Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I don't have skype.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Hey, Guilty. You should come and hang out in the Skype lounge! Most of the "original FOTD memebers" are there. Add me on Skype to I could invite you. Skype: TDMshadowCP

  • It's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    I don't have skype.

  • don't want it anywaaaaay. xD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    It's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Oh, Alright. Sorry for bothering you, but if you ever change your mind, you're always welcome.

    don't want it anywaaaaay. xD

  • Looking at all these drawings brings back memories..

    Alt text

    Fun fact: Originally, FOTD was going to be a comic, but that would have taken way too long to finish. But...with the help of @JonGon I gave

  • Good times...good times...

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Looking at all these drawings brings back memories..

  • Season 2 like

    Alt text

  • True story.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Season 2 like

  • XD true, true, all too true.

    Blue! It's been forever!

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    True story.

  • Alt text

    ComingSoon posted: »

    XD true, true, all too true. Blue! It's been forever!

  • Pretty good.


    ComingSoon posted: »

    How've you been?

  • We'll see.

    Kewler then yours. (Sorry. I only speak truth it's a blessing and a curse)

  • Kewler then yours.

    (Sorry. :( I only speak truth it's a blessing and a curse)

    zachiscool3 posted: »

    kewl story

  • pfff damn right.

    Getcho ass outta here boi

    zachiscool3 posted: »

    kewl story

  • edited February 2015

    Fixing something...

    Please don't reply just yet.

  • .

    Fixing something... Please don't reply just yet.

  • edited February 2015

    FOTD Valentine’s Day Bonus Part


    "Alright, you two, we’re here.” Puncake said as we drove into the old abandoned town. Sheep was still recovering from his injuries and Azlyn was a bit traumatized to even go out on supply runs, Password was dead and some of the other members had to stay back to watch over Angel’s Paradise. I decided to go with Puncake and I took my younger sister DLB with us because I didn’t want Puncake to go alone after what happened with those cannibals. DLB had been on supply runs before so she knew what she was doing, although I knew it was kind of risky coming out here, we needed some more supplies and food for our community…

    Puncake slowly drove Jon’s pickup truck deeper into the town and then parked it near an empty parking lot of an old fast food restaurant. We got out of the truck and looked around, there were still a few roamers nearby. “What do you think of the new girls? Scarlet and Juicy?” DLB asked me.

    I kept my attention on the roamers. “Hard to tell yet, but they seem okay so far. They’re at least helping a bit… That Scarlet woman is kind of an introvert, I want to talk to her later and find out more about her. Juicy is nice, she talks to everyone and is getting along with the community.” I answered.

    Puncake grabbed his rifle and then walked up to us. “I agree, they seem okay, but we’ll keep our eyes on ‘em if anything,” He told us and then turned around to look at the roamers. “Y’all ready?”

    “As ready as we’ll ever be…” DLB replied while taking out her 9mm handgun.

    I did the same and waited for Puncake to take the lead. “Alright, we have to be as quiet as possible…we’ll sneak around these fuckers and then head into some of these stores to start taking whatever supplies or food we find.” He told us.

    “I’ve been in this town before...once with Pro, Jon, Jewf, Password and Shadow. Back when we were fixing up the mansion, I remember a bar out on the boulevard over there, and across from it was a pharmacy and next to that a tool shop and a small convenience store.”

    Puncake raised his eyebrows. “Sounds like some good spots to try and find something, this place was usually filled with roamers all over the place when I tried to come here with a few of the other members...but now it seems like the perfect opportunity to try and gather as much stuff and things as we can.”

    “This town sort of reminds me of the one I was stuck in when I saw CSB and Kunny outside while I was hiding in our dad’s toy shop…” DLB said out loud.

    I turned around to look at her. “I...remember that shop...we had some good times playing with some of the toys there when we were little kids. I remember how our dad used to take us there after school and we would spend the rest of the day playing with the dolls and having tea parties while watching Disney movies…” I told her and then frowned.

    “Yeah… I miss that so much…” DLB said and then put her head down.

    Puncake spoke up. “Alright, girls. Y’all can talk about that after we finish gathering what we need, sun will be down soon, so we gotta hurry.” He said to us.

    “Right, sorry, let’s get going.” I replied. Puncake started moving forward and we lagged behind him. We moved toward an old car and then ducked behind it, he peeked out and then moved to the other side of the street. Puncake made sure it was clear before telling us to move forward, we reached him and then we quietly made our way down the sidewalk until we reached the old bar. I started hearing an acoustic guitar playing, it sounded like the one that Jewf played for me when we came here for the first time. “Do you guys hear that?” I asked them.

    “Huh? Hear what?” DLB asked with a confused look on her face.

