Choose your 400 Days character.
I'm a big advocate of Season 2 of the Walking Dead, but I must admit there are some things from it that really bugged me- that's the main reason I joined this forum in the first place, to vent some of my frustration.
As I'm sure you know, in Season 2 Episode 3 we get glimpses of the characters from 400 Days, the game designed to cover the gap between Season 1 and Season 2; although we see all the characters we only interact with Bonnie, who then leaves Howe's with us and becomes more of a central character. Now for a tart i don't see why they chose Bonnie, who's story was one of the worst in 400 Days, to go with us, and personally I would have preferred Season 2 if she didn't come with us- after all, she just betrayed the group to Carver so it makes no sense for us to suddenly trust her again and take her with us.
Although I don't like the game 400 Days that much and I certainly don't like Bonnie, I was quite a fan of Vince, and if I'd had a choice I would have taken him with the group instead of Bonnie. Which brings me neatly on to my point...
Imagine that, in Season 2 Episode 3 you had a lot more jobs to do than just cutting plants with Reggie and loading ammunition with Bonnie- say there were a number of jobs for you to do, and each one involved interaction with characters from 400 Days (just an example here- say if you were checking through food stock with Vince or repairing defences with Shell). From these interactions you would then leave a lasting impression on the characters- if you were mean to them then they would dislike you, and vice versa.
Imagine then that it goes to the scene where Kenny is being beat down, and the characters from 400 Days are there watching. You could choose to appeal to one of them (like you did in Season 2 Episode 1 when you first met the group) and if they liked you they might try to stop Carver, and if they didn't then they'll continue watching. Following the beating, if you appealed to a character and they tried to help they might then agree to join your group in escaping (like Bonnie did)- this way, it means that overall, no matter how many characters you were good with, only one will join you to avoid complication. Reversely, if you were bad to all the characters then maybe Bonnie might join just for the fact that she likes Luke, as a way of incorporating at least one character into your group.
I don't know what you people think of this idea, but personally I would have really liked to have been able to choose who came with me out of the 400 Days cast plus that means I could be horrible to Bonnie and Becca more . Rather than having telltale dictate who joined you, they should have given the player more choice.
On a side note, who was your favourite character from 400 Days? I'm not a fan of the game, but for me Vince, (though not a main characters) Nate and that other guy who was with Vince (was his name Danny?) (btw, i don't mean Justin- that guy was a weirdo) were my favourite characters.
i liked Danny too, it sucked they killed him off screen. I wanted to know if he really did sexually assault that girl or if he was falsely accused like he said. I believe Danny.
If you aim the gun at him by going back and forth repeatedly, he will admit it.
Really? Well that is messed up.
Russell was my favorite of the 400 Days crew.
I will choose Becca :P
I find Becca more interesting than Clementine.
I really couldnt stand becca. Unlike Clem, I thought her character was sort of shallow.
For she´s not.
Why? He had nothing intersting about him and his character was barely developed. I liked Vince becase he actually had a clear backstory, plus Danny was interesting because despite being a criminal he was a good guy and Nate was also pretty good, mostly because he was completely insane.
Did not know that, thanks for sharing that with us. Still, thats a shame- plus it doesn't really make sense that such a decent guy (as Vince says at the end of 400 days, Danny stuck with him) would do something like that. I dont know, maybe it was a one of thing. Also, just had an interesting thought- imagine if Danny had survived and was at Carver's when Clementine showed up. Damn, that would cause tension, due to his history and all- I would NOT trust him around her!
Actually i would like a version of the story where Troy is replaced by Danny
Its kinda weird how it happens, Justin calls him a rapist then Danny will just admit.
Notice no one has said Wyatt. Just going to assume that everyone hates him like i do.
Clementine is god of the TWDG universe, her immunity powers will protect her from all things.
Wyatt and Eddie.
I always killed the thief because i really hate thieves, but now knowing Danny was a rapist, i'd go with him.
I liked Danny, but with his past I didn't go with him.
Indeed you were!
I'm proven wrong then XD
I went with Danny because:
1.) Your a grown man. You should be safe, if you know what I mean.
2.) If you go with Justin, he's just going to steal stuff from you and run off, like he did before the apocalypse
3.) Despite his past, I trusted Danny more
4.) Danny made a better survivor, he was tough. Justin wasn't.
5.) Danny was selfless- when you go to shoot his leg, he tells you to just do it, whilst Justin protests.
6.) In a survival situation, a thief is a is a lot more dangerous than someone like Danny.
It would've been cool if Vince and Danny both lived and they met up with Nate. That'd make a pretty cool trio.
Is that the kind black guy or the other one who wants to kill the stranger?
Plus, Boyd doesn't appear at Carver's. So I assume you wanted him to survive in 400 Days and go of with Shell/stay with them
The kind black guy. The one who wants to kill Roberto is named Clive.
And yeah he didn't appear at Carver's, and none of the other cancer patients did. He died in my playthrough because I let the guy go.
Oh ok, I know who your talking about now. I agree with your suggestion actually- in fact, I would have him survive and have him in Season 2 Episode 3 instead of Reggie, to get more 400 Days characters involved and (since he's so nice) turn the player against Carver even more. Then again, if he was old would Carver accept him in the first place?
I don't think so, Carver would probably think he was too old, he seems like the type that would have the Crawford mentality. But I think there might be a chance that he would have let him in as long as he pulls his own weight, that's all that matters to Carver. If you can contribute just like everyone else then you can come in.
You may have really good points but I don't want to go with a rapist.
Fair enough. Some peoples principles vary- if I was in an apocalypse and some guy had a history like Danny's then (as long as he didn't pose any immediate danger to a member of my group) I would forgive him. But a thief- I would never be able to trust them, especially when times got tough and supplies ran low. Then again, there are many moral reasons why you shouldn't go with Danny, so I can't really criticise you for your choice.
It would be interesting though to see how other people viewed Danny having learnt his history from 400 Days- would they trust him, or would they be wary of him?
True. But there's other factors other than pulling your own weight- older people aren't as active as the young and will require better care and more food and resources in order to maintain a good standard, whilst a younger person could the same effort as an older person can at their best with a lot less food, water and so on so forth. I'm not be ageist, its just a biological fact. And I couldn't see Carver giving up more resources for one older person unless they pulled a LOT of weight, which older people may struggle to do even at the best of times. Unless Boyd had some specialist survival skill to teach that we didn't know about, like he was an ex-military guy or something (which I doubt he was) then Carver wouldn't keep him.
Nate, Eddie, Wyatt.
Someone needs to photo shop their heads in a pic like this....
Ah I see, you're probably right. Thanks for the replies.
Or put in Kenny, Katja and Duck...
No problem. Boyd is a pretty good suggestion, and to be fair in an ideal world I'd have liked to see that happen.
Wyatt is my favorite walking dead character, look at my avatar.
Actually , i don´t understand why Boyd try to convince Shel to leave (If you killed Roberto) and he isn´t going to do it.
Russell is love. Russell is life.