Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac, PS3/4 NA Feb 3 - XBox One/360 PS3/4 EU Feb 4 - iOS Feb 5



  • Sure, I can respect that.

    Still, some people might not want to know and keep it a surprise to them.

  • I'm sure TFTB Ep.2 will be first then Lost Lords, but I think like the pilot episodes of both series they will be back to back almost.

    Crips posted: »

    Wonder if GoT 2 will be earlier than TFTB 2. I think TFTB should be first, but whatever, I'll be happy when whatever comes out ;P

  • edited December 2014

    I can't wait to see Asher Forrester and the Yunkai opening scene! :D

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  • Asher gonna be badass. Unfortunately, that means he is probably gonna die by the end of the season. I'm betting he's like the "Lee loss" of this season.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    I can't wait to see Asher Forrester and the Yunkai opening scene!

  • I think this is the hardest wait for me of any of the games. Im already so impatient waiting for Winds, now its even harder...

  • i hope that our hype for him is not a let down... and please dont kill him right now , he is , imho, the coolest character i can play in this game..
    any news about episode 2 ?

    Asher gonna be badass. Unfortunately, that means he is probably gonna die by the end of the season. I'm betting he's like the "Lee loss" of this season.

  • Well to me it seems like House Forrester as a whole is pretty screwed anyway. The Boltons and Lannisters aren't going anywhere for a while, and it's going to be even longer before there's any chance of Stannis showing up. I'm playing the rest of the episodes like a cornered dog. Just gonna do as much damage as I can on my way down.

    Asher gonna be badass. Unfortunately, that means he is probably gonna die by the end of the season. I'm betting he's like the "Lee loss" of this season.

  • Nothing really, Job tweeted a tease. My guess is late Janurary or early February.

    GCardoso posted: »

    i hope that our hype for him is not a let down... and please dont kill him right now , he is , imho, the coolest character i can play in this game.. any news about episode 2 ?

  • Was hoping next week… Unfortunately that won't happen, but i like having an open mind!

    NukemDukem posted: »

    January 27th or February 3rd 2015 is my guess

  • It really is a nice touch! I play on PS4 and was really impressed with how they actually resembled the actual actors.

    I like that they got the original actors to voice them. Makes it all the more easier to take them seriously.

  • ACE !

    SivD1 posted: »

    Sure, I can respect that.

  • ...but they get told what they are when they download the episode?

    Still, some people might not want to know and keep it a surprise to them.

  • My guess? When sales for episode 1 start to take a noticeable dip.

  • It's weird, because this wait doesn't bother me at all. Maybe I finally got used to it.

  • It bothers me when it comes to TFTB. I'm surprisingly patient when it comes to GoT.

    fallandir posted: »

    It's weird, because this wait doesn't bother me at all. Maybe I finally got used to it.

  • I'm still waiting for any news about TWAU and TWD, not like I keep smashing F5 button, but I check both sections everyday. Because we are going to get things soon... right?

    Crips posted: »

    It bothers me when it comes to TFTB. I'm surprisingly patient when it comes to GoT.

  • Well, since Telltale hasn't confirmed anything new about TWAU, I'm not even gonna bother getting my hopes up. True I can't wait for S3, but now we have those amazing two games!

    fallandir posted: »

    I'm still waiting for any news about TWAU and TWD, not like I keep smashing F5 button, but I check both sections everyday. Because we are going to get things soon... right?

  • And Minecraft, how could you forgot about Minecraft.

    Crips posted: »

    Well, since Telltale hasn't confirmed anything new about TWAU, I'm not even gonna bother getting my hopes up. True I can't wait for S3, but now we have those amazing two games!

  • Ah, yes, of course, Minecraft. GOTY of 2016

    fallandir posted: »

    And Minecraft, how could you forgot about Minecraft.

  • Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but you seem to have something against me? Every reply from you to me has a passive-agressive tone, as far as I can tell. Again, maybe just me, if I'm mistaken then I'm sorry. If I'm actually right then could you please tell me what I do to annoy you?

    Anyway, what I was talking about is that the Episode names potentially give away a lot of the Season's story. Even if not so, isn't it still better to be sure not to spoil somebody if they don't want to know?

    Flog61 posted: »

    ...but they get told what they are when they download the episode?

  • I like you as much as anyone else on the forum, don't worry :)

    We probably just happen to disagree more often because we have opposing views on some matters. That happens sometimes, it's not a personal thing.