    Suddenly the guitar stopped playing. “Um...nevermind, must be my imagination…”

    “Keep a look out just in case.” Puncake told us. We kept moving forward and then stopped when we got close to the bar. “Where do you want to check first, ATR?”

    I started remembering the first time I came here with the others, thoughts of Jewf were running through my head, I never stopped thinking about him ever since he died… I saw him everywhere I went, I saw him in my dreams, I just couldn’t get him out of my head. “Hey, ATR.” All of a sudden I heard Jewf’s voice out of nowhere.

    “What?!” I was shocked, I turned to look at the window display of the old bar and saw Jewf standing inside of the bar while smiling at me.

    “Hey, ATR… I missed you…” He said to me.

    I was puzzled. “How are…? I thought you were dead?”

    “I may be dead, but I’m still alive in your heart...that’s the only thing that matters, right?” He said to me and then started walking backwards.

    I started choking up. “Wait! Where are you going?! Jewf! Jewf wait!”

    “ATR...ATR...ATR…” Jewf kept repeating my name while continuing to move back.

    “Jewf!” I called out to him while tears started running down my face. “No!” I ran to the front of the bar and started banging my hand on the window display, crying out to him, begging him to stay, but he just kept repeating my name over and over while moving back.

    “ATR!” I felt someone grab me and they turned me around, it was Puncake staring back at me, looking lost. “What the hell are you doing?! We were calling your name, you were making a bunch of noise, I think the walkers might have heard you. We need to go inside this bar before they see us, c’mon!” He told me and then grabbed me by the arm and took me inside the bar with DLB behind us. “Shit! Take care of her, DLB. I’ll keep a look out while y’all gather some supplies, make sure she’s okay, too.” He told my sister.

    “Come on, ATR, this way!” She said while leading me down an aisle, one that I vaguely remembered. We stopped about halfway and then I sat down. “Holy shit! What was that?! What were you doing?! You kept mentioning Jewf, what’s going on?!”

    “I saw him, DLB, I saw him…” I replied.

    DLB gave me a look of uncertainty. “What…? Jewf’s dead, ATR...he died, remember?” She said in low voice.

    I opened my mouth and slowly started looking down at the floor. I gulped and tried to choke my tears back, it was useless though, they reigned victorious as they fastly flowed down my face. I let out a huge sigh and then looked up at DLB. “This bar is where Jewf first played the guitar for me… Ever since he died, I haven’t stopped thinking about him. I see him everywhere, DLB... I know he’s gone but I'm haunting myself because I don’t want to believe that he’s actually dead.”

    DLB frowned. “ATR…it’s been so long...I thought you said that you had finally accepted that he was gone…” She told me.

    I looked down and shook my head. “No… I lied about that...truth is, I never got over it. I just...I couldn’t,” I looked back up at her. “Do you know what it’s like losing someone forever with no chance of them ever coming back? No second chances or anything like that...just someone you love being gone forever, it fucking hurts, DLB, it hurts so fucking much and there’s nothing I can do to ever bring him back...he’s gone forever.”

    DLB looked down. “I may not have been in love, but when CSB died, I felt really distraught...I actually wanted to get to know him better, we talked a few times and he seemed nice and caring, he was able to make me laugh and smile and I was just...happy. I know what you mean, sis, and I may not be as hurt or as broken hearted as you, but I also miss CSB from time to time like how you miss Jewf…”

    “It sucks, sis...I know me and Jewf weren’t dating that long, but with him, it just felt so right. I was able to tell him anything and he didn’t judge me, he told me some of his secrets as well and till this day I’ve kept them to myself,” I started to wipe my tears away. “He was better than any of those other jerks I dated before...and just my dumb luck that I would be in a relationship with someone like him during a zombie apocalypse… It isn’t fair…” I told DLB.

    DLB stood up and wiped her tears away as well. “I wish I got to know him better, I wanted to know why that guy was the reason why you were so happy all the time...but I never really got that chance. But I do know that he would want you to keep on going, to survive and to move on, to be happy and to pull yourself together whenever you’re struggling. I’m going to make sure I’m there to help you as well, you’re my family, the only person I have left and I’m going to make damn sure that nothing bad ever happens to you, ATR.” DLB told me.

    I looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you, sis…” I sighed and started to get up. I looked over at the countertop. “I wonder…” I started moving toward it.

    “Where are you going?” DLB asked.

    “I need to check something out.” I replied.

    “Okay, but I’m coming with you,” I heard her say while I kept walking. “Puncake, we’ll be looking around the bar.”

    “Gotcha! It’s still clear out here, be careful, you two. This bar is pretty big, it’s even got some small aisles and I see some bullet holes in here...” I heard Puncake tell us.

