you can kill him.
If Kenny does last into season 3, they better do the same with Jane.
Yeah, please do not necrobump threads unless you have something valuable to bring to the table.