Can we play as an adult male again please!



  • Meh. I'm only playing for the story. I don't care who I play as; as long as Telltalegames can make me appreciate the story, I'm happy.

  • actual acceleration

    this is measureable.

    Where are you getting the numbers of the door? Are you getting those from a double-layered reinforced steel door in a reinforced frame?

    The frame wasn't strong to begin with, anyone could break that door within a matter of seconds. It's not the door you have to worry about; It's the frame. You need to hit it at its weakest point. if the frame is made of wood, a lockable door against criminals would be pointless, Unless the frame is directly connected with the door at every point. making it a "solid" door. (think about a vault).

    Alt text

    I don't know Clementine's mass, nor do I know the actual acceleration with which she kicked the door, so calculating this is purely speculat

  • Not only that, but we got zombies from the previous scene beating the shit out of this door. Trailer Park homes not really known to have the strongest doors, but this trailer is pretty old to begin with and in poor condition (I mean have you seen those duck photos...yuck!).

    actual acceleration this is measureable. Where are you getting the numbers of the door? Are you getting those from a double-layer

  • You're obviously trolling, but I'll offer you another biscuit and hope others can gain something useful from it.

    Where are you getting the numbers of the door? Are you getting those from a double-layered reinforced steel door in a reinforced frame?

    I've made no measurements of the door. Everything I attempted to measure I stated so explicitly in my post. I measured the acceleration of her foot based on numbers that seemed plausible to me. I did not measure the acceleration of the door, as this would have nothing to do with it opening, since it was not accelerating prior to the kick. As for the bit about the type of door, this is irrelevant to the data at hand, as I was only showing you the potential force with which she was kicking the door, and the material is a non-factor in that equation.

    The frame wasn't strong to begin with, anyone could break that door within a matter of seconds. It's not the door you have to worry about; It's the frame.

    You have no quantifiable way of knowing that "anyone could break that door within a matter of seconds." I bet if you threw AJ at that door as hard as you could that he wouldn't be breaking through. As for the frame, the frame held true after the kick, so if anything she broke the deadbolt on the door.

    You need to hit it at its weakest point.

    I've already told you that she doesn't do this. She hits too far to the middle of the door, when she needed to hit under the knob to have the best chance of kicking it in.

    if the frame is made of wood, a lockable door against criminals would be pointless, Unless the frame is directly connected with the door at every point. making it a "solid" door. (think about a vault).

    Most doors are connected to wooden frames by hinges, and locked in place by a deadbolt. She would not need to break the frame around the door in order to get in, in the case that she is kicking the door, like she is. When she is kicking the locked door she is bending the deadbolt and breaking the thin material surrounding it in order to "unlock" the door. I've said this multiple times, she does not kick the door in the correct location, and she isn't kicking it off of its hinges. She is not an NFL linebacker, she isn't taking the door off its hinges. If you need quantifiable evidence that she is not removing the door from its hinges, just watch your own gif, and see the door swinging on them after the deadbolt is "unlocked."

    actual acceleration this is measureable. Where are you getting the numbers of the door? Are you getting those from a double-layer

  • Cheap maybe, old maybe, but corroded? It's only been two years into the apocalypse, and I'm sure doors that you and your family rely on have been up for more than two years without corroding. Besides, the door looks like it's made of wood to me, and just because it's a trailer park doesn't mean it can't have a house with a nice door. Since all this is is working on assumptions anyways, it's just as easy for me to state that it's most likely solid wood as it is for you to state that it is, "most likely corroded."

    Not to mention that the door is most likely corroded, old and is most likely cheap.

  • So if society does not need (and I don't know how you can say this for society as a whole) games ike COD, Battlefield, etc, does that mean that those games should stop being made? And if it doesn't mean that, why not, if they are holding society back?

    Flog61 posted: »

    But we change those shitty opinions by having strong female protagonists. If we just pander to those who think the only good protagonists ar

  • . If you aren't educated enough to understand that, then go and play Manhunt or something like that which glorifies violence.

    Not that i disagree with you perse, but i do disagree with the way you said it. The way i took it as your trying to make people feel stupid for having a different opinion than you. I can argue that side easily, and say its not about the violence its about realistic decisions.