    I finally reached the countertop and moved around to the back of it. “Holy shit…” I said when I spotted the old acoustic guitar that Jewf had left behind when we escaped those bandits that tried attacking us long ago. “It’s still here? Wow…” The guitar was full of dust, but all the strings were still attached, nothing had happened to it after all this time. I walked over to it and blew some of the dust off, I picked it up and tested it. “Still sounds like it’s brand new.” I said to myself with a smile on my face.

    “Whoa, cool guitar.” DLB said when she reached me.

    “This was the guitar Jewf used.” I said while retaining my smile.

    “Really? I didn’t know he played guitar.” DLB said while giggling a bit. “Can’t believe it’s still here.”

    “I know… We were attacked by bandits that day, that’s why the bullet holes are here, and some of the shelves are knocked down with broken glass on the floor. But it was amazing how he played the guitar for me…” I told her.

    “I remember that day, you told me about it, but you never mentioned Jewf playing the guitar for you...” DLB said.

    “Remember when we were by his grave and I told you about the first time he kissed me after I couldn’t reach the can of soup and he held it above my head? That was across the street at that convenience store… But this happened right after that. We were still sort of keeping it a secret that we were together, he asked me after saving my life from Richmond...but I’m sure it was obvious to you guys anyway… I remember it like it was yesterday…”


    Pro kicked the bar’s door open and then went in with his M1911 in hand, Jon quickly moved in behind him and aimed his shotgun around. They looked around for a bit and then came back to us. “It’s clear, you guys can come on in.” Pro told us.

    “Oh boy, look at all of this alcohol!” Password said out loud.

    “We can use it to make molotov’s, and whisky is a blood thickener, could be useful.” Jon told us.

    “This bar is nice, it’s got two small aisles and a pool table over there.” I said while pointing it out.

    “Let’s look around for whatever we can find. We need wood for the mansion, those shelves over there would be perfect and they look detachable. We can cut them into pieces and take as much as we can.” Pro told us.

    “I’ll do it.” Shadow said out loud.

    “All right, then. Me and Jon will keep looking around this bar, the rest of you look for supplies in the mean time, take some of the alcohol as well, it’s flammable so it’ll be useful like Jon said.” Pro said.

    “Sounds good, I’ll uh...look for some supplies with ATR.” I replied.

    “I’ll keep a look out just in case.” Password told us.

    “Sounds good, yell if you guys need anything.” Jon told us.

    Everyone went off to do what they were going to do, Password looked out the window display for any walkers that might be nearby, Shadow stayed in the beginning of one of the aisles taking off some of the whiskey and alcohol bottles off and getting ready to take the shelves off as well. I went to the final aisle with ATR behind me. “So...wasn’t that a little too obvious?” She asked.

    “What was?” I asked while walking and looking around.

    “You said you’d look for supplies with me, kind of reminds me of Scooby Doo where the gang would split up and Fred would always go with Daphne. You said you didn’t want the others knowing about us...not yet at least.” ATR replied.

    I stopped walking and then turned around to look at her. “Well uh, I don’t know…isn’t this what you wanted though?” I asked her.

    “Yeah, I do. I didn’t say it was a bad thing, just kind of obvious, don’t you think?” She asked bewilderedly.

    I raised my brows and then looked down. “Well, I don’t want to keep it a secret forever, I just don’t want them thinking that you’re going out with some asshole.”

    “You’re not an asshole, Jewf. And this isn’t high school, the group won’t even care about it, you’re thinking too much.” She replied.

    I looked up at her. “I am an asshole, ATR. I left eking to die! It was all my fault!”

    “Shh!” ATR looked around, and then back at me. “You have to let that go, Jewf. You said you felt horrible about it afterwards, we all make mistakes and that’s what makes us human. You’re just going to have to let that go…” She said with an unhappy look.

    I sighed. “I know, I’s just difficult when I keep having these goddamn nightmares about him all the time. I want to tell the group, I want to remedy this, but you said it might not be such a good idea…I’m still grateful that you haven’t told anybody though, I really appreciate it.”

    “Of course, you can trust me, Jewf. And I know it isn’t easy, but give it time, hell it’s the end of the world, you have all the time you need.” ATR told me with a smile.

    I chuckled a bit. “Yeah, and hopefully you’d still want to be with an asshole like me when all of this is over. And I think you’re right about everyone knowing about us already, I guess it’s no use keeping it a secret, we’ll just be less subtle, and I could die tonight for all we know. I don’t want them to wonder why you would cry so much for me.”

    ATR closed her eyes and put her head down. “Don’t...don’t say that. Just thinking about that makes me sad…” She said while walking up to me. She stopped and then looked at me, I saw a single tear going down her cheek. Suddenly she hugged me tightly and placed her head on my chest. “Promise me that you’ll never leave me alone in this godforsaken world.”

    “Whoa...I was only kidding… I didn’t think you actually cared this much…” I said to her while hugging her back.

