It would be kind of cool if you played as a president or a ranger of a new country that rose from the ashes of the apocalypse
Similar to the New California Republic from the Fallout universe
I meant a newer country that is formed within the former United States during the apocalypse. If the United States government collapse there's got to be a group of Americans that started their own country
I meant a newer country that is formed within the former United States during the apocalypse. If the United States government collapse there's got to be a group of Americans that started their own country
I feel as though we might play a new character and Clementine will be a supporting character. I would love to play as Clementine still, and … moremaybe we will, we just don't know yet.
I just hope that if we do have to play a new character, that Clementine will be there as a supporting act, I still need Clem to be there.
I do not find Clementine's story interesting.
Clementine's story is the only reason I got invested in the WALKING DEAD franchise in … morethe first place. Starting over from scratch might be an appealing idea for you, but for me, I'd be done with the series.
If Season 3 were to be the last season I think it would be cool that after every episode they would have like a 10 min long 400 days story t… morehing with a character we know. Maybe there can be a "last story of Molly" Or Lily, Kenny after Savanna, Lee killing the senator. Iunno
I am completely happy with how they ended off season 2, and wouldn't mind that being the end of Clementine's story. My game ended with Clem being alone with AJ, after killing Kenny and leaving Jane. If the story continues focusing on Clementine, I can almost guarantee every character from Season 2 other than AJ and Clementine will be killed off immediately.
I am completely happy with how they ended off season 2, and wouldn't mind that being the end of Clementine's story. My game ended with Clem … morebeing alone with AJ, after killing Kenny and leaving Jane. If the story continues focusing on Clementine, I can almost guarantee every character from Season 2 other than AJ and Clementine will be killed off immediately.
We should play as a character that is learning to be brave and self reliant for the first time, someone who was always been protected through out her life, even before the zombie outbreak, someone who haves a low-self esteem.Preferably, who was in college,in her twenties, African American,and Timid.
3 years in the outbreak, her group including 2 children and 4 adults, are fighting off a herd. She runs towards some buildings to hide. She watches through the window the adult survivors being devoured, and the children running, but she just stays and hides.She passes out from shock from what she just seen.
She wakes up wondering where the children are at. She yells their names. They arrive but already bit and turned. She runs in frustration and sorrow. She wonders scared and alone for nine days, hardly sleeping, replaying in her mind that she could of protected them, and they died because of her.
Donna can bear to stand to live anymore. She contemplates suicide, about to pull the trigger, but stops. She hears coughing in the distance and child laying sick in the snow, face wrapped with a scarf to the point where you can only see the eyes.
Donna unwraps the scarf ,discovering its Clementine. She asks Clementine if she is ok. In Clementine's condition, she only murmurs," AJ...AJ", quickly passing out.
Donna picks up Clementine and takes her to a near by building, for shelter.And throughout the season, Clementine will continue to be sick from the flu and suffering from amnesia, but will remember little by little each day. her amnesia will cause her to forget about season 2, expect, that AJ is somewhat significant somehow.
Clementine being in her state, Donna must muster up the courage for the first time in her life to defend herself and others. As Clementine acting as her courageous push and her sole person that stand between life and death for Clementine, she's going to transform from a low-self-esteem college-student- coward to a courageous survivor that is walking in a road of redemption, the only hope of keeping a little girl alive.
It was comfirmed by Kirkman you will not turn when you ingest infected meat. I think it goes for blood,too. Unless, that baby got some cold sores we don't know about.
It was comfirmed by Kirkman you will not turn when you ingest infected meat. I think it goes for blood,too. Unless, that baby got some cold sores we don't know about.
Well after having a father figure [Lee], an uncle figure [Kenny] a big bro figure [Luke] and a big sis figure [Jane] all kicking the bucket or doomed to do so, I propose the idea of Season 3 introducing both a mother and aunt figure into Clementine's life...and then killing them off along with the baby, thus wrapping up the trilogy of "How to Emotionally Traumatize and Scar A Young Girl During A Zombie Apocalypse: By Slaughtering Every Family Connection She Ever Makes and Every Friendship Along With It, Because Life Sucks If You're A Girl Named Clementine."
