Appreciation for Kenny

I started this discussion because I am sick with all the hate thrown towards our Almighty Mustache Man.
I just wanted to share how strong of a person he is. Yes I admit, he can be an asshat MOST of the time but guess what? He turns out to be right MOST of the time too. He just can't handle his issues.

He's a flawed character. And it is why I love him. Cut him some slack. He's one of the few characters that even though he has nothing to look forward to, he carries on.

ps: i seriously think that the cure can be found on his magical and bullet-proofed tea strainer and crumb catcher A.K.A mustache


  • edited December 2014

    I think there's been a lot of these in the past and I'm not sure if this is necessary. In the end it depends on your opinion, Personally I like him but I understand why others don't and I won't argue with them about it.

  • edited December 2014

    Yeah, couldn't agree more. I just wanted to post this kind of discussion again because I just felt the need to. Thanks!

    Edit: Oh this was meant as a reply. Silly me haha

  • I like Kenny but I get why some people dont

  • edited December 2014

    I don't understand the argument of 'loving a character because he/she is flawed'.

    All the characters in the game are flawed. Thus it's clearly not the reason you like him.

    In addition, some characters are more flawed than others. Carver is more flawed than Lee, Andy st John more flawed than Doug. I don't see why we should like the characters who have more flaws specifically because they have more flaws. It's like liking a character (as a person and not as a storytelling device) for not being a nice person. Just seems a bit off.

    And thank you for 'sharing how much of a strong (really?) person he is', but people do talk about loving kenny just as much as most characters. In fact he's loved far more than most.

    Also if you want people who don't like Kenny in season 2 to take you seriously then spouting recycled jokes about his moustache being God which were prevalent years ago isn't the best way to do so.

  • edited December 2014

    My Appreciation to thy lord stache'
    (some of my other comment has i like and don't like with kenny)

    I like kenny because .... he even so try hard to protect the people that he cared, even tho it went to a disaster, and he's loyal(if you stick and agree with him all the time).. but one thing that i hate him in s1 is he's scared to face and accept the reality that his son is dying, and he even try to fight with #MyLee

  • Characters like Nate and Carver are very entertaining, but also quite repulsive as people.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't understand the argument of 'loving a character because he/she is flawed'. All the characters in the game are flawed. Thus it's cl

  • Yes - in other words, they're flawed.

    Yet the members of the KDB who like Kenny 'because he's flawed' don't seem to like Carver for the same reason, which shows plainly that saying they like him because he's flawed is either born of misinformation or a lie.

    Bokor posted: »

    Characters like Nate and Carver are very entertaining, but also quite repulsive as people.

  • edited December 2014

    I like Kenny and think he is a loyal guy, he protects those he loves and does not care what extremes he has to go to to save the people he cares about. He isn't my favourite character though since, I don't agree with some of those actions since I would prefer my Clementine kept some of her humanity.
    My only issue is with some of the fans, you know the 'Kenny is our Lord and all other Characters are sinners' type people, I know all fandoms have those 'crazy' fans though so that doesn't turn me against Kenny, just a few of his fandom mainly :P

  • Yes - in other words, they're flawed.

    That is why i like those characters. They aren't perfect, they are more like me than luke is.

    Nate is perverted, a conversationalist, charming, he has some compartmentalization issues , i can relate with.

    Carver he was smart, but violent. He would say hilarious things when upset.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yes - in other words, they're flawed. Yet the members of the KDB who like Kenny 'because he's flawed' don't seem to like Carver for the s

  • Kenny is a great character, despite all the bad things he's done, you can't honestly say no one else in the apocalypse has done worse or the same, he's become more protective of the ones he's cared about and despite his temper and rash decisions he seems like he's come back from a dark place in his ending, not everyone can control their anger and he has been trying to fix his actions from Season 1. Gotta love Kenny :)

  • Walter. Sarah. Luke.

    I tend to put more stock into actions than words, and Kenny proves that his apologies are just words when he continually fails to control his anger. The writers make him aware of this impulsiveness and make him beg Clem to leave him, but unfortunately Stockholm Syndrome/delusions that he can be redeemed allows a lot of players to believe that rejecting Wellington to leave both AJ and Clem in a far more dangerous circumstance is a "happy ending".