    “I’m just really scared of losing you…” She said.

    “I’m just a fool, ATR. You can do better, I know that if I’m gone, that you’ll be with someone that will treat you good. Not me, I don’t deserve you...but for now, you’re with me, so I’m happy. I’ll try my best not to fuck up, and I promise I won’t ever leave you here alone, not ever. I’ll always look after you.” I told her.

    ATR moved her head back to look into my eyes. “That’s not true, I don’t want anyone else. You’re the one for me and that’s it.” She said with a smile. “And thank you…”

    I smiled back at her. “Okay then… and of course.”

    She let go and still kept her smile, suddenly she surprised me with a soft kiss. “That’s for before.”

    She was talking about my surprise kiss on her after getting the can of soup for her back at the convenience store a bit earlier. “Well that was sweet.” I said and then started smiling.

    “Expect more of those,” ATR said with a smile of her own. “We should start looking for supplies by the way.”

    “Oh shit! I almost forgot.” I said while scratching the back of my head.

    “Yeah! What are you doing just standing there?!” ATR said jokingly.

    “I’m doing stuff, ATR...things,” I replied. “Anyways, we shouldn’t waste anymore time, let’s start looking for what we need.”

    ATR was giggling a bit. “Okay, Jewf. I’ll be here if you need me.”

    “Alright, I’ll start looking around, maybe I’ll find another Shrek DVD for you.” I said sarcastically.

    ATR laughed. “I hope so! It’s one of my favorite movies!”

    I laughed and then started searching the shelves. They were full of all sorts of different types of booze and whiskey bottles. I reached for a bottle of whiskey and then started opening it, once it was opened I could smell how strong it was.“Gah dayum!” I said to myself. I heard ATR humming that same song that she always hums. I walked up to her. “What is that?”

    “What is what?” She replied.

    “That song you’re always humming or singing.”

    “Oh! It’s called ‘Part of Your World’ from The Little Mermaid.” She said and then smiled.

    I raised one brow. “Is that where it’s from? I only saw the that movie like once, barely remember it.”

    “Yes, it’s the song I used to listen and sing along to whenever I was feeling kept me from breaking down.” She explained.

    “I’ve heard you sing it a few times before, I was curious as to why you always did, but I never bothered to ask. You only sing it when you’re sad, huh? Does that mean you’re always feeling down?” I asked.

    She put her head down. “How can you not be sad all the time now? This world has gone to shit, and I don’t even know if my friends and family are still alive...I assume they’re all gone by now, but maybe there’s still a very slim chance that they could still be out there surviving like us...I don’t know,” She looked up and noticed the bottle of whiskey in my hand. “What are you doing with that? Why is it open?” She asked.

    “Life is always hard for little ol’ ATR, huh? Don’t worry though, things have to get better eventually…” I told her. I raised the bottle of whiskey. “Oh this? I was just going to take a sip. My old man used to drink this stuff, he gave me a sip of it once when I was a bit younger. It was his birthday and we were all having a good time, I didn’t want to be a party pooper so I took a sip of whiskey for him and he was smiling from ear to ear. My momma was pissed but I was happy to make his day.” I told her and then took a sip of the whiskey. “Damn that’s some strong stuff.” I sighed. “Here’s to you, pop...hope you’re still alive out there somewhere…” I looked at ATR. “Want a sip? It’s pretty strong though.”

    “Uh...well, just a sip, and just this once.” She replied. I handed her the bottle of whiskey and she took a sip of it. “Yuck! That’s disgusting! Can’t believe I did that.”

    I started laughing. “I told you,” She handed the bottle back and I put it away in my backpack. “Let’s see what else we can find.” I told her with a smile. We started walking out of the aisle and I turned to see Shadow trying to remove some of the shelf boards, I saw that he had already placed a few of the alcohol bottles on the floor. I saw Password guarding the entrance, and I turned to see Jon by the pool table while Pro was walking around. Me and ATR reached the bar countertop and I went around it to see if there was anything. “Whoa, look at that!” I spotted an old acoustic guitar on the floor with a cool owl design on it.

    “A guitar? Cool!” I heard ATR behind me.

    I turned and smiled at her. “I should play something for you.”

    “What? You know how to?! That would be amazing!” ATR was ecstatic.

    “Well, a little bit…” I went over to pick up the acoustic guitar. I saw a bar stool and grabbed it for ATR to sit on. “Here, take a seat and I’ll play something for you.”

    “I’m so excited!” She rushed over to sit down and then patiently waited for me to start.

    “Okay well, like I said before, I’m not that good but bear with me,” I told her. “I’m doing this from memory, so I’ll try my best…” She had a huge smile on her face as I started to play the guitar...