    My point is that people HAVE to see the titles if they want to play each episode. And they have to see them before they play them. So if the titles do spoil anything, they're going to be spoiled regardless of whether we use a spoiler warning or not, hence it seems redundant to do so.

    Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but you seem to have something against me? Every reply from you to me has a passive-agressive tone, as far as

  • Good to hear it's nothing personal :)

    But what I meant is the titles are completley out of context right now. If you have not played the prior Episodes, you might get spoiled. Other way around, if you already have played the prior Episodes, you already know what has happened so far and the titles make more sense.

    Anyway, I'll just leave the spoiler tag there, it can never hurt to do so.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I like you as much as anyone else on the forum, don't worry We probably just happen to disagree more often because we have opposing view

  • I need episode 2. Christmas Day would be a nice gift to the fans....just saying

  • I'm pretty sure you're aware of that, but the game will not come out this year. And I'm 100% sure of that.

    • It has only been 3 weeks since Episode 1

    • Telltale does a Christmas break

    • There has been no trailer, nor any teasing except for one tiny tweet

    • Telltale's own estimate is 4-6 weeks, and it was right exactly twice last year: For the Season finales of TWAU and TWD

    When to expect it? I would say early to mid Febuary. That's the most realistic guess right now.

    I need episode 2. Christmas Day would be a nice gift to the fans....just saying

  • edited December 2014

    Do I have to pay for each episode?

  • If you bought the Season pass then you don't have to.

  • If you bought season pass on Xbox/Playstation/iOS, then no. If you bought on PC then all episodes are included, you just have to update the game when the episodes are released.

  • Man I remember when Job Stauffer said it will be released "too-super-soon" before The Wolf Among Us 2... and it really wasn't. I really believe they will do their best but it usually took most time to make 2nd episodes of any of their games. But it will only get better later... probably.

    the FAQ says it will be between 4-6 weeks between the episodes

  • Man, do you remember "too-super-soon"? This tweet was probably before releasing TWAU2. It's usually funny to see people go mad and claim they will never play any telltale games anymore. But they always come back :D

    They said the same for TWD S2 and TWAU. Yet, on average the Episodes for Season 2 released after 9 weeks. 11 weeks for Episode 2, 10 w

  • Don't say it please! I really prefer looking at posts like that predicting it will be on Christmas Day. I don't even want to think about February :p

    I'm pretty sure you're aware of that, but the game will not come out this year. And I'm 100% sure of that. * It has only been 3 weeks s

  • I don't really remember it, I was really new at that point

    But I remember all the people claiming they will abandon Telltale forever.

    ...lol didn't happen :P

    GF1115 posted: »

    Man, do you remember "too-super-soon"? This tweet was probably before releasing TWAU2. It's usually funny to see people go mad and claim they will never play any telltale games anymore. But they always come back

  • As long as you realize I'm right :P

    (about the Christmas thing at least)

    GF1115 posted: »

    Don't say it please! I really prefer looking at posts like that predicting it will be on Christmas Day. I don't even want to think about February

  • I think you're right about February. If we got it in January I think I would flip with excitement. Early Feb. is a good guess/realistic hope.

    As long as you realize I'm right :P (about the Christmas thing at least)

  • Episode 2 - End of January
    Episode 3 - 2 weeks before Season 5 of the TV series.
    Episode 4 - 2 weeks after the end of the Tv Series

    You hear it first here. :D

  • I'd guess mid/late January for Tales from the Borderlands.

    Niko1990 posted: »

    Episode 2 - End of January Episode 3 - 2 weeks before Season 5 of the TV series. Episode 4 - 2 weeks after the end of the Tv Series You hear it first here.

  • Just played it on my old 360, pretty good episode, the choices don't seem to change much of what's going on, there are some hiccups here and there, but I can't wait for chapter 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 :P

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Episode 2 has now been rated by the Australian Classification Board

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    And it contains sex ;)

  • Yesssss! Finally! ;D

    And also...Why GoT first? :(

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Episode 2 has now been rated by the Australian Classification Board And it contains sex

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The fact it has been rated first might not mean it will be released first as they sometimes submit a unfinished game to get the rating, i have noticed that they have uploaded GoT episode 2 onto the Steam database but they haven't done that yet with TftB so it could be a possibility that they might release GoT first.

    Crips posted: »

    Yesssss! Finally! ;D And also...Why GoT first?

  • I'd like TFTB first, but I'll be happy with both. ;P

    We'll see how life goes.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The fact it has been rated first might not mean it will be released first as they sometimes submit a unfinished game to get the rating, i ha

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