Did Kenny make a sacrifice Jane would be too selfish to make?
During the Wellington ending Kenny does the most selfless thing a man could do and puts the safety and happiness of AJ and Clementine before his own and makes a decision that Lee would be proud of. If you decide to proceed to Wellington Kenny leaves on his own knowing that his goal is most likely complete and that unless he finds another group or is allowed into Wellington the following month, he will most likely serve no purpose other than to ensure his own survival. Kenny will most likely feel lost, like after everything went down in Savannah before he found Sarita. My question is would Jane be selfless enough to make the same decision if she was in Kenny's position?
I personally think she would want to give AJ up to Wellington because she sees him as a drain on resources and a liability. I agree with Jane that he is drain on resources, but AJ represents a glimmer of hope in a cruel twisted world. I think she would want Clementine to leave with her because she feels guilty about her sister and only wants to do a better job with Clem because she abandoned Sarah and her sister Jaime.
Doubt it.
She would probably make up some really good bullshit and convince Edith to let everyone in. After a couple of days she'll probably have sex with Wellington's leader and cause its downfall.
One does not simply "convince" thy lord Edith.
This so much.
Where did you get that picture, I really like it.
This is the best thing ever.
I definitely think that Jane would not have done what Kenny did. Jane sees Clem as a replacement for Jamie, and losing her, as you see if you leave Jane after you kill Kenny, is not something she intends to do. She says all that bullshit about not being able to do this on her own anymore because she wants Clem to stay with her. If the two of them were to go to Wellington, she would not give Clem up and have her stay with her.
Considering if you ditch Jane after kenny dies and she begs you to stay, she will probably try to convince Clem to stay with her
I don't think Jane would've quite trusted Wellington in the first place. Without seeing who's there, or what's inside, or how it's run, or what resources it has or doesn't have? I don't think she'd be too keen on getting herself or Clem or AJ in there, at least not without learning more about it first. Possibly she could be convinced when Edith offered the duffel bag supplies, but I think she'd still have her suspicions.
If, for whatever reason, Jane believed Wellington to be a safe place? Honestly I think she would let Clem decide her and AJ's fate, telling her this with as neutral a face as she could keep, though I don't think she'd be too successful at it. Of course in her mind Jane'd want Clem to come with her, but Jane knows she herself can get along fine without Clem or AJ, in terms of plain survival. I don't think Jane would insist on Edith taking them, and I don't think Jane'd insist on Edith just taking AJ either. In addition I don't think Jane would insist on Clem coming with Jane either, though she would probably (either inadvertently or not) let Clem know how sad she'd be to see her go.
I think my eyes have been blessed to see such a godly picture.
Dont start this shit again. I think the asshole Kenny and Jane fans have left this site. Don't flock them back in.
Edit: Nevermind.. there's still a few here... great job OP
God Bless the Urban States of America.
I told her where to go in that ending.
Kenny leaves a little girl in a Walker horde when she called out to him when he was still close, yet he didn't backtrack, but Jane risked her life by staying in the walker horde to save the lives of a little girl and a pregnant lady, both of whom Jane barely even knew. Jane can risk her life to save Sarah up to twice and non-determinantly saves Luke's life at the trailer park, she risks her life because Clementine asks her to, again all three of whom she barely even knew. Jane gives up a piece of humanity left within her by killing Vitali, someone who had done nothing wrong to her just to save the entire group, she saved Kenny's life in particular, giving up some decency for the lives of people she barely knew. Jane can save Clementine from what could have been her frozen demise, while everyone else was feeling safe, Jane risked falling into the ice cold water, again risking her life for a little girl she barely knows, while the people who knew Clementine the most just stood there shouting her name. Jane is also the only one that was worried for Clementine's safety if she falls into the ice cold water, she's the only one who focuses on the safety of a member, determinantly members if Bonnie fell in the ice, while everyone paid attention to Arvo and Kenny's feud and she's the one who starts the fire and she's the one who actually looks for the supplies.
Hmm, I'm not at all sure what her impression of Wellington would be at first, after all, she was skeptical of the idea of it existing in the first place. I might agree with you OP, she might want to give them AJ, not for the sole reason that he was a liability but because, if the place is some kind of well-protected peaceful society, then he'd have a better chance surviving there. (Not to mention, Jane's not very good around babies :P)
I think she'd want Clementine to decide for herself if she wants to go or not. She'd probably emphasize on how she doesn't really know what it could be like on the other side of that wall, so there's no telling what she might be getting herself into, not for the sole reason of wanting Clem to stick around with her, but because she doesn't want want her to be put into danger at the optimistic and somewhat naive idea that the place will be exactly as it says it is.
There's a lot of things that would factor into her decision on letting them go in or not; it's not just about being selfish/selfless.
I do agree with your point to a degree.
The way I see it, Kenny is influencing Clementine to take AJ with her into a community they know absolutely nothing about, a community who claims they are low on supplies yet seem to give every person that comes across a bag of supplies.
C.I.A For President!
Will if they are giving everyone a bag of supplies they can't be too low.
Who made this picture, I want to thank them personally for such a hilarious wallpaper.
If you shoot Kenny and want to leave Jane, she begs and says "I need you, I can't do this" or something like that. Whereas Kenny, broken as he is and having AJ and Clem as his strength to move on, begs Wellington to take them in so they're safe.
So yeah, he did.
Exactly. Jane would've never be able to pull something like that.
I feel she says that to try and guilt Clem into staying with her. She's handled herself fine by herself this whole time, but she meets this 11 year old girl a couple of days ago and all of a sudden she can't survive on her own anymore, BULLSHIT. Jane saw Clem as a replacement for Jamie, and by Clem leaving her, she was losing Jamie 2.0, and she was just trying to get her to stay with her.
I agree.
Good picture, just one fault with it. The American flag. If it were replaced with one less offensive, then that picture would be perfect.
The American Flag is offensive?
How is it offensive? and it can't replaced because they're all american.
Kenny was a mess considering Sarita only just died/got bitten. Jane only tries to save Sarah if you practically plead with her and in a way its a good job she did save Kenny because she is the who started it all off in the first place.
Yet everyone else who lost someone didn't blame a little girl just because they were there where their loved one died. Regardless, Jane risks her life to save a teenage girl she literally doesn't know anything about, apart from her name. You can't be serious about Jane starting it off, the bag of medicine is only stolen if CLEMENTINE chooses to steal it, Jane disagrees with not stealing it but she still lets Arvo leave with the bag of medicine and regardless of what you say, Arvo will blame Clementine and Jane for stealing the bag of medicine, despite it being determinant.
Exactly, yet they could have a little girl and a baby but have no room for just one more man.
Yeah but she still threatened Arvo.
and he shot Clem in the end, so it looks like Kenny was right about Arvo.
There's a large difference between threatening someone to protect your group and beating them up because you're mad at them for tragedies(Kenny blames Arvo for the deaths of Rebecca and Luke, despite they couldn't be saved and Arvo's actions had nothing to do with their deaths).
Those supplies would probably last one person for a few months. And they're given one per group, which means that those supplies would at times be divided among more than one person. A person living in Wellington for an extended amount of time would require more resources, so giving supplies uses less resources than letting people in.
Yeah but what i'm saying is if it was too bad they could deny excess and not give them supplies.