  • edited February 2015

    ...“I can’t stop smiling!” ATR said as I continued to play. “You’re playing Part of Your World! Oh my God!” I smiled back at her and we stared into each other’s eyes while I finished playing.

    “Well there you go, I tried my best to play it, but the best you can hope for is hardly the best anyway, right? To be honest, I was nervous as all hell trying to play it.” I said to her while putting the guitar down.

    “What?! Are you kidding?! That was great! I loved it!” ATR said and then got up to hug me. “That was awesome! Thank you so much!”

    I chuckled. “Well thanks, I tried, and any time, ATR.” We stared at each other and we slowly went for a kiss...

    KSHH! “Shit!” We were interrupted by a loud noise, I turned around and saw Shadow on the floor with a bunch of broken alcohol bottles everywhere and one of the shelves broken.

    Password turned around and saw him as well. “Oh for fuck’s sake, you shitbird! Look at what you’ve done!”

    “Fuck! I couldn’t reach the last bottle so I stood up on the shelves and accidently knocked the whole thing down.” Shadow explained.

    “You’re a bloody idiot, why would you do that?” Password asked while shaking his head. “You should listen to me more often and take my advice on things, you should have known that was a bad idea.”

    “I’d take you more seriously if you weren’t wearing a fedora. Just help me with this mess, I need to get the broken glass off of these shelves.” Shadow replied to him.

    “Are you okay, Shadow?” Pro asked from across the bar.

    “He’s fine, just knocked a bunch of crap down, I’ll help him, don’t worry.” Password told him.

    “Wow, nice one...maybe we should help as well.” ATR told me.

    “Yeah, why not?” I chuckled. “Damn… Password seems pissed.”

    “He’s always giving Shadow a hard time. Let’s get over there before he goes crazy or something.”

    I was still laughing a bit. “Right behind you,” We headed over and once we reached them we started helping by carefully removing some of the broken glass. “What a mess…”

    “Sorry, guys, and thanks by the way.” Shadow told us.

    “Only a shitbird like you would fuck up such a simple task.” Password told him.

    “Shut up, it’s over. Just keep your mouth shut and help me out.” Shadow replied.

    “Both of you need to be quiet. Stop blaming him, Password, it was an accident. Give him a break.” ATR told him.

    “But he’s an idiot, he always fucks up!” Password told her.

    “You need to calm down. It doesn’t matter, we’re all survivors and we need to stick together and help each other out. Bashing on someone won’t help, at least help him by teaching him a few things, he’s still learning.” ATR replied.

    “Thanks, ATR.” Shadow told her.

    Password sighed. “Fine, whatever… I’ll try to teach you a few things if you’re willing to learn, Shadow…”

    “Yeah, I am. As long as you’re not yelling at me the whole time.” Shadow replied.

    “No promises.” Password chuckled. “But I’ll try my best.”

    “Good job.” I told ATR and we smiled at each other…


    I was by the pool table listening in on what ATR was saying to Password. Pro walked up next to me. “Did you get all that?” I asked.

    “Yeah, she’d make a good leader, as long as the others respect her enough. She’s smart and knows how to keep a level head. I haven’t seen her breakdown as much as the others, too.” Pro chuckled. “Must be because of Jewf.”

    I chuckled a bit as well. “True, they think no one notices, but it’s obvious that those two are an item. I think we found the right person to take over things if anything happens to us.”

    “I think so too, there’s plenty of other people that could do the job, but when it comes down to it, I think she’ll be able to handle it.” Pro told me.

    “Then it’s settled, we’ll start writing the letter today when we get back to the mansion.” I replied. “By the way, I noticed that black door behind you, wonder what’s inside…”

    Pro turned around to see. “Yeah, I was looking at it earlier. It’s locked though, we could just kick it open, but I could also pick the lock if I had two hairpins.” He turned around. “Hmm, hey, ATR!”

    She walked out of the aisle. “Yes?”

    “There’s a locked door over there, was wondering if you had two hairpins on you so I could unlock it.” Pro told her.

    She started walking toward us. “Actually, I do.” ATR reached for her pocket and took them out. “Here you go.” She said with a smile.

    “Excellent! You won’t be needing these after, right?” Pro asked her.

    “Nope! You can have them.” She replied.

    “Okay then, let’s go see what’s behind that door.” Pro told us.

    “Hey, Password, we’re going to go check what’s behind this door over here. Keep a look out, will ya?” I told him. I saw Jewf coming out of the aisle.

    “All right, I’ll be here with Shadow.” Password replied.

    “That black door over there?” Jewf asked.

    “Yep, coming with?” I asked him.

    “Sure.” Jewf said and then took out his shotgun.