    Who would let a 11 year old make decisions that effect their lives? Who would do that, no one. This game is so unrealistic its so beyond just the ZA unrealistic. At this point, why not make Clementine a X man(woman if that is what you prefer), its pretty much at that point.

    She goes and sews up her own arm after being attacked by the dog. If you have had some military training like i have, i can stitch a wound, she wouldn't be able to do it herself because her hands would be shaking a mile a minute. It happens when their is significant blood loss, what would happen is she would start to get colder and colder until she falls asleep and dies. I like how she is able to hold onto that bridge, after getting her arm tore up the day before.

    Clementine Character imo isn't working as a protagonist and they need to do something else imo, I would prefer them to the Dragon Age style where you create a character and its voice acted by either a male or female lead. There set, done.

    I notice a lot of people have been saying that "they miss being able to beat people up" and stuff like that. Well to them I say this: go and

  • I can carry two 85 lbs bundles of shingles easily now. When I was a kid I could only carry one, even if I was being yelled at for being too slow, which I'm pretty sure triggered adrenaline rushes. I'm a pretty big dude, and was taller and stockier than most were at around age 9, but I don't think I could have done what Clem did.

    Tinni posted: »

    I don't know about that, you're comparing a fully grown adult with a prepubescent child. I feel like an adrenaline rush for a kid would not allow them to carry such a significant amount of weight.

  • Yes actual acceleration is measurable sure but that requires you to know the speed which you need to know the distance and the time. You do not know these for sure because you cannot go into the game and measure it but you could make an educated guess. The real part you have to worry about is where the door knob's bolt is in the frame because the metal is inside the frame and usually is secured by a light metal surrounding that is secured by 2 - 4 screws deep into the frame and wall. This means you should kick as close as you can to the door knob area. Your also stating that having a door is pointless on your house because I have never went to someone's house with a metal frame and door. Also the criminals breaking down your door would be adults or close to being adults that are well fed and have some sort of muscle build. I would just like someone to have their 11 yr old girl try to kick their front door down and see how it goes and ends the argument for good.

    actual acceleration this is measureable. Where are you getting the numbers of the door? Are you getting those from a double-layer

  • Well i realize i have a problem with sensitivity sometimes, i am working on trying to keep my foot out of my mouth but sometimes for some reason it always ends that way., normally its attempt of humor. I never been a malicious person, but sometimes i forget that even a joke can make people feel uncomfortable/upset , and i don't think about it, because i don't get it sometimes. I really have trying to work at it, you would of hated me a year ago.

    skoothz posted: »

    Personally speaking, you didn't say anything that bothered me, George. I was more annoyed at the guy who made the comment to begin with. But

  • Let's also consider one other aspect: zombies pushing against that door for lord knows how long. That door could have been holding on by a single hinge when Clem and Jane came along.

    Not to mention that the door is most likely corroded, old and is most likely cheap.

  • Great, more of this 'alpha male horseshit'.

    Christa would be a great protagonist. Smart, rational rather than hysterical, capable of violence but not prone to going ape-shit, and she's rather pretty.

    Far as I'm concerned, having a white guy protagonist would be a step backwards after the last two seasons have had us play as a black man and a black girl. Christa'd be a good compromise, allowing Telltale to provide her with enough agency and competence to not make the story feel like a farce.

  • Talk about jumping on the hate wagon. It's stuff like this that ruins some characters. It shouldn't matter if a character is a woman or man. It should matter if the character is good, people like you ruin media by forcing 'equality' into EVERYTHING.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Just think of all those great male protagonists and anti heroes that are in films and TV series There are more male protagonists in

  • Having a white guy would be a step backwards? So the only thing you can see from Clementine and Lee are their colour. Wow dude.

    Bokor posted: »

    Great, more of this 'alpha male horseshit'. Christa would be a great protagonist. Smart, rational rather than hysterical, capable of vio

  • Clearly the door is hanging on by a minimum of two hinges, as seen by the way it swings on them after being kicked in.

    Deltino posted: »

    Let's also consider one other aspect: zombies pushing against that door for lord knows how long. That door could have been holding on by a single hinge when Clem and Jane came along.

