Which country would cope the best in a zombie apocalypse?
If a world wide zombie apocalypse occurred which country do you think would cope the best with it?
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If a world wide zombie apocalypse occurred which country do you think would cope the best with it?
Britain. I'm not being biased, ok maybe I am. But we invented so many things in the Victorian times, I'm sure we'd come up with some invention or some plan. Although, I think America would cope better because they have guns and all sorts of stuff that could kill zombies. Then again, any country with a lower population might be the best because there would be less people that could turn. However it would depend on the traits of the zombies for example, are they fast? Or slow? I'm over thinking this aren't I? :P
Any island country
It's the walking dead style zombie apocalypse.
Any civilized country could make it. By the time anyone figured out what was going on, the military would be all over that shit.
Ok. Well, that makes it easier. In that case any rural place, where the nearest neighbour isn't for miles. Also any country with a low death rate, so America or Britain. :P
Russia because it is really cold there and they got those thick coats to protect against bites :P
China. They have the most powerful military and nuclear fallout shelters.
They also have tons of people. 1 in 5 people on Earth live there. :O
Goes both ways. The population could be a problem but the higher the population, the more survivors. Plus China is very wealthy, they must have sanctuaries and hide outs
Any island country, if they can clear out all of the dead, then it'd be a lot easier to continue living there unless a giant accident happens that kills a large amount of people and they reanimate or something.
Far nosth-east of Russia, probably Republic Yakutia. It is really cold there, the population density of Yakutia is really low and most of the people there keep a gun since they hunt a lot. Since I live in Russia, I'd probably move there in case of ZA.
A country with a crap ton of snow.
In real life I doubt "Super Powers" like America or Britain would fall so easily but they do have more people that could turn, Russia is cold as others have said so that could be an advantage, China is big and has a big military but the environment sucks and many of the people are already in bad shape so in a ZA that would just make things worse. I think Iceland could be the safest place probably cause it's an island, Can be cold, and there's less people to turn but it could be hard to get more resources.
The UK.
Because Shaun of the Dead.
Love Shaun of the dead
North Korea
Any northern country like Canada, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Russia. Or any place else where it's cold and snowy.
If it were to be a ZA and half of the population already died, The Netherlands would be a good place for survivors. I mean, grocery and drug stores are everywhere and are very close to each other and neighborhoods(it's a very small country) and there are more bikes than there are people so you can always find a bike, no matter where you are at the moment and you don't need to rely on gas. The con is that guns are prohibited so if you want one you have to pillage a police station... And it always rains so you have to have a steady place where you can always come backh to when it's too rainy outside. The 'cover yourself with zombie guts so you can travel without being noticed' thing won't work most of the times because of the enviroment.
Here's the disadvantages and advantages of the 'powerhouses' of each continent.
Russia - Pros - Cold slows walkers, plenty of animals to hunt, Russian military equipment, vast open spaces, easy to spot walkers, mountains prevents herds forming east of the Ural Mountains small population for size [150 million at 6,601,668 sq miles (17,098,242 sq km)], first world medicine centers, first world vehicles, and lots of locations for fuel.
Russia - Cons - Cold weather, hard to farm successfully, population spread out making it hard for survivors to group, dangerous wildlife, lack of easily available guns, treacherous terrain, lack of warm water ports (most Russian ports can get ice), and nuclear power planet meltdown possible.
China - Pros - Temperate climate, farming spaces, impressive array of military equipment, many harbors, ability to catch more sea fish, mountains separate where most herds form on eastern coast, lots of vehicles, more chances to find survivors, first world medicine and many places to loot.
China - Cons - Huge population (1.36 billion) in a smaller country space [3,747,879 sq miles (9,706,961 sq km)], communist government, lack of civilian guns, not much wildlife to hunt, cold winters in some places, jungles, poor living conditions, deserts, pollution mountains almost impossible to cross without special equipment, nuclear power plants in populated areas, and different dialects of Chinese make communication difficult.