    I turned and saw Pro already picking the lock while ATR stood behind him. Me and Jewf made our way over and then Pro stood up and got ready to open the door. He looked at all of us and then nodded. He placed his hand on the door knob and then slowly started turning it. “Get ready…” He told us. He opened the door and we all aimed our guns. “Oh shit…”

    “Gah dayum!” An immense stench lingered inside. “Fuck!” We spotted a rotting corpse, and some security monitors.

    “The security room…” Pro said. He walked in and we followed behind him. He examined the corpse. “He shot himself in the head,” Pro took the gun out of the dead man’s hand and checked it. “Still loaded.”

    “Damn...wonder why he just ended it…” Jewf said.

    “Probably saw what was going on in those security monitors and just...didn’t even bother trying to survive,” I told them. “Too bad those monitors don’t work anymore.”

    ATR sighed. “This world has gone to shit…”

    “Sure has, nothing we can do about it though.” Jewf told her.

    “There’s nothing else in here...we should head back out and get ready to leave soon.” Pro told us.

    “Yeah--” Before I could finish my sentence, we heard Password yelling.

    “Oh shit! Get off of me!”

    “Password!” Shadow yelled.

    “What the fuck?! I see someone holding Password hostage!” Jewf told us.

    “Tobi and his men? Did they find us?!” ATR asked.

    “Doesn’t seem like it’s them, that guy is dressed like he’s been struggling to survive. Motherfuckers!” Jewf replied.

    “Alright, calm down. Jewf and ATR, head out the back door and wait for us by the SUV. Me and Jon will take care of this.” Pro told them.

    “But I want to help.” Jewf replied.

    “You have to keep ATR safe, get her out of here while there’s still a chance. Who knows how things could go in here, better safe than sorry.” Pro told him.

    Jewf looked at ATR. “Shit… Alright, I’ll get her out of here.”

    “Okay, go right now while they’re distracted. But be careful, there could be more of them in the back.” Pro told them.

    Jewf and ATR nodded and then they started sneaking away. “I’ll go to the back of the aisle and distract them.” I told Pro.

    “I’ll try to sneak up behind them,” Pro handed me one of his silenced M1911’s. “Take this too, don’t want to accidently shoot Password or Shadow with that shotgun.”

    I took the M1911 and then looked out of the security room. “Okay… Let’s do this…”


    Jon walked out of the security room and hurriedly made his way over to the back of the first aisle. I could hear the men laughing. “You better put that gun down, kid! If you don’t want to see your friend’s brain splattered everywhere!” I looked around the security room and spotted a telephone, I quickly yanked the cord out and then cut it down to a decent sized length. I crouched down and then made my way over to the pool table. I spotted a guy holding Password hostage with a gun to his head while another man aimed his gun toward the aisle. I couldn’t see Shadow from here, but it was obvious that he was aiming his gun at him. “Put the fucking gun down!”

    “Let him go!” I heard Shadow say.

    I spotted Jon in position, I gave him the signal to start distracting them and he nodded his head. Jon hid the M1911 in the small of his back and then went into the aisle with his hands up, I couldn’t see him anymore. “You can let them both go now.” I heard him say.

    “Who the fuck are you?! Stay back, motherfucker!” One of the guy’s yelled.

    I took the opportunity to move closer and then took out my silenced M1911. “Shadow, do as he says and put the gun down.” I heard Jon say.

    “Answer me! Who the fuck are you?! How many more people are in here?!” The guy asked.

    “I’m putting the gun down, don’t shoot…” I heard Shadow say.

    “It’s just us three, nobody else.” Jon told them.

    “You better not be lying!”

    “I’m not. This--” BANG! POW! Suddenly I heard some gunshots out in the back of the bar. “Shadow get down!” Jon yelled.

    “Fuck you!” One of the guy’s yelled. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! They started firing their guns. Without wasting any time I stepped out from hiding and aimed my gun at the man holding Password hostage. I quickly shot him in the head and ran up to grab his corpse, I pushed it toward the other guy and he stumbled a bit, I kicked his gun out of his hand and then I put my gun away and grabbed the telephone cord, I got ready and waited for him to try and attack me. “You piece of shit!” He went for a punch but I quickly dodged it and ducked around him, I wrapped the cord around his neck tightly and then turned around and lifted him onto my back until he slowly choked to death.

    After I was done I dropped him onto the floor and took out my knife to stab him in the head. I saw Jon running up to Shadow and Password, making sure they were okay. “Well, that didn’t go as planned, but at least they’re dead. Let’s head to the back and make sure that Jewf and ATR are okay.” I told them.

    “Right behind you!” Jon said and then passed me my gun back.

    “That was too fucking close!” Password yelled. “If you hadn’t fucked up I would have spotted them and they would have never sneaked up on us, you shitbird!”

    “Fuck you! At least you’re alive so shut the fuck up!” Shadow yelled back.