Well after having a father figure [Lee], an uncle figure [Kenny] a big bro figure [Luke] and a big sis figure [Jane] all kicking the bucket … moreor doomed to do so, I propose the idea of Season 3 introducing both a mother and aunt figure into Clementine's life...and then killing them off along with the baby, thus wrapping up the trilogy of "How to Emotionally Traumatize and Scar A Young Girl During A Zombie Apocalypse: By Slaughtering Every Family Connection She Ever Makes and Every Friendship Along With It, Because Life Sucks If You're A Girl Named Clementine."
;_; sigh...
I always assumed that everyone in the Apocalypse should be riding bicycles. They are pretty fast, gas-less, quiet, and low maintenance. I'm surprised that I don't see any groups in any universe of the Walking Dead using bikes; especially, Rick's group community, in the comics, where the road to Alexandria to the Hilltop is clear enough and safe to walk and ride a bikes on. Horses are somewhat a waste of resource in the matter of daily news commutes.
I still hope to see a group of diverse characters that are allowed enough time to properly develop. A major thing that set the first season apart from other survivalist stories were the dynamic relationships that made the members of the group feel distinct and emotional. People had time to interact and define themselves outside of tragedies, and time to lament after tragedy struck.
So hopefully the new cast is treated with more regard than the development of the cabin crew. I can't handle more Amid The Ruins levels of apathy from the group we're supposed to be forming a connection to.
Jane Ending: Randy, Patricia and Gill return with a large group of Survivors and say that they will take over Howe's Hardware Store, Clementine, Jane and AJ along with any new characters try to escape, Clementine and AJ get away while everyone else is captured by the other group of survivors. Clementine ends up trying to free everyone but gets caught by this new group but in the dead of night, Clementine manages to convince Patricia and Gill to set her free, they end up freeing everyone but are caught by Randy, however, the Walkers seem to have been invited to the party as the camp gets eaten Clementine, AJ, Jane along with new survivors and Patricia and Gill make their escape with Randy following close behind. The episode ends with a close-up on an angry and vengeful Randy.
Jane With Family Ending: The survivors that would've been your enemy are now your friends! Howe's Hardware Store is looking more stable than ever. Randy, Patricia and Gill become trusted members of the new community to Clementine, Jane and AJ. Randy has some arguments with Jane on how to run the community, this transpires into a rivalry between the two trying to please Clementine. Patricia becomes fond of AJ and becomes his regular caretaker, Gill and Clementine have grown fond of each other and become friends. As tension rises in Howe's Hardware Store, a horde of Walkers makes it way with screams coming from the forest, so far so good, as the community seems to be dealing with the Walkers with ease, however, things may be safe on the outside but there's heat coming from the inside.
Kenny Ending: Kenny, Clementine and AJ become a very close family, they've found their own little lodge to call their own, they have a substantial amount of supplies which they are planning on brining to Wellington if they accept them this time. We see the nicer side of Kenny as he bonds with Clementine and AJ. Kenny teaches Clementine some tricks he's learned and talks about the past and reveals how Sarita's group found him and how in the end it was only him and Sarita left. Kenny, Clementine and AJ make their way to Wellington but on their way to Wellington they begin to hear screams.
Kenny To Wellington Ending: Wellington seems secure enough on the inside, everyone greets Clementine and AJ with open arms but Clementine feels the need to ask why Kenny couldn't stay as she sees not many people take shelter in the walls of Wellington. Edith reassures Clementine by showing her their supplies, which seems to be running low rather quickly. However, over the months, Clementine becomes a valued member of the community, as she quickly learns to be a hunter and trapper. During one of her hunts, she finds Kenny near a small ski lodge, they reunite and she ends up asking Kenny to come to Wellington with her and see how AJ has grown. When they get there, Edith grants Kenny permission to set foot into wellington and Clementine, without Kenny is asked to see the boss of Wellington, she is shocked to find that the leader of Wellington is Lilly!
Alone Ending: Clementine and AJ walk tiresomely throughout nature filled surroundings as Clementine tries to scavenge for whatever she can. Over the months she becomes very fond and protective of AJ and learns how to survive on her own. One night, Clementine hears a rustle in the bushes that surround her, with her gun pointing out she is startled to see a zombified Carlos and Sarah right in front of her, as she rubs her eyes, those ghoulish images seemed to have withered from her mind, she started to see hallucinations of past survivors in a zombified state, as if they were haunting her from the great beyond. Clementine now struggles with surviving, taking care of AJ and these ghoulish hallucinations. One day she finds a small camp, she decides to raid it as there's no where else to go, she is startled when Christa comes out with gun in hand, eyes wide.
