Can we play as an adult male again please!



  • hell as an ADULT MALE please!

  • [removed]

    I notice a lot of people have been saying that "they miss being able to beat people up" and stuff like that. Well to them I say this: go and

  • Alt text

    I notice a lot of people have been saying that "they miss being able to beat people up" and stuff like that. Well to them I say this: go and

  • ...

    Silence is a valid option...

    Me to everyone whos opinion I dont like: "you have the right to remain silent; that means shut up!"

  • Ah grow up.

    Exactly glad you get it. Grow up into an adult that makes sense in such a serious choice game.

    Clem can still be in it but just not playing as her

    I want an adult again Ah grow up.

  • Blerg, no thank you. Adult males are overdone.

  • edited December 2014

    Well I'm glad you've taking it diffrently than I expected. I'm happy to see someone looking it at the bright side :) Good for you.

    Grow up into an adult that makes sense in such a serious choice game.

    Has the obvious just been told?

    Clem can still be in it but just not playing as her

    We should probably declare a syndrome for this particular sensibility. How about "I'll-totaly-get-popped-when-a-real-apocalypse-starts" syndrome? It sounds quite good to me.

    Not trying to be a dick.

    People who are not OK playing as Clementine should go back to their COD / action based games.

    Ah grow up. Exactly glad you get it. Grow up into an adult that makes sense in such a serious choice game. Clem can still be in it but just not playing as her

  • edited December 2014

    Finally someone that gets it.

    I don't care if it is a little girl or boy, man or woman, as long as the character actually has emotions and has development

  • Do you mean me? If so, I totally disagree that the Walking Dead is an action based game, as every single comment I've ever made on this forum shows. If you didn't mean me, then I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

    Everyone that supports THIS dude thinks that The Walking Dead is a action-based game. wrooooong.

  • edited December 2014

    You deserve that god damn cookie because you are so fucking right, you can go play basically any other game if you want violence. I will give you a cupcake to ensure that you are satisfied after stillnotbitten's cookie. hands red velvet cupcake

    I notice a lot of people have been saying that "they miss being able to beat people up" and stuff like that. Well to them I say this: go and

  • Not a bad idea, but there are a few problems:
    1. Depending on their age (say if they're REALLY old) then they will have as many physical difficulties as Clementine does
    2. An older guys character is already pretty much set in stone, so character development would be harder.

    On a side note, how old was Pete? He didn't seem that old to me, maybe late 40's (though I assume he was meant to seem older since Nick is around his twenties and Pete is supposed to be his Uncle)?

    I would kind of like to play as an old guy for once. Like Pete. Pete would have been a fantastic player character before he bit it.

  • Holy Jesus, someone who understands what this game is about!

    I don't care if it is a little girl or boy, man or woman, as long as the character actually has emotions and has development

  • Exactly.

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    Blerg, no thank you. Adult males are overdone.

  • You are too kind :)

    Ercajayme posted: »

    You deserve that god damn cookie because you are so fucking right, you can go play basically any other game if you want violence. I will give you a cupcake to ensure that you are satisfied after stillnotbitten's cookie. hands red velvet cupcake

  • Why? So ill die in an apocalypse because I dont want to play as a child?

    Eh my thought is I dont like playing as a child which dosnt make a bit of sense for half the stuff shes doing/ being asked to do. I dont like playing as clementine and to be honest I gave it shot with season 2, it didnt really work half the time. Not to mention clementines character is essentially dead due to her being the protagonist; its impossible for her to develop

    Well I'm glad you've taking it diffrently than I expected. I'm happy to see someone looking it at the bright side Good for you. Grow

  • <3 I can't help but to be nice to people who actually understand how this whole life thing works :p

    You are too kind

  • edited December 2014

    Obviously I don't mean literally every single one. I know that's not true. But given the fact that straight guys are a privileged majority, especially when it comes to fanservice, and this is one rare gaming instance where the love interest isn't sexualized to appeal to them, thus personally making me feel more included and comfortable when playing this game, I think I'm within my right to exaggerate a little bit, because I'm talking about something that bothers me. And given the fact I'm talking about a privileged majority, here, I don't think my words are going to do any longstanding harm other than make you feel a little bit peeved for a few minutes--but the sexualization of female characters has profound lasting effects. Your feelings in this situation are peanuts in comparison.

    If you're trying to say you're not one of those guys, then I'd expect you to have a little more sympathy, here. I would think you'd stop and think, "Yeah, it's gross how people didn't sexualize Carley, I'm glad I didn't, and I can understand why that would frustrate skoothz into making a casual blanket statement." But when you decide to nitpick my language it feels more like your goal here is to just tell me how wrong I am rather than actually prove me wrong.

    And by the way, if you really want to nitpick, I wasn't actually saying "all straight guys." I was saying "all she's remembered as, by straight guys." The "all" was in reference to her. But w/e.

    Green613 posted: »

    all straight guy players Please stop generalizing people.