America - Pros - Farming land, many ports, ability to catch fish, natural barriers block both major coasts (Mountains block Eastern and Western seaboards), large amount of readily available guns and ammo, powerful military, many animals to hunt, cold can slow walkers, different climates in different areas, established safe zonesfirst world medicine, horses, many different varieties of specialized doctors, many vehicles, lots of fueling locations, organized government, CDC and highest chance of having cure, and population (320,064,285) spread out over 3,794,100 sq miles (9,826,675 sq km), islands and many peninsulas.
America - Cons - Population size makes city travel dangerous, language barrier between English and other minor languages, lack of exercise of population, harsh winters in some locales, prejudice between population, reliance on technology, many criminals and gangs in pre-ZA that will continue to be in ZA, hostile weather (Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Blizzards), availability of alcohol, drugs, and other dangerous materials, nuclear power plants, possible drastic measures taken by US government, reliance on police and armed forces, as well as fast communication, and deserts.
I'm not going to do anymore, but most of Europe will have a shared combination of the 'Big 3' here. I personally think the safest of these in America, just because of the guns, but Russia is pretty sound. China...not so much.
Islands, prisons, military bases, oil rigs are all very safe, but have drawbacks, such as island's isolation, which makes it hard to get materials not able to be produced in the isle, prison's prisoners, military bases' attractiveness, and oil rigs' technology.
Let's be real people. Even if there would be a walker virus, it starts somewhere. And if other continents get the message that there's a virus that will make society collapse on one continent, the borders would close immidiately and the infected continent would get no help AT ALL.
That's also my theory about TWD. Maybe the U.S. is the only infected country and other countries are too scared to help them out or do something about it and go on with their lives...
Well, the comics show a boat, meaning they are probably leaving the U.S.
Also, in the TV show, Dr. Edward Jenner (CDC guy), mentions it's been 63 days since it went global.
They have the most powerful military ? News to me.
Oh lol, my theory is officially invalid.
Iceland cause its an island country and cold.
Not where I live, Ireland
Safest place? It would be on the sea on a boat where no one can get to you. Supplies are limited you say? That's true, but you can always fish + if the boat is big enough have hundreds of buckets for when it rains so that you have drinkable water. I think it's possible to survive like that and you can travel anywhere you want if it comes down to it.
Other than that plan I'd probably hold up in last story building where I have clear access to the roof (where, again, I can get buckets out to get clean water as seen in 27 days later.) and for food I'd go scavenge when I can out there.
Fuel for the boat?
Canada perhaps? It's cold, full of forests were you could hide out from Walkers and people, and at the same time it's got a large population so there's plenty of areas you can go to if you need supplies. I also thought that some small island in the Caribbean would be good- with enough people you could probably clear the place out (of course it would have to be one of the smallest islands, not someone like Cuba or the Dominican Republic) and then you've practically got a whole new country to rebuild humanity with. And, of course, Walkers couldn't get across the water to you.
Having said that, were I live now (Wales, though I'm not Welsh) is actually pretty good- a lot of is secluded, you can farm livestock to live on, and most farmers have guns so you could probably assemble a decently armed group.
Better idea than a boat- find an Oil Rig and make it your base- there wont be many Walkers to kill off, its secluded, its large, already provides shelter and would be easy to defend (if you ever had to). That said, over time without proper maintenance it would begin to rust and fall apart, so it could only be your home for about 10-15 years before you had to move.
True, but the Volcanoes are still a pretty big threat.
On your con about the Russian population- Siberia isn't exactly very populated, so that place would be good. Downside would be that the temperatures there make it impossible to grow food and almost impossible to live there.
And I like the way you put "corrupt government" for Russia and not for America Every government is corrupt, unfortunately
Costa Rica
Wait I kept that in? I was joking typing with myself and must have forget. Lol.
Canada does not have a very large population. The state of California has more people than Canada, and it is smaller at the same time. Canada's population is wide spread throughout its size. But other then that, pretty solid.