Episode 1: Consequence of Choice
Jane Ending: Randy, Patricia and Gill return with a large group of Survivors and say that they will take… more over Howe's Hardware Store, Clementine, Jane and AJ along with any new characters try to escape, Clementine and AJ get away while everyone else is captured by the other group of survivors. Clementine ends up trying to free everyone but gets caught by this new group but in the dead of night, Clementine manages to convince Patricia and Gill to set her free, they end up freeing everyone but are caught by Randy, however, the Walkers seem to have been invited to the party as the camp gets eaten Clementine, AJ, Jane along with new survivors and Patricia and Gill make their escape with Randy following close behind. The episode ends with a close-up on an angry and vengeful Randy.
Jane With Family Ending: The survivors that would've been your enemy are now your friends! Howe's Hardware Store is looking more st… [view original content]
It would be dramatic since Lilly and Kenny have a grudge on each other from Season 1 and Kenny being accepted to Wellington, with Clementine only at that moment seeing Lilly again is going to create a problem for her to deal with
That would so cool! The only time I think I've read someone use a bike in a ZA is in this book called Enemy. The tires were a little flat and all these zombies were following right behind this small kid riding this thing...really creepy T.T
That is something I've thought in the past though, why the heck don't they use bikes? I mean even a scooter would be little handy.
I always assumed that everyone in the Apocalypse should be riding bicycles. They are pretty fast, gas-less, quiet, and low maintenance. I'm … moresurprised that I don't see any groups in any universe of the Walking Dead using bikes; especially, Rick's group community, in the comics, where the road to Alexandria to the Hilltop is clear enough and safe to walk and ride a bikes on. Horses are somewhat a waste of resource in the matter of daily news commutes.
It would be dramatic since Lilly and Kenny have a grudge on each other from Season 1 and Kenny being accepted to Wellington, with Clementine only at that moment seeing Lilly again is going to create a problem for her to deal with
Season 2 felt like a run of bad luck that got worse every episode. I mean Jesus.
For crying out loud, don't be so melodramatic. Out … moreof the entire season, only episodes 3 and 4 were dodgy. The quality of the other episodes varied from solid to great.
I didn't like the first one, i was really mad about how they killed off Christa, Omid. They should of gave them until the end of the episode IMO, then they had the dog bite thing and its really hard to sit there, in the story when it makes no sense.
Logically. Even if this is a ZA story, there should still have some basis in logic, reality. Physics. If that isn't the case why portray this game in a realistic sense.
How can a doctor not know the difference between a human teeth impression and Dogs. One is circular, the other is pointed. Anyone with any common sense would know the difference. They lock Clementine in there, and now we are friends again at the end of the episode.
Episode 2 felt like nothing was happening until you run into Kenny, by that time its already over.
Episode 3 was cool because of some funny things certain characters said, i found funny.
Episode 4 was terrible. The whole episode was Jane crying about Kenny, Kenny acting crazy.
Episode 5 was a rehash of S1 Episode 5. Another predictable outcome, the second group dies off, now Clementine will have to find Season 3 group to kill off.
It would be kind of cool if you played as a president or a ranger of a new country that rose from the ashes of the apocalypse
Similar to the New California Republic from the Fallout universe
But The Walking Dead is set in america.
I meant a newer country that is formed within the former United States during the apocalypse. If the United States government collapse there's got to be a group of Americans that started their own country
As long as he doesn't lick it he should be fine.
That might be a good idea.
Instead of having a single main villain, how about a group of villains, like a cult of sorts, that worships the walkers or some shit.
That would be weird but at the same time interesting.
I think it would be a good twist if Clem was to bump into Eddie from 400 days.
I would love to carry on as Clem, but it could change.
Clementine was always my leas favorite char. I agree with crazy george on this one, new everything sounds amazing tbh
i think carl should die tbh, he may be a better survivor than sarah but jesus hes annoying as fuck
please always refer to kenny as boatman i almost cried laughing
Anyone is a better survivor than Sarah.
It would be interesting to see Kenny after Savannah.
I am completely happy with how they ended off season 2, and wouldn't mind that being the end of Clementine's story. My game ended with Clem being alone with AJ, after killing Kenny and leaving Jane. If the story continues focusing on Clementine, I can almost guarantee every character from Season 2 other than AJ and Clementine will be killed off immediately.