    “There’s no time for this! Get up and let’s go find Jewf and ATR, come on!” I told them and then started running toward the back exit. Once I reached it I kicked it open and aimed my gun while making my way out. I spotted Jewf and ATR waiting by my SUV and with a corpse near them. “What happened?! We heard the gunshots.”

    “Fuckin’ bandits, one of those fuckers were hiding behind the dumpster container, but me and ATR got him. Is everyone alright?” Jewf asked.

    I heard footsteps behind me and spotted Jon coming out of the bar with Password and Shadow behind him. “Yeah, they’re fine. Those gunshots of yours messed up our plans, but we got the two guys that were in there. We should leave before more of them show up.” I told the group.

    “Hell yeah, let’s get the fuck of here.” Jon said.

    “Agreed, I’m not going to die because of someone else’s fuck up.” Password said with his arms crossed, glaring at Shadow.

    Shadow just shook his head. “Okay, let’s get out of here,” I started making my way back to the SUV with the others following behind. Once we got in the SUV I turned on the engine and started driving off. “Hell of a day…at least we got the supplies we needed. Time to head back home.”

    Password sighed. “Almost fucking died.” He said while staring at Shadow.

    “You’re still going on about that? You lived so shut up already.” Shadow replied.

    “Fuck you, you idiot!” Password retorted.

    “Calm down, Password! There’s no need to get angry.” ATR told him.

    “Of course there is! He almost got me killed!” Password yelled at her.

    “Hey, shut the fuck, man. You’re alive so get the fuck over it!” Jewf yelled.

    “Yeah, shut up, Password!” Shadow told him.

    “Everyone just calm down! We shouldn’t be fighting each other, the real enemy is out there, the walkers, the bandits, Tobi… If they find us, we’re going to have to be prepared for whatever he tries to do, but if we’re arguing with each other, then we might as well give up and let Tobi finish us off because there will be no point in trying to survive if this family breaks apart.” ATR told them.

    I looked at Jon and he stared back, we both knew that ATR would be the perfect choice to become leader of the group in case anything happened. “ATR is right. Fighting each other won’t solve a damn thing, anyone of us could have died today. This is the world we live in now, we’re all lucky to even still be alive. Solve your differences or get out of the group.” I told them.

    Password sighed and then stared out the window. “It’ll take some time, but you and ATR are right.”

    “Whatever… I guess I can do that…” Shadow said while looking down.

    I saw Jewf smiling at ATR. “Thank God…” She said out loud and then smiled back at Jewf.

    “Well, good. Now I can sit back and enjoy this beer on the way home.” Jon said out loud.

    Everyone laughed. Things seemed to have settled down for now. I kept checking behind us to see if we were being followed, I didn’t know what type of man Tobi was, but I had a feeling he would try to find us after we saved more than half of the prisoners he had at that warehouse. “Almost home, guys.” I told the group as we drove back to the mansion…


    “So that’s what happened that day, I think I know why Pro and Jon picked me to be the leader now…” I told DLB.

    “Because you were able to calm others down and you rarely let anything bother makes sense. And I’m glad Jewf was there for you, I had no idea you two were that close…” She replied.

    I started walking around and away from the countertop, I walked over to the aisle where I talked to Jewf. “He was like my guardian angel…” I told DLB and then started crying.

    I heard her walking up behind me and she gave me a hug. “I miss all the people that we’ve lost...I wish they were still with us… Things are good now, but they were better back then. I just hope this nightmare ends soon and we can all go back to being happy again.”

    I started to dry my tears. I was trying not to be afraid anymore, I was trying not to fall apart. “I hope so too, sis…”

    “You girls okay?” I heard Puncake making his way over to us.

    I looked up at him. “We’re fine…just reminiscing on the past…”

    “Yeah… I miss those good times,” Puncake said while looking down. “We uh...we should get going, seems like this place is nearly empty, we should try the other places while the coast is clear, those walkers don’t know we’re here yet.”

    “Sounds good. Are you ready to leave this place, sis?” DLB asked me.

    “Yeah...I’m ready to go.” I replied.

    “Okay, let’s check out those other places then… Oh! Almost forgot,” DLB went behind the counter and grabbed the old acoustic guitar. “This isn’t going to be left behind again.” She said with a smile.

    I smiled back at her. “Nice guitar.” I heard Puncake say.

    DLB handed it over. “Thank you…” I told her and she hugged me.

    “Y’all ready?” Puncake asked.

    I wiped my last tear and smiled. “Yeah, let’s go.” We left the bar and then continued on with our supply run. We gathered a bunch of things from the Pharmacy and from the convenience store, I told DLB more about Jewf and she let me know that it was okay, and the good thing about that was that I was starting to believe her, I was starting to finally feel better. We made it safely back to the pickup and we put all the supplies away. Right before entering the truck I heard the faint sound of a whimpering animal nearby. I turned my head and spotted a black and white Husky puppy near the corpse of it’s dead mother. “Oh no…” I said to myself.