  • Great it's turning into fucking Tumblr because of a joke.

    skoothz posted: »

    Obviously I don't mean literally every single one. I know that's not true. But given the fact that straight guys are a privileged majority,

  • You know all I needed to hear was the end part, I see it was a misreading on my part, so why didn't you just point that out and be on with your day?

    skoothz posted: »

    Obviously I don't mean literally every single one. I know that's not true. But given the fact that straight guys are a privileged majority,

  • ShaneWalsh do you also eat flour and watch static on the television because honestly your interests are bland as hell.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Fine then you guys, have another kid as the PC who is not able to do anything but squeal and play with Barbie dolls.

  • oh no the mean sjws are here to take sexism seriously

    Great it's turning into fucking Tumblr because of a joke.

  • Because regardless of what I meant, your comment is still unnecessary.

    Green613 posted: »

    You know all I needed to hear was the end part, I see it was a misreading on my part, so why didn't you just point that out and be on with your day?

  • Oh no the sjws are here to make a big deal out of video games!

    You're really being oppressed aren't you?

    skoothz posted: »

    oh no the mean sjws are here to take sexism seriously

  • Wtf you dont know me! Lol

    skoothz posted: »

    ShaneWalsh do you also eat flour and watch static on the television because honestly your interests are bland as hell.

  • Yeah, and so is the novel you typed me.

    skoothz posted: »

    Because regardless of what I meant, your comment is still unnecessary.

  • different story same universe and kirkman is in charge of that universe not telltale

    But the game and comics are different stories...

  • Wouldn't use the term "oppression", per se, but when game after game presents women as nothing but sex objects, yeah it does kind of have it's limits. It does kind of make you defensive of the ones that AREN'T treated like that. So jeez man, sue me for getting a little bit heated, here.

    Oh no the sjws are here to make a big deal out of video games! You're really being oppressed aren't you?

  • Sex objects?

    Really, most games these days don't. You shouldn't be heated because there is no reason to, it was over a joke then you decided to generalize men as if it was your revenge for women being generalized in some game. After Green gets defensive then you decide to post a novel to him when all you needed was the last lines. Calm down ,you're not oppressed from a video game.

    skoothz posted: »

    Wouldn't use the term "oppression", per se, but when game after game presents women as nothing but sex objects, yeah it does kind of have it

  • edited December 2014

    but when game after game presents women as nothing but sex objects, yeah it does kind of have it's limits.

    Just out of curiosity, do you happen to have any current examples to back this up?

    skoothz posted: »

    Wouldn't use the term "oppression", per se, but when game after game presents women as nothing but sex objects, yeah it does kind of have it

  • Okay yeah I walked into that one.

    Green613 posted: »

    Yeah, and so is the novel you typed me.

  • edited December 2014

    Man or woman, doesn't matter to me. I just want to be an adult again so I can actually (and believably) make important decisions for the story I'm supposed to be immersed in.

  • edited December 2014

    I only want to play as an adult simply because the power we have, and the decisions we are capable of making would be a lot more believable/realistic if it were coming from an adult. It's extremely difficult to immerse yourself in a game with the foundation of speculative fiction when no amount of speculation can justify so many adults depending on a child unless they were mentally unsound or retarded. Nobody in their right mind would give so much responsibility or delegate so much power to an 11 year old child. Doesn't matter how mature the kid is. I don't particularly care if we play as female or male, but if given the choice, I admit I tend to play as guys more often than girls.

  • I can tell you have a Tumblr account.

    skoothz posted: »

    Obviously I don't mean literally every single one. I know that's not true. But given the fact that straight guys are a privileged majority,

  • We do know (assume) that you're a male though, so allow us to project things upon you based on the interests we perceive you to have.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Wtf you dont know me! Lol

  • Why does it automatically make it generic and stale if the main character is a male? What difference does it really make, so long as the story is good? Lee was a male character that most of us enjoyed playing as, so I'm sure they could make another. Ultimately to me it doesn't matter as long as the story is good. If they make the protagonist an adult male I'm not going to bitch and moan, and if they make the protagonist an adult female, or 11 year old female, I'm not going to bitch and moan; so long as the story is good.

    As a side note, I do agree that many of the things Clem did were entirely unrealistic, like kicking the door in.

  • edited December 2014

    As a side note, I do agree that many of the things Clem did were entirely unrealistic, like kicking the door in.

    I still have no idea what kind of drugs Telltale was using when they decided it was reasonable to have Clem do such a thing. Did they forget they were animating Clementine and not Bigby from TWAU?

    Why does it automatically make it generic and stale if the main character is a male? What difference does it really make, so long as the sto

  • I still have no idea what kind of drugs Telltale was on

    The Best Kind

    Belan posted: »

    As a side note, I do agree that many of the things Clem did were entirely unrealistic, like kicking the door in. I still have no ide

  • Like when Clem pulled Lee to the jewerly store in S1

    Belan posted: »

    As a side note, I do agree that many of the things Clem did were entirely unrealistic, like kicking the door in. I still have no ide

  • Alt text

    All joking or seriousness aside, that's kinda why Dragon Age and Mass Effect have become my favorite games now. Just the amount of customization we get into making the person we're playing as and the chance to be able to make it that much more of a memorable experience. I can appreciate video games that are good, no matter who we play as, but playing as the generic male hero is getting old.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Why can't it just be like Dragon Age/Mass Effect where you get to chose your sex your character. Everyone is happy. Then just cast either Shep or FemShep.

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