I got the alone ending in my first playthrough.
We should play as a character that is learning to be brave and self reliant for the first time, someone who was always been protected through out her life, even before the zombie outbreak, someone who haves a low-self esteem.Preferably, who was in college,in her twenties, African American,and Timid.
3 years in the outbreak, her group including 2 children and 4 adults, are fighting off a herd. She runs towards some buildings to hide. She watches through the window the adult survivors being devoured, and the children running, but she just stays and hides.She passes out from shock from what she just seen.
She wakes up wondering where the children are at. She yells their names. They arrive but already bit and turned. She runs in frustration and sorrow. She wonders scared and alone for nine days, hardly sleeping, replaying in her mind that she could of protected them, and they died because of her.
Donna can bear to stand to live anymore. She contemplates suicide, about to pull the trigger, but stops. She hears coughing in the distance and child laying sick in the snow, face wrapped with a scarf to the point where you can only see the eyes.
Donna unwraps the scarf ,discovering its Clementine. She asks Clementine if she is ok. In Clementine's condition, she only murmurs," AJ...AJ", quickly passing out.
Donna picks up Clementine and takes her to a near by building, for shelter.And throughout the season, Clementine will continue to be sick from the flu and suffering from amnesia, but will remember little by little each day. her amnesia will cause her to forget about season 2, expect, that AJ is somewhat significant somehow.
Clementine being in her state, Donna must muster up the courage for the first time in her life to defend herself and others. As Clementine acting as her courageous push and her sole person that stand between life and death for Clementine, she's going to transform from a low-self-esteem college-student- coward to a courageous survivor that is walking in a road of redemption, the only hope of keeping a little girl alive.
It was comfirmed by Kirkman you will not turn when you ingest infected meat. I think it goes for blood,too. Unless, that baby got some cold sores we don't know about.
But what about the whole scene with Danny in the barn.
Well after having a father figure [Lee], an uncle figure [Kenny] a big bro figure [Luke] and a big sis figure [Jane] all kicking the bucket or doomed to do so, I propose the idea of Season 3 introducing both a mother and aunt figure into Clementine's life...and then killing them off along with the baby, thus wrapping up the trilogy of "How to Emotionally Traumatize and Scar A Young Girl During A Zombie Apocalypse: By Slaughtering Every Family Connection She Ever Makes and Every Friendship Along With It, Because Life Sucks If You're A Girl Named Clementine."
;_; sigh...
Hopefully AJ can provide Clem with some hope, I hope they allow her to bond with him as she needs to have someone to care about.
Yeah [sniffles] me too.
It would sure be awesome if Clem scavanged parts and made a bicycle.
The one that got forked by Lee? what about it?
I doubt Clem would know how to put it all together.
Thats what i was thinking, maybe if she ends up in wellington?
She may learn a few things in Wellington.
I always assumed that everyone in the Apocalypse should be riding bicycles. They are pretty fast, gas-less, quiet, and low maintenance. I'm surprised that I don't see any groups in any universe of the Walking Dead using bikes; especially, Rick's group community, in the comics, where the road to Alexandria to the Hilltop is clear enough and safe to walk and ride a bikes on. Horses are somewhat a waste of resource in the matter of daily news commutes.
I still hope to see a group of diverse characters that are allowed enough time to properly develop. A major thing that set the first season apart from other survivalist stories were the dynamic relationships that made the members of the group feel distinct and emotional. People had time to interact and define themselves outside of tragedies, and time to lament after tragedy struck.
So hopefully the new cast is treated with more regard than the development of the cabin crew. I can't handle more Amid The Ruins levels of apathy from the group we're supposed to be forming a connection to.
Episode 1: Consequence of Choice
Jane Ending: Randy, Patricia and Gill return with a large group of Survivors and say that they will take over Howe's Hardware Store, Clementine, Jane and AJ along with any new characters try to escape, Clementine and AJ get away while everyone else is captured by the other group of survivors. Clementine ends up trying to free everyone but gets caught by this new group but in the dead of night, Clementine manages to convince Patricia and Gill to set her free, they end up freeing everyone but are caught by Randy, however, the Walkers seem to have been invited to the party as the camp gets eaten Clementine, AJ, Jane along with new survivors and Patricia and Gill make their escape with Randy following close behind. The episode ends with a close-up on an angry and vengeful Randy.