    “The walkers haven’t noticed, ATR. Go get ‘em.” Puncake told me.

    I nodded my head and started to slowly walk over to it. Hearing the puppy whimpering for it’s dead mother was just too sad, I couldn’t leave it behind for it to die out here alone, especially with those walkers around. I got closer to the puppy and then reached out to pick it up. “Oh, you poor thing…” I said with a frown. I checked it’s gender and it was a female puppy, it looked very similar to Angel, this was like a golden opportunity, I knew that if I took the puppy back with us and gave it to WtW that she would be very happy, we still had a lot of dog food left over from all of those supply runs as well.

    “I made my way back and got into the pickup truck. “Oh my God! It’s so cute!” DLB said.

    “Looks like the puppy version of Angel.” Puncake said with a smile.

    The puppy was looking around, it wasn’t whimpering anymore. “I’m sorry about what happened to your mommy, little pup...but we’re going to take you to a place where you’ll be safe… WtW is going to be so happy…” I said with a smile.

    “She sure is.” DLB said with a smile.

    Puncake started the truck’s engine. “Alright, time to head back home.”

    As I was petting the puppy I heard an acoustic guitar playing again. I looked at the side mirror and spotted Jewf smiling at me, I smiled back and watched him fade away...It was like he was letting me know that everything was okay now, that I didn’t have to worry or be sad anymore, I had finally let go, I knew that one day I would see him again, but for now I was going to survive until the end, for him. “Thank you for everything, Jewf.” I said under my breath with a smile on my face...

    Credits songs

    FOTD Valentine’s Day Bonus Part AllThatRemains "Alright, you two, we’re here.” Puncake said as we drove into the old abandoned town. S

  • The feels

    ...“I can’t stop smiling!” ATR said as I continued to play. “You’re playing Part of Your World! Oh my God!” I smiled back at her and we star

  • Amazing part, pro :D awesome....reminiscing the past.

    ...“I can’t stop smiling!” ATR said as I continued to play. “You’re playing Part of Your World! Oh my God!” I smiled back at her and we star

  • Man, the tension between Shadow and Password was strong in this one.

    ...“I can’t stop smiling!” ATR said as I continued to play. “You’re playing Part of Your World! Oh my God!” I smiled back at her and we star

  • Lmao, just like how it really is! B^]

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Man, the tension between Shadow and Password was strong in this one.

  • Are strong in this one...

    supersagig posted: »

    The feels

  • Flashbacks... One more Bonus part I have planned for another time. For now you guys can enjoy this one.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Amazing part, pro awesome....reminiscing the past.

  • Amazing part. Good job, Pro.

    ...“I can’t stop smiling!” ATR said as I continued to play. “You’re playing Part of Your World! Oh my God!” I smiled back at her and we star

  • One more Bonus part

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) huehuehue

    Flashbacks... One more Bonus part I have planned for another time. For now you guys can enjoy this one.

  • That was fucking beautiful. ♥

    ...“I can’t stop smiling!” ATR said as I continued to play. “You’re playing Part of Your World! Oh my God!” I smiled back at her and we star

  • edited February 2015

    Lee are awesome. You know i keep comingback to this story wondering Was it really THAT good? Was it really worth getting THAT upset when my faves died? Was it worth me getting so invested and being a fan? And i just read ONE paragraph and say Yes yes it was. Even the parts that i feel sad about are written amazingly and i just loved ALL the characters. And no matter what i will always be proud to have joined.

    Well in short happy valentines pro. Thank you for giving me a story to love :).

    ...“I can’t stop smiling!” ATR said as I continued to play. “You’re playing Part of Your World! Oh my God!” I smiled back at her and we star

  • Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Amazing part. Good job, Pro.

  • Good shit

    ...“I can’t stop smiling!” ATR said as I continued to play. “You’re playing Part of Your World! Oh my God!” I smiled back at her and we star

  • Thanks a lot, man! And I have one more bonus part planned, and if you like this one you'll love the next one I have planned. Don't know when it'll be out though.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Lee are awesome. You know i keep comingback to this story wondering Was it really THAT good? Was it really worth getting THAT ups

  • JOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNN :))))) man its been.....wait did i ever actually talk to you? can't remember....well youre awesome anyway :)

    JonGon posted: »

    Good shit

  • Garrryy hows it been bro?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Amazing part. Good job, Pro.

  • Hi infinate :)

    That was fucking beautiful. ♥

  • Shadow bro its been some time :)

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Man, the tension between Shadow and Password was strong in this one.

  • Really Strong

    Are strong in this one...

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