    You'd think that Sarita's despair at failing to 'save' Kenny following his murder of Carver would give people pause.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Kenny is a great character, despite all the bad things he's done, you can't honestly say no one else in the apocalypse has done worse or the

  • Can't disagree with you there.

    Bokor posted: »

    Walter. Sarah. Luke. I tend to put more stock into actions than words, and Kenny proves that his apologies are just words when he conti

  • Kenny is a disease. His "flaws" comes from his inability to just stop and think things through.

    Season 2 was TT desperately trying to recapture what little interesting development Kenny had in season 1 and constantly just further bastardizing him into being, as Jane put it, a "wounded warrior." He wasn't interesting or compelling. He's a Hot Topic T-shirt, he's a drama on MTV, he's a dull razor with not cut left. He's a bore.

    Kenny could've been interesting if he were never in season 2 to begin with though.

  • I like Kenny and I stayed with him all till the end of season 2. Guess he'll stay with me through season 3 too...

  • Kenny has his flaws but still I think he's one of the best TWDG characters.

  • My main problem with Kenny now is not because of his characterisation but because of his presentation in general.

    Not only Telltale is unsubtle towards how much favouritism Kenny receives due to writer's bias, his story arc in Season 2 is basically a lazy retelling of his previous story arc in Season 1. And thanks to Season 2, Kenny has been reduced to becoming a wish fulfilment character and not being a multi-layered and flawed individual as he was presented back in Season 1.

  • Did Kenny shit in your cereal too?

    Kenny is a disease. His "flaws" comes from his inability to just stop and think things through. Season 2 was TT desperately trying to rec

  • edited December 2014

    But NO characters in the game are perfect!

    Name one perfect character. Clem - no, her actions cause the deaths of Lee, Ben, Omid, Determinantly Nick etc.

    Luke - no, sleeping with Jane instead of checking perimeter.

    Lee - no, murderer.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Yes - in other words, they're flawed. That is why i like those characters. They aren't perfect, they are more like me than luke is.

  • I personally quite liked Kenny from the first Season, at least in terms of the emotional whirlwind he put me through. Constantly flitting back and forth between admiring his loyalty and losing patience with his vindictiveness and tantrums. His death was an appropriate end for a man whose guilt over letting another man's son die months ago had eaten him alive.

    Reviving him negates the power of that 'death', and actually ignores the suicidal subtext behind Kenny deliberately locking Lee out and taking his sweet time beating up zombies rather than just putting a bullet in Ben's head immediately and continuing to help Lee on his mission. Moreover, Kenny is inexplicably assumed to be the leader of the group by author fiat - Mike abruptly assumes that "Kenny would have a plan" in Episode 4 despite spending the previous episode pointing out Kenny's inability to plan and knowing full well that Kenny is both brain-damaged and grieving over his girlfriend.

    I guess I'm also just disappointed that no matter what happens, Kenny's 'redeemed' in all the endings - something I feel is unearned and antithetical to the so-called darkness of the Season. Kenny is not Lee, I don't have that kind of connection to him and neither does the Clementine I know. The closest we get to him not being redeemed is allowing Clem to summarily execute him for murdering Jane.

    It'd be more true to his character AND tragic if Kenny dies without becoming aware of his tragic flaw. If he dies screaming insults at Clem for "betraying" him rather than peacefully passing away. As it is, his conclusions feel uncomfortably cheesy.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Can't disagree with you there.

  • No, he just opened his mouth while as I was eating.

    And that's more than enough to ruin my appetite.

    Did Kenny shit in your cereal too?

  • Always been with Kenny.

    All he's ever wanted to do is protect the ones he loved and cared about, namely his family and friends.

    When he made a decision he stuck with it, it may not have always been right, but there was no hidden agenda and he only ever wanted to protect others.

    One of the best characters in the TWD universe and easily relatable.

  • Fuck yeah!

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Now, everyone. All together now! :
    Hail Kenny, full of boats. The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Ken Jr. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds, now and in the hour of our bite. Amen.

  • I'm not particularly fond of gimmick threads.

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