Jane With Family Ending: The survivors that would've been your enemy are now your friends! Howe's Hardware Store is looking more stable than ever. Randy, Patricia and Gill become trusted members of the new community to Clementine, Jane and AJ. Randy has some arguments with Jane on how to run the community, this transpires into a rivalry between the two trying to please Clementine. Patricia becomes fond of AJ and becomes his regular caretaker, Gill and Clementine have grown fond of each other and become friends. As tension rises in Howe's Hardware Store, a horde of Walkers makes it way with screams coming from the forest, so far so good, as the community seems to be dealing with the Walkers with ease, however, things may be safe on the outside but there's heat coming from the inside.
Kenny Ending: Kenny, Clementine and AJ become a very close family, they've found their own little lodge to call their own, they have a substantial amount of supplies which they are planning on brining to Wellington if they accept them this time. We see the nicer side of Kenny as he bonds with Clementine and AJ. Kenny teaches Clementine some tricks he's learned and talks about the past and reveals how Sarita's group found him and how in the end it was only him and Sarita left. Kenny, Clementine and AJ make their way to Wellington but on their way to Wellington they begin to hear screams.
Kenny To Wellington Ending: Wellington seems secure enough on the inside, everyone greets Clementine and AJ with open arms but Clementine feels the need to ask why Kenny couldn't stay as she sees not many people take shelter in the walls of Wellington. Edith reassures Clementine by showing her their supplies, which seems to be running low rather quickly. However, over the months, Clementine becomes a valued member of the community, as she quickly learns to be a hunter and trapper. During one of her hunts, she finds Kenny near a small ski lodge, they reunite and she ends up asking Kenny to come to Wellington with her and see how AJ has grown. When they get there, Edith grants Kenny permission to set foot into wellington and Clementine, without Kenny is asked to see the boss of Wellington, she is shocked to find that the leader of Wellington is Lilly!
Alone Ending: Clementine and AJ walk tiresomely throughout nature filled surroundings as Clementine tries to scavenge for whatever she can. Over the months she becomes very fond and protective of AJ and learns how to survive on her own. One night, Clementine hears a rustle in the bushes that surround her, with her gun pointing out she is startled to see a zombified Carlos and Sarah right in front of her, as she rubs her eyes, those ghoulish images seemed to have withered from her mind, she started to see hallucinations of past survivors in a zombified state, as if they were haunting her from the great beyond. Clementine now struggles with surviving, taking care of AJ and these ghoulish hallucinations. One day she finds a small camp, she decides to raid it as there's no where else to go, she is startled when Christa comes out with gun in hand, eyes wide.
I like the 'Kenny To Wellington Ending', the Lilly thing is a very good twist.
It would be dramatic since Lilly and Kenny have a grudge on each other from Season 1 and Kenny being accepted to Wellington, with Clementine only at that moment seeing Lilly again is going to create a problem for her to deal with
let me guess you watch Z Nation right
[bicycle bell rings]
Clem: [rides by group] Eat my dust suckers!
That would so cool! The only time I think I've read someone use a bike in a ZA is in this book called Enemy. The tires were a little flat and all these zombies were following right behind this small kid riding this thing...really creepy T.T
That is something I've thought in the past though, why the heck don't they use bikes? I mean even a scooter would be little handy.
Maybe she will have to choose sides.
He says 'you gotta keep me alive or the meat gets tainted you can't eat it'.
Danny probably said that to:
Personally, I loved the first 3 episodes. I despise the last 2.
i am a metaphor in a sea of confusion.
I didn't like the first one, i was really mad about how they killed off Christa, Omid. They should of gave them until the end of the episode IMO, then they had the dog bite thing and its really hard to sit there, in the story when it makes no sense.
Logically. Even if this is a ZA story, there should still have some basis in logic, reality. Physics. If that isn't the case why portray this game in a realistic sense.
How can a doctor not know the difference between a human teeth impression and Dogs. One is circular, the other is pointed. Anyone with any common sense would know the difference. They lock Clementine in there, and now we are friends again at the end of the episode.
Episode 2 felt like nothing was happening until you run into Kenny, by that time its already over.
Episode 3 was cool because of some funny things certain characters said, i found funny.
Episode 4 was terrible. The whole episode was Jane crying about Kenny, Kenny acting crazy.
Episode 5 was a rehash of S1 Episode 5. Another predictable outcome, the second group dies off, now Clementine will have to find Season 3 group to kill off.