  • And all you gleaned from my post was projecting your own racism? "Wow dude" indeed.

    How many black protagonists do you know in games? Those that ain't criminals, anyway. Lee starts off as a murderer and a tough guy, but the series he was in proved he was far more complex and human than that.

    How many black women protagonists exist in games? Not many. How many are white dudes? Over 90%.

    Honestly, it isn't that hard to try something new rather than stick with the cliched and boring. Plus you might draw in a bigger audience and make your works more popular by trying out an unconventional protagonist. "Violent white middle-aged guy" is so overused I'm pretty much rolling my eyes at this point. Children, non-white women, hell, just any character that isn't ridiculously lazy in design would get my interest.

    Talimancer posted: »

    Having a white guy would be a step backwards? So the only thing you can see from Clementine and Lee are their colour. Wow dude.

  • Having a white male protagonist is a step back for society, and will make the entire story feel like a farce.

    Check your white male privilege you misogynist pig-dog. Go and boil your bottoms, you son of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Talimancer," you and all your silly misogynist alpha-male-privileged-protagonists.

    Talimancer posted: »

    Having a white guy would be a step backwards? So the only thing you can see from Clementine and Lee are their colour. Wow dude.

  • Talimancer, you're being way too reasonable for your own good. Stuff like that ain't accepted around here, so...

    Check your privilege, please.

    Talimancer posted: »

    Talk about jumping on the hate wagon. It's stuff like this that ruins some characters. It shouldn't matter if a character is a woman or man. It should matter if the character is good, people like you ruin media by forcing 'equality' into EVERYTHING.

  • People that view the world as being rife with inequality at every turn want equality in the apocalypse. If this world is rife with inequality why would the apocalypse be better?

    Talimancer posted: »

    Talk about jumping on the hate wagon. It's stuff like this that ruins some characters. It shouldn't matter if a character is a woman or man. It should matter if the character is good, people like you ruin media by forcing 'equality' into EVERYTHING.

  • Far as I'm concerned, having a white guy protagonist would be a step backwards after the last two seasons have had us play as a black man and a black girl.

    And why would it? As dozens of users before me pointed out, if the story is good, it doesn't, or rather, shouldn't matter, who or what the protagonist is, or how he/she/it is defined.

    Bokor posted: »

    Great, more of this 'alpha male horseshit'. Christa would be a great protagonist. Smart, rational rather than hysterical, capable of vio

  • Excuse me, your privilege is showing.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Far as I'm concerned, having a white guy protagonist would be a step backwards after the last two seasons have had us play as a black man an

  • How did I not see this before?

    Deltino posted: »

    obviously she kicked it so hard that the hinges fixed themselves

  • I'm just a willful tool of the Patriarchy, here to spread misogyny and bigotry.

    Also, check your own privilege, you oppressing white cis scum.

    Excuse me, your privilege is showing.

  • obviously she kicked it so hard that the hinges fixed themselves

    Clearly the door is hanging on by a minimum of two hinges, as seen by the way it swings on them after being kicked in.

  • My post didn't show up so I'll post it again.

    How did I not see this before?

    Deltino posted: »

    obviously she kicked it so hard that the hinges fixed themselves

  • Alt text

    Lingvort posted: »

    I'm just a willful tool of the Patriarchy, here to spread misogyny and bigotry. Also, check your own privilege, you oppressing white cis scum.

  • Most of these are MADE to be sexy, it's their purpose, if we can't make women sexualized at all then women can't have sexualized men in video games.

    BTW, Samus?


    She is like the definition of badass woman who rarely gets sexualized.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    She has a point. * Dead or Alive series * Resident Evil * Tomb Raider * Samus Aren * Bayonetta etc etc.

  • Most of these are MADE to be sexy, it's their purpose

    That's pretty messed up then, their only role is to be "sexy."

    Most of these are MADE to be sexy, it's their purpose, if we can't make women sexualized at all then women can't have sexualized men in video games. BTW, Samus? Really? She is like the definition of badass woman who rarely gets sexualized.

  • Sexy and badass, it's just a marketing scheme.

