My metallity going foward into Season 3.
This thread is an assumption that TellTale will continue Clementine's story onward into season 3 and is where I stand with her character for future installments if they choose to move forward with her as the protagonist. This post may upset some of the more idealistic members, but remember this post is purely a subjective view on Clementine's character for the future.
The ending I had gotten was the "Alone" ending BTW.
My opinion is survival over virtue, living over dying. Now, a while back I had made a post exclaiming that if it'd come down to it, I'd use A.J. as a distraction to cover an escape for a potential life-threatening. Needless to say, it had gotten quite a negative feedback from many users, so let me clarify.
Although I am now under the assumption (as Clementine) the world is a bleak unsalvageable place wrought with evil. Clementine is not completely immoral and ill-intended. Clementine would provide and protect A.J. as much as she has the strength to. Meaning, if she had a can of food, she doesn't see why the little rug rat can't have some. But A.J. better be damn well ready to face some neglect. If Clementine is asleep and A.J. starts kicking up a fuss, I as Clementine wouldn't stick around for too long before walking a ways down to catch some sleep, leaving the brat to himself and coming back in the morning to continue a new day.
The whole "use A.J. as a distraction to cover an escape" is for emergencies only. If Clem is completely surrounded by walkers on all sides with little in the way of defenses and A.J. starts acting up. Sorry, A.J. you volunteer yourself to save her life. Of course this means that I wouldn't want to get too attached to him, do what I need for him and nothing more until he's old enough to start learning to defend himself. Not exactly a loving surrogate so many users seem to want Clementine to become.
Nobody said survival had to be easy, but as Clementine, nothing comes before living.
Clementine's trust is nil. Being apart of a world where people will take advantage of even a young girl without even a second thought, Clementine has built up quite a thick wall with no doors in sight. The last thing she wants is for a seemingly kind person to slash Clem's throat at night and rob her because she chose to accept them into her circle. If people want her trust, they'll have to work damn hard to gain it, simple as that.
Clementine is extremely against weaknesses and will not tolerate anyone that can't hold themselves up. This does not mean Clem will take advantage of people or lie in order to fuck them over. One thing my Clementine is not is a liar. If someone is feeble, then my Clem won't be afraid to tell them to nut up or get left to the slaughter. And if people don't have the strength to do something that is necessary to survival, Clementine will do it and then leave that person behind. No reason someone should be kept around if they can't do anything to aid in Clem's survival.
Lethal Force
Clementine will not hesitate to kill someone that proves to be a threat to her, she's seen people killed for far less and will not leave the earth dying because she didn't choose to shoot the crazy bastard that had a gun pointed at her. That shit almost got her killed last time and it won't happen again. People draw their weapon, she'll draw hers too and fire.
Doesn't matter if it's a kid, an old man, a pregnant lady, or a drugged up psychopath. Someone threatens her life, she'll make sure that person never has a cause to harm her or anyone else again.
(Final Thoughts)
Well, there you have it. Feel free to leave how you want Clementine to grow up. Do you make her assertive in establishing her dominance or have her more caring and understanding towards others? Do you have her cold and distant to protect herself or take a chance and have her warm and compassionate? Somewhere in the middle?
Because of the embarrassing S2 game I'm probably not going to play S3, but for me I'd like Clem to still be friendly and lovable, you don't have to be super rough with people in order to survive, there's not much time IMO for anybody to "work hard" to gain anybody's trust in the apocalypse.
If you don't mind, I would like to give my view as well (note that I respect your view, I'm just offering my opinion):
I agree that Clementine should be focused on survival, no matter what ending you got, and should focus on keeping herself alive, but I cannot agree with leaving AJ behind, even in the worst case. Hopefully, Clementine is smart enough to not let herself get into a situation like that, but if it ever does, I'm not sure if I could handle killing an innocent child just to safe myself. I'm not absolutely saying I would die with him since I'm not in that position, maaybe in the heat of the moment I would, but I would have a hard time dealing with something like that, knowin a child's life is on my conscience. I want to do whatever I can to keep AJ alive and protect him at all costs.
With all the people in her life that have harmed, betrayed, and almost killed Clementine, it's understandable why you would be distrustful off others. But my Clementine cannot just go the rest of her life without trusting people, you need people to help you survive. While it would be nice to be a lone wolf (which is why I have a save slot where I'm alone), I can't have my Clem not trusting anyone. There are still good people in this world, you just have to be smart about who those people are.
I agree, weakness cannot be tolerated, but that doesn't mean that Cleementine can't teach those who are weak to be stronger. One of the things I was hoping for was that. by saving Sarah, we could teach her how to be strong. My point being is that we can't abandon other people just because they aren't as strong as us. We are all in the same predicament and we need to help each other to stay alive. But we do have to tell peole if they are weak and that they need to be stronger.
Lethal Force
Completely agree, I don't even have an argument for this, I support this notion. If someone is a threat, I will kill them. Anyone who betrays me, I will kill them. If someone kills someone in my group, I will kill them. I love this quote from Rick in the show, "These people are my family, and if you do anything to hurt them, I will kill you."
Being rough is simply insurance to protect yourself from being hurt by others. Now, of course, being a bully is something I don't want for my Clementine. But being a bit forceful to establish a little dominance won't hurt. "I'm in charge here, don't fuck with me or I'll kill you" type of dominant exerting. "You're cool, then I'm cool."
Simple as that.
I hope Clem just stays who she is (atleast in my game)
I try to be as nice as possible to everyone when I play
We need to stay Human or we become no better than the walkers or Crawford.
We need to trust people or we will never get help.
We need to have friends and family we can help and that helps us.
I want a large group that can survive longer.
For me it's all about staying human. I try to save people whenever possible. The world is messed up, but I don't want Clementine to become like Jane or Kenny, cold and ruthless. That doesn't mean she can't make tough decisions though. If a threat needs to be dealt with, it will be, even if it leads to deadly force. It's a lot like what Metallica rules said. If you mess with someone close to me, chances are you'll be dead. One thing is for certain though, if you touch even one hair on Clem's head, you will be fucking killed. If Arvo ever shows is ugly face I'm going to make it even uglier.
I was against Kenny beating him the first time, but next time I see that scumbag Clem will have Kenny/Jane (which ever save I decide to go with) hold him down while she stomps his face in.
Just to add to your last point, and I'm paraphrasing this. Luke asks Clem what is the one thing everyone wants in the apocalypse, and the answer is family.
You're right, I forgot about that, good point.