    I for one enjoy some of those series and I'll explain why:

    ◾Resident Evil

    I don't know how this sexualizes women as the characters are usually in good clothes and are pretty awesome. I enjoy the series.

    ◾Tomb Raider

    I enjoy the new Tomb Raider reboot as it shows Lara as more of a person with a great personality and less sexual bonuses, more natural.

    ◾Samus Aren

    Well...I obviously disagree with this, to quote myself...

    She is like the definition of badass woman who rarely gets sexualized.

    Most of these are MADE to be sexy, it's their purpose That's pretty messed up then, their only role is to be "sexy."

  • Alt text

    Lingvort posted: »

    I'm just a willful tool of the Patriarchy, here to spread misogyny and bigotry. Also, check your own privilege, you oppressing white cis scum.

  • Besides, the door looks like it's made of wood to me

    Honey, steel can't corrode. Wood is what I was talking about.

    and just because it's a trailer park doesn't mean it can't have a house with a nice door

    Aw, dude, what? I wasn't being stereotypical. Look at the mansion in 105, it was only 3 months into the outbreak and that was corroded.

    Cheap maybe, old maybe, but corroded? It's only been two years into the apocalypse, and I'm sure doors that you and your family rely on have

  • it's all clear now

    illuminati confirmed

    My post didn't show up so I'll post it again. How did I not see this before?

  • Honey, steel can't corrode. Wood is what I was talking about.

    Steel absolutely can corrode. As for a wooden door, many doors are made of wood, and three months without maintenance is not going to corrode one. How often do people really maintain their doors? Doors do not corrode in two years, this is empirical knowledge.

    Aw, dude, what? I wasn't being stereotypical. Look at the mansion in 105, it was only 3 months into the outbreak and that was corroded.

    Well then Telltale is working with extremely unrealistic rates of corrosion, which further stresses the original point of the game having entirely unrealistic details spread throughout it. If walls and doors only lasted three months, then every house on the planet would be under constant maintenance; it would not be feasible to live in a house.

    At best we are dealing with scenarios where suspension of disbelief is continuously required; where every obstacle in which success is improbable can suddenly be overcome by chance corrosion.

    Besides, the door looks like it's made of wood to me Honey, steel can't corrode. Wood is what I was talking about. and just be

  • Well alright then.

    Honey, steel can't corrode. Wood is what I was talking about. Steel absolutely can corrode. As for a wooden door, many doors are mad

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    The adrenaline rush you'd get from being afraid that you and your guardian would die would be much greater than that you'd get for being yelled at though. Also remember that she didn't carry him, she dragged him. She definitely couldn't lift Lee, but dragging him due to an adrenaline rush would certainly be plausible (since the example with the woman lifting the car off her child is up to twenty times her weight and Clementine dragging Lee isn't near that much of a difference).

    I can carry two 85 lbs bundles of shingles easily now. When I was a kid I could only carry one, even if I was being yelled at for being too

  • Because an Adult male has never been done before...

  • edited December 2014

    I've always been rather strong, even as a kid. But I don't think 11 year old me would be able to drag 200+ pounds of dead weight very far, even if I was having an adrenaline rush.

    I can carry two 85 lbs bundles of shingles easily now. When I was a kid I could only carry one, even if I was being yelled at for being too

  • checks privilege
    So I have my white, male and Cis privilege right here. Oh shit wait, I just lost my toucan.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Talimancer, you're being way too reasonable for your own good. Stuff like that ain't accepted around here, so... Check your privilege, please.

  • 90% is a statistic you pulled from your ass btw. And you've gave valid points about Christa being a protagonist, but they would work despite her colour. No the reason you want her as a protagonist is because she's black. And the games that have 'violet white middle-aged guys' are the games are war games where Burly White and BLACK guys are like currency. So having a gun loving bro black guy would make no difference to the story. I haven't played Gears of War but really doesn't Dom have more of a story than Marcus? So when you like at a character like, I don't know. Let's say Nillin from Remember me. I never once considered her being black as a character trait, so why should you.

    Bokor posted: »

    And all you gleaned from my post was projecting your own racism? "Wow dude" indeed. How many black protagonists do you know in games? T

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